Wrestling Open “Episode 133” results (7/18): Vetter’s review of Big Business vs. The Church of Greatness, Bobby Orlando vs. RJ Rude, Ashley Vox vs. Tiara James

By Chris Vetter, ProWrestling.net Contributor (@chrisvetter73)

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Wrestling Open “Episode 133”
Streamed on IndependentWrestling.TV
July 18, 2024 in Worcester, Massachusetts at White Eagle

The crowd appears to be in the 250-300 range. Paul Crockett and Denver Colorado provided commentary.

1. Channing Thomas (w/Sidney Bakabella) defeated Puf at 5:43. Puf is the 400-pounder from Canada. They have teased trouble between Sidney and Channing in recent weeks, here and in other promotions. They argued a lot and Channing finally hit a dropkick that barely moved Puf. Puf hit a shoulder tackle that dropped Channing. Channing hit a dropkick to the back and got a nearfall at 4:00. Puf hit a HUGE senton for a nearfall. Channing hit a chop block, then a second-rope flying knee for the pin. Okay match.

* Sidney got the mic and said he has something to say. The fans responded, “We don’t care!” He wished Channing a happy birthday. He got him a surprise… a new tag partner! DJ Powers! DJ came to the ring with a bow on his chest; Channing didn’t seem too pleased. (DJ is the talented teen who I have loosely compared to NXT’s Kale Dixon and he’s a great heat magnet.) Channing rolled out of the ring and left, leaving Powers and Bakabella in the ring! Intriguing…

2. Ashley Vox defeated Tiara James at 5:05. Vox just returned from injury, and she’s always been a top-notch indy talent, so great to see her back. Vox hit a dropkick for a nearfall. Tiara hit a side slam for a nearfall and a short-arm clothesline. Vox hit a rolling cannonball for a nearfall at 4:00, then a fisherman’s suplex for a nearfall. Tiara put Ashley on her shoulders and did some squats, then she hit a spinebuster for a nearfall. Ashley locked in a fish hook (think Britt Baker) and Tiara tapped out. Good action.

* A recap of last week, where the Stetson Ranch talked about Steven Stetson taking time off after their loss in the finals of a tournament.

3. Danny Miles (w/Hammer Tunis) defeated Jermaine Marbury (w/Benny the Basketball) at 6:04. Crockett wondered where is Steven Stetson. Marbury hit some chops early on. Crockett talked extensively about how quickly Marbury has climbed the ladder in Wrestling Open, as Marbury hit his palm-to-head slam and a splash to the mat. Miles hit a senton at 2:00 and he took control. Marbury hit his Euro-step neckbreaker and a tornado DDT at 5:00, then he hit the Mamba Splash/frogsplash for a believable nearfall. Tunis and Benny argued on the floor, and Tunis hopped on the apron, which distracted Jermaine. Miles immediately hit a Mark Henry-style Slam for the pin. Okay match.

* Footage aired of the Paris Van Dale-Lauren St. James feud, with Lauren bringing Davienne back to Wrestling Open.

4. Davienne (w/Lauren St. James) defeated Nahir Robles at 7:06. Nahir wore a blue one-piece; she’s had at least two matches here already this year. Davienne has thick arms; reminds me of Dani Luna and Rachael Ellering as similar powerhouses. Nahir hit a blow to the back of the head to open the match. Davienne hit a Thesz Press and some punches. Nahir hit a Vader Bomb at 1:30, and she applied a leg lock around Davienne’s neck, and she kept her grounded. She choked Davienne in the ropes. Davienne hit a running basement dropkick and got a nearfall at 6:00. Robles hit an X-Factor face plant for a nearfall. Davienne locked in a Boston Crab, and Nahir tapped out. Solid.

Paris Van Dale again emerged from the back and this time she has a bouquet of flowers! PVD again wants to apologize to Lauren St. James. It appeared Davienne was going to hit Paris, but Lauren stopped her.

