WWE Raw results (10/30): Powell’s live review of Seth Rollins vs. JD McDonagh in a non-title match, Dominik Mysterio vs. Ricochet in a non-title match, DIY vs. Ludwig Kaiser and Giovanni Vinci

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

WWE Raw (Episode 1,588)
Greenville, South Carolina at Bon Secours Wellness Arena
Aired live October 30, 2023 on USA Network

[Hour One] Raw opened with Rhea Ripley, Dominik Mysterio, and JD McDonagh making their entrance while being introduced by ring announcer Samantha Irvin. Michael Cole and Wade Barrett checked in on commentary and hyped previously advertised matches and added Gunther on Miz TV.

Once in the ring, Ripley welcomed viewers to Raw and said it’s the show that Judgment Day runs. Ripley recalled Damian Priest taking out Cody Rhodes last week and said Dom would do the same when he faces Ricochet. Ripley said McDonagh would remind Seth Rollins what it’s like to be an enemy of the faction.

Ripley said Rollins and Drew McIntyre have decisions to make. She played up the idea that the person who chooses Judgment Day will walk out of Crown Jewel as the World Heavyweight Champion. Ripley said her five-way match at Crown Jewel is another opportunity prove her dominance.

Sami Zayn’s entrance theme interrupted Ripley and the crowd sang his entrance theme as he headed to the ring. Barrett said it didn’t work out well for Cody Rhodes, who was the last guy to interrupt Judgment Day. Zayn told Ripley that he wasn’t invited, but he’s sick of hearing Ripley talk about how Judgment Day has power, the championships, and runs Raw.

Zayn said people think that if you have power, you can rule with an iron fist. He said that if that’s the name of her game, that’s fine, but his name isn’t Sami Zayn it’s rebellion or resistance. He said he would fight the group four or five on one as long as he has a breath left in him until Judgment Day is no more.

Ripley laughed at Zayn and said he could resist all he wants, but they don’t need the numbers when it comes to him. Ripley suggested that Zayn go one-on-one with Damian Priest. Dom tried to speak and was booed. Dom told Ripley they should teach Zayn a lesson. Everyone dropped their mics and the heels moved toward Zayn.

Ricochet ran out and stood at Zayn’s side. Ripley had Dom and McDonagh back down. Zayn exited the ring. McDonagh charged Ricochet, who ducked, causing McDonagh to fly over the ropes to the floor. Dom ran at Ricochet and backed off when Ricochet spotted him. Cole indicated that the Dom vs. Ricochet match was up after the first commercial break… [C]

1. NXT North American Champion Dominik Mysterio (w/Rhea Ripley, JD McDonagh) vs. Ricochet. The match was joined in progress coming out of the break. Ricochet had a run of offense and performed a standing shooting star press, which led to a two count. Dom rolled to the floor. Ricochet ran the ropes and performed a crossbody block through the ropes onto Dom on the floor. [C]

Ricochet dominated the action and picked up a near fall after a top rope crossbody block. Ricochet went up top for his finisher. Ripley distracted the referee while McDonagh distracted Ricochet from the apron. Ricochet dove over McDonagh, who then ducked a superkick. Dom rolled up Ricochet through the ropes and used the ropes while holding Ricochet’s tights and got the three count…

NXT North American Champion Dominik Mysterio defeated Ricochet in a non-title match 11:20 of television time.

After the match, Ricochet superkicked McDonagh and then put Dom down with a Recoil. Ricochet went up top again, but Ripley pulled Dom to safety…

Powell’s POV: A good opener with the usual Judgment Day shenanigans. I wonder if this was about setting up Ricochet getting a measure of revenge when McDonagh faces Seth Rollins later in the show.

The broadcast team hyped that Dom would defend his title on NXT Halloween Havoc night two on Tuesday. Cole set up a video package on the DIY duo of Johnny Gargano and Tommaso Ciampa…

Powell’s POV: A weak video package in that it chronicled the recent DIY developments as opposed to getting into the actual history of the team. It’s a mistake to assume that the majority of Raw viewers are familiar with their story.

