6/15 NXT TV results: Moore’s review of William Regal addresses his future, Tommaso Ciampa and Timothy Thatcher vs. The Grizzled Young Veterans in a tornado tag match, Kushida defends the NXT Cruiserweight Championship in an open challenge

By John Moore, ProWrestling.net Staffer (@liljohnm)

Orlando, Florida at Capitol Wrestling Center (WWE Performance Center)
Aired June 15, 2021 on USA Network

[Hour One] This week’s NXT started off with a quick highlight video, showing clips from NXT Takeover: In Your House. The end of the video focused on William Regal’s line saying “I think it is time for a change”…

Vic Joseph, Wade Barrett, and Beth Phoenix were on commentary. William Regal made his entrance with no music, but he did have his video wall. Wade Barrett noted that William Regal was in tears at the end of Takeover. Regal took a mic and noted he’s been with NXT since day 1 when NXT started. Regal said he started out at the announce desk and even called the first Takeover. Regal started sobbing with tears dripping from his eyes.

Regal talked about how NXT expanded to many countries. Regal said NXT performing in Blackpool, England really touched him. Regal continued to struggle to get words out due to his tears and sobbing. Regal said that he and Triple H wanted to make this place the way they wanted it to be. Regal noted San Jose, Brooklyn, Portland, and other big cities as several places where the fans took NXT after they grew past their Florida home. Regal addressed the camera and said he’s not capable of giving you, the fans, what you deserve. Before Regal could deliver his news, he was cut off by Karrion Kross and Scarlett [Bordeaux] making their entrance.

Kross got a mic and said that Scarlett and he knew this day would come, but not the exact time. Kross said they had to come out to see and hear this for themselves. Kross pointed out that Regal was crying and that Regal was being completely pathetic. Kross reiterated his point from last week where he called out Regal for losing control of the roster. Kross noted he punched a hole through the Mount Rushmore of NXT at Takeover by beating 5 men. Kross told Regal to say that Regal is done and leaving NXT. Kross yelled and demanded Regal say Kross was right and that Kross conquers all.

All of a sudden, Samoa Joe’s entrance theme started playing. Samoa Joe made his WWE return wearing a formal suit. Joe walked to the ring to join Regal and Kross in the promo segment. Joe said that Regal wanted to speak with him. Regal said he wanted to talk later, but Joe’s here now so why not. Regal said that because of his love for NXT he thinks that the fans deserve a general manager that can live up to the expectations that NXT has. Regal offered Joe the position of general manager. Joe cut off Regal and said that he declines.

Joe pointed out how for 7 years Regal has brought the best talent in the world into NXT, including Joe. Joe said that Regal also made NXT a global phenomenon over the last 7 years. Joe said he has to decline. Joe said he will offer his services to NXT to make sure that Regal gets the respect from everybody. Regal said he has conditions Joe can’t be a competitor and Joe can’t lay his hand on anyone, unless provoked. Joe accepted. Joe then got in Kross’s face and asked him “what are you still doing in this ring?… Tick Tock, Young Champion”. The crowd started a “Joe is gonna kill you” chant. Kross ended up backing down, invoking a na–na-na-na-goodbye chant from the crowd. Regal and Joe shook hands and Joe’s theme played to close the segment…

The commentary team ran through some upcoming segments on the show…[c]

John’s Thoughts: The cat was out of the bag already in terms of people expecting a Samoa Joe return, but this segment was still solid nonetheless. I’m happy Regal isn’t being taken off of TV because he’s arguably the best authority figure still around in pro wrestling (though, once Dario Cueto shows up in MLW, I have high hopes for that guy). Regal was good in showing emotion over stepping down from his GM position, treating it like a proud papa. Joe was good too in this segment. The only thing about this segment that didn’t work for me was Kross’s involvement. He was ok, but him backing down to Samoa Joe in the end hurts his dominant character to some extent. I thought it would have been better to have Scarlett be the one to pull him back instead of him voluntarily backing down to Joe.

