AEW Dynamite results (3/27): Powell’s live review of Swerve Strickland vs. Konosuke Takeshita, Will Ospreay vs. Katsuyori Shibata, two AEW Tag Team Title tournament quarterfinal matches

By Jason Powell, Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

AEW Dynamite (Episode 234)
Quebec City, Quebec at Centre Videotron
Aired live March 27, 2024 on TBS

[Hour One] The Dynamite opening aired… Pyro shot off on the stage and then the broadcast team of Excalibur, Taz, and Tony Schiavone checked in. Ring announcer Justin Roberts delivered the introductions for the opening match. Will Ospreay made his entrance to a strong reaction from the crowd. Katsuyori Shibata was out next to a tamer reaction…

1. Will Ospreay vs. Katsuyori Shibata. The broadcast team told the story that Shibata dominated Ospreay on the mat in their first meeting and would look to do the same in this match. Ospreay performed a dropkick on a seated Shibata, who ended up at ringside. Ospreay dove from the ring onto Shibata on the floor.

Ospreay rolled Shibata back inside the ring. Shibata ran the ropes and caught Ospreay with a kick to the head as Ospreay was attempting to return to the ring. Shibata went to the floor and blasted Ospreay with a forearm strike and then suplexed him. Shibata returned to the ring and sat down crosslegged. Shibata was in offensive control heading into a picture-in-picture break. [C]

Shibata caught Ospreay with another kick at ringside coming out of the break. Ospreay came back with a leap off the barricade and an elbow strike. Back in the ring, Ospreay performed a springboard forearm. Shibata came up holding the back of his head after it hit the mat hard.

Shibata stood up and took forearm shots from Ospreay. Shibata responded by dropped Ospreay with just one of his own. Shibata caught Ospreay with a kick in the corner and threw more. Shibata followed up with a dropkick on a seated Ospreay in the corner.

Shibata put Ospreay in an octopus hold and went for a suplex, but Ospreay landed on his feet. Both men traded suplexes. Ospreay went for a springboard move, but Shibata caught him and went for an STF, but Ospreay reached the bottom rope to break the hold.

Shibata dropped Ospreay with a kick. Shibata followed up with more until Ospreay caught his leg. Ospreay fired up and threw elbow strikes until Shibata dazed him with a single shot. Shibata dropped Ospreay with a strike, but Ospreay kipped up and connected with an enzuigiri.

Shibata ducked a Hidden Blade and then applied a sleeper hold, which led to a supelx. Shibata reapplied the sleeper. Ospreay eventually battled back and caught Shibata with an OsCutter. Ospreay went for the pin, but Shibata kicked out at one.

Shibata put Ospreay down and covered him, but Ospreay kicked out at one. Ospreay connected with an elbow strike for a two count. Ospreay performed a Tiger Driver. Shibata sat up crosslegged and then Ospreay hit him with the Hidden Blade and scored the pin.

Will Ospreay defeated Katsuyori Shibata in 18:55.

After the match, Ospreay dropped to his knees and bowed to Shibata, who returned the favor…

Powell’s POV: A very good match. I still think AEW would be wise to feature Ospreay in some showcase matches to establish his moveset for fans who didn’t follow his overseas work. The OsCutter is a great move and yet we’ve seen Kyle Fletcher and now Shibata kick out like it was nothing after taking it. That said, Ospreay was over big with this live crowd and continues to look like he has face of the company potential.

A Bryan Danielson video package aired…

Footage aired from earlier in the night of Renee Paquette interviewing Matthew Jackson and Nicholas Jackson in the backstage area. Nicholas acted annoyed by Paquette and said he wanted Alex Marvez to conduct the interview and also claimed Marvez is better looking than Paquette. Funny.

Matthew said they returned to AEW with the goal of retiring Sting and he claimed they did that. He also said they wanted to restructure The Elite and brought in Kazuchika Okada. Matthew said Okada won the Continental Championship by himself and added that they told him to stay in the back and chill during their match.

Matthew spoke about beating Private Party to advance in the tournament and stated that lightning never strikes twice in reference to their previous loss to Private Party. Matthew suggested that Paquette smile more often… [C]

Footage aired of a red Ferrari arriving in the parking lot. Kazuchika Okada exited the car and put his title belt over his shoulder… Entrances for the first tag team match took place. The AEW Tag Team Title belts were on a podium at ringside. Highlights were shown of Private Party beating the Young Bucks on October 19, 2019 in the tournament that crowned the first AEW Tag Team Champions…

2. “The Young Bucks” Matthew Jackson and Nicholas Jackson vs. “Private Party” Marq Quen and Isiah Kassidy in an AEW Tag Team Title tournament quarterfinal match. Quen and Kassidy cleared the Bucks from the ring with kicks and then hit them with stereo suicide dives. Nicholas caught Kassidy with a kick from the apron.