Alpha Academy’s Chad Gable, Otis, Maxinne Dupri, and Akira Tozawa made their entrance for a match against The Creed Brothers… [C]

A Raquel Rodriguez video package aired with her cutting a promo about the five-way match for the Women’s World Championship at Crown Jewel…

A video package aired on The Creed Brothers and then they made their entrance along with Ivy Nile…

2. Julius Creed and Brutus Creed (w/Ivy Nile) vs. Chad Gable and Otis (w/Maxxine Dupri, Akira Tozawa). It was noted that the Creeds accepted the open challenge issued by Gable and Otis. Julius held up Gable for a vertical suplex and then tagged his brother, passed Gable to him, and then Brutus finished off the suplex. A short time later, Gable and Otis executed suplexes on both opponents. [C]

Otis performed the Caterpillar on Julius and covered him, but Julius kicked out. Julius came back with a leaping knee strike. Brutus tagged in and the Creeds hit a series of moves that were capped off with Brutus executing a standing moonsault and going for a pin that Gable broke up. Julius and Gable tumbled the floor.

Brutus and Otis traded clothesline attempts that didn’t knock the other man down. Brutus jumped from the top rope and was caught by Otis, who power slammed him. Julius performed a 450 splash onto Otis to break up the pin. Gable followed up with a moonsault onto the pile.

Nile and Dupri bickered at ringside. Tozawa tried to play peacemaker, but Nile German suplexed him on the floor. In the ring, Julius hoisted up Gable on his shoulders and then Brutus hit his Brutus Ball move, which led to Julius covering Otis and getting the three count.

Julius Creed and Brutus Creed defeated Chad Gable and Otis in 10:55.

After the match, the Creeds shook hands with the Alpha Academy duo and then they played to the hard camera together. Barrett assumed that the general managers from Raw and Smackdown were both printing out contracts to offer to the Creeds…

Powell’s POV: A good debut for the Creeds and Nile. It was good to see them go over clean and decisively.

Highlights aired of Damian Priest slamming a chair on the ankle of Cody Rhodes last week, which was followed by Cody saving Jey Uso from a Judgment Day attack in the main event…

Damian Priest and Finn Balor were in the Judgment Day backstage area when they heard a knock. Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods showed up dressed in Judgment Day gear and said they were the New Judgment Day for Halloween. Balor took a pice of candy from Woods’ basket and ate it.

The New Day duo were exiting when Rhea Ripley, Dominik Mysterio, and JD McDonagh returned. Woods acted like he was hot for Ripley, who blew him off. Priest took issue with the entire Judgment Day not being involved in the opening segment.

Priest played up the idea of cashing in his Money in the Bank contract on the various players in the two men’s world championship matches at Crown Jewel. Priest wasn’t pleased with Ripley booking him in a match against Sami Zayn. Ripley said Priest is “the punishment of Judgment Day” and got the others to agree that he takes care of their problems. Priest said they should make it about Judgment Day and not about him tonight…

The Miz made his entrance for his Miz TV segment with Gunther… [C] A brief Nia Jax video aired with her talking about the Women’s World Championship match at Crown Jewel…

The Miz stood in the ring and there were pumpkins set up as part of his talkshow set (they are also using Halloween themed name graphics tonight). Miz introduced Gunther as his guest. There was no music, nor did Gunther walk out. Miz tried again. Nothing. Miz wondered if he needed to speaking German.

Ludwig Kaiser and Giovanni Vinci walked out. Kaiser said Gunther wouldn’t come out just because Miz told him to do so. Kaiser and Vinci entered the ring. Kaiser said Miz is everything that is wrong with the “WWE Universe” today and called him the embodiment of what Imperium despises. Kaiser said The Miz is nothing but a clown.

[Hour Two] Miz said he’s been called a lot of things, but he’s never been another man’s sidekick. Miz pointed at Vinci and said that must make him the third wheel. Vinci asked if Miz was his wife’s sidekick on Total Divas. “He talks!” Miz said while acting stunned. He congratulated Vinci for speaking and doing so with a deep voice.

Miz pointed out that his show is called Miz & Mrs and said Vinci wished he could be yelled at by someone as hot as his wife instead of being yelled at by Kaiser. Miz asked Kaiser if he was really letting Vinci speak. Vinci said he speaks when he wants to speak. Kaiser told Vinci that he only speaks when he or Gunther say it’s okay.

