C*4 Wrestling “Fighting Back: Wrestling With Cancer 13” results: Vetter’s review of Donovan Dijak vs. Mike Bailey, Miracle Generation vs. Fresh Air for the IWTV Tag Titles, Josh Alexander vs. James Stone, Richard Holliday vs. Jody Threat

By Chris Vetter, ProWrestling.net Contributor (@chrisvetter73)

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C*4 Wrestling (Capital City Championship Combat) “Fighting Back: Wrestling With Cancer 13”
Replay available via Independent.TV
August 16, 2024 in Ottawa, Ontario at Preston Event Centre

This show was released Tuesday on IWTV. C*4 prefers to air their shows a couple days after they occur, allowing them to make light edits, particularly cutting down the break between matches.

I love this two-level venue; it is well-lit and they always draw around 500 fans who are totally into the shows.

1. Matthieu St. Jacques defeated Trent Seven at 15:55. Seven brought a table with him to ringside, and fans covered him in streamers. Matthieu attacked from behind and was in charge early on. They brawled to the floor. Seven hit a dive through the ropes at 4:00. In the ring, Trent missed a top-rope senton, and Matthieu immediately hit a chokeslam over his knee for a nearfall. The commentators pointed out that Matthieu doesn’t have any of his faction partners here tonight. Seven hit a top-rope superplex at 7:00.

Seven hit a slam for a nearfall. Matthieu applied a half-crab and kept Seven grounded. He hit a stunner at 10:30. Seven hit a hard clothesline for a nearfall. Seven hit a Death Valley Driver off the ring apron and onto a table set up at ringside at 13:30, earning a “holy shit” chant; the table actually didn’t break, as they flipped it. So, Seven hit another DVD and this one broke the table. As they got in the ring, Matthieu threw a chair at his head and hit a DDT onto a folded chair or a nearfall at 15:30. He then hit a piledriver onto a folded chair for the pin. This was a HARD-hitting match.

2. Jody Threat defeated Richard Holliday in an intergender match at 11:23. She’s tall but he still has a few inches on her. His face is saying he’s not taking her seriously as they locked up. He yanked her to the mat by her hair at 1:30 and was booed. She hit a series of clotheslines in the corner, then she clotheslined him to the floor. Jody hit a running summersault onto Holliday on the floor. In the ring, Holliday hit a hard back elbow for a nearfall at 4:00 and he grounded Jody on the mat. He stomped on her left ankle. Jody hit a kick to the side of the head, then a German Suplex at 6:30. She hit a Michinoku Driver for a nearfall. He hit a side slam for a nearfall at 8:30. Jody hit a suplex and they were both down. He hit a backbreaker over his knee and a sit-out powerbomb for a nearfall. Jody hit a spear, then an F5 slam for the pin!

* Veda Scott joined commentary.

3. Stu Grayson defeated Sheldon Jean at 13:03. I’ve only seen Sheldon a handful of times since Kenny King bowed out of TNA at the end of last year. Stu always gets a great pop here. Basic reversals early and Stu hit a dropkick at 1:30. Sheldon hit a hard clothesline for a nearfall. Stu kept Sheldon grounded. He hit a slingshot senton onto Jean on the ring apron at 4:30. Jean put Stu on his shoulders and ran him into the ring post, and he was in charge as they got back into the ring.

Stu got up and hit some chops, then a brainbuster at 8:00. He hit a tornado DDT; he went for a Lionsault but Sheldon got his knees up. So, Stu hit a uranage, and this time he hit the Lionsault for a nearfall at 9:30. Jean hit a swinging leg lariat and they were both down, and we got a “This is awesome!” chant. Jean hit a Tour of the Islands-style powerslam for a nearfall at 11:00, then a Mafia Kick for a nearfall. Stu hit a DDT, then a top-rope 450 Splash for a believable nearfall. He nailed a running boot to the side of the face, then the Nightfall (Torture Rack into a backbreaker over his knee) for the pin. That was really good. I don’t think Sheldon ever got to show off his skills like that in TNA.

