Powell’s Impact Wrestling Hit List: Josh Alexander vs. Ace Austin, Deonna Purrazzo and Mickie James, Rohit Raju vs. Chelsea Green, Rich Swann and Willie Mack vs. Brian Myers and VSK, David Finlay vs. Hikuleo

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

Impact Wrestling Hits

Josh Alexander vs. Ace Austin: A very good match between two of Impact’s best. I’m surprised they didn’t raise the stakes by having Austin goad Alexander into defending the X Division one more time before he turned it over to execute Option C. The appearance of Christopher Daniels after the match was legitimately surprising and I’m curious to see what it leads to.

Christian Cage and Josh Alexander: A top notch opening segment with the champion and the challenger setting the stage for their title match at Bound For Glory. Impact has done a great job of consistently pushing Alexander to get him ready for this moment, and he’s more than held up his end of the bargain by delivering some of the company’s best matches. The involvement of Ace Austin and Madman Fulton was a good way to set up the main event, and I assume they will also face Cage and Alexander in a future tag team match.

Deonna Purrazzo and Mickie James: A good angle to set up their title match for Bound For Glory. Impact has done a really nice job of making this feel like a showdown match with the slow build that started with James inviting Purrazzo to wrestle at the NWA Empowerrr event. I don’t have an issue with James getting a title shot despite not having any recent Impact matches. She’s Knockouts royalty and it’s not like we haven’t seen UFC jump at the chance to book big money title matches over the years even if the challenger hasn’t topped everyone in the rankings.

Rohit Raju vs. Chelsea Green: A victory for Raju and men everywhere! Okay, not really. As much as I’d like to see Raju move away from the comedy, he plays his comedic parts well. His versatility is impressive, as he always makes the most of whatever role he’s put in.

Impact Wrestling Misses

Rich Swann and Willie Mack vs. Brian Myers and VSK: The match was fine and it was nice to see VSK again. I got a kick out of Myers taking on Sam Beale as his young boy, but the additions of Zicky Dice and Manny Lemons feels like overkill. Dice was a fun over the top character in the NWA and booking him to serve as one of Myers’ pledges feels like a strange spot for him.

David Finlay vs. Hikuleo: A solid match, but it just continued the wheel spinning feud between Finlay and Juice Robinson with Impact’s version of Bullet Club. It was good to see the talented El Phantasmo return in the post match angle. I just hope we get to see the Bullet Club members do more than feud with other NJPW wrestlers. What happened to Jay White in Impact Wrestling?


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