NXT TV results (8/6): Moore’s review of Great American Bash night two with Ethan Page vs. Oro Mensah for the NXT Title, Kelani Jordan vs. Tatum Paxley for the NXT Women’s North American Title

By John Moore, ProWrestling.net Staffer (@liljohnm)

NXT TV “Great American Bash Night Two”
Orlando, Florida at the WWE Performance Center
Aired live August 6, 2024 on Syfy Network

[Hour One] The show started off with a Hank Walker and Tank Ledger Vlog video which led to highlights from Great American Bash Night One…

Vic Joseph and Booker T were on commentary. Mike Rome was the ring announcer…

Entrances for the opening match took place…

1. “The Bruiserweight” Pete Dunne vs. Trick Williams. Trick dominated early on with chops on Dunne. Dunne reversed a chokebomb into a Kimura Lock. Trick reversed the Kimura into a Delayed Vertical Suplex. Trick got a two count. Dunne ran through Trick and put him in a grounded Cravate. Dunne then worked on Trick with his signature Joint Manipulation. Dunne spiked Trick’s forearm with a stomp to the elbow. Dunne then worked on Trick with ground and pound forearms, into a Triangle.

Trick kept a guard up and deadlifted Dunne into a Border Toss. Trick and Dunne traded stiff and loud chops. Trick rallied with loud chops, which was ended by a thumb to the eye by Dunne. Trick reversed a dive into a neck breaker for a two count. The show cut to picture-in-picture.[c]

Dunne was dominating back from break. Vic noted how Triple H personally inspired Pete Dunne to make a name for himself which led to him being a dominant NXT UK Champion. Trick turned Dunne inside out with a desperation clothesline. Trick rallied with Crescent Kicks and a Flapjack. Trick fired up the crowd with a kip up. Dunne reversed a slam but Trick followed up with a Book End for a nearfall.

Dunne fended off Trick with shortarm boots from the Octopus position. Dunne hit Trick with a hand stomp and Buzzsaw Kick. Trick met Dunne at the top rope and hit him with a delayed Super Flapjack for a two count. Trick posed like he was shooting an Arrow from the depths of hell. Both men traded strikes. Trick hit Dunne with a nice Inside Crescent Kick for a good nearfall. Dunne planted Trick with a clunky power bomb.

Dunne hit Trick with shortarm stomps to the face. Dunne asked Trick if he hand enough, but Trick said no. Trick kip’d up after taking more stomps. Trick pressured Dunne to the corner with right hands. Both men then traded right hands again. The referee made sure to hold Trick back when his five counts expired. Dunne hit Trick with his finger wishbone spot. That fired up Trick. Trick missed a Trick knee in the corner. Pete Dunne hit Trick with the Bitter End for the clean win.

Pete Dunne defeated Trick Williams via pinfall in 12:59.

John’s Thoughts: Hard hitting match as Dunne’s matches tend to be, but a surprising finish of sorts. I know Dunne is doing a program with Sheamus and needs to be protected, but Trick has been the main protagonist of NXT, and he took the clean pin here. I think that’s not a bad thing either. I like it when protagonists don’t have absurd amounts of plot armor. HBK during his late WWE run was an example of a wrestler who gained credibility eating clean losses here and there. Key again, is follow up and Trick can definitely bounce back as long as they have a program planned for him.

The show cut to the NXT roster having a cookout party in the backstage area. Lexis King was in charge of music, where he played generic Rock music. Edris Enofe said Lexis’s music was trash. Tank Ledger said that they wanted Eddy Thorpe, but had to settle with Lexis instead. Eddy Thorpe ended off chasing Lexis away. They then cut to Robert Stone and Stevie Turner still bickering with each other. Hank and Tank made them settle things with a chicken wing eating contest…

Tatum Paxley was shown pacing around backstage…[c]

NXT Champion Ethan Page was in a formal suit (hey! No Hawaiian shirt!). Page was telling a trainer about setting up his ice bath, and how picky he is. Nathan Frazer showed up to taunt Page about his recent eating of unofficial pins. Page told Frazer to be less worried about him, and more worried about where Axiom is because Frazer may not leave the night as Tag Champion. After Page left, Frazer wondered where Axiom was?…

Entrances for the next match took place. Mike Rome was in the ring to handle the formal in ring championship introductions. Vic Joseph noted that Tatum Paxley wasn’t staring at her opponent, and instead had her eyes locked on the championship belt…

2. Kelani Jordan vs. Tatum Paxley for the NXT Women’s North American Championship. Jordan eluded a strike with a backflip. Paxley escaped a wrist hold with a cartwheel to show off her athleticism. Both women continued to traded counters and standing switches. Jordan got a two count off a rollup. Jordan then grounded Tatum with an armbar. Both women went back to trading counters.