Intercontinental Champion Gunther made his entrance dressed in non-wrestling attire. Gunther said he wasn’t Miz’s guest. He mocked Miz for running a talkshow in 2023. Gunther added that the ring is sacred to him and then said everything Miz does in it is beneath him. Gunther said Miz is beneath him and he doesn’t respect him.

Miz said it’s not the first or last time he’ll hear something like that. Miz said he interviewed an invisible John Cena on Miz TV and it was more entertaining than Gunther. Miz claimed that whether it’s movies, TV, or in the ring, he is the biggest star in WWE.

Gunther said once the bell rings, it doesn’t matter how entertaining you are. He said that when it gets serious, the only thing that matters is how good of a wrestler a person is. Gunther said that’s why Miz hosts a talkshow and he is the longest reigning Intercontinental Championship.

Miz said he can be serious when he wants to be. He said he was serious when he beat Randy Orton to win his first championship, was serious when he beat John Cena in the WrestleMania main event, and serious when he won his second world championship. Miz took credit for making the Intercontinental Title the most prestigious title in all of WWE and said he had no problem doing it again.

Gunther laughed at Miz and asked if he was serious. Gunther said Miz is one of the greatest sports entertainers in history and is all about creating moments. Gunther said they could create one of the most memorable moments in the history of Miz TV. Gunther spoke in his native tongue. Kaiser grabbed a pumpkin with Miz’s logo on it.

My screen froze. Once the feed was restored, Miz was down on the mat and Gunther told him that he’s not in his league. Miz got up and threw punches at Gunther. Kaiser and Vinci charged and pulled Miz off. Gunther dropped Miz with a big boot. Cole said that for all of Miz’s faults, he is a proud man. Miz walked to the back and crossed paths with DIY, who made their entrance for their match… [C]

Powell’s POV: The screen freezing for a few seconds came at the worst time in this segment, but I do like the idea of Miz taking a more serious approach. The live crowd was receptive to him as a babyface.

Cole hyped the Bash in Berlin event coming to Germany next year and the mainstream headlines it generated…

Backstage, Miz entered Adam Pearce’s dressing room and said he’d never been so humiliated. Pearce asked if Miz was sure about that. Miz said that’s not the point and called for a match against Gunther. Pearce asked why he should do that. Miz started running through his credentials.

Pearce said he couldn’t just give Miz a title match, but he could give him a chance to earn one. Pearce said he was about to meet with someone who had the same goal in mind.

Bronson Reed entered the picture and asked Miz if he had a problem with that. Miz noted that Reed just had a title opportunity, then told Reed that he would be the person to take the title off of Gunther…

3. “DIY” Johnny Gargano and Tommaso Ciampa vs. Ludwig Kaiser and Giovanni Vinci. Gunther didn’t stick around for the match. Gargano and Ciampa were the early aggressors. Kaiser cut off Gargano with a shot at ringside and then Vinci dumped Gargano on the apron. [C]

Vinci set up Ciampa for a spike piledriver, but Ciampa avoided it and then Gargano took out Kaiser. Ciampa avoided Vinci’s run up the ropes moonsault attempt and dropped him with a knee strike. Gargano tagged in and then the DIY duo hit their “Meeting in the Middle” finisher and got the three count.

“DIY” Johnny Gargano and Tommaso Ciampa beat Ludwig Kaiser and Giovanni Vinci in 10:55.

Cole put over the DIY win while also playing up that Vinci once again failed to get the job done. Kaiser looked down at his partner with a look of disgust while Ciampa and Gargano made their exit…

Powell’s POV: It was nice to see the DIY duo team up again. It should mean so much more than it does to beat Kaiser and Vinci, but they just haven’t been protected. By the way, I assume Vince McMahon is somewhere fuming because a fan opposite the hard camera keeps holding up a “Wrestling is Great” sign.

