Damian Priest comments on failing to kick out during his WWE MITB match with Seth Rollins, having Rhea Ripley back on the road

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

World Heavyweight Champion Damian Priest spoke with the New York Post’s Joseph Staszewski and addressed his failure to kick out of a pin during his match with Seth Rollins at WWE Money in the Bank. “The idea that I forgot to kick out, that not a thing,” Priest said. “That’s not a thing. We don’t forget to kick out. Twenty years in, I’m pretty sure there is some kind of muscle memory there. So me forgetting was not the case. There was nothing outside that was supposed to happen. It was a matter of there was a situation, but I’m OK. Everybody’s fine, the story continues.”

Priest also said the negative reaction on social media did not bother him. “It doesn’t affect anything,” said Priest. “The show goes on and I think fans are very invested in everything that’s going on. The ones that matter knew the situation and nobody thought twice about it. It was, move on.”

Priest also commented on the return of Rhea Ripley. “We just got back from the gym and we were riding in the car and I literally told her, ‘Man, it’s really good to have you back,'” said Priest. “I’ve felt like I’ve been missing something and it was my friend. It’s my road buddy. It’s my backstage buddy. Besides our TV dynamic, it’s everything else. I missed having that person next to me that also pushes me.” Read the full story at NYPost.com.

Powell’s POV: Priest did not specify, but his comments seem to play into the theory that he was loopy from something that occurred during the match. While it was an interesting talking point, he’s right in that most people have moved on and it has not had an adverse effect on him or his title reign. Priest also spoke about his WWE 24 biography, winning the World Heavyweight Championship, and more.


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