NXT TV results (8/20): Moore’s review of Joe Hendry vs. Wes Lee vs. Pete Dunne for a shot at the NXT Title at No Mercy, gauntlet match for a shot at the NXT Women’s Title at No Mercy

By John Moore, ProWrestling.net Staffer (@liljohnm)

Orlando, Florida at the WWE Performance Center
Aired live August 20, 2024 on USA Network

[Hour One] Separate shots of Jaida Parker, Sol Ruca, and Karmen Petrovic were shown as they were arriving to the Performance Center. Karmen Petrovic was attacked by Izzi Dame at the parking lot. Vic Joseph noted that Petrovic’s status for her upcoming match is in question now…

Vic Joseph and Booker T were on commentary. Mike Rome was the ring announcer…

Highlights from last week’s NXT aired, where Andre Chase and Ridge Holland ended the show as new tag team champions…

Chase U made their entrance through the crowd. Ridge Holland and Andre Chase ran through a Chase U flag, wearing their tag team title belts. Chase took the mic first and soaked in Chase U chants. He said it’s a new year in Chase University, with new students, new classroom, and new tag team champions. Thea Hail said she was proud of Ridge Holland proving that he belongs in Chase University. Duke Hudson talked about how Holland became a success in NXT after a Rugby career.

Riley Osborne talked about how he was skeptical at Ridge at first, but he won him over. Andre thanked Ridge for being the reason they are champions now. Axiom and Nathan Frazer made their entrance. Axiom  talked about how Chase U were good that night, but not every night because he and Frazer are the best tag team in NXT. Frazer talked about how Chase U got lucky since both him and Axiom also were going after singles matches.

Ridge Holland cut off Frazer for taking away Chase U’s moment. He talked about how he came back to NXT to find himself, and when he came everyone turned their back on him. He said it was Chase U that had his back. He talked about how Thea Hail gave him his confidence back. He talked about busting his ass for six years and finally getting a championship in WWE. He said with the tag belts his mission was accomplished. Axiom wanted their tag team rematch. Duke Hudosn proposed he and Riley Osborne vs. Axiom and Frazer and if Axiom and Frazer can win, they can get their tag title shot. Axiom and Frazer agreed and were about to get warmed up, but Osborne and Hudson revealed that they were in their ring gear and were ready for a match now…

Vic Joseph and Booker T checked in on commentary…

1. Axiom and Nathan Frazer vs. “Chase U” Riley Osborne and Duke Hudson (w/Thea Hail, Andre Chase, Ridge Holland). Osborne and Frazer started the match. The action spilled to ringside. Hudson caught Frazer during a dive attempt. Osborne hit Frazer and Axiom with a very high flip dive heading into regular commercial.[c]

Axiom and Osborne traded right hands in the center of the ring. Both men traded kicks. Axiom hit Osborne with a Spanish Fly for a two count. Axiom immediately went right into an ankle lock. Hudson tagged in and hit Axiom with an impressive slingshot German Suplex. Hudson hit Frazer with a Frankensteiner after Frazer tagged in. Hudson got a two count on Frazer after a Bossman Slam. Frazer used a Victory Roll to reverse a Razor’s Edge.

Frazer escaped a few of Hudson’s holds. Osborne tagged in and hit Frazer with an Electric Chair Blockbuster for a two count. Frazer dodged Osborne’s Shooting Star Attempt. Frazer hit Osborne with a Springboard Spanish Fly. Hudson broke up Frazer’s pin. Hudson dodged a Phoenix Splash attempt. Axiom tagged in. Frazer hit Osborne with a Superplex into a Brainbuster with Axiom hitting Osborne with a superkick. Frazer kept Hudson outside while Axiom picked up the pinfall on Osborne.

Axiom and Nathan Frazer defeated Riley Osborne and Duke Hudson via pinfall in 9:17.

NXT GM Ava informed Robert Stone and Stevie Turner about Karmen Petrovic not being cleared to wrestle in the eliminator match. Izzi Dame showed up and demanded to be the replacement. Ava noted that Dame wouldn’t be rewarded for what she did and instead Brinley Reese will be the replacement…

Creepy Wendy Choo made her entrance…[c]

John’s Thoughts: Fun tag team opener with the formula booking of Axiom and Frazer having to go through the non-champs to get a future title shot. I wouldn’t mind seeing more from Riley Osborne because he seems to be the odd man out of the Chase U group in terms of having meaningful segments. At least he’s getting time in TNA because he’s going to wrestle at that TNA Plus Ultimate X match and his high flying fits well in that X Division setting.

