2/10 NXT Level Up results: O’Connor’s review of Axiom vs. Scrypts, Lash Legend vs. Dani Palmer, and Kale Dixon vs. Tank Ledger

By John O’Connor, ProWrestling.net Contributor (@thereal_JOC

NXT: Level Up (Episode 52)
Taped in Orlando, Florida at the WWE Performance Center
Streamed February 10, 2023 on Peacock/WWE Network

Tank Ledger made his way to the ring as the broadcast team of Byron Saxton and new broadcast member Blake Howard welcomed us to the show…

1. Kale Dixon vs. Tank Ledger. Dixon got the best of Ledger in an early exchange as the match started. Ledger worked the arm of Dixon powering him down to the mat. Dixon chopped the chest of Ledger only to be met with a clothesline and a slam which gained Ledger a near fall. Dixon stomped Ledger to the mat and applied a chinlock working down Ledger. Ledger rallied, slamming Dixon to the mat and followed this up with a running powerslam for the win.

Tank Ledger defeated Kale Dixon via pinfall in 4:58. 

The commentary team hyped Lash Legend vs. Dani Palmer for after the break…[c]

2. Lash Legend vs. Dani Palmer. Legend drove Palmer into the corner and attempted a backdrop which Palmer avoided and nailed a headscissors which did not take down Legend. Palmer attempted a crossbody but was caught by Legend and was dropped to the mat. Legend slammed Palmer into the ring apron and followed up with a leg drop. Back in the ring, Legend worked on the neck of Palmer. Palmer escaped hit a jawbreaker and an enziguri which rocked Legend. Palmer attempted to put Legend away but Legend dropped Palmer in the center of the ring for the victory.

Lash Legend defeated Dani Palmer via pinfall in 5:18. 

The commentary team hyped the main event…[c]

3. Axiom vs. Scrypts. Scrypts landed on his feet avoiding a snapmare takedown from Axiom but Axiom hit a shoulder block which did take Scrypts to the mat. Scrypts attempted a springboard but Axiom caught Scrypts with a kick. Axiom looked to fly but Scrypts cut Axiom off with a modified crossbody.

Scrypts applied a headlock to wear down Axiom but Axiom chopped the chest of Scrypts, hit a corner dropkick and a middle rope crossbody for a near fall. Axiom attempted a top rope move but was pushed off by Scrypts who nailed a moonsault. Scrypts was caught by Axiom who hit a northern lights suplex into a kick. Scrypts avoided a finish and went to the top once more  but was hit in midair by a kick to the face by Axiom who quickly followed up with the running kick for the win.

Axiom defeated Scrypts via pinfall in 6:41. 

John’s Ramblings: The former ‘A-Kid’ was the highlight of this show as he picked up the win against the former ‘Reggie’ in an enjoyable main event this week. If you like the acrobatic cruiserweight style this is the match that is worth going out of your way to see this week. The other two matches were just okay.


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