NXT TV results (6/18): Moore’s review of the 25-man battle royal for a shot at the NXT Championship at NXT Heatwave, Kelani Jordan vs. Michin for the North American Championship

By John Moore, ProWrestling.net Staffer (@liljohnm)

Orlando, Florida at the WWE Performance Center
Aired live June 18, 2024 on USA Network 

[Hour One] Vic Joseph and Booker T were on commentary. Mike Rome was the ring announcer…

Je’Von Evans got a televised entrance for the 25 man battle royal for a shot at the NXT Championship. Say his name and he appears… I believe in Joe Hendry… Clap Clap… TNA star Joe Hendry made his entrance and did one of his usual pre-match promos.

Hendry talked about how he’s going to eliminate everyone, win the NXT Championship, and bring the title to TNA. Hendry said once he does get the title, the WWE Universe will be chanting “We Believe”. Ethan Page also got a televised entrance…

1. 25 Man Battle Royal for a shot at the NXT Championship. Oro Mensah quickly dragged Page to ringside and beat him down. Frankie Kazarian eliminated Joe Hendry early on in the match. Tony D’Angelo eliminated Edris Enofe. Shawn Spears eliminated Eddy Thorpe. Malik Blade and Charlie Dempsey were teetering on the ropes. Vic Joseph noted that Frankie Kazarian was once called “The Future” when he was in WWE Developmental.

Damon Kemp accidentally eliminated Dempsey alongside Blade. Kazarian eliminated Kemp and Borne. Random Apollo Crews sighting! Humberto and Garza eliminated him. The show cut to picture-in-picture.[c]

Back from break, Dante Chen skinned the cat to avoid elimination. Ridge Holland use a clothesline to eliminate Dante Chen and Tavion Heights. Lexis King eliminated Humberto Carrillo. Angel gave King a right hand and eliminated him. Tank Ledger eliminated Garza. Tyler Bate hit Tank with a Helicopter Spin driver. Bate eliminated Tank. Tony D hit Kazarian with a Belly to Belly. Tony D tossed Frazer over the top rope but he skinned the cat. Frazer put Tony D on the apron.

Frazer used a single leg dropkick to eliminate Tony D. Dragon Lee and Frazer brawled on the apron. Dragon used a high knee to eliminate Frazer. Dragon and Holland brawled in the center of the ring. Bate hit Holland with Bop and Bang. Dragon and Bate used a double bop and bang to eliminate Holland. Bate hit Lee with Bop and Bang. Spears used a headscissors to eliminate Bate. Kazarian, Lee, Spears, and Evans were the final four.

Kazarian avoided elimination and hit Spears with a guillotine leg drop. Evans eliminated Kazarian with an Irish Whip. Evans and Dragon Lee were the final two (?). Lee no sold a German Suplex and hit Evans with a powerbomb. Spears eliminated Dragon Lee. Evans skinned the cat to avoid elimination. Spears skinned the cat after a lariat by Evans. Evans caught Spears with a Superkick and jumping kick. Evans dumped Spears to ringside to pick up the win.

Je’von Evans won the 25 man battle royal to earn a title shot at the NXT Championship in 16:45.

Fallon Henley was arguing with a bunch of developmental wrestlers backstage on wanting a title shot…

Lola Vice was fighting a training dummy. Roxanne Perez talked about how she noticed Vice eyeing her title. Vice said she’s going to kick everyone on her way to the title. Perez said they will handle business later in the show in a triple threat tag team match…[c]

John’s Thoughts: A fun battle royal. Mostly the usual punching and walking, but there were some storylines in this match. A bit surprised they had Joe Hendry in for little more than a cameo, but it looks like they used the time to forward a story with Frankie Kazarian for the TNA show. Kazarian actually got a lot of showcase as the guest wrestler. Interesting to see them going with young Je’von Evans with the title shot. No way he’s winning the title, but they are giving him a huge “sensation” push out of the gate.

Andre Chase, Thea Hail, and Duke Hudson were cheering up Ridge Holland for representing Chase U well in the battle royal. Hudson said that Riley Osborne was in the UK. Ridge Holland put on a Chase U shirt. Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson showed up to call Ridge a former brute who became a nerd. Chase U had to hold back Thea Hail from attacking Gallows and Anderson…

Entrances for the upcoming tag match took place. Jacy Jayne was idolizing Cody Rhodes’s face mask in the corner…

2. Lash Legend and Jakara Jackson vs. Jacy Jayne and Jasmyn Nyx vs. Roxanne Perez and Lola Vice in a Triple Threat tag team match. Jayne, Perez, and Jackson started the match with quick rollups. Lash tagged in when Jackson got control of the match. Lash carried both Perez and Jayne at the same time. Lash hit Perez with Jayne like a  battering ram. Nyx tagged in and hit Lash with a Shining Wizard for a nearfall. Perez put Lash in a Guillotine Choke. Lola tagged in and hit Lash with rapid kicks.