Vic Joseph plugged the NXT on CW shows, featuring Randy Orton and CM Punk…

Brinley Reese was in the locker room, excited to  now be in the elimnator match. Wren Sinclair showed up and said she’s going to bring the women’s title to “Wren” QCC. Brinley Reese thought that catchphrase sounded dorky…

Lola Vice made her entrance…

2. Wendy Choo vs. Lola Vice. Choo dominated early on with methodical offense. Choo reversed a rollup into a Rear Naked Choke. Vice broke up the hold with a pin attempt. Choo hit Vice with a chop. Vic noted how Choo has been like a zombie since her return. Vice hit Choo with some kicks and planted Choo with a power slam heading into break.[c]

Back from break, Choo was dominating with methodical offense and pin attempts. Choo got a nearfall after a Tree of Woe hesitation dropkick. Vice got a two count off a Small Package. Vice rallied with Tae Kwon Do spin kicks. Vice hit Choo with rapid kicks while Choo was on the mat. Vice hit Choo with her “I’m a Latina” hip attack for a nearfall. Choo went right into a Sleeper after a rollup. Vice escaped with a Backpack Stunner. Kelani Jordan showed up to approach Choo, but she accidentally ate a backfist from Lola Vice. Wendy Choo hit Lola Vice with her black body pillow for the win.

Wendy Choo defeated Lola Vice via pinfall in 11:04. 

After the match, Kelani Jordan challenged Wendy Choo to a title match at No Mercy. Kelani Jordan stormed the ring and knocked out Choo with the body pillow. Jordan then retrieved her North American Championship from the loaded pillow…

John’s Thoughts: A bit of a slow and plodding match with Vice’s greeness showing a bit. She’s still in training, so it’s no big deal. At least she continues to show improvement. Both women here feel directionless to some extent. Vice seems a bit bland after that impromptu face turn, just to be Roxanne Perez’s challenger of the month. Choo’s character looks cool and is a upgrade over the sleepy kid, but they are dragging their feet a bit with her reintroduction.

Kelly Kincaid interviewed Wes Lee about his upcoming match. He said Pete Dunne is talented in the ring but will be set back to Raw angry. He said Joe Hendry will return to Impact empty handed to swing his arms side to side. A split screen had Sarah Schreiber interview Joe Hendry. Hendry talked about how disrespectful Wes was to his friends. Wes Lee blew off Hendry and left the interview segment. Hendry talked about how he’s going to be in the ring with two top athlete. He said he’s  spent the last ten years making believers of the fans, but he’ll make a believer in himself when he wins the NXT Championship…

Vic Joseph plugged upcoming segments…[c]

A Fallon Henley, Jacy Jayne, and Jasmyn Nyx promo aired. Jayne and Henley continued to trash talk the NXT NIL rookies and compared it to how she and Jayne grinded on the indies. They praised Nyx for following their lead. Jayne and Henley talked about being friends before WWE and how they are going to take over the women’s division. Nyx revealed their new faction name as Fatal Influence…

John’s Thoughts: Welp? At least it’s not Viking Experience or Pure Fusion Collective.

Wren Sinclair was in the ring. Vic Joseph read out the Gauntlet Eliminator Match Rules. Sol Ruca made her entrance next…

3. NXT No Mercy Women’s Gauntlet Eliminator Match. Ruca and Sinclair started the match with chain wrestling. The picture-in-picture showed Roxanne Perez watching the match on a monitor. Wren put Sol in a side surfboard. Sol got a two count off a crossbody. Sol did a Matrix Kip Up and hit Wren with a X Factor. The clock ticked down and Adriana Rizzo was the next woman out. Rizzo hit Sol and Wren with a High Fly Flow.

Rizzo tossed around Wren and Sol with suplexes. She then hit both opponents with forearms. Sol caught Rizzo with a Superkick. Sol, Wren, and Rizzo formed a Sleeper Tower. Sol broke up the hold. Rizzo hit Sol with a Final Cut looking move and hit Wren wtih a standing Molly Go Round. Sol planted Rizzo with a high suplex for the first elimination.

Sol Ruca eliminated Adriana Rizzo via pinfall. 

John’s Thoughts: Ah darn. I was hoping we’d see more from Rizzo because she has looked good from what little we see of her in the ring. I go back to that match against Jaida Parker where she and Jaida got that spotlight on World Star Hip Hop.