The show cut to a Grizzled Young Veterans promo from earlier today where Zack Gibson and James Drake hyped up their match against Thatcher and Ciampa for later in the show…

Imperium got a televised entrance while Breezango were already in the ring…

1. “Imperium” Marcel Barthel and Fabian Aichner vs. “Breezango” Tyler Breeze and Fandango. Barthel and Breeze started the match with Barthel dominating the early chain wrestling. Breeze hit Barthel with a jawbreaker and tagged in Dango. Dango hit Barthel with a lariat. Aichner tagged himself in and put Dango in a armbar. Aichner tried to work on Dango in the corner but Dango reversed the whip and chopped Aichner a few times. Dango also blocked a Sunset flip from Aichner. Aichner was dumped to ringside.

Barthel and Aichner dodged Breeze’s plancha, but they got hit by Breeze’s Tope Con Hilo. Dango was about to hit Aichner with a high risk move, but Barthel attacked Breeze which distracted Dango. Imperium tripped Dango off the top rope. Dango recovered and took down Aichner with a running knee heading into the picture-in-picture.[c]

Aichner worked on Dango with methodical offense, isolating him away from Breeze. Barthel and Aichner used tags to keep Dango away from Breeze. Barthel accidentally knocked Aichner off the apron after he tossed Dango. Barthel blocked Dango from getting to his corner, but Dango backdropped him. Breeze got the tag, but Aichner tagged in and knocked Breeze out. Once the action got back in the ring, Breeze rolled up Aichner for the win.

Breezango defeated Imperium via pinfall in 10:24.

The heels attacked the faces after the match. Dango was dumped to ringside and Imperium hit Breeze with the European Bomb. Imperium laid a flag that said “Imperium” over Breeze to end the segment…

John’s Thoughts: The match was wrestled fine, but these are two teams that are extremely damaged and uninteresting. They almost would have been better served against different opponents and they also could use character reworks. I have higher hopes for Imperium. Breezango is just so stale as characters, and that’s not due to the wrestlers’ personalities, it’s they’re stuck with a gimmick several years past it’s expiration date. Also, why did Breezango have to win here? All that means is we’re getting more of this. Maybe Walter should fire Aichner and Barthel from Imperium and hire more dominant wrestlers.

Regal and security guards were breaking apart a Kyle O’Reilly and Adam Cole pull apart brawl backstage. Regal got in between both men and told them that they will be in matches next week where they can pick their own opponents. Regal also noted that O’Reilly will wrestle Cole at Great American Bash. The guards lost control as O’Reilly and Cole continued to Brawl. Samoa Joe showed and attempt to pull Cole off O’Reilly. Because he was provoked, Joe put Adam Cole in the Coquina Clutch and made Cole pass out. Joe noted that William Regal demands respect…

Kushida was shown in the hallway heading to the ring. He’s still cosplaying as Marty McFly…[c]

John’s Thoughts: I was a little weary as to how they would pull of Joe as Regal’s muscle and enforcer, but in his first segment as enforcer he looked pretty badass. I kinda wanna see random brawls occur, just so Joe can walk up and randomly choke a person.

A random cell phone charge graphic was on the screen for a few seconds.

Santos Escobar was backstage cutting a promo, saying he saw his reflection in the North American Championship belt. He talked about being embarrassed after Reed smashed him through the plexiglass barricade. Escobar said he wants Reed in a one-on-one match for the championship. Escobar said

Kushida made his entrance for his open challenge. The commentary team checked in. Wade Barrett set up the person who took up Kushida’s challenge. Barrett noted that this challenger is a top prospect and his name is Trey Baxter. Trey Baxter got a introductory vignette. Baxter is former indie wrestler, Blake Christian, who was a regular in Impact Wrestling during 2020..