Perez and Vice dumped Lash to ringside. Lash caught Nyx out of the air. Jayne hit Lash with a cannonball from the steps. Jakara tossed Jayne into the steel steps. Perez hit Jackson with a dive at ringside. The show cut to regular commercial.[c]

Back form break, Vice, Nyx, and Jackson were brawling in the ring. Perez tagged in and hit Jackson and Nyx with uppercuts. Perez hit Nyx and Jackson with a Legsweep and DDT combo go get nearfalls on both of them. Vice hit Jackson with rapid kicks after tagging in and sent Nyx in the opposite corner with rapid kicks. Vice yelled “I’m a Latina” and hit Jackson and Nyx with hip attacks. Jayne hit Vice with a right hand for a nearfalll.

Lash cleaned house with right hands. Lash hit Vice and Nyx at the same time with a double suplex. Jackson tagged in and hit Jayne with a double team facebuster for a nearfall. Nyx caught Lahs with a Pele Kick. Vice hit Jackson wtih a backfist. Perez tagged herself in and hit Jackson with Pop Rocks for the win.

Roxanne Perez & Lola Vice defeated Jakara Jackon & Lash Legend and Jasmyn Nyx & Jacy Jayne via pinfall in 10:00 in a Triple Threat Tag Team match.

After celebrating the win, Perez surprised Vice with a spinning backfist…

NXT GM Ava was congratulating Je’Von Evans on his win in the battle royal. Ethan Page barged in the office to argue about getting attacked by Oro Mensah. Ava said she kicked Oro out of the building. Page also argued about not being eliminated form the Battle Royal and a punk ass kid like Evans should have his win null and void. Evans challenged Page to a fight later in the show, which Page accepted…

Separate shots of Michin and Kelani Jordan were shown backstage. Sol Ruca wished Jordan luck on her first title defense, while other women were eyeing Jordan’s title belt…[c]

John’s Thoughts: The tag match was worked hard by the women involved. It’s still a bit of a weird title picture though as all of the women in the women’s title picture being heels, giving viewers no real person to root for. It looks like they might need to develop some babyfaces in the women’s division. They do have a deep enough roster to do so.

Vic Joseph plugged WWE Money in the Bank as well as the NXT Heatwave PLE the same weekend…

Entrances for the next match took place. Mike Rome handled the formal in-ring championship introductions…

3. Kelani Jordan vs. Mia “Michin” Yim for the NXT Women’s North American Championship. Yim started the match with a shoulder tackle. Yim blocked a huracanrana with a cartwheel. Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson walked to ringside to watch their stable mate. Both women traded rollups and armdrags. Mia blocked a  armdrag and did a spiderman rope dodge. Jordan dodged a dive at ringside and hit Yim with a corkscrew Plancha.[c]

Yim got a two count after the break. Vic Joseph said that Ethan Page vs. Je’von Evans was announced for later in the show. Yim and Jordan traded right hands. Jordan hit Yim with a cartwheel into a back elbow. Yim hit Jordan with a bridged German Suplex for a two count. Jordan used a Pele Kick to avoid Seoul Food. Jordan escaped a Electric chair with a Poisonrana.

[Hour Two] Yim avoided a One of a Kind moonsault. Jordan kicked out at two out of a Atomic Drop. Lucien Price and Bronco Nima got in the faces of the Good Brothers at ringside. Jaida Parker knocked Yim off the top rope. Jordan hit Yim with the One of a Kind Moonsault for the victory.

Kelani Jordan defeated Michin via pinfall in 10:01 to retain the NXT Women’s North American Championship. 

John’s Thoughts: A decent enough title defense for Kelani. The even better story is the continual feud between Mia Yim and Jaida Parker which has developed quite nicely with simple build. Looks like we’re in store for a six person tag match between the OC and OTM.

Kelly Kincaid interviewed Ethan Page about being eliminated in a few seconds in the battle royal. Page claimed he didn’t get eliminated due to getting jumped by Oro Mensah. Page said Trick Williams didn’t face the best Ethan Page due to Oro Mensah’s constant attacks.