The show cut to picture-in-picture.[c]

Brinley Reese was the next woman in the match. Reese hit both Wren and Sol with a single suplex. Brinley hit both opponents with a cartwheel into double lariats. Reese took down both opponents with neckbreakers. Kendal Grey was the next woman out. Grey hit all her opponents with Fireaman Carry takeovers. Grey stood tall after hitting a bunch of suplexes.

Kendal Grey eliminated Brinley Reese via pinfall. 

[Hour Two] Grey continued to dominate the match by alternating moves on both opponents. Ruca turned the tide a bit with a wheelbarrow slam. Sol then put Grey in a surfboard. Sinclair hit Grey with a blockbuster for a two count. Sol hit Wren with a X Factor. Sol press slammed Grey on Wren. Sol hit both women with a Triangle Moonsault. Jaida Parker was the next woman out. Jaida tossed around all three opponents.

Grey got a few pin attempts on Jaida. Jaida rolled through a crossbody and hit Grey with her draping Banzai Drop. Jaida hit Grey with a Gourd Buster for the elimination.

Jaida Parker eliminated Kendal Grey via pinfall.

Jaida slammed Wren to the mat and Sol hit Wren with a modified grounded Sol Snatcher for the elimination.

Sol Ruca eliminated Wren Sinclair via pinfall.

Jaida caught Sol with a Falcon Arrow for a nearfall. Sol adjusted her weight and couldn’t get the pin because Sol was grabbing the rope. Jaida dodged a Rainbow DDT. Sol hit Jaida with a German Suplex. Jaida dodged a slingshot splash. Jaida hit Sol with her funning hip attack finisher for the win.

Jaida Parker eliminated Sol Ruca via pinfall in 15:45 of total match time to win the Eliminator Gauntlet Match. 

Lucien Price and Bronco Nima celebrated with Jaida. Sarah Schreiber interviewed Jaida in the ring. She said Perez may be champion, but Jaida Parker’s got next…

The camera showed Roxanne Perez looking smug…

Kelly Kincaid interviewed NXT Champion Ethan Page backstage, who continues to wear suits now instead of his old Hawaiian Shirts. Page was gloating and was interrupted by Pete Dunne showing up. Dunne said he sees that Page is like everyone else who’s afraid of Dunne. Dunne said he was champion for over 600 days as the UK Champion, so when he becomes champion, he keeps the belt…

The team of Hank and Tank made their entrance…[c]

John’s Thoughts: I do like that Ethan Page has shaken up his look since becoming champion. He’s wearing less Hawaiian shirts these days. I do chuckle a bit at the flashy suits though because last time Page had a suit and tie gimmick, he was Abyss’s younger cousin, the lawyer Chandler Park. As for the eliminator match, the beginning and end was good, but it felt a bit dragging in the middle section that had some of NXT’s less developed NIL types. Wren Sinclair, Jaida Parker, and Sol Ruca were clearly the defined  wrestlers of the match. Jaida feels a bit like a challenger of the month for Perez as the title feels locked on Perez until she either faces Giulia or Stephanie Vaquer.

Gallows and Anderson made their entrance….

4. Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson vs. Hank Walker and Tank Ledger. Hank and Tank cut the ring in half on Anderson. Vic noted that Tank Ledger was from WWE’s first NIL signings. Tank hit Anderson with a splash in the corner. Hank hit Anderson with an assisted Senton. Hank and Tank sandwiched Anderson with a tackle to give Hank a two count. Anderson used a shoulder tackle to dump Hank to ringside. Gallows tagged in and caught Hank with a Big Boot.

Gallows and Anderson cut the ring in half on Hank. Hank managed to backdrop Anderson. Gallows tagged in. Tank picked up the hot tag and worked on his opponents with Stinger Splashes. Gallows caught Tank with a Yakuza Kick. Hank dragged Gallows to ringside to block a Magic Killer. Tank caught Tank with a shoulder tackle. Hank and Tank  hit Anderson with a Double Team Power Slam to give Hank the win.

Hank Walker and Tank Ledger defeated Karl Anderson and Luke Gallows via pinfall in 4:35.

Hank and Tank celebrated with Vic Joseph and a bunch of security guards. Gallows and Anderson teased going after Hank and Tank, but the guards formed a wall to protect Hank and Tank…

Shawn Spears was about to cut a promo, but was cut off by Edris Enofe and Malik Blade who didn’t like Spears corrupting Brooks Jensen. They said they were looking out for a friend. Spears mocked them for ditching Brinley Reese. Spears attacked both men. The camera fell for a second. Enofe and Blade stood tall after tossing Spears into backstage equipment. Brooks Jensen ran over to check up on Spears…[c]

John’s Thoughts: Wow. Gallows and Anderson in NXT are just jobbing to any developmental team these days. Vic did a good job to try to frame this as Hank and Tank’s biggest win in WWE, but if you’ve been watching in recent months, Gallows and Anderson have lost way more than won. These are clean losses too.

