By Jason Powell, Editor (@prowrestlingnet)
WWE King and Queen of the Ring
Streamed live May 25, 2024 on Peacock
Jeddah, Saudi Arabia at the Jeddah Super Dome
WWE King and Queen of the Ring Pre-Show
-Kayla Braxton was the host and the panel featured Wade Barrett, Big E, and Kevin Owens.
-Michael Cole and Corey Graves were on commentary. Ring announcer Mike Rome delivered the introductions for the pre-show match. The challengers made their entrance together, while the champions made separate entrances.
1. Jade Cargill and Bianca Belair vs. Candice LeRae and Indi Hartwell for the WWE Women’s Tag Team Titles. Belair sold the storyline knee injury that she suffered during the Queen of the Ring tournament. All four wrestlers wore gear that covered their arms and legs, and referee Jessika Carr also had her arms covered. The heels isolated Belair and the fans chanted in support of Belair.
Jade took a hot tag and performed Stinger Splashes on both opponents in opposite corners. Jade performed a sit-out powerbomb on Hartwell and had her beat, but LeRae broke up the pin. The heels battled back. Hartwell draped Cargill over the middle rope and held her while LeRae executed a clunky springboard moonsault onto Cargill, which led to a two count.
LeRae hit Cargill with a missile dropkick, which sent Cargill into her corner where she was able to make the tag. Belair took out LeRae’s knee with a chop block and then tossed her to Cargill, who held her while Belair performed a DDT. Cargill held onto LeRae, who was kicked upward by Belair into a cyclone suplex. Belair covered LeRae and scored the pin…
Jade Cargill and Bianca Belair defeated Candice LeRae and Indi Hartwell in 8:05 to retain the WWE Women’s Tag Team Titles.
Powell’s POV: A crowd pleasing pre-show match. Cole pointed out on commentary that the champions used a new combination of moves as opposed to performing either Jaded or the KOD, so they are trying to play up the idea that Cargill and Belair are progressing as a team.
-U.S. Champion Logan Paul was interviewed in the backstage area by Byron Saxton. Paul said everyone loves him and he doesn’t have imposter syndrome. He pointed to becoming a boxer and being in the ring with Floyd Mayweather Jr. Paul said everyone has doubted him his whole life and he would show everyone why he belongs in WWE and on top.
WWE King and Queen of the Ring Main Card
Michael Cole and Corey Graves were on commentary. Shots aired of various wrestlers arriving at the venue. Cole noted that it was 92 degrees outside the venue and 75 degrees inside the domed venue… A King and Queen of the Ring video package aired…
Becky Lynch made her entrance for the Women’s World Championship match. The Arabic broadcast team checked in from their desk, which as next to Cole and Graves’ desk. Liv Morgan made her entrance…
1. Becky Lynch vs. Liv Morgan for the Women’s World Championship. Mike Rome delivered in-ring introductions for the title match. Both wrestlers and referee Aja Smith had their arms and legs covered. Graves noted that Dominik Mysterio shown backstage on the pre-show.
Lynch got off to a fast start, but Morgan held onto the ropes when Lynch went for a move and then took offensive control briefly. Lynch fired back, but Morgan put Lynch down with a clothesline. Later, both women went for simultaneous clotheslines and then stayed down momentarily.
Graves questioned whether the temperature was really 75 degrees inside the venue, then stated later that he felt like he had lost four pounds since they went on the air. Meanwhile, Lynch executed a Becksploder suplex. Morgan went to the floor. Lynch performed a baseball slide dropkick.
Lynch got Morgan back inside the ring and then went up top, but Morgan cut her off. Morgan joined Lynch on the ropes, but Lynch knocked her down and then hit her with a top rope missile dropkick that led to a two count. Lynch set up for a Disarmer, but Morgan countered by rolling her up for a two count.
Morgan performed a variation of the Codebreaker and covered Lynch for another two count. Lynch came right back and got a two count of her own. Lynch went up top and had to roll through a planned double stomp. Morgan hit Lynch with a second rope missile dropkick and covered her for a two count.
Lynch stuffed Morgan’s Oblivion attempt and slammed her to the mat and covered her for another two count. Lynch went for a Manhandle Slam, but Morgan rolled her up for two. Lynch reversed the pin a two count of her own. Morgan hit Lynch with a step-up enzuigiri and then got a near fall.
