05/07 Dot Net Weekly Five-Year Flashback: Jake Barnett and Jason Powell discuss WWE Backlash, Daniel Bryan, Roman Reigns, Ronda Rousey, Seth Rollins, Big Cass, Samoa Joe, WWE’s financial report, NJPW ticket sales for the U.S. return

By Jason Powell (@prowrestlingnet) and Jake Barnett (@barnettjake)

Jake Barnett and Jason Powell co-host the May 3, 2018 Dot Net Weekly audio show and discuss WWE Backlash, Daniel Bryan, Roman Reigns, Ronda Rousey, Seth Rollins, Big Cass, Samoa Joe, WWE’s financial report, NJPW ticket sales for the U.S. return, and more…

Click here for the Dot Net Weekly Flashback – May 3, 2018 edition.

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