4. The “Fighting Cancer Rumble.” We are told there are 26 participants and entrants will be every 90 seconds, and I have no idea who is in this. Myung jae-Lee is No. 1 and the portly Cecil Nyx is No. 2. Clay Wilson is No. 3; I don’t know him but think Steve Blackman in looks. We actually got a countdown clock in the corner. Alexander Kable is No. 4; think GCW’s Jimmy Lloyd. I don’t know him but the commentators say he’s a death match wrestler. Katrina Creed is No. 5 at 5:00; she’s been a regular here in recent months and was just in Wrestling Open in Massachusetts last week. No eliminations yet. Right on cue, Lee tossed Wilson.

Hayden Backlund is No. 6; I’ve seen him in Black Label Pro in the Midwest. He knocked Kable to the floor. Kristara is No. 7 (she was in the same Wrestling Open match with Katrina last week.) Nyx kicked Katrina. Kristara offered him a hug, which he accepted. Alex Maze is No. 8 at 9:30 and he hit a moonsault; he’s a bald dork and also recently did a match at Wrestling Open. Lee hit a low blow on Backlund as they fought on the ring apron, and Hayden fell to the floor. A commentator said it’s the first time he’s seen a low blow lead to an elimination. KJ Swayde is No. 9; he’s a Black man in glasses and he’s new to me. Alvin Turner is No. 10 at 12:30 and he got booed; I don’t know him either. He’s white with the sides of his head shaved.

Nyx tossed Maze. Jonny Deluca is No. 11; a commentator said he doesn’t know a thing about him, and neither do I. He has short, dark hair and his name on his butt. London Lightning, who has had several AEW TV matches, is No. 12 at 15:30 and he got a nice pop. He tossed Deluca. London tossed Turner, too. London hit a standing powerbomb on Swayde, then he tossed him onto the other two he just eliminated! Katrina and Kristara were brawling, and Katrina fell to the floor. (Kristara’s reaction makes me think she wasn’t supposed to fall!) Anthony Musso is No. 13; he wore a black singlet with red and yellow, and the commentators said he is probably the tallest/biggest guy in the match so far.

Mathis Myre is No. 14 at 18:30 and he’s in silver pants with his name on the butt, too, and he traded blows with Myung jae-Lee. Musso kept kicking guys in the groin. Pretty Ricky Wildly is No. 15 and he got a nice pop. He looped the floor as his music played. “You can’t get thrown out if you never get in,” a commentator said. Musso went to the floor and chased him. Vanna Black is No. 16; she’s been here at least once and she’s comparable to Sonya Deville. Musso tried a low blow on Vanna but she no-sold it and he hit one on him; she hit a stunner and Musso popped to his feet and over the top rope to the floo at 22:30. Nyx accidentally hit Kristara; he tried to hold onto her, but Vanna kicked Kristara so she fell to the floor.

Puf is No. 17; he’s the beloved 400-pounder. He and teammate Wildly got in the ring together and they worked over London Lightning. Puf clotheslined Myre to the floor. Thomas Leduc is No. 18; he’s chubby and doesn’t look much like a wrestler. He ran the ropes until he was winded for some good comedy. Puf and Wildly then tossed him. (An announcer said someone else has been tossed, too.) Haddy is No. 19 at 26:00; he’s ultra-serious and has been here the past few months, and he tossed Vanna across the ring. Haddy tried to German Suplex Puf but of course he couldn’t lift him. Haddy’s teammate Dexter Doom is No. 20. I am seeing at least seven in the ring.

Harry Wolfman is No. 21; he wears a button-down suit and a ‘Teen Wolf’ cartoonish mask. (It could be anyone under that mask.) He hit some offense and he howled. Sway Archer is No. 22 at 30:30. Meanwhile, Haddy and Doom worked together to toss Puf! I don’t see Wildly so he must be the other one I missed getting eliminated. Jeff Fury is No. 23; I don’t know him and he’s in white-and-green trunks. The announcer did verify the Wildly and Puf eliminations; our commentary team admitted they missed it. Evil Uno is No. 24 at 33:30 and he got a huge pop. Uno is once again dressed like Mankind in a white shirt and black tie.