A introductory vignette aired for Izzi Dame where she talked about her volleyball background…

NXT North American Champion Oba Femi was shown walking backstage…[c]

Axiom was arguing with Nathan Frazer about going after singles gold instead of focusing on their tag team. Luca Crucifino showed up and said that he had a Heritage cup title match contract ready to be signed. Nathan Frazer quickly signed the contract. Luca left, saying that Frazer has a good signature…

Still shots of Tatum Paxley appearing on TNA Against All Odds on TNA Plus last week, where she lost to Jordynne Grace…

NXT North American Champion Oba Femi made his entrance in street clothes. Oba said it feels all too familiar to him, Oba still the North American Champion, still the ruler of NXT. Oba said he told everyone that no matter how many people they send at him, the result will always be the same. He talked about dominating Joe Coffey and Wes Lee, two of the best that NXT has to offer; but they aren’t like Oba, because nobody is like Oba. Oba said to riddle me this, who can take the title from Oba Femi?

Wes Lee made his entrance and aid he can take the title from Oba. Wes noted that Oba didn’t pin Wes at Battleground. Oba said Wes’s obsession with his old title is irritating. The crowd was distracted by security guards carrying away Brooks Jensen. Wes talked about how he respectfully declined being in the opening battle royal because all of his focus on getting back the North American Championship. Oba said Wes is going in circles and he’s done with Wes. Wes yelled at Oba not to turn his back on him when Oba tried to leave.

Wes said Oba is making waves now. Wes said Big E says Oba is his favorite superstar. Wes talked about how he’s giving Oba an opportunity to live up to the man who made that title. Wes talked about how he’ll show Oba why it’s his name in all the record books, not Oba. Oba said a lot of people have a lot of faith in Wes Lee. Oba said what he’s going to do is change those record books. Oba agreed to give Wes a one-on-one match, however it will be the first and last time Wes will challenge for the title while Oba is champion. Oba wondered if they have an accord? Wes agreed….

Hank Walker was cheering up Tank Ledger backstage. Hank said he’s medically cleared from his last injury. Tank was happy at Hank and Tank being back. Tank wanted a match against New Catch Republic…

Fallon Henley made her entrance in a fur coat…[c]

John’s Thoughts: Simple and effective segment to set up what should be a great showdown between Oba Femi against the man that defined the North American Title. Nice change of pace for Oba too, who’s mostly defended the title in multi-man matches.

Charlie Dempsey was interviewing Tavion Heights alongside Damon Kemp and Myles Borne. Dempsey said that Tavion’s athletic background is everything the No Quarter Catch Crew needs. Dempsey said that if Heights can beat Damon Kemp next week, he can join NQCC…

The NXT Anonymous spy cam caught Joe Coffey arguing to Mark Coffey and Wolfgang about Wes Lee getting a title shot. Tyson Dupont and Tyriek Igwe jumped Gallus from behind…

Carlee Bright and Kendall Grey made their entrance…

4. Fallon Henley vs. Carlee Bright (w/Kendal Grey). Joseph noted that Grey has a wrestling background. Carlee bought out of the corner and dumped Henley to the apron. Henley jawed with Grey a bit. Henley stomped a mudhole in the corner on Bright. Bright got a nearfall off a sunset flip. Bright put Henley in a sleeper. Henley broke it up by slamming Bright in the corner.

Wendy Choo showed up and knocked out Grey with a Dragon Sleeper. Bright hit Henley with a dropkick. Bright crashed and burned off a crossbody attempt. Henley hit Bright with a Fallaway Slam and Shining Wizard for the victory.

Fallon Henley defeated Carlee Bright via pinfall in 4:19. 

Eddy Thorpe was interviewed in the NXT Parking Lot. He said he had a good showing and is building momentum. He said he’s going after all the titles. He said that NXT is hot now and he wants to be a part of it….

Chase University made their entrance….[c]

Je’Von Evans was getting his ribs taped up. Trick Williams showed up and talked about Evans pulling a Trick Willy by wrestling two matches in the same night. Trick told Evans to be careful of Ethan Page. Trick said that Page doesn’t even belong in NXT. Page and Evans dapped it up to end the segment…

Vic Joseph and Booker T checked in on commentary. Vic hyped up Page vs. Evans for later in the show. Anderson, Gallows, and Michin made their entrance…

5. “Chase U” Duke Hudson and Andre Chase (w/Thea Hail, Ridge Holland) vs. “The Good Brothers” Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson (w/Michin). Chase hit Anderson with a hip toss and side headlock. Chase tagged in Hudson after another hip toss. Hudson and Chase worked on Anderson with tandem offense. Hudson got a two count after a short-arm shoulder tackle. Chase tagged in and got a two count after tag team moves with Hudson. Gallows tagged in and worked on Chase with boxing punches and elbow drops.