A subtitled Shinsuke Nakamura promo aired. He said he is still looking for his sacrifice. He asked if the person wanted him to choose him or if they wanted to step up. “Go ahead. Step forward. Awaken me. What are you afraid of?” Nakamura said. He encouraged the person to show themselves…

A “Candice Michelle” promo aired. Well, at least according to Michael Cole. A Candice LaRae video package aired. Once it was over, Cole told Barrett to go ahead. Barrett said that was Candice Michelle in 2008, but it was actually Candice LaRae. Cole laughed and said he deeply apologized to LaRae, who was making her entrance with Indi Hartwell. “Getting old is a terrible thing,” Cole said… [C]

Powell’s POV: Cole doesn’t screw up too often, but I like that he has a good sense of humor about it when he does. It suppose it’s easier for Cole to laugh at himself now that he doesn’t have a lunatic screaming at him through his headsets.

A Xia Li video package aired and had subtitles. She referred to herself as the storm… A video package recapped Li attacking LaRae last week…

4. Xia Li vs. Candice LaRae (w/Indi Hartwell). Barrett said he thought Li would make a splash when she arrived on Raw. He played up the language barrier and said whatever the issue was, she seems ready now. Li caught LaRae in the ring apron skirting early on and roughed her up.

Back in the ring, LaRae came back briefly and rolled up Li for a one count. Li caught LaRae with a knee strike and then dropped her with a spin kick. The referee checked on LaRae. Li tried to pick up LaRae, but the referee called her off. LaRae stood up and then stumbled and fell onto her backside. Li tried to go after her, but the referee stopped the match.

Xia Li beat Candice LaRae in 2:00 via ref stoppage.

Afterward, trainers ran out and checked on LaRae, who slowly exited the ring…

Powell’s POV: The knee strike looked vicious in real time, but I’m guessing the kick didn’t look good in slow motion because it was not replayed.

Backstage, Jey Uso caught up with Sami Zayn and wished him good luck against Damian Priest. Jackie Redmond showed up and asked for a word with Jey. Zayn made his exit.

Redmond asked Jey about Judgment Day. Jey said Sami would handle business tonight, and Cody would do the same at Crown Jewel. Jey said that maybe he and Cody can take the tag titles back again. Jey said once they did, he wanted to see how “Ms. Ripley” would feel about it… [C]

A Shayna Baszler video package aired while she spoke about the five-way at Crown Jewel…

Candice LaRae was shown seated while a trainer spoke with her. Johnny Gargano, Tommaso Ciampa, Indi Hartwell, Kayden Carter, and Katana Chance were all in the room. Cole told viewers to follow social media for updates on LaRae…

Cole set up a video package on Drew McIntyre sitting in the stands of an empty WWE Performance Center. He spoke about winning the title in an empty venue. It included shows of a young McIntyre and he spoke about eventually stepping up and winning the Royal Rumble. McIntyre said he had the fans behind him and there was going to be a stadium full of people chanting his name.

McIntyre said everything changed overnight. Mainstream pandemic headlines were shown. McIntyre was shown saying he couldn’t believe that WrestleMania wouldn’t be held in front of fans. Footage aired of McIntyre hitting Brock Lesnar with a Claymore Kick. McIntyre said it was the biggest moment of his career and no one was there to celebrate. McIntyre said he did what he’s always done – his job.

McIntyre said he put his body through hell so that he could be a champion that people could be proud of. He said he fought and clawed to get back in position to win the title again at the Clash at the Castle event only for The Bloodline to ruin it. McIntyre said he can make it right at WWE Crown Jewel. McIntyre said it’s just another title defense for Seth Rollins, whereas it’s everything for him. McIntyre said Rollins was his first title defense in 2020, and at Crown Jewel he will be Rollins’ last…

Cole said everything McIntyre said is true, but Rollins has said that McIntyre has to stop making excuses and blaming everybody for his problems. Cole said McIntyre has an opportunity to correct the wrong at Crown Jewel…

Powell’s POV: A great promo and production work. WWE ran the story of McIntyre being fired and earning his way back into the ground, but this new story feels fresh and the way McIntyre’s character is acting is compelling.

Seth Rollins made his entrance for his match against JD McDonagh. Cole said it would be Rollins’ first singles match on Raw in four months…

Powell’s POV: The first time in four months? I’m surprised they pointed that out since it seems to go against Seth’s original claim that he would be a fighting, workhorse champion. Obviously, he works the live events and premium live events also, but it does seem strange that he hasn’t worked more singles matches on Raw.