Paxley did a modified matrix dodge, but Jordan hit Tatum in the throat with a Liger Leg Drop. Jordan hit Paxley with a dive at ringside. Paxley crawled under the ring. Jordan opened the apron and found a Kelani Jordan action figure. The distraction allowed Tatum to chop block Jordan heading into picture-in-picture.[c]

Jordan got a two count off a Sunset Flip. Jordan kept Paxley under control with a heel hook. Paxley got a window of opportunity after a modified X Factor. Creepy Wendy Choo appeared at ringside with a black body pillow. She picked up the Kelani Jordan action figure. Jordan hit Paxley with a rolling Pele Kick. Jordan went for a handstand move, but her leg gave up on her. Paxley rolled up Jordan for a nearfall. Paxley avoided the One of a Kind Moonsault.

Paxley hit Jordan with a 450 for a great nearfall. Paxley kicked Jordan back to the mat. Jordan recovered and staggered Paxley on the top rope. Jordan hit Paxley with a Super Spanish Fly. Jordan hit Paxley with a Frog Splash for the victory.

Kelani Jordan defeated Tatum Paxley via pinfall in 10:03 to retain the NXT Women’s North American Championship.

Wendy Choo handed Tatum Paxley the Jordan action figure which got a chuckle out of Tatum. Wendy Choo then choked out Paxley from behind with a Rear Naked Choke. Kelani Jordan looked worried as she looked back. Wendy let go of the hold and gave Jordan a blank stare…

John’s Thoughts: The match got a bit clunky around the injury angle they pulled at the end of the match, but both women cleaned things up and the ending ended up pretty dramatic. Tatum Paxley in particular has been doing a good job in these closing sequences,  adding drama to the nearfalls despite losing way more than she wins. Looks like they’re setting up Jordan’s first real program being against the repackaged and creepy Wendy Choo.

Charlie Dempsey was talking to Myles Borne about how he’s always getting beaten up by Kendal Grey. Wren Sinclair showed up and asked Dempsey if he “got rid” of Tavion Heights because Heights  wasn’t here. Dempsey said Heights was in Japan for a tournament. Wren wondered if “In Japan” meant shoved in a trunk.

Wren wondered if she can beat Kendal Grey later on, if she can join the NQCC. The Tony D Angelo Family showed up. Tony D joked about Dempsey not letting girls in his group. Tony D said he’s going to sweeten up Wren’s offer, and if she wins her match later, not only will Wren be able to join the NQCC, but Dempsey will get a Heritage Cup title shot. Dempsey reluctantly agreed.

Wren joked “I couldn’t hear you”? Myles smiled and said “you can’t hear him too?” (Myles is deaf in real life and can barely hear. He seems to be into this joke too, so it’s wholesome).  Dempsey repeated himself and said she can only join because he wants that title shot. NXT North American Champion Oba Femi barged through them. The camera panned over to Nathan Frazer looking nervous at Axiom not being here. Axiom showed up and Frazer was relieved…

Separate shots were shown of Ethan Page and Meta Four walking backstage…[c]

John’s Thoughts: The NQCC have had a rough time in terms of character development because they’ve been all over the place and constantly losing members. I think they are starting to click, and it’s mostly due to the personality that Wren Sinclair has added to the group. Dempsey is starting to get a hold of his comedy side. The highlight of the segment to me was Myles Borne showing personality when he thought Wren was relating to him being deaf.