Vic Joseph plugged the Bash at Berlin outdoor kickoff event…

A Instagram video showed NXT GM Ava hanging out at a Slipknot concert…

Myles Bourne, Charlie Dempsey, and Wren Sinclair were in the ring with Myles holding Dempsey’s Heritage Cup. Dempsey said that Lou Thesz said that the the only gimmick you need in wrestling is wrestling itself. He talked about Billy Robinson mentioning that wrestling is life. Dempsey said that the Heritage Cup that NQCC needs to live. Wren cut off Dempsey and joked that she doesn’t know who Billy Thesz or Lou Robinson are, but she trusts they are good because Charles thinks they’re good.

Dempsey said the reign of the D’Angelo is finally over and they are going to make The Heritage Cup the best championship in NXT. Wren cut off Charles again and said that Charles will defend his title against anybody. NXT North American Champion Oba Femi made his entrance. Oba said he congratulates Dempsey for winning the cup, but the most prestigious title in NXT is the NXT North American Championship and it’s held by the Ruler, Oba Femi.

Oba talked about running through NXT and Main Roster stars to defend the title, and he might have to run through a Heritage Cup champion. The Tony D’Angelo family made their entrance. Dempsey said he assumes that Tony D’Angelo probably wants a title rematch. Tony D said he’s not coming after Little Don and instead has his eyes on someone else. He glaired at Oba Femi and told the rest of the family to handle business. Rizzo, Stacks, and Crucifino brawled with NQCC to ringside.

Oba was about to nail Tony D with a Power Bomb, but Tony D reversed it into a Uranage. Tony D stood tall and put the NA title over the fallen Oba…

Ashante The Adonis was trying to hit on developmental women backstage, but they got distracted and attracted to Dion Lennox. The camera then panned to Wren Sinclair handing the Heritage Cup to Je’von Evans to take care of it while she did something. Gallus showed up and bragged about Mark Coffey being a formal Heritage cup Champion. Cedric Alexander showed up to have Je’von’s back. Joe joked that Cedric was playing the role of daddy. Gallus did a bit more clowning before walking off…[c]

John’s Thoughts: The NQCC have taken a while to click, but adding Wren Sinclair to the act has breathed new life into the middling faction. Dempsey is also starting to look comfortable in his comedy segments. He is the son of one of the greatest technical and comedy wrestlers in the world, so he does have the perfect mentor to go to. Oba Femi vs. Tony D’Angelo should be an entertaining match with Oba presumably coming out of that one on top. It should be fun because Oba Femi and Tony D are two of WWE’s fastest learners in terms of coming from the NIL program, and picking up pro wrestling instantly like a duck to water.

Dion Lennox made his entrance to generic sounding bass music. He was described as a “bookworm”. Ashante The Adonis made his entrance…

5. Ashante the Adonis vs. Dion Lennox.  Lennox hulked up after taking off his glasses and tossed Adonis across the ring. Lennox then body slammed Adonis. Adonis rolled to ringside for a time out. Adonis caught Lennox with a drop toehold. Adonis took down Lennox with a axe handle dive. Adonis talked trash and slapped Lennox which caused him to Hulk Up. Adonis ate a slap from Lennox. Lennox caught Adonis with a spinebuster for a nearfall.

Adonis escaped a Delayed Vertical Suplex with a thumb to the eye. Adonis tripped Lennox off the ropes and tuned up the band. Adonis caught Lennox with Sweet Chin Music for the win.

Ashante the Adonis defeated Dion Lennox via pinfall in 3:44. 

John’s Thoughts: Lennox feels a bit generic with the whole bookworm gimmick, but there is something there. Plus it is a bit interesting when he becomes the Incredible Hulk after taking off the glasses. The glasses look also reminds me of early NXT wrestler and commentator “Showtime” Percy Watson, if Watson got shot with gamma rays. Clap clap, Oh yeah! Good to see Adonis get back in the win column and he can really benefit from this run back in NXT. He’s showing improvement over his weakness, which is his talking ability , by being in these backstage segments where he’s getting turned down by the unnamed developmental women wrestlers. I also wonder if he gets bonus points by using the head booker’s finisher now?