A Zoey Stark video aired to push the five-way match at Crown Jewel…

Rollins stood in the ring and said that he’s a fan of McIntyre, so he would be respectful in response to what he said in the video. “Boo freaking hoo,” Rollins said. “Boohoo, cry me a river, you big Scottish baby.” Rollins said everyone was fighting their battles in some way.

Rollins said there were people who didn’t know when they would get their next paycheck or batch of groceries and some didn’t know when they would see their loved ones again and some never got to. “So excuse me for not feeling sorry for you that you didn’t get to win the WWE Championship the way you dreamt it,” said Rollins.

Rollins brought up McIntyre blaming The Bloodline. “Cry me a river, get in line,” he said. Rollins told McIntyre to get in line with guys like Sami Zayn and Cody Rhodes. Rollins, who noted that he doesn’t like Cody, said you don’t hear those guys asking for any pity. Rollins conceded that McIntyre was a hell of a champion.

[Hour Three] Rollins said that if McIntyre can pry it from his waist, he’ll be the first man to shake his hand and call him champ, just as he did in 2020. Rollins said he’s not the same guy he was back then. Rollins said he’s not the Messiah or the Architect.

Powell’s POV: Wow, what a great rebuttal promo from Rollins, particularly if they intend to turn McIntyre heel at some point. Rollins came across as a babyface champion who can relate to the average person, and he did an effective job of making McIntyre’s character come off a bit petty. I love the build to this match and I’m looking forward to it more than anything on the Crown Jewel card.

JD McDonagh entered the ring and attacked Rollins from behind. The referee pulled McDonagh back and then checked on Rollins and called for the bell once Rollins was ready…

5. World Heavyweight Champion Seth Rollins vs. JD McDonagh in a non-title match. McDonagh charged at Rollins once the bell rang, but Rollins caught him with a kick. Rollins chased McDonagh to ringside and worked him over. Back in the ring, Rollins ended up launching McDonagh over the top rope to the floor again. Rollins followed up with a suicide dive. [C]

Rollins showed some frustration over not being able to put McDonagh away. McDonagh caught Rollins with a Glasgow Kiss. Rollins stuffed McDonagh’s offensive follow-ups and hit him with a ripcord knee. McDonagh put Rollins down with a standing Spanish Fly and got a near fall. Barrett said he couldn’t understand why Judgment Day hasn’t added McDonagh.

Rollins rallied with a buckle bomb. Rollins went up top and then looked to the stage and spotted Damian Priest walking out with the Money in the Bank briefcase and a referee. Rollins went for a top rope splash, but McDonagh put his knees up and covered Rollins for a two count.

Rollins eventually performed a side suplex from the top rope. Rollins sold his back while jawing at a smirking Priest. Rollins set up for a Pedigree that McDonagh initially avoided. Rollins eventually hit the move and followed up with a Stomp for the three count.

World Heavyweight Champion Seth Rollins defeated JD McDonagh in 14:00 in a non-title match.

After the match, Rollins went to ringside and confronted Priest. Rollins told him to make a move. Priest told him that it’s inevitable. Rollins told Priest not to waste the MITB contract on him. Cole played up Priest potentially cashing in for either world championship at Crown Jewel. Priest pointed at his wrist while backing up the entrance aisle while Rollins was back inside the ring celebrating his victory…

Backstage, Ricochet complained to Adam Pearce about the interference in the opening match. Pearce said Ricochet made a hell of a showing and offered him a chance to earn a shot at the Intercontinental Championship. Ricochet said it sounded good, but he had a bone to pick with Dominik Mysterio and then made his exit.

Chelsea Green and Piper Niven entered the picture and were dressed as The Hart Foundation for Halloween (Niven had a goatee). Pearce blew them off. Green yelled “cute costume” to someone off-camera. Niven did the Jim Neidhart laugh. They walked away while Ivar and Valhalla showed up. Valhalla said the gods demanded that they speak to him about the Intercontinental Championship. Pearce said okay, then added that he needed a drink (amen, brother!)…

Natalya made her entrance dressed as a dominatrix Playboy bunny or something. Oddly enough, she stopped and visited with a lot of children in the entrance aisle… [C] Cole announced Sami Zayn vs. JD McDonagh for the Crown Jewel Kickoff Show…

Powell’s POV: The return of Kickoff Show matches? Nooooo!!!!