A unseen interviewer interviewed Pete Dunne backstage. Dunne talked about how Trick may not be ready for a NXT title shot, but maybe he is. Trick Williams jumped Pete Dunne and both men ended up in a pull apart brawl…

Entrances for the NXT Championship match took place. Booker T noted how he likes Ethan Page’s music. Mike Rome handled the formal in-ring championship match introductions…

3. “All Ego” Ethan Page vs. “On-Sight” Oro Mensah (w/Lash Legend, Jakara Jackson) for the NXT Championship. Page rallied with right hands. Oro came back with a huracanrana and PK for a one count. Oro fended off Page with kicks. Page pinned Oro for a two count. Oro kicked Page to ringside heading into picture-in-picture.[c]

[Hour Two] Back from break, Page swatted Oro out of the air with a dropkick and then followed up with a Power Slam for a nearfall. Oro reversed a underhook with a Suplex. Oro rallied with hands on Page. Oro hit Page with a Booker T esque Scissors Kick for a nearfall. Page dragged Oro to the top rope. Oro punched his way out with an uppercut. Oro hit Page with a nice looking backflip kick. Oro hit Page with a dive at ringside.

Oro hit Page with a Ripcord Koppu Kick for a nearfall. Oro sent Page to ringside with a Slingshot Rolling Sobat. Oro  then followed up with a Wrecking Ball Dropkick. Oro dragged Page to some picnic tables set up at ringside to fit the Fourth of July theme. Page suplexed and then gave Oro a Ego’s Edge through the picnic table. Vic noted that the referee wasn’t counting both men out to allow for a winner.

Page hit Oro with a Spike DDT for a good nearfall. Oro reversed a Ego’s Edge with a Small Package for a nearfall. Oro got another nearfall after a Superkick. Oro hit Page with his Spinning Heel Kick finisher. The referee didn’t count due to Page’s leg being under the bottom rope for the Rope Break. Page dodged a Slingshot Dive. Page came right back with a Yakuza Kick and Ego’s Edge for the victory.

Ethan Page defeated Oro Mensah via pinfall in 9:10 to retain the NXT Championship. 

Page got in the camera and bragged about it being the Era of Ego. Page said it doesn’t matter who comes after him next because it isn’t NXT now, it’s “NX-Me”…

John’s Thoughts: The match outcome wasn’t in question at all. Oro was clearly the first introductory opponent for Page after winning the title. That said, NXT creative really got a lot of productivity from this feud. Oro Mensah has done a great job with his babyface turn, elevating himself to be more than just Noam Dar’s fall guy. He put on what may be his best match in his WWE career. Definitely the most high profile. I like that even though Page is a vulnerable chicken heel, he got the clean win here which gave him credibility and makes him see worthy of being a top guy in a promotion.

Kelly Kincaid interviewed The Rascalz trio of Trey Miguel, Wes Lee, and Zachary Wentz. She talked about their upcoming tag title shot. Nash Carter talked about how it’s been 852 days since they were stripped of the titles without losing them. Wentz said they’ve been wishing this day would come when they can get it back. Wes said they actually thought that day would never come. Wes struggled to come up with words about his friends.

He said he had tough days in his life with his friends taking him to the top of the world, but then they were both gone. Wes said it was great being North American Champion, but the best moment of his career was having Wentz and Trey with him. Trey said he’s all about the Rascalz, but tonight it’s about MSK all day…

Vic Joseph hyped up Joe Coffey vs. Joe Hendry for after the break…[c]

The show cut back to the NXT holiday cookout. Jaida Parker and Brinley Reese were aweing at Dion Lennox. Ashante the Adomis started hitting on Jaida and Reese. Sol Ruca and Lola Vice showed up to trash talk Parker and Reese.  Tyson Dupont showed up to randomly talk about how great Roxanne Perez vs. Thea Hail was last week. Jaida called Tyson Dupont a meatball.

A random developmental bro showed up and hit on the women. Lola Vice punched the man out. Parker, Sol, and Vice power bombed the bro through a table. Hank and Tank said that was awesome!…

Entrances for the battle of the Joe’s took place. Vic Joseph plugged the Roman Reigns and New Day Ninja Turtles action figures. Say his name and he appears! I  believe in Joe Hendry! Clap-clap! Before the bell rang, Joe Hendry hit Mark and Wolfgang with a Senton Plancha. Hendry punched Joe Coffey out of the air…

Josuke Higashikata’s Thoughts: Let the voice of love take you higher! Atsumaru chikara de toki sae koete! 1999 Bizarre Summer! Da da da, dadadada, dadadadada, Great Days! (I couldn’t resist the Jojo’s Bizzare Adventure reference with JoeJoe in the ring. Great series by the way. Where else can you get to watch an anime version of the musician Prince fighting a version of the serial killer Dexter, and Dexter uses the powers of Queen and Another one Bites the Dust to turn anything he touches into a bomb?). We’ve seen Hendry do anime parody intros before (Ken Anderson’s Pokémon comes to mind). Can we get a Jojo reference from Hendry one of these days?