Lynch put Morgan in an armbar. Morgan rolled onto Lynch and got a two count, which forced Lynch to break the hold. Morgan applied a submission hold of her own, but Lynch rolled out of it and then applied the Disarmer. Lynch was distracted by something at ringside.
Dominik Mysterio appeared at ringside with his arm in a sling. In the ring, Lynch went for a Manhandle Slam, but Morgan hit her with a Codebreaker for a near fall. Morgan went up top and was cut off by Lynch, who executed a superplex.
Dom slid a chair inside the ring toward Lynch while the referee checked on Morgan. Dom climbed on the apron and distracted the referee while Morgan performed a DDT onto the chair. Morgan followed up with Oblivion and then pinned Lynch to win the title.
Liv Morgan defeated Becky Lynch in 16:25 to win the Women’s World Championship.
Cole and Graves called Dom an idiot while claiming that Dom was trying to help Lynch rather than Morgan. Dom acted like he was disappointed when he watched Morgan leave with the championship…
Powell’s POV: I’m not a fan of the broadcast team having to ignore multiple background shots on Raw that showed interaction between Dom and Morgan in recent weeks. The viewers are aware of those shots, yet now the broadcast team has to act oblivious. The actual match was enjoyable and I like the idea of what seems to be another step toward Dom and Morgan forming an on-air partnership.
After video packages and ads, Chad Gable and Otis made their entrance. Gable told Otis to remember what he told him to do when the time was right. The fans chanted “you suck” to Gable’s music and continued once it stopped playing. Bronson Reed made his entrance and the broadcast team acknowledged the QR codes that have been appearing during various WWE shows. A brief video aired that recapped Sami Zayn’s appearance at last year’s Night of Champions event and then he made his entrance dressed in a thawb, which he removed once he was inside the ring…
2. Sami Zayn vs. Bronson Reed vs. Chad Gable (w/Otis) in a Triple Threat for the Intercontinental Championship. Zayn threw punches at Gable. Reed pulled Zayn away and then took shots at both opponents. Reed pressed Gable over his head, but Gable slipped away and rolled to ringside. Reed followed Gable to the floor. Zayn dove over the top rope onto Reed and then Gable hit Zayn.
Gable and Zayn returned to the ring where Zayn mounted Gable in the corner and threw punches at him. Reed returned and knocked Gable down. Reed set up for a move on Gable. Zayn jumped off the top rope and was caught by Reed, who performed an awkward double team move that resulted in Zayn landing on Gable.
Moments later, Gable got Zayn in the ring apron skirting and threw punches at him. Cole said that this was Gable’s first PLE match in 14 months. Zayn sent both opponents to ringside and hit them with a flip dive. Back in the ring, Gable performed a sunset bomb on Reed for a two count.
Zayn failed to power up Reed for a Blue Thunder Bomb. Reed positioned Zayn on the top turnbuckle. Gable returned and chop blocked Reed from behind. Gable went to the ropes, but Reed recovered and was the bottom man in a tower of doom spot.
Reed went for a top rope moonsault that Zayn avoided. Gable hit a top rope moonsault on Reed and had him pinned, but Zayn broke it up at the last moment. The fans sang the Ole song for Zayn, who put Reed down with a tornado DDT and had him pinned until Gable broke it up.
Gable put Zayn in an ankle lock. Zayn teased tapping and nearly reached the ropes, but Gable pulled him to the middle of the ring and grapevined him. Reed approached Gable, who released the ankle lock on Zayn and put Reed in the same hold. Zayn put Gable in an ankle lock.
Once both holds were released, Zayn performed a Blue Thunder Bomb on Reed for a near fall. Reed came back and put both opponents on his shoulders and then performed a double Samoan Drop. Gable and Zayn rolled to the floor and then Reed hit them with a suicide dive. There was a small “holy shit” chant followed by a brief “this is awesome” chant.
Reed rolled Zayn back inside the ring and went for a move that Zayn avoided. Zayn went for a Helluva Kick, but Gable cut him off and performed a pair of German suplexes. Zayn blocked Gable’s attempt for a third and then hit him with two German suplexes. As Zayn set up for a third, Reed grabbed him from behind. Gable slipped behind Reed and performed a double German suplex.