Uno pulled off a sock and used it as a ‘Socko.’ “We aren’t allowed to call it that!” a commentator said. Uno shoved the sock down Fury’s throat and eliminated him. Megabyte Ronnie is No. 25; he has the same size and look of Jake Something and it’s been more than a year since I’ve seen him. A commentator compared him to Magnum TA. No. 26 (and final!) entrant is six-footer Vanessa Kraven at 36:30. She knocked Uno down with a LOUD chop, then a cannonball on Wolfman, and she tossed Wolfman. I think I see nine left. She tossed Archer. Doom accidentally eliminated his teammate Haddy, and Uno immediately tossed Doom, too!

Lee low-bridged the top rope and Ronnie sailed over the ropes to the floor. Vanna eliminated Kraven! Vanna suplexed Cecil to the floor at 40:30; he had started the match. We have four left: Evil Uno, Vanna Black, London Lightning and Myung jae-Lee. She jawed at them, so Uno punched her in the mouth! The guys all stomped on her! London hit a shoulder tackle to eliminate Vanna from the ring apron. Uno and London traded forearm strikes, and Lightning hit a spinebuster at 43:30. Uno ducked and London flew over the top rope to the floor. Uno peeled off the button down shirt but still had a T-shirt on, and they traded LOUD chops. Uno hit a chokeslam. Lee hit a running knee. This crowd was really into it. Lee went for a springboard move, but Uno hit a Mafia Kick to send him to the floor. A VERY well-booked Rumble. Evil Uno wins the 26-person Rumble at 47:17. By winning, he gets a title shot at Junior Benito in the future.

5. Josh Alexander defeated James Stone at 19:46. Stone also is bald with a goatee. Veda returned to commentary after sitting out the Rumble. Alexander immediately went for an anklelock. He got a babyface pop and maybe he’ll be like Bret Hart and be a babyface in Canada, and he tied up Stone’s left arm. Stone hit a snap suplex at 3:30. Josh hit a crossbody block between the ropes. They fought briefly on the floor, and Josh was in charge as they got back into the ring, with Josh hitting more loud chops at 8:00. He hit a backbreaker over his knee and got a nearfall. They traded forearm strikes and Stone hit a DDT at 10:00. Stone hit a powerslam and the crowd rallied for him.

Josh hit a German Suplex. Stone hit an Air Raid Crash for a nearfall, and they were both down at 12:30. Josh hit a forward Finlay Roll and a diving knee to the head for a nearfall. Stone flipped Josh to the floor then dove through the ropes onto him. They fought on the ropes, where Stone hit a second-rope twisting suplex at 16:00. They got up and traded more chops and forearms, and Stone knocked Josh’s headgear off! Alexander responded with a big boot to the sternum. Josh applied the anklelock. Each man nearly struck the ref. Stone hit  Mark Henry slam; he went for a moonsault but Josh got his knees up. Josh hit a stomp on the head, then the C4 Spike piledriver for the clean pin. Yes, Josh was vicious but stayed a babyface. (No cheating.) Really good match.

* Josh rolled to the floor and was limping; he got security to aid him to the back, so hopefully this was just good selling.

* A woman from a cancer society got in the ring and she said it’s her first “wrasslin’ show.” (I kept waiting for someone to come out and give her a Tombstone Piledriver, like Kane did on Pete Rose.)

6. Vaughn Vertigo, Jessie V, and Kevin Blackwood defeated Gabriel Fuerza and “Sinner & Saint” Judas Icarus and Travis Williams at 12:53. Longtime teammates Vertigo and Fuerza are now feuding after Vaughn turned heel last show. A bit surprising to see Icarus and Williams on the babyface side. Fuerza and Vertigo were set to start, but Vaughn tagged out to Blackwood before they locked up. Fuerza hit a back suplex. S&S hit some quick offense on Vaughn. The babyfaces hit stereo kicks on the big Jessie V at 3:00. Jessie V hit a hard shoulder tackle on Icarus, and the heels began working Judas over. Jessie flipped Judas up and hit a punt kick on his back.