4. Joe Hendry vs. Joe Coffey (w/Mark Coffey, Wolfgang). Joe Coffey got control and hit Hendry with a Vader Bomb elbow drop for a nearfall. Hendry recovered and gave Coffey a jumping knee. Hendry sidestepped Coffey’s crossbody. Hendry hit Coffey with his signature delayed vertical suplex. Hendry used a clothesline to dump Joe Coffey to ringside heading into picture-in-picture.[c]

Both men traded counters back from break. Coffey gave Hendry Snake Eyes on the top rope. Joe Coffey distracted the ref. Hendry saw the interference coming. He trapped Mark in the apron. Hendry then tossed Wolfgang a chair and did the classic Eddie Guerrero fake chairshot spot to get Mark and Wolfgang ejected. Hendry  rallied against Joe Coffey in the ring.

Hendry backdropped Coffey. The crowd started singing their own version of Journey’s Don’t Stop Belevin’, just adding Joe Hendry’s name in it. Hendry led the crowed in a clap and stomp. Hendry hit Coffey with the Standing Ovation Uranage for the victory.

Joe Hendry defeated Joe Coffey via pinfall in 8:12. 

Sarah Schreiber entered the ring and asked Hendry if he’s enjoyed his time in NXT. Hendry said Sarah is acting like his time in NXT is over. Hendry said he likes it in NXT and is staying here a lot longer. Hendry said he’ll be on NXT next week to challenge anyone. Hendry then reminded viewers that if you say his name, he will appear. Hendry then led the crowd in waving their hands out side to side to say! “I believe in Joe Hendry! Joe Hendry, So prestigious!”…

John’s Thoughts: Personal nitpick, we had two Coffey’s and two Joe’s around the ring here. Not a big deal, just a bit annoying when typing and utilizing my finger muscle memory (sorry for the personal rant). Anyways, Good showcase for Joe Hendry as he proved he’s the best Joe currently wandering around in NXT. Poor Joe Coffey had to eat two parodies from Hendry without vengeance (I’ll post Hendry’s first dis on Coffey below). If I remember hearing it correctly, I heard that WWE has actually been having Hendry training in the Performance Center like a WWE wrestler so this man might as well be contracted to two companies. I’m happy for Hendry too, because this guy has been putting in hard work in the ring and in the memes for years, and now he’s finally being rewarded for his greatness by being a spotlighted star in multiple companies.

The show cut to the Chase U classroom. Chase said they are in a new classroom that Ridge Holland helped them get. Duke Hudson was depressed at losing his North American Championship opportunity. Riley Osborne tried to cheer Duke up. Ridge Holland showed up to the front of the class and announced that he talked to Ava and got Chase U a tag title shot against the winner of Axiom and Frazer vs. MSK.

Duke was hyped up at getting a title shot. Ridge said the title shot is actually Ridge Holland and Andre Chase  going after the tag titles because he really wants to prove himself for the university. Ridge and Andre led the crowd in cheers while Hudson continued to look depressed…

Wren Sinclair made her entrance with Myles Borne and Charlie Dempsey. Bourne was hyped while Dempsey continued to look dismissive…[c]

Back at the picnic, evil music started playing as Shawn Spears was stopping Brooks Jensen from spiraling into alcoholism again, saying he will help him. Jensen yelled at Spears a bit and walked away. The show then cut to Robert Stone and Stevie Turner exhausted after their Buffalo Wing eating contest.

Stone was about to talk to Ava about booking a women’s match, but Turner punched him and said she’ll go request it instead. Karl Anderson and Luke Gallows showed up and told Hank and Tank that their food sucks. A brawl ensued between the two tag teams…

Vic Joseph and Booker T checked in on commentary. Vic noted that NXT will return to USA next week. Vic also plugged the ticket sale date for the first two CW shows featuring CM Punk and Randy Orton in their respective hometowns…

Kendal Grey and Carlee Bright made their entrance…

5. Wren Sinclair (w/Charlie Dempsey, Myles Borne) vs. Kendal Grey (w/Carlee Bright).  Wren started out the match with a headscissors armbar. Grey escaped and gave Wren a crossbody for a two count. Grey put Wren in a armbar. Wren escaped and gave Grey a X Factor for a nearfall. Wren put Grey in a Bow and Arrow submission. Charlie Dempsey and Myles Borne looked impressed at ringside. Grey escaped with a pin attempt.