Nicholas and Quen fought on top of the ringside barricade. Nicholas got the better of it and performed a Falcon Arrow off the barricade to the ringside mat. Kazuchika Okada was shown watching the match backstage. The Bucks were in control heading into a PIP break. [C]

Kassidy performed an Asai moonsault on Nicholas and then hit a springboard crossbody block on Matthew for a near fall. The crowd started chanting “please don’t go.” Taz acknowledged it and said he had no idea who they were talking about.

The Bucks set up for their finisher, but Kassidy grabbed the leg of Nicholas and Quen rolled Matthew into a pin for a two count. Private Party hit More Bang For Your Buck on Matthew, but Nicholas broke up the pin. Nicholas grabbed the ring bell and returned to the ring with it.

Referee Rick Knox stopped Nicholas from using the bell and then missed Matthew kicking Kassidy in the balls. Kassidy still battled back and had Matthew pinned, but Knox missed Nicholas putting Kassidy’s foot over the bottom rope. Quen tagged in and ended up taking the EVP Trigger, which led to both Bucks pinning him simultaneously…

“The Young Bucks” Matthew Jackson and Nicholas Jackson defeated “Private Party” Marq Quen and Isiah Kassidy in 13:30 to advance to the semifinals of the AEW Tag Team Title tournament.

After the match, Okada was shown watching and nodding in approval in the backstage area. The updated brackets were shown. The Bucks will face the winners of the tournament match that will be held later in the show…

Powell’s POV: An enjoyable match until usual nonsense with Knox being made to look like the most incompetent referee in the history of professional wrestling. I remember wondering if they were going to have Knox play a heel referee like Danny Davis during the first year of Dynamite. All this time later and they still book him to look like a fool. I just don’t get it.

Excalibur pushed AEW action figures while the camera showed a few on the broadcast table… A Konosuke Takeshita video package aired with Don Callis doing the talking…

Mercedes Mone exited a black SUV after it arrived in the building… [C] Darby Allin and Tony Hawk were featured in a video at a skate park. Darby said he was going to climb Mount Everest for Hawk’s The Skate Park charity, but he broke his foot. Hawk spoke about the charity. Allin, who was on crutches, encouraged viewers to visit if they wanted to help out…

Backstage, Renee Paquette interviewed Chris Jericho and Hook. Jericho said Hook exceeded all expectations during their match and he was proud of him. Jericho said he never had a wrestling school or managed anyone, but he was willing to give Hook any advice he wanted. Hook told Jericho that he appreciated and said he would take his advice. Hook added that he also knows who Jericho is. Jericho said he knows who Hook is and who he can be. They bumped fists…

Mercedes Mone made her entrance and joined the broadcast team.

[Hour Two] Entrances for the women’s four-way took place…

3. Kris Statlander vs. Skye Blue vs. Anna Jay vs. Willow Nightingale in a four-way for a shot at the TBS Title at AEW Dynasty. Stokely Hathaway was at ringside for Statlander and Nightingale. Mercedes was asked if she blames Willow for the foot injury she suffered when they met in an NJPW match. Mone said she doesn’t trust her smile and has a lot of questions for her. Willow knocked Blue down with a Pounce at ringside. Mone stood up and had a brief staredown with Willow heading into a PIP break. [C]

Taz asked Mercedes if there was anyone in the match who she would like to meet in her first AEW match. Mone essentially said she liked what she saw from all four. Willow hit Jay with a nice missile dropkick and then squared off with Statlander, but they were interrupted by Blue, who ended up shoving Willow into Statlander. Willow gave Blue a Death Valley Driver on the apron. Back in the ring, Willow hit the Doctor Bomb on Jay and pinned her.

Willow Nightingale defeated Kris Statlander, Skye Blue, and Anna Jay in a four-way in 9:50 to earn a shot at the TBS Title at AEW Dynasty.