Gable told Otis that now was the time once Reed was at ringside. Otis knocked Reed down. The referee could only watch because there are no disqualifications in a Triple Threat match. Gable tossed Zayn to the floor and told Otis to hit him. Otis was hesitant.
Gable went to ringside and scolded Otis. Gable grabbed Zayn from behind and told Otis to hit Zayn. Otis wound up to do so and then stopped. Gable slapped Zayn and told him to wake up. Gable held Zayn and then Otis got a running start and threw a clothesline that Zayn ducked and Gable took. Zayn returned to the ring and hit Reed with a Helluva Kick and then covered him for the win.
Sami Zayn defeated Bronson Reed and Chad Gable in 13:40 in a Triple Threat to retain the Intercontinental Championship.
After the match, Zayn celebrated while Gable glared at Otis at ringside…
Powell’s POV: A fun match. Zayn was very over with the live crowd. The Otis portion of the match was along the lines of what one would expect in terms of Otis showing hesitation when it came to hitting Zayn and then taking out Gable in a way that gave him plausible deniability. The only thing I didn’t care for was that all of this took a long time yet somehow Reed was still woozy and unable to avoid the Helluva Kick. That said, it was a good match and I like that they didn’t pull the trigger on Otis leaving Gable. In fact, this should add to the fun of Otis being a sympathetic figure while they continue the build to him finally snapping on Gable.
The video package aired for the two-night SummerSlam 2026 being held in Minneapolis, Minnesota at U.S. Bank Stadium. At ringside, the broadcast team played up the mystery of where the 2025 SummerSlam will take place and then they recapped the pre-show match while highlights were shown…
Backstage, Byron Saxton congratulated Jade Cargill and Bianca Belair for successfully defending the WWE Women’s Tag Team Titles during the pre-show. They spoke about beating Candice LeRae and Indi Hartwell. Cargill said they were “giving out work” and told anyone who wanted to challenge them to “come apply”…
Cole said the Queen of the Ring final was up next. A video package recapped the King and Queen of the Ring tournaments while ads aired for Peacock’s ad-based subscribers…
“The Street Profits” Montez Ford and Angelo Dawkins were shown seated in the crowd with B-Fab… Nia Jax made her entrance while Cole read a tweet from the first Queen of the Ring Zelina Vega, who wrote about being excited to watch the match. Lyra Valkyra made her entrance dressed in all black and she had wings as part of her raven themed gear…
3. Lyra Valkyria vs. Nia Jax in the Queen of the Ring tournament final. The wrestlers and female referee had their arms and legs covered. Valkyria sent Jax to ringside and hit (more like grazed) her with a dropkick through the ropes. Jax shoved Valkyria into the apron. Back in the ring, Valkyria went for a tornado DDT that Jax avoided. Valkyria put Jax in a sleeper, but Jax broke the hold and tossed Valkyria to the mat.
Jax splashed Valkyria in the corner and then dropped an elbow on her lower back before covering her for a two count. Jax got the better of Valkyria while Cole laid it on thick by saying that anyone who didn’t think the match would go this way was a fool.
Valkyria came back with a jawbreaker and then threw kicks at Jax and capped it off with a step-up enzuigiri. Valkyria ran the ropes and was scooped up and hit with a Samoan Drop, which led to a two count for Jax. Valkyria rallied briefly, but Jax caught her going for a dropkick through the ropes. Valkyria hit Jax with a bulldog on the floor. Cole assumed that the match would continue if both women were counted out.
Back in the ring, Valkyria threw a missile dropkick that once again grazed Jax. Valkyria performed a tornado DDT for a two count. Jax came back with another Samoan Drop. Jax brought Valkyria to the corner and went to the ropes, but Valkyria stood up and kicked Jax, who ended up hanging from the ropes. Valkyria hit Jax with a running dropkick and then got a two count.
Valkyria went up top and performed a leg drop to the back of Jax’s head and then covered her for two. Jax came back with a splash in the corner. Jax hoisted Valkyria on her shoulders and then climbed to the middle rope. Valkyria slipped off of Jax and went for a sunset bomb, but Jax countered into an Annihilator and scored the pin…
Nia Jax defeated Lyra Valkyria in 9:40 to win the Queen of the Ring tournament to earn a shot at the WWE Women’s Championship at SummerSlam.
