Jacques Rougeau on winning the Intercontinental Title and losing it to Roddy Piper, beating Hulk Hogan in WCW, fighting with Dynamite Kid

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

The Two Man Power Trip of Wrestling Podcast with Jacques Rougeau
Host: JP John Poz
Twitter: @TwoManPowerTrip
Website: www.tmptempire.com
Interview available at Tmptow.podomatic.com

On winning the Intercontinental Title and losing it to Roddy Piper: “It was just to transfer the title from Bret [Hart] to Roddy Piper. They just needed someone to do that. So I heard I lost my title because I was the shortest-lived Intercontinental Champion that ever existed. But I heard someone beat me to it now after 30 years. But I was the one that had the shortest reign for two days. I was very happy because Vince [McMahon] chose me to do that and, and he thought I was the guy to do it for them. And I had two great matches when I beat Bret and also when Piper beat me for the title, people remember those matches. It’s incredible and what’s even more amazing and special is like I was only champion for like 48 hours and every time I go on ComicCons, or every time my pictures signed or anything, I always have the Intercontinental belt around my waist. And it’s like, it’s so funny. It’s like even my dolls, they all have the Intercontinental Title around the waist. So anyway, you know, in those days, I made sure I had, I took pictures of it.”

On beating Hulk Hogan in WCW: “It was amazing. He, he had this kind of respect that I am, I may have to sit down with him one time over a drink or something and ask him why in the hell did he did it. But there’s still some un unanswered questions in my mind. I’ve always related it to the fact that, uh, I think he had a lot of respect for the Rougeau family. I think he had a lot of respect that Raymond and I, when we opened the shows where he was at and across around the world, he enjoyed the performances that we were giving and the professionalism that we had in the airports, and always been nice to the people signing autographs, being on time. And I also think, you know, that the fact that I stood up to the Dynamite Kid also, I think that that made a big, big difference in the way he thought about me.”

On his fights with Dynamite Kid: “My dad was my hero. My dad since I was young, I was watching him wrestle and he was a real tough guy. He was a real gentleman. He was loved by everybody, my dad, and I didn’t wanna embarrass him. So when I got beat up in Miami by Dynamite Kid, my father was there and he witnessed that. And so I went into kind of a trauma, really bad for me for a whole week. And then I realized, you know, I’m gonna do this for my dad. You know, I’m just, for the reputation of the Rougeau family, I’m not doing it for me. You know, if it was just for me, I’d go home, quit the goddamn business. But, you know, just for the image of the Rougeau family, that I gotta do something and I, I didn’t wanna leave the Rougeau name as a coward and stuff like that, and just quit the business. So it was very, very hard for me to do what I did.”

Other topics include breaking into the business, Jimmy Hart, The Fabulous Rougeau Brothers, fight with Dynamite Kid, WWF, Vince McMahon, The Quebecers, Bret Hart, The Mountie, Roddy Piper, Big Bossman, WCW, beating Hulk Hogan, his new wrestling Academy in Canada, and more! Check out his wrestling school, wrestling-acamedy.ca


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