After the match, Julia Hart ran in and hit Willow from behind with the TBS Title belt. Hart looked at Mone, who got to her feet and watched from the floor while Hart held up her title belt. Statlander and Hathaway checked on Willow. Excalibur felt the need to let us know that Tony Khan had made the Hart vs. Willow match official for Dynasty even though it was made official by Willow winning the four-way…

Powell’s POV: Willow was the obvious winner given the recent focus on her issues with Mercedes, who didn’t add much on commentary aside from her star power. Ospreay is having banger style matches on television, Okada already won a title, and there’s still no indication as to when Mercedes will make her AEW debut.

Backstage, Dustin Rhodes was interviewed by Paquette. Dustin said everyone on the roster is very talented and he’s had bangers throughout his five years in the company. Dustin said that at age 55, he’s as passionate as he’s ever been. The Butcher interrupted. Dustin acted like Butch smelled. Butcher said his mustache has its own musk. Butcher challenged Dustin to a match on Rampage, which Dustin accepted. Dustin said everybody loves him, including Canada…

A black and white video aired with Toni Storm and Ben Mankiewicz on the set of Turner Classic movies. Mankiewicz once again declined to say Storm’s “tits out” line… [C]

A shot aired of the venue’s sign while Excalibur set up a video package on Swerve Strickland. Swerve said that once he gets past Konosuke Takeshita, he’ll get his one-on-one title match with AEW World Champion Samoa Joe…

Entrances for the next tournament match took place…

4. Orange Cassidy and Trent Beretta (w/Chuck Taylor) vs. Matt Taven and Mike Bennett (w/Roderick Strong) in an AEW Tag Team Title tournament quarterfinal match. Excalibur hyped the two tournament matches for Saturday’s AEW Collision along with Adam Copeland defended the TNT Title in an open challenge.

There was a clunky spot after Beretta put Bennet down. It looked like Taven slipped or hesitated when he was supposed to kick Beretta. Taven got up and threw the kick. Idiot referee Rick Knox argued with Cassidy while Bennett piledrove Beretta on the apron heading into a PIP break. [C]

Cassidy took a hot tag and performed Stundog Millionaire, but Taven took out Cassidy with Just The Tip. Taven and Bennett hit their Proton Pack finisher on Cassidy, which only led to a two count. A short time later, Cassidy performed a DDT on Taven and then Beretta took him out with a knee strike.

Strong climbed onto the apron. Taylor pulled Strong to the floor and then Strong hit Taylor. Cassidy hit Strong with a dive from the ring. Taven and Bennett set up for a spike piledriver, but idiot Knox missed Taylor crotching Taven on the turnbuckle and then turned around and counted the pin after Cassidy used a jackknife pin on Bennett…

Orange Cassidy and Trent Beretta defeated Matt Taven and Mike Bennett in 9:35 to advance to the semifinals of the AEW Tag Team Title tournament.

The updated brackets showed that the Young Bucks will face Cassidy and Beretta in the semifinals. The Best Friends trio was about to do their hug, but they stopped when they heard entrance music. Matthew Jackson and Nicholas Jackson walked onto the stage and were then lowered below the stage by the Codyvator…

Powell’s POV: Rick Knox is the early favorite to win MVP of the AEW Tag Team Title tournament. Good lord.

Kyle O’Reilly was interviewed by Paquette. O’Reilly said it felt good to rip off the bandaid when he made his return to the ring. Paquette asked if he had any second thoughts about doing things on his own. O’Reilly said he loved the guys in Undisputed Kingdom, but he did it alone last week and would do it alone again this week when he competes on AEW Collision… [C]

A video package spotlighted Adam Copeland beating Christian Cage in the I Quit match to win the TNT Title. Copeland spoke after the match and said it’s time for him to defend his title in a Cope Open Challenge…

Excalibur added Bryan Danielson, Claudio Castagnoli, and Katsuyori Shibata vs. Vincent, Dutch, and Lance Archer to the Collision lineup… Excalibur spoke about previously mentioned AEW Dynasty matches… Entrances for the main event took place…

5. Swerve Strickland (w/Prince Nana) vs. Konosuke Takeshita (w/Don Callis) to become No. 1 contender to the AEW World Championship. The wrestlers shook hands and then neither man released their grip, which led to the initial exchange. Callis joined the broadcast team. AEW World Champion Samoa Joe was shown watching the match on a backstage monitor.