Paul “Triple H” Levesque entered the ring holding the Queen of the Ring crown. Levesque hugged Jax and spoke to her. Jax took a knee and then Levesque placed the crown on her head. They shared another hug before Levesque raised her arm. Kayla Braxton entered the ring. Jax told her to save the congratulations because she didn’t need it. She said the fans would become even angrier because she would become the WWE Women’s Champion at SummerSlam. A small batch of pyro shot off while Jax looked into the camera with the crown on her head…
Powell’s POV: The match was laid out well in terms of Valkyria throwing caution to the wind and throwing everything she could at Jax. Unfortunately, there were a few hiccups with some of Valkyria’s offense not making much contact. I like the call of going with Jax. Valkyria made a good first impression on the main roster by making it to the finals, but actually winning the tournament felt like it would have too much too soon for her.
An ad aired for NXT Battleground, which will be held on Sunday, June 9 in Las Vegas at the UFC Apex… The broadcast team recapped Liv Morgan beating Becky Lynch to win the WWE Women’s Championship in the opening match. The broadcast team continued to play up the idea that Dominik Mysterio’s interference backfired…
Backstage, Byron Saxton spoke while Becky Lynch was barking at Dominik Mysterio in the background. Lynch joined Saxton and said she didn’t know what happened or who was with who, but she has a rematch clause in her contract. Lynch said she will get her rematch on Monday’s Raw…
Wade Barrett hosted a video package on the King of the Ring finals… Tiffany Stratton and Carmelo Hayes were shown in the crowd in separate locations…
Gunther made his entrance and was not accompanied by Ludwig Kaiser. Graves said his father took him and his brother (Sam Adonis) to the 1994 King of the Ring in Baltimore. He said they were in the last row while they watched Owen Hart win the tournament and now he has the best seat in the house.
Randy Orton made his entrance to a big reaction from the live crowd. The fans sang the chorus of Orton’s entrance song. Graves said it seemed like the fans in Lyon, France started a trend. Cole noted that Orton has never won the King of the Ring crown. Orton stopped at ringside and looked at the KOTR crown that was on a podium next to the broadcast table…
4. Gunther vs. Randy Orton in the King of the Ring tournament final. Cole said the only time the KOTR winner was given a shot at the world title was when Brock Lesnar won in 2002 and went on to win the championship. The fans sang the Ole song once the bell rang and a lot of fans waved their cellphones lights in the air.
Gunther backed Orton into a corner to start and gave him a clean break. An “RKO” chant started. Orton looked at the fans and they popped big. The wrestlers locked up again. Orton backed Gunther into the corner and they mixed it up a bit while the referee struggled to pull them apart.
Orton, who had his left knee wrapped, wrenched Gunther’s arm and eventually took him down with a side headlock. Gunther backed Orton into a corner of the ring and then lit him up with a chop. Orton walked to the middle of the ring and winced after taking a chop. Gunther hit him with a third chop, which made Orton angry.
Orton blocked a chop and then hit Gunther with punches and eventually knocked him down with an uppercut. Orton mounted Gunther in the corner and threw more punches at him. Gunther came back and went for a powerbomb that Orton avoided. Orton went for an RKO, but Gunther stuffed it. Orton sold his back, which Gunther targeted with kicks.
Gunther continued to exploit the back injury and then went to the ropes and motioned for the crowd, which drew good heat. Gunther put Orton in an armbar and the production crew used the opportunity to zoom in on the welts on Orton’s chest from the early chops. Gunther performed a backbreaker and covered Orton for a two count.
Gunther bodyslammed Orton and then played to the crowd. Cole said he wasn’t trying to take anything away from Sami Zayn, but he still believes his win over Gunther at WrestleMania was a fluke. Ouch. Gunther went for a suplex that Orton blocked. Gunther stuffed Orton’s suplex attempt. Eventually, Orton suplexed Gunther.
Gunther struck the back of Orton and then chopped his chest. Gunther ran the ropes and ate a clothesline. Orton threw another clothesline. Orton went for a powerslam, but Gunther held the ropes. Orton sold his knee when he hit the mat. Gunther dropped Orton with a clothesline and covered him for a near fall.
Orton battled back and hit a powerslam. Gunther rolled under the ropes. Orton grabbed him and hit him with a Draping DDT. Orton sold his back and then nodded while looking to the crowd. Orton stood up and played to the crowd before striking the Viper’s Pose.