Grey hit Wren with a neckbreaker. Grey hit Wren with a Belly to Belly suplex to ringside. Borne tried to prove he wasn’t afraid of Grey, but he got tripped by Bright. Grey hit Wren with a modified Angle Slam for a two count. Wren hit Grey with a front Face Driver for the win.

Wren Sinclair defeated Kendal Grey via pinfall in 4:15.

Wren led Dempsey and Borne in their NQCC pose. Bourne was all for it, while Dempsey continued to be tsundere about everything…

The show cut to Part II of the Je’von Evans interview. Evans talked about how his teacher and counselors told him he needs to go to college and have a backup plan, but for him wrestling was the only goal. Je’von’s video submission was shown. Evans said he was signed by WWE last November. Evans said the first person he met at the Performance Center was Lord Tensai Matt Bloom (a.k.a. Prince Albert). Evans joked about if he was allowed to call him Lord Tensai on TV?

Evans talked about meeting Tensai when he was a kid when he asked Tensai how he got rid of his face tattoos after becoming Sweet T. Evans said Tensai just laughed and took a picture with a young Evans. Evans said it was surreal meeting Tensai as a kid, and now having him as his trainer. Evans was asked what he goal was in the next ten years. Evans said he doesn’t quite know, but you are all here to watch him grow…

Separate shots were shown of The Rascalz and Axiom and Frazer warming up backstage…[c]

John’s Thoughts: The crowd was quiet for the women’s match, but that was mostly because they haven’t been truly introduced to Kendal Grey who needs more character other than just being the random developmental NIL woman that suplexes Myles Borne randomly. The crowd did get into Wren when she was on offense though. I continue to be impressed with her eating up the scenery in a good why when she gets to show character. Dempsey’s reluctant Tsundere gimmick is also starting to click with me a bit too. After that match, another good iteration of the Je’von Evans interview which is doing a good job making him very relatable.

The unseen interviewer interviewed Oba Femi in the parking lot. Oba was cutting a standard promo about how dominant he’s been. Tony D’Angelo took the camera person aside so he can cut his own promo about how he’s going to leave next week still the Heritage Cup Champion…

The following matches were plugged for next week. Tony D’Angelo vs. Charlie Dempsey in a Rounds Match for the Heritage Cup, Eddy Thorpe vs. Lexis King, and Chase U vs. the winner of MSK vs. Axiom/Frazer for the NXT Tag Team Championship…

The Rascalz made their entrance to MSK’s entrance theme. Axiom and Frazer then made their entrance. Mike Rome handled the formal in-ring championship match introductions…

6. Axiom and Nathan Frazer vs. “MSK” Wes Lee and Zachary Wentz (w/Trey Miguel) for the NXT Tag Team Championship. Wes and Axiom started the match with methodical and technical chain wrestling. Axiom escaped a wristhold with a dropkick. Frazer tagged in and got a two count after a toehold rollup. Frazer put Wes in an armbar. Wes got a vertical base. Frazer and Wes traded quick dodges, counters, and pin attempts. Wes grounded Axiom with a right hand.

Wes caught Axiom with a Gamengiri and tagged in Wentz who hit Frazer with a extended Bronco Buster (That move can only go so long before it becomes pure bone cold humping. I kid, I kid.). Axiom tagged in and caught Wes with a crossbody. Axiom used a huracanrana to dump Wes to ringside. Frazer hit both MSK members with a flip dive at ringside. Axiom hit Wes and Wentz with a Triangle Moonsault heading into picture-in-picture.[c]

Axiom and Frazer cut the ring in half on Wentz. Wentz caught Frazer out of the air with a superkick to get a window of opportunity. Wes caught the hot tag and Axiom tagged in too. Wes hit Axiom with a CQC dropkick combo. Wes caught Axiom with a forearm and kicks for a two count. Wentz tagged in. Axiom blocked an assisted superkick. Wentz caught Axiom with a boot. Axiom came back with a gamengiri.

