6/15 NWA Powerrr results: Powell’s review of Fred Rosser vs. JTG vs. El Rudo in a three-way qualifier for the match that will determine the new NWA National Champion, Melina vs. Jennacide vs. Kenzie Paige in a three-way, Aron Stevens vs. PJ Hawx

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

NWA Powerrr (Episode 30)
Taped Monday in Atlanta, Georgia at GPB Studios
Streamed June 15, 2021 on the FITE TV

A video package recapped last week’s segments involving Nick Aldis and Kamille, including the final segment with Jennacide helping Kamille fend off Melina… The “Into The Fire” opening theme aired… The broadcast team of Joe Galli, Velvet Sky, and Tim Storm checked in…

Trevor Murdoch was interviewed by Kyle Davis on the interview set. Murdoch spoke about how angry he was and is about failing to beat Nick Aldis. Murdoch said his wife pointed out that he had Aldis beat and even with Aldis’s own finishing hold. Murdoch said he was just getting started and wouldn’t stop until he wins the NWA Championship…

Powell’s POV: Another good promo from Murdoch. He did a great job previously of selling the frustration of his loss at the pay-per-view. This was well timed in terms of feeling like Murdoch needed to turn the page and deliver an upbeat message.

A Nick Aldis action figure ad aired…

May Valentine interviewed Tyrus and Austin Idol, who spoke about how Tyrus could beat anyone and finally has an NWA TV Title match. Tyrus remained calm and spoke about how he’s beaten Pope. Tyrus was interrupted by a man who told him that Mr. Jeez (BLK Jeez) wanted to meet him. Tyrus blew it off. The man pressured him and asked for five minutes in the conference room. Tyrus choked the man…

1. Melina vs. Jennacide vs. Kenzie Paige in a three-way. Jennacide put Paige in a Sharpshooter, but Melina broke it by putting Jennacide in a sleeper hold. Jennacide fought her way free. Melina ended up rolling up Paige and pinning her.

Melina defeated Kenzie Paige and Jennacide in a three-way.

Powell’s POV: I guess Melina had to win at some point. Paige felt like she was in the match simply to take the loss since she doesn’t have a storyline issue with either opponent.

The Austin Idol pro wrestling school ad aired…

Kamille was interviewed by Valentine. Kamille showed off her picture in the middle of the NWA Women’s Championship belt. Kamille complained about Melina trying to ruin her coronation segment last week. Valentine asked about Thom Latimer’s chances in the NWA National Championship tournament and having to face Chris Adonis. Kamille said it’s an unfair world and Latimer would beat Adonis. Valentine asked about Kamille’s next opponent. She said she was looking elsewhere…

Davis spoke to PJ Hawx, Sal Rinauro, and Danny Deals on the interview set. Rinauro spoke about facing Hawx for a shot at the NWA TV Title against Pope. Rinauro said he hoped that the best man would win. Hawx said he was raised for this moment and his father brought him into the business.

Colby Corino interrupted Hawx by walking onto the interview set. Corino said Hawx made him sick by calling himself a second generation wrestler when his family hasn’t even done anything in the business. Rinauro said he’s a big fan…of Corino’s father. Corino barked at Rinauro.

Davis asked if Corino was trying to throw his name in the hat for an NWA TV Title shot. Corino said he shouldn’t even have to throw his name in the hat because his father (Steve Corino) is a former NWA Champion. Hawx said Corino should prove himself and offered to make his match a Triple Threat match. Corino said he welcomed the opportunity…

Powell’s POV: It’s nice to see Colby pop up in the NWA. He looks healthy and I like the idea of him feuding with PJ Hawx in a battle of second generation wrestlers.

An “This Is Pro Wrestling” podcast ad aired…

2. Aron Stevens vs. PJ Hawx. Galli said Stevens was so impressed by Hawx standing up for himself and his father that he wanted to give him an immediate opportunity. During the match, Bestia 666 and Mecha Wolf attacked both men for a no-contest finish.

Aron Stevens fought PJ Hawx to a no-contest.

Afterward, Luke Hawx ran out and tried to save his son. Wolf held up Luke, then Bestia leapt from the ropes and hit a Backstabber on Luke on the way down. Bestia and Wolf joined Davis on the interview set. Bestia said they didn’t come to the NWA to make friends. Wolf spoke in Spanish and then said in English that they came for everybody. Wolf indicated that they intend to go after the NWA Tag Titles…

Powell’s POV: I mean, if you trust a guy who has “666” in his name then you kinda deserve whatever comes your way.

A School of Moron ad aired for Ricky Morton’s school…

Powell’s POV: These ads continue to be the closest we’ve come to seeing the Rock-n-Roll Express on Powerrr since the pandemic break. But I assume the fact that the ads are airing is a good indication that we haven’t seen the last of Morton and Robert Gibson in the NWA.

Valentine interviewed the new masked wrestler. She wanted to know when he would wrestle. He said that was up to the NWA, but he was ready to go whenever his number was called. Slice Boogie and Marshe Rockett interrupted the interview. Boogie cut a promo while the masked man just stared into the camera. Once Boogie and Rockett left, Valentine apologized to the masked man and said that wasn’t supposed to happen…

Davis interviewed Parrow, Odinson, Chris Adonis, and Thom Latimer on the interview set. Davis spoke about the NWA National Title qualifier with Parrow facing Adonis and Latimer in a three-way. Davis said it seemed unfair because it was essentially a handicap match. Adonis and Latimer took turns talking. Parrow said he doesn’t like to talk, he just wants to punch people in the face.

Parrow said the NWA lets Strictly Business run rampant, but he will win the NWA National Championship and they won’t have power anymore. Latimer pointed out that Adonis never lost the title and implied that the belt would stay with the Strictly Business family if Adonis were to pin him. Parrow said he would beat respect into both men…

Ring entrances for the main event took place… An ad aired for the NWA’s new online store…

3. Fred Rosser vs. JTG vs. El Rudo in a three-way qualifier for the match that will determine the new NWA National Champion. Pope sat in on commentary for the match with Galli while Storm and Sky took the match off. El Rudo also works as Sam Adonis and is the brother of WWE color commentator Corey Graves.

Rudo approached Rosser, who told him to back his ass up. Rudo approached JTG, who ignored him. Rosser and JTG spoke and then attacked Rudo together. Rudo came back by walking the ropes and then performing a double neckbreaker on both opponents.

Later, Rudo performed a brainbuster on JTG and covered him for a near fall. Rudo tossed Rosser to ringside. Rudo slapped JTG, who came back with a crucifix into a neckbreaker and then scored the pin…

JTG defeated El Rudo and Fred Rosser to earn a spot in the match to determine the new NWA National Champion.

JTG was interviewed by Davis. JTG spoke about the California gold rush. He said he came to the NWA for gold. He said that once he becomes champion, everyone will know that God is good all the time… The closing credits aired…

Powell’s POV: A solid main event. JTG beat Rosser at the pay-per-view. So as much as I would like to see Rosser pushed in a more meaningful way in the NWA, I like that they didn’t go the parity route and had JTG win this match too. Overall, it was a solid show. I wish the NWA would do more to push matches for the following week. They could even take a page out of ROH’s recent playbook by simply showing match graphics at the end of the show to give their viewers something to look forward to.


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