The Good Brothers cut the ring in half on Andre Chase. Chase used a judo roll to get the hot tag to Hudson, who hit Gallows with a Chase U Bionic Elbow. Hudson got a two count after a head-scissors on Anderson. Chase hit Anderson with a cannonball at ringside. Duke Hudson rolled up Anderson (with a assist by Ridge Holland for leverage) for the win.

Duke Hudson and Andre Chase defeated Karl Anderson and Luke Gallows via pinfall in 5:06. 

After the match, Hudson acted confused over Holland helping him get a tainted win…

Ava, Robert Stone, Kelani Jordan, and Stevie Turner were in the GM’s office. Ava congratulated Jordan on her first title defense. Arianna Grace showed up and noted that she accepts a title shot. Jordan said she wasn’t going to give Grace a title match, she’ll give it to someone who doesn’t complain, Sol Ruca. Grace said that Sol isn’t a pageant queen. Ava booked Grace vs. Sol in a match for next week…

NXT Champion Trick Williams made his entrance to join commentary…[c]

Thea Hail was psyching up Chase U backstage. Chase wondered what Gallows and Anderson were arguing about? Holland claimed that they were just arguing over their loss…

Fallon Henley was throwing a fit in the locker room. Jacy jayne and Jasmyn Nyx showed up and supported Henley in her complaining…

Arianna Grace vs. Sol Ruca, Nathan Frazer vs. Tony D’Angelo for the Heritage Cup, and a tag team turmoil match were announced for next week…

Entrances for the main event took place…

6. Je’Von Evans vs. Ethan Page. Page focused his attack on the injured ribs of Evans. Page hit Evans with a sidewalk slam for a two count. Page got a few nearfalls after gloating a bit while also focusing on the injured ribs of Evans. Evans rallied back with chops. Page sent Evans rib-first into the top rope. Evans reversed a Razor’s Edge with a head-scissors and superkick. The show cut to picture-in-picture.[c]

Page was dominating the match back from break, continuing to focus on the injured ribs of Evans. Page got a two count after a power slam.

[Overrun] Page put Evans in a Liontamer to focus on the injured ribs of Evans. Evans got to the rope for a break. Evans rallied back with right hands. Evans hit Page with a punch combo and a few axe handle strikes. Evans hit Page with a leg lariat. Evans hit Page with a slingshot clothesline for a nearfall. Page dodged a springboard cutter.

Evans hit Page with a hook kick and Blue Thunder Bomb for a two count. Page turned Evans inside out with a clothesline. Evans came back with a DDT for a nearfall. Page tripped Evans and sent his ribs into the top buckle. Page hit Evans with the Ego’s Edge (Razor’s Edge) for the victory.

Ethan Page defeated Je’Von Evans via pinfall in 10:25. 

Page jawed with Trick at ringside and claimed that he should be number one contender. Shawn Spears jumped Je’Von Evans in the ring. Trick went for the save, but as double teamed by Page and Spears. Evans caught Spears and Page with a a double slingshot cutter. All four men were left lying in the ring, surrounding the NXT title belt, to close the show…

John’s Thoughts: A good bounce back win for Ethan Page after his debut loss. Evans loses nothing as the plucky underdog with the injury out. With Ricochet on his way out of WWE presumably, I wonder if they are setting up Evans to be his replacement on the roster as one of the most athletic guys on the WWE roster? He certainly has the skillset, has more time to develop at only 20 years old, and so far might be a better talker than Ricochet was.

Curious to see if Ethan Page finds his way into the title picture as he picked up the win over the number one contender and has a case that he keeps getting attacked by Oro Mensah. I would also assume that we need to get Oro Mensah vs. Ethan Page soon given how many times he attacked Page in recent weeks. A solid episode of NXT this week. They got the TNA cameos out of the way to start the show. A bit disappointed that Joe Hendry only got a cup of coffee on NXT, but I guess you can tune in to AXS if you want more of Hendry there. My weekly NXT audio reviews are available exclusively for Dot Net Members (including our Patreon patrons).


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