[Overrun] On the top rope, Axiom caught Wentz  with a Super Spanish Fly. Frazer hit Wentz with a Phoenix Splash. Wes broke up Frazer’s pin for a great nearfall. Frazer put Wes in a Full Nelson. Axiom accidentally superkicked Frazer when Wes dodged. Wes dumped Axiom to ringside with a superkick. Wentz hit Frazer with a springboard flip cutter for a great nearfall that fired up the crowd. MSK hit Frazer with Hot Fire Flame.

Axiom broke up Wes’s pin attempt on Frazer. Frazer dumped Wes to ringside with a dropkick. Axiom caught Wentz with a thrust kick from the apron. Frazer hit Wes with his signature Superplex and Final Cut chain combo. Axiom gave Wes a superkick during the Final Cut. Wes kicked out at two. Axiom hit Wes with the Golden Ratio Superkick for the victory.

Axiom and Nathan Frazer defeated MSK via pnfall in 10:31 to retain the NXT Tag Team Championship.

Both teams hugged out of respect. Trey and Zach helped a exhausted Wes Lee to their feet. Zach Wentz told Wes Lee that they will get those titles back and it won’t take two years. Trey Miguel was crying. Wes Lee then superkicked Trey Miguel out of nowhere. Zach Wentz yelled at Wes and said “That’s your BROTHER! What are you doing!?!”. Wes kicked Wentz in the balls.

Wes yelled “You left me…Alone!”. Censored “holy shit” chants ensued. Wes then kicked Wentz to ringside. The crowd chanted “Why? Wes! Why?”. Wes gave Trey a power Irish Whip through the ringside barricade. Wes then gave Wentz a meteora to send Zach’s head into the steel steps. Uncensored “Asshole” chants ensued. The show closed with Wes Lee exiting with an evil look on his face…

John’s Thoughts: Yet another great match in The Rascalz’s reunion tour. The first half of the match had me feeling a bit Rascal’d out given how I’ve been watching and reviewing a minimal of two Rascalz matches per week given how much they’ve been featured on both Impact and NXT. The 2nd half of the match was fresh with some stellar nearfalls. Going into it, and even at the end, I actually thought that MSK might be tag champs in two companies. Not only would it give both companies stronger tag divisions, but NXT has done a solid job putting a wedge between Axiom and Frazer to the point where it constantly feels like they are about to cost each other the match.

Frazer and Axiom are putting a strong tag team title run against strong opponents along with the aspect of Frazer and Axiom being at odds over their tag and singles careers. It adds to their wins when they have unique ways to pluck victory from the hands of defeat. Sadly, all great thing eventually have to come to an end, and it looks like we have reached the end of the Rascalz reunion tour with Wes turning on his longtime tag partners. The turn really caught me off guard because of how long these three have been tied to the hip.

We will probably still have all three guys on both shows as it would make sense for Trey and Wentz to get revenge on Wes for backstabbing them. In a weird way, it was a delayed double turn too because right before the reunion Wentz and Trey were dirty heels in TNA (one thing I won’t miss is their overused spray can finish). It’s two on one now though, so will Wes find a new tag partner? We’ll see. Night 1 of the Great American Bash looked stronger on paper, but that only made it so Night II would exceed expectations. Highlights being the championship matches, but also if you have enough time, watch part II of the Je’von Evans interview. I’ll be back in a bit with my same night audio review for the Dot Net Members and Patreon Patrons.

NXT TV Poll: Grade the August 6 Great American Bash Night Two edition

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Readers Comments (8)

  1. So what was your thoughts on the women’s title match?

    • The North American title match? I put my thoughts in the usual “John’s Thoughts” editorial format after the match as usual.

  2. Oh okay.I was just curious because it wasn’t there for awhile actually.As I was reading it seemed like it was skipped over as you ended up covering the next segments.Not a big deal course,but it was a little weird though..

    • Np np, I try to catch up during the commercial breaks (I treat picture-in-picture as regular commercials where I can catch up, maybe get a snack, or use it as a bathroom break). I prioritize the transcript initially so I don’t have to hit rewind on my DVR (which might get tricky once NXT moves to network TV and there may or may not be a west coast three hour tape delay)…

  3. Keep up the good work!
    You and Jason do a great job!

  4. And the other guys as well..

  5. Didn’t Bobby Roode use the N-X-Me line when he champ?

  6. I’ve always said that Roode and Page are so similar so probably.

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