Fuerza got a hot tag at 5:00. He hit a baseball slide dropkick to the floor and he slammed Blackwood on the mat. Williams, in the ring, immediately hit a brainbuster on Blackwood. Williams and Fuerza hit stereo German Suplexes at 7:00. This is good action but the crowd has gone quiet. Jessie hit a Black Hole Slam. He tossed Judas in the air, and Blackwood hit a kneestrike on Judas! Vaughn hit a half nelson suplex and a tornado DDT on Fuerza! Blackwood hit a Blue Thunder Bomb. Judas hit a Rebound Lariat on Kevin and they were both down at 9:30 and the crowd began to rally for the babyfaces.

Jessie got all THREE opponents on his shoulders and hit a massive Samoan Drop and that got a huge pop and a “holy shit!” chant. Wow! Blackwood suplexed one guy into the corner onto another. Fuerza hit a mid-ring Spanish Fly on Blackwood, and we suddenly had Fuerza and Vaughn, and they traded forearm strikes at 12:00! Jessie hit a big dive over the top rope! Fuerza hit a Lethal Injection and a running Shooting Star Press on Vertigo. However, Blackwood was the legal man, and he hit a top-rope doublestomp on Fuerza for the pin! Great non-stop action.

7. Mike Bailey defeated Donovan Dijak at 16:53. Bailey got a “welcome back!” chant. Dijak came out next in his black jacket and sunglasses, and he towers over Bailey. (I feel it is possible they could have fought in PWG but I don’t think so. Yep, the announcers said it’s a first-time-ever matchup.) Veda again returns to commentary for the Bailey match. Dijak easily threw him to the mat, and Bailey rolled to the floor to regoup. Bailey is 174 lbs while Dijak is 270 lbs. Bailey hit a dropkick but it only staggered Dijak, who responded with a shoulder tackle. Bailey hit a huracanrana, then a flip dive to the floor at 2:30. In the ring, the ref got pushed in the way, allowing Dijak to hit a clothesline for a nearfall.

Dijak suplexed Bailey across the ring and remained in control, and the crowd was behind him. A commentator brought up the PWG BOLA I was thinking of, reminding us that Mike beat a much bigger Drew McIntyre that day so he knows how to beat a guy Dijak’s size, too. Bailey suplexed Dijak into the corner at 6:30. He hit a missile dropkick and a running Shooting Star Press. He went for the Tornado Kick but Dijak blocked it. Dijak nailed a Death Valley Driver for a nearfall at 8:30. Dijak grabbed Bailey by the throat and basically threw him over the top rope to the floor. Bailey hit the Triangle Moonsault to the floor at 10:30, earning a “holy shit!” chant.

In the ring, Bailey hit his moonsault kneedrop, then an enzuigiri. Dijak hit a discus Mafia Kick for a nearfall. They traded forearm strikes while on their knees. Bailey jumped to his feet and hit the Speedball Kicks. Dijak hit a Buzzsaw Kick. Bailey hit the Tornado Kick, and he nailed the Ultima Weapon flipping kneedrop for a believable nearfall at 13:30, and we got a “This is awesome!” chant. Bailey went for a Frankensteiner but Dijak blocked it! Dijak stood up and hit a top-rope chokeslam powerbomb to the mat for a believable nearfall! We now got a “Speedball!” chant. Bailey hit a top-rope Poison Rana! Wow! However, Dijak nailed the Discus Mafia Kick! He set up for Feast Your Eyes kneestrike, but Bailey was able to turn it into a small package for the pin. Stellar match! They shook hands as fans chanted “please come back!”

* A side note that this match has been built up in several promotions in the past couple of months. Miracle Generation have been champions one year, five months and 21 days. (The announcer repeated that fact two more times!) This also is their 50th title defense in those 17 months.