Orton went for an RKO, but Gunther shoved him off and then bodyslammed him. Gunther went up top and slipped, yet still hit Orton with a splash for a near fall. Gunther went up top and rolled through when Orton avoided another splash attempt. When Gunther stood up, Orton hit him with RKO. Orton sold his injuries and slowly crawled toward Gunther, who rolled under the ropes and then to the floor to avoid being pinned.
Orton went to ringside and dumped Gunther on the English broadcast table twice. Orton returned to the ring to break the count. When he went back to the floor. Gunther shoved him so that his back collided with the side of the ring. Gunther chopped Orton and a “this is awesome” chant broke out.
Gunther set up for a powerbomb, but Orton backdropped him on the floor. Orton picked up Gunther and dumped him on the broadcast table for the third time. Orton rolled Gunther back inside the ring. Orton sold his injuries while slowly getting back on the apron.
When Orton tried to go through the ropes, Gunther dropkicked his bad knee. Orton threw kicks to Orton’s bad knee and then dropped a knee on it. Gunther put Orton in a half crab, which Cole said would hurt Orton’s knee and back. Orton rolled onto his back and kicked Gunther away. Gunther kicked Orton and reapplied the hold.
Orton reached the ropes to break the hold. When both men stood up, Orton hit Gunther with an RKO. Orton covered Gunther while selling his bad knee. Gunther kicked out and then hooked Orton in a pin and got the three count…
Gunther defeated Randy Orton in 21:50 to win the King of the Ring tournament to earn a shot at the World Heavyweight Championship at SummerSlam.
After the match, Paul Levesque entered the ring and shook Gunther’s hand before handing him the KOTR crown. Levesque raised Gunther’s arm and then Gunther raised the crown over his head while Mike Rome introduced him as the King of the Ring. Orton was shown being helped to the back.
Byron Saxton entered the ring and asked Gunther how it felt to be king. A small “you deserve it” chant broke out. Gunther said that was very nice, but what he does or does not deserve is none of the fans’ business. Gunther said the Apex Predator became the prey for the Ring General, who became the King of the Ring and will become the World Heavyweight Champion at SummerSlam…
Powell’s POV: No flips, no dives, no over the top moves. The action was mostly slow paced and I loved it. The only major flaw was unfortunately big in that one of Orton’s shoulders was up while he was being pinned. By the way, I love the call to have the tournament winners get title shots at SummerSlam and I felt it added a bit of mystery to both tournament finals.
An video aired for WWE Crown Jewel on Saturday, November 2 in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia…
Paul Levesque was interviewed backstage by Kayla Braxton. Levesque congratulated Liv Morgan for winning the Women’s World Championship and also congratulated the tournament winners. Levesque announced that Drew McIntyre has been cleared to return to the ring and Damian Priest agreed to face him. Levesque announced Priest vs. McIntyre for the World Heavyweight Championship on Saturday, June 15 at WWE Clash at the Castle in Glasgow, Scotland…
The broadcast team spoke about upcoming major events. Cole once again wondered where SummerSlam 2025 would be held…
Footage aired of Logan Paul warming up in a ring, and then a separate shot aired of Cody Rhodes taping his hand… A video package set up the main event while ad-based subscribers saw advertisements on Peacock…
Piper Niven and Chelsea Green were shown seated together in the crowd, and then LA Knight was shown in another area in the crowd… Mike Rome stood in the ring and introduced Ibrahim Al Hajjaj as the guest ring announcer…
Logan Paul made his entrance. Cole showed off the brass knuckles that Paul gave him to show he wouldn’t use them during the main event. He told the story of Paul having a second pair of brass knuckles on Smackdown. Graves claimed that Paul wore his brother Jake’s Prada pants and was unaware of the brass knuckles being inside a pocket. Funny. Cody Rhodes made his entrance…
5. Cody Rhodes vs. U.S. Champion Logan Paul for the WWE Championship. Ibrahim Al Hajjaj delivered in-ring introductions for the title match. Ryan Tran was the referee. Cole played up Paul having a titanium plate in his right hand and said he doesn’t need the brass knuckles.
Cody did his dropdown for an uppercut from the mat, but Paul blocked the punch and slammed Cody’s hand on the mat. Cody stood up and both men traded uppercuts. Cody got the better of it and hoisted up Paul in suplex position, slingshot him off the top rope, and dropped him face first on the mat with a gourdbuster.