Becky Lynch was interviewed by Jackie Redmond on the backstage interview set. Lynch wasn’t happy about losing the NXT Women’s Championship, but she said if she had to lose then she’s happy that it was to someone hungry like Lyra Valkyria and put her over as someone who “eats, sleeps, and drinks this.”

Lynch said she defended the title more during her 42-day reign than Rhea Ripley and Roman Reigns have defended their titles all year. Lynch said she doesn’t need the title, the title needs her. Xia Li showed up and accused Lynch of ducking her. Lynch said they could fight on the spot. Li said they would fight, but it would be on her time…

Chelsea Green and Piper Niven came out to the old Hart Foundation entrance theme and were still dressed in their Hart Foundation attire…

6. Natalya vs. Chelsea Green (w/Piper Niven) in a Trick or Street Fight. There were pumpkins and pumpkin pies set up on the apron, and they had other Halloween items at ringside. Green slammed a pie in the face of Natalya. Natalya came back by hitting Green with a candy corn kendo stick.

Green placed Natalya on a table covered in Halloween items on the floor. Green went for a leg drop from the barricade, but Natalya moved, causing Green to crash through the table. Green tried to leave, but Natalya stopped her and dunked her head in a bobbing for apples bind.

Green came back eventually and then pulled pumpkins off of a another table. When she pulled up the last one, Nikki Cross’s head was sticking out of the table and she stared blankly ahead. It frightened Green, who ended up putting a pumpkin on her own head.

Back inside the ring, Green dumped a bag of candy corn out inside the ring. Natalya ended up powerbombing Green into the candy corn and got a two count. Natalya followed up with a Sharpshooter, but Niven climbed onto the apron and distracted her. Niven grabbed Natalya and held her while Niven tried to slam a pie in her face, but Natalya moved and Niven took the pie in the face. Natalya knocked Niven off the apron, and then Green put Natalya down with the Unprettier and scored the pin…

Chelsea Green defeated Natalya in 5:35.

Powell’s POV: Yikes. Does Bret Hart have creative control over matches that involve people dressed up like him? I’m just trying to figure out why Green actually picked up an incredibly rare singles match victory.

Rhea Ripley’s video aired to promote the five-way at Crown Jewel… The broadcast team ran through the Crown Jewel lineup… Entrances for the main event took place… Cole set up a preview of The Challenge on MTV… [C]

Cole announced the following matches for next week’s Raw: Ricochet vs. The Miz vs. Bronson Reed vs. Ivar in a four-way for a shot at the Intercontinental Championship, and Akira Tozawa vs. Shinsuke Nakamura…

7. Damian Priest vs. Sami Zayn. Priest had his MITB briefcase on top of one of the ring steps. The match spilled over to ringside during the opening minute. Zayn performed a moonsault off the barricade onto Priest, which led to a Sami chant. Priest returned to the ring first and dropped Zayn with a big boot once he joined him. A short time later, Priest chokeslammed Zayn onto the ring apron. [C]

Zayn put Priest down with a clothesline. Dominik Mysterio and Finn Balor ran down to ringside. Priest hit The Reckoning after Zayn was distracted. Cole noted that Priest used the move as a finisher at one time and that it’s very similar to Cody Rhodes’s finisher.

Priest went for a Razor’s Edge, but Zayn slipped away. Priest went for a corner splash that Zayn avoided. Balor climbed onto the apron and distracted the referee. Dom climbed onto the apron and hit Zayn with a cheap shot while the referee’s head was turned.

Jey Uso ran out and took out Dom and Balor on the floor. Dom entered the ring and superkicked Priest for a lame DQ finish.

Damian Priest defeated Sami Zayn by DQ in 10:00.

Priest, Balor, and Dom put the boots to Zayn and Jey afterward. Cody Rhodes made his entrance in non-wrestling attire and limped to sell last week’s ankle injury. Cody cleared Priest from the ring and then followed him to the floor and slammed his head off the broadcast table.

