Wrestling Open “Episode 125” results (5/23): Vetter’s review of Krule vs. Pedro Dones for the IWTV Title, Max Caster vs. Kylon King, Richard Holliday vs. Ryan Clancy in a No Ropes Break match

By Chris Vetter, ProWrestling.net Contributor (@chrisvetter73)

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Wrestling Open “Episode 125 – Krule Intentions”
Streamed on IndependentWrestling.TV
May 23, 2024 in Worcester, Massachusetts at White Eagle

The crowd was once again in the 300 range. Paul Crockett and Brother Greatness provided commentary. I am traveling this weekend so my review is abridged. I like we have a LOT of debuts here this week, including a few I haven’t seen before.

* Max Caster came to the ring to start the show. He talked about how he and Bobby Orlando are the new Shook Crew, He wore black pants and just looks so much different than his presentation in AEW.

1. Max Caster defeated Kylon King at 9:31. No teammates for either man; the commentary team made it clear that Max wanted a title shot for he and Orlando. Late in the match, Max hit a Rude Awakening standing neckbreaker for a believable nearfall. Max hit an eye poke and a DDT for the cheap pin. Good match.

2. 50 Cal and CPA defeated “The Academy” Nick Radford and Tom Alman at 6:18. My first time seeing The Academy, who wore gray letterman jackets. Alman is bald and thicker and is similar to AEW’s Luther. Radford carried a book and read poetry to the fans, earning some boos. 50 Cal wore a button-down shirt and tie! He’s starting to look like CPA! The heels worked over CPA most of the match. 50 Cal hit a bodyslam on Alman, and CPA hit a “Crunching Numbers” Death Valley Driver to pin Radford. Okay.

* We were supposed to have a tag match when Bryce Donovan walked in the door, got in the ring, and demanded his match right now! I love the new demeanor of Donovan.

3. Bryce Donovan defeated Sean Legacy at 6:46. Legacy competes usually in the Deep South, and I’ve really liked what I’ve seen of him; this wasn’t going to be a squash like Bryce’s recent matches here. Bryce dominated early and he jawed at the ref. He hit a fallaway slam at 5:00 and he just glared at the crowd. Sean got in some good offense. However, Bryce hit a Dragonscrew Legwhip, a Black Hole Slam, then he applied a Triangle Choke, and Legacy tapped out.

* Smart Mark Sterling hit the ring! He asked Donovan “what’s going on with you?” Bryce refused to answer any questions, saying he “thanks my sponsor,” and he left. More intrigue.

4. Allie Katch defeated Notorious Mimi at 5:54. They hit double clotheslines and they did some comedy as Allie couldn’t kip up to her feet, so Mimi helped her. Allie hit her running buttbump and rolling cannonball in the corner for a nearfall at 4:30. She hit a piledriver for the pin. This had been a babyface matchup, but when Allie tried to shake hands afterward, Mimi brushed it away and stormed off. Good action.

* The Eliminator Cup, an eight-team tag tournament, will kick off June 6!

5. “Church of Greatness” Tyree Taylor and Ichiban (w/Brother Greatness) defeated “C4” Cody Chhun and Guillermo Rosas in an Eliminator Cup qualifying match at 10:26. Definitely a surprise to see the Pacific Northwest-based C4 in Massachusetts. Ichiban and Cody opened. C4 worked over Ichiban. Tyree got a hot tag tag at 7:00 and hit double clotheslines, and a uranage on Cody. Rosas hit a spear and all four were down. Tyree hit a sit-out powerbomb on Rosas for the pin. Good match. Seeing teams like C4 head to Wrestling Open shows how this venue, this promotion, is gaining marquee status on the indy scene; this is the place to be seen.

* Brother Greatness got on the mic and said they still want revenge on the Even Stevens for assaulting them.

6. Ryan Clancy defeated Richard Holliday in a No Rope Breaks match at 12:40. Clancy charged into the ring and tackled Holliday to open. Holliday dominated early. Clancy hit a scoop bodyslam and a senton for a nearfall at 7:00. Holliday hit a pop-up stunner for a nearfall. Clancy hit a dropkick at 10:30. They traded forearm strikes on the ring apron. Clancy got his side Russian Leg Sweep. He applied a Sharpshooter; Holliday crawled to the ropes and got to them, but with the stipulation of the match, Clancy didn’t have to let go, so Holliday tapped out. Good action.

7. Lucas Chase and Sammy Diaz (w/Brother Greatness) defeated Graceson Kelly and Westfield Kelly in an Eliminator Cup qualifying match at 7:40. I always compare the Kelly twins to NBA star James Harden and I think they have so much potential just based on their size and that they are so identical. (They do have different tattoos but I still struggle to tell them apart.) The Kellys worked over Sammy early on. Lucas got a hot tag at 5:00 and hit a spinebuster, then an impressive double Samoan Drop. Suddenly the music of Waves & Curls played! They were previously injured by the Kelly twins and haven’t been seen in a while. Jaelyn Brandyn and Traevon Jordan came out of the back to a nice pop and it distracted the Kellys. Sammy snuck up behind one of them and got a rollup for the pin. Decent match that protected the Kellys in losing, and it sets up the W&C revenge match.

Brad Hollister hit the ring, and the announcers noted he has been Wrestling Open champion since Nov. 30. He called out Love, Doug. They spoke in the ring and Brad told Doug that he could team with TJ Crawford in the future… if Doug agreed to join Big Business! This brought out Big Business faction members “Brick City” Julio Cruz & Victor Chase. Cruz said Doug isn’t “Big Business material.” He started to fight with Love Doug! Brad Hollister got on the mic and said Doug and Cruz will square off next week.

* We had a really nice video, shot in a car, as Pedro Dones drove and talked about earning an IWTV title shot. He acknowledged he’s an older indy wrestler and he’s thrilled to get one more shot, knowing he is running out of opportunities. This made him so relatable and likable.

8. Krule defeated Pedro Dones to retain the IWTV Title at 11:15. The size difference here was vast, as Krule just towered over him. At the 2:00 mark, Krule’s knee buckled and he was struggling to walk. Of course, Dones said it and hit a dropkick on the knee. Krule hit a chokeslam into a backbreaker over his knee at 6:30. Pedro hit a Samoan Drop for a nearfall at 9:00. Pedro hit a chop block and a running headbutt and got a visual pin. Out of nowhere, Gal hit the ring and attacked Dones! Krule hit the Road To Valhalla butterfly face plant for the pin. After the match, Gal got into the ring and speared Dones, and the commentators wondered why Gal had attacked him.

Final Thoughts: An entertaining episode, even if it didn’t have a must-see match. I love seeing some outsiders like C4 and Sean Legacy making their way here. We need to see more of Notorious Mimi here, too. Clancy-Holliday earns best match, even though I felt the ending was pretty obvious based on the rules of the match. I’ll go with Ichiban/Tyree vs. C4 for second, and the show-opener Max-Kylon for third. Max Caster brings the star power and I just like how different his character is in Wrestling Open.


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