Both wrestlers ended up at ringside where Paul ran Cody into the steps. Paul looked at Cole and said no brass knuckles needed. Back inside the ring, Paul picked up Rhodes in powerbomb position and intentionally leaned back and had Cody land face first on the mat. Paul threw punches at Cody’s side, then performed a standing moonsault and got a two count.
Paul went to the ropes and was cut off by Cody, who joined him on the ropes. Paul knocked Cody off with a punch, but Cody ran up the ropes and performed an arm drag that pulled Paul off the ropes. Cody sold rib pain and held his side while throwing punches with his other arm. Paul put Cody in an octopus submission hold. The broadcast team said the move was made famous by Antonio Inoki. Graves said the move was made more famous by Paul. Funny.
Cody sent Paul to the apron and then hit him with a Disaster Kick. Cody sold his injured ribs and pounded on the mat. Cody teased a suicide dive, but he stopped short when Paul moved out of the way. Cody went to the floor and ran Paul into the barricade twice.
Cody grabbed a Prime bottle and slammed it over Paul’s head. Two of Paul’s buddies were at ringside. One of the men shoved Cody, who pulled him over the barricade. The other man handed Paul a pair of brass knuckles. Paul used the brass knuckles on Cody’s ribs.
Cole stood up and barked at Paul for using brass knuckles after claiming he would not. Cole called Paul a loser. Paul took offense and tried to go after Cole, but Graves stood between them. Cody dove onto Paul from the apron and then slammed his head off the broadcast table before rolling him back inside the ring.
Cody hit Paul with a Bionic Elbow and eventually put him in a Figure Four. Paul screamed that Cody was going to break his leg and then reached the ropes to break the hold. Paul begged the referee to get Cody off before Cody released the hold. Paul rolled to the apron and then hit Cody with a shoulder block through the ropes.
Paul went for a Buckshot Lariat that Cody avoided. Cody hit Paul with the Cody Cutter for a near fall. Cody set up for a Vertebreaker, but Paul countered into CrossRhodes for a near fall. Cody battled back and set up for CrossRhodes, but Paul avoided it and pushed Cody into the corner and then drove his shoulder into his injured ribs.
Paul tossed Cody to the floor and then followed and slammed his head on the Arabic announce table. Paul followed up by slamming Cody’s head on the English broadcast table before he cleared it. Paul looked at Graves, who told him to focus on the task at hand. Paul put Cody on the broadcast table and joined him. Paul set up for a Pedigree, but Cody fought out of it and then hopped onto the barricade and jumped backward to perform a Cody Cutter on the table that did not break.
Cody returned to the ring and the referee was about to count out Paul when Cody stopped him at nine. Cody said no count-outs. Cody went back to the floor and cleared the Arabic broadcast table. Paul dropped Cody with a punch to the head and then placed him on the Arabic broadcast table. Paul went up top and took a swig from a Prime bottle, which he tossed away before performing a frog splash that put Cody through the table.
Paul threw Cody back inside the ring. Paul went up top and performed another frog splash for a near fall. Paul acted shocked that he didn’t get the pin and then expressed frustration. Paul picked up Cody and said, “I hate you.” Paul threw body shots at Cody and then ran him into the corner and charged, but Cody caught him with a kick.
Cody tried to whip Paul across the ring, but Paul reversed it and Cody collided with the referee. Paul went for a splash, but Cody moved and the referee took the splash. REF BUMP!!! Cody hit the Vertebreaker and got the visual pinfall while the referee was down. Cody checked on the referee and told him that they had to finish this.
Cody turned his attention to Paul, who hit him with a low blow. Paul pulled the brass knuckles out of his tights and waited for Cody to stand up. Guest ring announcer Ibrahim Al Hajjaj grabbed Paul’s leg and pulled him down. Paul kicked free, stood up, and tried to punch Cody, who blocked it and then hit Paul with three CrossRhodes. The referee recovered and counted the pin…
Cody Rhodes defeated Logan Paul in 24:20 to retain the WWE Championship.