Takeshita put Swerve down with a brainbuster. Takeshita threw elbows at Swerve, who was down in the corner. Swerve came back with a German suplex, but Takeshita no sold it and then blasted Swerve with a shot that sent him to ringside going into a PIP break. [C]

Swerve threw a combination of strikes, but he stopped before capping it off while selling the effects of the brainbuster. Swerve caught Takeshita on the ropes a short time later and put him down with a DDT. Swerve went up top and performed a corkscrew Swanton for a two count. A “this is awesome” chant broke out.

Takeshita came back with a Poison Rnaa and then a Blue Thunder Bomb, but he couldn’t put Swerve away. Swerve came back by spiking Takeshita with a DDT for a near fall.

[Overrun] Swerve went up top for his finisher, but Takeshita rolled to the apron. Swerve hit him with a Swerve Stomp anyway. Swerve pushed Takeshita back inside the ring while the fans chanted “holy shit.” Swerve went up top again and went for the same move, but Takeshita shot up and powerbombed him on the way down.

Swerve came right back, but then Takeshita hit a German suplex and a knee strike for a near fall. Excalibur said Don Callis was standing up and removing his headsets because he thought the match was over. Swerve eventually hit the House Call and then followed up with the Swerve Stomp and went for the pin, but Takeshita kicked out at two.

Swerve headbutted Takeshita, who came right back with a knee strike. Takeshita went for the popup powerbomb, but Swerve countered into a standing Swerve Stomp. Swerve followed up with the JML Driver and scored the pin.

Swerve Strickland defeated Konosuke Takeshita in 19:40 to become No. 1 contender for the AEW World Championship.

Schiavone said that was a five-star match if he ever saw one. God bless Taz, who said he doesn’t care about stars, but it was a great match…

Backstage, Paquette asked Joe about facing Swerve one-on-one. Joe said he would make Swerve understand what he’s asking for before he signs the contract next week. Swerve was shown celebrating his win while Nana danced behind him. Swerve stood on the middle rope with a chain around his neck and motioned for the title belt. Excalibur said Joe vs. Swerve for the AEW World Championship was official for AEW Dynasty…

Powell’s POV: A banger style match with a lot of kickouts following some big moves. It was very good for its style. I’m not sure why Takeshita was in a No. 1 contenders match when he lost to Will Ospreay at the last pay-per-view, but they obviously got it right with Swerve going over to get his title shot.

Overall, a good show with the weak points being the weak finishes to both tournament matches. I will be back later tonight with my weekly same night audio review of Dynamite for Dot Net Members (including our Patreon patrons). Let me know what you thought of the show by grading it below.

AEW Dynamite Poll: Grade the March 27 edition free polls


Readers Comments (10)

  1. Undisputed Kingdom entered to absolute 0 reaction. Did TK think Strong occasionally yelling out names would get this group over? Just end it.

    • THEGREATESTTHREE March 28, 2024 @ 1:44 am

      Is Ospreay part of the Don Callis family still? If so, why doesn’t he accompany him to the ring?

  2. Also, psychology was nonexistent in the Ospreay-Shibata match.

    • That’s because Ospreay is hilariously terrible. The guy literally does nothing but spam all his moves every match and sell almost nothing. He’s the poster child for what the AEW audience and dirtsheet writers love and what the vast majority of wrestling fans can’t stand.

  3. God bless Mercedes Mone. She’s making a ton of money to show up and talk a little bit and probably work a few matches before going back to WWE for one more run in front of actual crowds.

    I will give them credit for making the core of their current women’s division interesting despite themselves. Blue is the only one in that 4 way that doesn’t seem to have any real potential and Hart is a gem in small doses. If they could stop with insulting nonsense like Riho they might actually have something.

    Rick Knox is the referee equivalent of the Young Bucks. Nothing he does makes any sense and he belongs in a warehouse filled with 400 neckbeards in Reseda.

  4. And for a new faction that was supposed to be this threatening group when they first appeared after all that devil stuff they…really haven’t accomplished much. They couldn’t beat Trent and Cassidy, and even their attempts at cheating didn’t turn out in their favor. A heel group that rarely wins and can’t even CHEAT successfully is really hard to take seriously as any kind of threat.

  5. TheGreatestOne March 28, 2024 @ 9:45 am

    “Quen tagged in and ended up taking the EVP Trigger, which led to both Bucks pinning him simultaneously…”

    No mention of one of the Middle Aged Bucks completely botching their terrible finisher? There’s literally no way to miss it. The incompetent fuck fell down stepping backwards and threw his shitty knee 10 seconds after the first one connected.

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