8. “Fresh Air” Macrae Martin and Junior Benito defeated “Miracle Generation” Dustin Waller and Kylon King to win the IWTV Tag Team Titles at 31:07. Kylon and Junior opened. A commentator said two of the successful title defense have occured in this building. Benito hit a dropkick to the face. Waller and Macrae entered, traded quick reversals and had a standoff at 2:30. Kylon attacked Macrae from behind. Waller hit a plancha to the floor on Macrae while Kylon hit a senton on Benito for a nearfall at 5:00. MG took over and kept Benito grounded. Kylon hit a gutbuster over his knee. Waller hit a cheap shot on Macrae on the ring apron, and MG kept Benito grounded.

MG cheated on the abdominal stretch spot at 9:00 and of course the ref finally saw it and kicked Kylon’s hand away. Macrae got a hot tag but the ref didn’t see it and he ordered him back to the corner. Macrae finally got the hot tag at 11:30 and he hit a fallaway slam on one opponent, then the other. He hit a spear on Waller for a nearfall. MG hit stereo kneestrikes in the middle of the ring on Macrae’s head for a nearfall. However, then accidentally kicked each other’s shin. Junior got a hot tag and they hit a team Zig-Zag for a nearfall at 14:30. Macrae accidentally speared Beniito. Kylon hit an enzuigiri on Macrae. Benito hit a forward Finlay Roll on Waller. Kylon crotched Junior in the corner.

Benito and Waller hit stereo 450 Splashes on their respective opponents, and everyone was down at 17:00. “We are seeing an absolute classic!” a commentator said. Waller and Benito got up and traded punches, then they switched to chops. All four began fighting. They all hit a superkick on the guy to their right and all four were down at 19:30. (That spot looked particularly good.) Kylon went for a full nelson on Macrae, but Martin fought free. Kylon hit a springboard tornado DDT. Benito hit a Blue Thunder Bomb on Kylon. Waller hit a top-rope flying elbow on Junior. Macrae hit a modified Black Hole Slam on Waller.

MG hit a spike Tombstone Piledriver on the floor on Junior at 22:30! The crowd got quiet as Macrae was shocked and alone in the ring. Macrae fought both opponents. Kylon hit a Dragon Suplex and Waller hit a Lethal Injection and Waller hit a top-rope moonsault or a nearfall at 24:00 and the crowd chanted “That was two!” Waller grabbed the tag title belts. Benito got in the ring and took the belt from Waller. Benito hit a powerbomb on Kylon. They hit a team stunner move for a nearfall, but Waller hit a top-rope Shooting Star Press on the REF to stop the count! Benito hit a headbutt on Waller. Fresh Air grabbed the belts and the crowd chanted “not like this!” So, they dropped the belts and hit superkicks on Waller.

King hit Benito with a belt at 27:30! Waller hit a doublestomp on Macrae as he was in the Tree of Woe. Kylon hit a superplex on Benito, and Waller hit a Mamba Splash on Benito for a believable nearfall. MG jawed at the ref. Macrae hit a Frankensteiner on Waller, then a Canadian Destroyer! Junior hit a flip dive over the ring post onto Kylon deep in the crowd! They then hit a second-rope team stunner on Waller for the pin! NEW CHAMPIONS! The crowd went nuts for the title change!

* Miracle Generation got in the ring and shook their hands and put the title belts around FA’s waist as the crowd stood and applauded. What a match; what a show. The crowd chanted “You deserve it!” It was then announced that they raised $31,500 for cancer research tonight.

Final Thoughts: This is going on a list of “independent wrestling show of the year” candidates. I don’t write that statement lightly. I will go with Bailey vs. Dijak for best match but that was a stellar main event, too. Not going to argue with anyone who liked the main event more. A really good Josh Alexander match takes third, and a well-laid-out Rumble is well worthy of honorable mention. A lot to like here. If you have IWTV, you must check it out.


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