After the match, Cody went to ringside and thanked Ibrahim Al Hajjaj for his help and then raised his arm. Cody stood on the barricade and played to the live crowd while Cole said goodnight to the PLE audience. Cody returned to the ring and kissed the mat. A video package recapped the event…
Powell’s POV: A fun main event. There wasn’t much mystery regarding the outcome, but they did their best to create some suspenseful moments. I could have done without the guest ring announcer’s involvement, though I assumed it meant something to the locals who reacted favorably to him.
Overall, a good show from start to finish. The title change and the tournament winners made the show feel newsworthy. I will have a lot more to say when Jake Barnett and I team up for a same day audio review of WWE King and Queen of the Ring for Dot Net Members (including our Patreon patrons). Let us know what you thought of the show by grading the event and voting for the best match below.
Join me for my live review of AEW Double Or Nothing on Sunday night.
Yeah, those catsuits the women are wearing (including Chelsea last night)are hardly revealing or suggestive… (/s)
Zero mystery here. No doubt regarding the outcome on any of the matches. No build either. If this were tomorrow night it would be highlighted massively.
Logan to win
Becky to win
Jade/bianca to lose
Randy to win
Lyra to win
Becky lost. Ooooops
Jade and Bianca also won, his certain predictions are great
Well, at least Lyr—
Oops. Nope.
Well he got Ran…. Oh no wrong again. Honestly to get 4/4 wrong on 50/50 choices is pretty impressive
The complaints about AEW’s predictability is primarily about their television shows featuring needlessly long and overly competitive matches with zero mystery regarding the outcome. It’s not a common complaint about their pay-per-view matches.
Did he make all these wrong predictions on purpose?
Seemed pretty obvious at the time. I couldn’t believe anyone was taking it seriously.
Could not have picked a worse winner of the Queen of the Ring. Nia is a big nothing when it comes to working and personality. Would have rather seen her lose to Becky and have Liv win the Crown and beat Becky at Summerslam.
Let me make the alternative case.
Nia gets to be “Queen” for a couple of years at least. A title that almost never changes hands.
Which means Nia can remain built up as a “big deal” without having to constantly be in the picture for actual belts.
And ultimately, based on what we’ve heard behind the scenes, Nia has been a good force in the locker room and is *not* the injury machine she was in her previous run.
(Agreed, talking is not her strong suit. Let her mass and action speak for her.)
I think we will be getting a K and QOTR every year going forward for at least a while. I don’t get why they have never given Nia a mouthpiece. Just give her the Leanar treatment and give her someone like Heyman so she can just look big and mean.
Lyra had talent to burn. But her presentation is the pits
It’s amazing how different things are when top tier pros like Orton and Gunther get in the ring compared to everything before them.
Let me guess.
Summerslam ’25 will be in Saudi Arabia.
I’m a Gunther fan but Randy should have won tonight. He deserves to capture every title that WWE offers. Also, there is a lot of history with he and Cody that good have been used to build the match. I also don’t want Gunther to lose st Summerslam but think it’s too soon for Cody to lose to him.
They are always just one RKO out of nowhere away from a Randy vs. Cody match.
Won’t Gunther be going after the world heavyweight championship since he is on RAW?
Gunther’s challenging Priest or McIntyre at Summerslam.
The Gunther/Orton match was fantastic up until the ending which killed it, you could tell the fans in attendance even noticed …even in the replay which wasn’t the original angle, you could tell the shoulder was up….really bad oops. I’d presume they are trying to get back to their pre Rumble plans of having Lesnar face Gunther at some point presumably at the bash in Berlin, but we’ll see.
Atleast Graves brought up the finish after the match though..
Hey Jason
Someone hacked your poll. No way that 68 people said this was an “F” but only 45 total people voted for best match
This show was fine. C+ / B- range. A lot of these secondary PLEs feel like house shows. Not that there is anything wrong with it when they are essentially Free on Peacock
AEW fan revenge for the WWE fans who vote F for everything they do? Anti-Saudi show fans? It’s a holiday weekend. Time to enjoy it!
That would be assuming AEW has 68 fans left
Sorry that was mean. I take it back
I can’t put into words how disappointed I am, that Nia Jax didn’t once again yell “My hole, my hole”, when she landed rump first on the ring apron.
hahahhaha. Yes!
I don’t understand the push for Lyra. Her matches do not engage, she misses a lot, and you can see her thinking about the next move versus being present.
Reminds me a lot of Ruby Riott/Soho. It literally looks like she’s counting her steps, like learning dance moves, as she starts to do each move.