In the ring, Jey superkicked Dom and then Zayn cleared Dom to ringside with a clothesline. Zayn and Jey performed stereo flip dives onto Dom and Balor. Cody continued to rough up Priest. Cody set up Priest for his finisher on top of the broadcast table.

JD McDonagh arrived and pulled Priest off the table. Priest escaped over the ringside barricade. Zayn blasted McDonagh with a Helluva Kick. Cody stood on the table and called for Zayn to bring McDonagh to him. Zayn complied and then Cody performed CrossRhodes on McDonagh on top of the broadcast table, but it did not break.

Cody grabbed a mic from ringside. Zayn came up behind Cody and knocked the mic out of his hand while informing him that the live crowd was chanting “one more time.” Cody performed another CrossRhodes on McDonagh on top of the table, which still didn’t break.

Cody grabbed the mic and entered the ring. Cody said Priest tried to take him out last week and was unsuccessful. Cody said his story is that he gets knocked down and he gets back up. He asked Priest if his story is that he has a briefcase that has him close to immortality, but he’s not the leader of Judgment Day and walks behind Ripley, Balor, and even Dom.

Cody said that when Priest thinks it’s someone else, he needs to know “that it’s always me.” Cody said he’s back on his path and it goes straight through Priest at Crown Jewel. Priest glared at Cody from the stage while Cole gave a final push to Crown Jewel to close the show…

Powell’s POV: A good fiery promo from Cody to add some juice to Crown Jewel match with Priest. The live crowd was really into it and it probably helped them forgive the awful main event finish. Overall, this was an effective go-home show for Crown Jewel. They pushed most of the Raw matches aggressively and once again drove home the early start time. I will have more to say about the show during my weekly same night audio review of Raw for Dot Net Members (including our Patreon patrons). Let me know what you thought of the show by grading it below.

Join me for my live review of WWE Crown Jewel on Saturday beginning with the Kickoff Show match.

WWE Raw Poll: Grade the October 30 edition

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Readers Comments (8)

  1. Raw’s getting stale yet again with Judgement Day opening the show every week.Atleast shake it up every now and then with a match to start off the show or something..

  2. So I was just watching an old Ciampa match during his first NXT title run and it got me thinking, what if Ciampa were to win the money in the bank contract? Coz I can just picture him clutching that brief case so tightly and just lurking and being a menacing threat to the champion without having too many failed cash in attempts unlike Priest – whom I don’t see cashing in it in successfully coz in my opinion I don’t think he would elevate the World Heavyweight Championship. But how awesome would it be if Ciampa were to turn on Gargano again – who could benefit from being a sympathetic Babyface rather than the campy dad-joke-cutting, happy-to-be-here Babyface he’s been lately, inspite of me enjoying “THE WAY” – and having a title run as Blackheart with the World Championship as his new Goldie?

  3. DIY’s new entrance music might be worse than Dolph Zigglers.

  4. “Cry me a River” huh


  5. The Mid-height Express sucked in NXT and they’ll suck on the main roster. Gargano has literally 0 redeeming qualities as a money drawing pro wrestler and Chiampa is just a roided up GameStop employee. Showing their terrible indie matches from NXT isn’t going to impress anyone who likes the good product WWE has been running out there for the last 2+ years.

  6. I think it’s obvious that Otis is going to take the loss in the Alpha Academy matches

  7. Company formerly owned and still run behind-the-scenes by a guy who has numerous sexual assault allegations, including a rape, in which he paid off EVERY single woman involved, is going back to a country with so many civil rights atrocities that it is beyond disgusting, where the public practice of any religion other than Islam is prohibited and any person caught doing so is incarcerated, where ALL forms of contraception are banned, where the schools TEACH any other religion is evil, where two women were recently sentenced to over 30 years in prison because they posted comments on Twitter which were negative against the government, where the government has imposed harsh punishments—including at times the death penalty—on those who lead or participate in public protests, to get that blood money.

    But yeah, Ric Flair is bad because he swung his penis around on an airplane flight years ago.

    Enjoy the show, people. Hope you’re proud of yourselves.

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