NXT Level Up results (7/19): O’Connor’s review of Eddy Thorpe vs. Shiloh Hill, Kendal Grey vs. Jakara Jackson, and Adrianna Rizzo vs. Lainey Reid

By John O’Connor, ProWrestling.net Contributor (@thereal_JOC

NXT: Level Up (Episode 127)
Taped in Orlando, Florida at the WWE Performance Center
Streamed July 19, 2024 on Peacock/WWE Network

Jakara Jackson representing ‘Meta Four’ accompanied by Lash Legend made her way to the ring as the broadcast team of Blake Howard and Byron Saxton welcomed us to the show…

1. Jakara Jackson (w/Lash Legend) vs. Kendal Grey (w/Carlee Bright). Jackson took down Grey early but Grey fired back with punches and wrenched the arm before dropping Jackson with a shoulder block. Grey hit a crossbody on Jackson and continued to remain in control until Jackson applied a necklock on Grey which took Grey to the mat. Grey powered to her feet and looked for a scoop slam but Jackson rolled through to remain in control. Grey hit a reverse elbow and hit a release slam on Jackson before both women exchanged near falls. Late in the match, Jackson put Grey down with a reverse fameasser for the win.

Jakara Jackson defeated Kendal Grey via pinfall in 4:50. 

As Jackson and Legend celebrated the commentators then sent us to footage ‘from earlier this week’ where Dion Lennox confronted Uriah Connors about what happened in their tag match on the previous edition of ‘Level Up’. The two almost came to blows but were stopped by their opponents from last week Hank Walker and Tank Ledger.

The commentary team hyped Adrianna Rizzo vs. Lainey Reid for after the break…[c]

2. Adrianna Rizzo (w/The D’Angelo Family) vs. Lainey Reid. Reid wrapped Rizzo in knots with an armdrag in the early going before Rizzo returned the favor with an armdrag of her own. Rizzo gained a near fall but as Rizzo made her way to her feet she was rocked by a strong punch by Reid. Reid hit a neckbreaker and an elbow drop on Rizzo but Rizzo rallied and gained a two count off a backslide attempt. Reid attempted to wear down Rizzo with a chokehold but Rizzo responded with a release suplex, a forearm shot and a somersault splash middle of the ring for the victory.

Adrianna Rizzo defeated Lainey Reid via pinfall in 4:37. 

Backstage, Sarah Schreiber interviewed Kendal Grey and Carlee Bright. Kendal was upset with her defeat and said that she was undefeated in her amateur wrestling career and does not like losing. Carlee said that Kendal needs to find her killer instinct. Kendal said that is a great idea and asked if she could throw Carlee around a little bit in training. Carlee said what are friends for as the segment ended.

The commentary team hyped the main event…[c]

Lexis King was on commentary for the match.

3. Eddy Thorpe vs. Shiloh Hill. Thorpe distracted by the arrival of King was taken down by Hill as the opening bell rang. Hill applied a side headlock on Thorpe and dropped Thorpe with a shoulder block as Thorpe attempted a shoot off into the ropes. Hill dropped Thorpe with a clothesline for a near fall as King on commentary laughed at the rookie beating down the veteran and continued to put down Thorpe’s choice of music and his side career as a DJ. Hill looked to finish but Thorpe responded with a suplex and a release German. Thorpe hit an elbow and dropped Hill with the ‘Impaler DDT’ while looking directly at King for the win.

Eddy Thorpe defeated Shiloh Hill via pinfall in 5:06. 

Post match, King sarcastically applauded Thorpe from the commentary table as the two jawed off at each other as the show closed.

John’s Ramblings: I’ve said many times that this show has needed more character development and angles rather than just showing off the rookie talent in cold matches with little payoff. The show tried something different this week.

They spliced in a guest commentator for the main event, backstage footage, and interviews that actually could mean something for future episodes and storylines rather than the typical cookie cutter approach that has plagued WWE over the years. Good job. Hopefully this continues going forward.


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