Lexis King was coaching a random person to polish his personal throne. The camera panned to Lash Legend and Jakara Jackson about how they are going to teach Fatal Influence a lesson next week. King cut in to hit on the women while also mocking them as Meta Two. King left and Oro Mensah showed up to encourage Lash and Jakara…

Roxanne Perez vs. Jaida Parker for the NXT Women’s Championship, Oba Femi vs. Tony D’Angelo for the North American Championship, and Chase U vs. Axiom and Frazer for the Tag Team Championships were all announced for the No Mercy PLE…

Wes Lee made his entrance to a darker sounding version of his MSK theme…[c]

NQCC vs. The D Angelo Family, Izzi Dame vs. Karmen Petrovic, and Fatal Influence vs. Meta Four were announced for next week’s NXT TV Show…

Ethan Page joined the commentary table to new entrance music. Pete Dunne made his entrance. Say his Name and He Appears! I believe in Joe Hendry! Clap Clap! Joe Hendry was out last…

6. Wes Lee vs. Pete Dunne vs. Joe Hendry for a shot at the NXT Championship at No Mercy. Wes jumped Hendry early on, but Hendry tossed both opponents with suplexes. Lee took down Hendry with a CQC dropkick combo. Dunne tossed aside Lee and stomped on Hendry’s hand. Hendry crotched Dunne by wheelbarrowing Lee’s face into Dunne. Dunne dodged Lee’s dive. Lee dodged Dunne’s moonsault. Hendry caught Dunne and Lee with a Senton Plancha heading into picture-in-picture.[c]

Dunne worked on Hendry with shortarm boots. Hendry powered to his feet and rallied with right hands on Dunne. Hendry took down both opponents with clotheslines. Hendry hit both opponents with Fallaway Slams. Hendry then lifted Lee and Dunne and hit them with a double Fallaway Slam. Hendry led the crowd in his a stomp stomp clap. Dunne, Lee, and Hendry took turns trading strikes.

[Overrun] Wes took out both Dunne and Hendry with a Lionsault. Dunne put in Joint Manipulation on both opponents. Dunne X Plex’d Lee onto Hendry for a nearfall. Wes took out Hendry with a dive at ringside. Wes rallied with kicks and a Tornado DDT on Dunne for a two count. Dunne crotched Wes on the top rope. Hendry gave Dunne a European Uppercut on the top rope. Wes caught Hendry with a Frog Splash for a two count.

Dunne hit Wes with the finger break spot which Wes sold with a huge yelp. Hendry caught Dunne with a Standing Ovation. Ethan Page broke up Hendry’s pin by pulling the referee to ringside. Hendry chased away Page. Hendry hit gave Wes a Standing Ovation on the announce desk. Page hit Dunne with another Standing Ovation, but Ethan Page blocked the 2nd referee. Dunne hit Page with a Bitter End. Trick Williams ran in from outta nowhere to hit Dunne with the Trick Knee. Hendry pinned Dunne for the victory.

Joe Hendry defeated Pete Dunne and Wes Lee via pinfall in 12:20 to earn a NXT Title Shot at NXT No Mercy. 

Joe hendry posed and jawed with Ethan Page as Page vs. Hendry for the NXT title was announced for No Mercy. The WWE signature appeared on screen to close, but the show continued with Zachary Wentz attacking Wes Lee. Wes and Wentz had to be pulled apart to close the show…

John’s Thoughts: Joe Hendry continues to rise as a top babyface in both NXT and TNA. Again. Very shocking to see WWE investing so much TV, training, and push time on a star not 100% contracted to them. It’s also unique how they have him on a unique double-deal with TNA. He picked up 3 visual pinfalls over one of their bigger main roster stars this week in Pete Dunne. The match did feel like a foregone conclusion given that Wes was already looking ahead at Wentz, and Dunne has that feud going on with Trick.

Hendry also having issues with Josh Alexander in TNA has me wondering if we’re going to get Ethan Page retaining the championship with the help of his former Tag Team Partner to reform The North tag team. That wouldn’t be a bad reunion either as The North were up there with FTR and LAX as one of the best tag teams in the world. This week’s NXT did feel like a step down in terms of quality compared to recent weeks. There was just a bit more developmental filler than usual. The filler was noticeable at points when the crowd didn’t seem into it as much.




Readers Comments (1)

  1. Lola Vice vs Wendy Choo would have been so much better if Wendy Choo was still in her successful babyface instead of this failed heel turn. No Vader Bomb from Wendy? Meh

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