* Footage aired of Ryan Clancy and Bryce Donovan brawling for most of the show last week, coming out in between matches.

5. Brad Baylor (w/Rickey Smokes) defeated Ryan Clancy via count-out at 9:04. An intense lockup and standing switches and this is already the best match of the show so far. Clancy hit a back suplex for a nearfall at 1:30. Smokes hit Clancy, allowing Baylor to get a nearfall. Baylor hit a powerslam for a nearfall. Clancy hit a second-rope crossbody block at 5:00. Clancy hit a flapjack, then a Stinger Splash. Baylor hit a Falcon Arrow for a nearfall at 7:00. He locked in a sleeper.

Clancy hit a powerbomb and locked in a Sharpshooter, but the camera went to the parking lot! We saw Bryce Donovan has arrived! Clancy stormed out of the ring and out the door! Smokes slammed the door behind Clancy so he couldn’t get back in! Crockett said he was just informed “that was not a live shot” of the parking lot, and this was just a trick that Swipe Right played on Clancy! Really good action, and I don’t mind the cheap finish, as it keeps heat on the new Clancy-Donovan feud. Clancy got on the mic and he wants Bryce next week.

* A video package aired making Sammy Diaz look really sympathetic and likable. He gets his title match next Thursday against champion Brad Hollister!

* Back to the venue for a “Worcester has no talent” segment. RJ Rude and Rex Lawless came out. Rude says he will be singing in a concert soon, so he is taking tonight off to rest his voice. He has invited a few students/trainees to the ring. A student sang but Rex beat him up. This brought out Bobby Orlando, who wants to enter the contest. Orando butchered Uncle Kracker’s “Follow Me” on the mic; wow he’s worse than Rude! Rex hit a Mafia Kick on Bobby, too. RJ demanded a ref come out!

6. Bobby Orlando defeated RJ Rude (w/Rex Lawless) via DQ at 6:02. RJ immediately stomped on him. He hit a senton for a nearfall at 1:00. Orlando hit a Stinger Splash and a backstabber for a nearfall. Bobby hit a spinebuster for a nearfall. Orlando missed a moonsault, and Rude immediately hit a Falcon Arrow for a nearfall at 5:00. Orlando nailed a superkick! He hit a flying stunner for a nearfall, but Lawless jumped in the ring and attacked Rude, causing the DQ.

7. “The Church of Greatness” Ichiban, Lucas Chase, and Sammy Diaz defeated “Big Business” TJ Crawford, Julio Cruz, and Love, Doug (w/Brad Hollister) at 15:08. Doug and Ichiban opened in a knuckle lock. Ichiban hit a swinging neckbreaker. Chase bodyslammed teammate Ichiban onto Doug. Chase hit a flying forearm on Cruz. Diaz entered at 4:30 and hit a head-scissors takedown on TJ Crawford. All the babyfaces hit ‘One!” punches in the corners on the heels. The heels began working over Ichiban in their corner. Ichiban hit a stunner. He hit a swinging DDT on TJ at 10:00 and they were both down.

Chase got the hot tag and hit a spinebuster on Cruz. TJ hit a frogsplash on Chase for a nearfall. Doug got back in and hit some body blows on Chase. Diaz got a hot tag at 13:30 and hit a swinging slam on Doug, then a Pele Kick on Cruz, then a double inverted DDT on both of them. Doug went for a rebound lariat but Diaz cut him off with a knee strike. Diaz then hit a Sabin-style Cradle Shock slam to pin Doug.

* Diaz and Hollister glared at each other. Hollister got in the ring and swung his belt but missed. Sammy kicked Brad in the chest and celebrated with his title belt!

Final Thoughts: Wrestling Open does the little things right. They announced last week that Diaz would get his title shot, and they did a nice job of getting Diaz a pin here and making him look like a credible threat for the title. I will give best match to Clancy-Baylor, even with the cheap finish. The main event takes second, with Orlando-Rude for third. The undercard was fine — nothing bad at all — but the winners all seemed pretty obvious.


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