2. Kushida vs. Trey Baxter for the NXT Cruiserweight Championship. Kushida kept Baxter grounded with chain wrestling. Baxter got a one count after a rollup. Baxter then used his agility to avoid Kushida’s offense. Baxter hit Kushida with a huracanrana. Baxter taunted Kuahida with that fakeout backflip that Ricochet usually does. Kushida didn’t bit and went right after Baxter. Baxter ended up dumping Kushida on to the other side of the ring. Baxter hit Kushida with a Fosbury Flop. Suddenly, Kyle O’Reilly showed up on stage as the show cut to regular commercial.[c]

The commentary team noted that O’Reilly must be scouting potential opponents for next week. Kushida hit Baxter with his signature cartwheel into a dropkick combo. Baxter avoided the PK. Kushida hit Baxter with an enzuigiri. Baxter came back with a backflip roundhouse. Kushida and Baxter traded strikes and blocks. Kushida hit Baxter with a haymaker. Baxter came back with a Spanish Fly. Baxter hit Kushida with a slingshot 450 for a two count. Baxter blocked a Hoverboard lock on the top rope.

Kushida adjusted his grip and slammed Baxter’s arm into the mat. Kushida PK’d Baxter’s arm. Kushida put Baxter in the Hoverboard Lock and Baxter quickly tapped out.

Kushida defeated Trey Baxter via submission in 6:38 of on-air time to retain the NXT Cruiserweight Championship. 

O’Reilly said he’s not out here for open challenges, but he’s here to challenge Kushida to a match next week. Kushida accepted…

McKenzie Mitchell interviewed Franky Monet who ended up hyping up appearing next week. Franky Monet left the interview and approached Aliyah and Jessi Kamea and noted that they would have won their match at a recent Takeover if it weren’t for Robert Stone. Robert Stone showed up and Franky Monet ended up leaving saying she was just chatting with his clients…

Wade Barrett hyped up the LA Knight Million Dollar Championship coronation next week…[c]

John’s Thoughts: So far, I’m liking Kushida’s open challenge as a vehiecle to showcase highly touted prospects in WWE’s Developmental System. It makes the prospect look good by hanging in there with the champion, while making Kushida look like a strong fighting champion. Finally, Kushida is having wins with purpose. Blake Christian is someone who I’ve seen work in Impact before, but this was the first time I’ve seen him compete in a more story-based match as opposed to a X-Division 5 way. He looked solid and I’m looking forward to see what he brings to NXT. I wonder if next week’s Kushida vs. O’Reilly match is a title match. O’Reilly is under 205 lbs right?

[Hour Two] Mercedes Martinez was shown backstage watching a video of her getting beat down by Mei Ying at Takeover. Martinez said she did feel the wrath of Tian Sha, but she’s not the person you should mess with. Martinez said she’s 1-1 against Xia, so she’s down to fight anytime. Martinez said next time she runs into Mei Ying, Ying won’t get a chance to get out of her chair because she’ll be knocked out…

Million Dollar Man Ted DiBiase made his entrance. The Million Dollar belt was in a briefcase, sitting on a podium. DiBiase introduced a vignette for his new Million Dollar Champion. A LA Knight spotlight video package aired. The camera then cut to the parking lot where LA Knight was driving up. Knight had a cigar in his mouth. Knight got out of his car and made his entrance to the CWC. Knight took the mic. He stopped before doing his “let me talk to ya” catchphrase. Knight said he just wanted to talk to Ted. Knight said it’s rare in this business when you meet your heroes and share the ring with them.

Knight said he was shocked when he heard his hero tell him that he had a chance to continue his legacy. Knight said that caused him to take the ladder match seriously. Knight said he was banged up after the match, but it was all worth it. Knight said when he used to watch wrestling as a kid, Ted was all over the TV screen. The fans chanted “we want Cameron”. Knight noted when he played wrestling with other kids, someone was always playing DiBiase. Knight said he even had a Ted action figure.

Knight said he just wanted to show his appreciation and say thank you to Ted. Knight said standing here is the greatest moment in his Wrestling Career. He said it would be an honor if Ted could crown him the Million Dollar Champion. Ted said he was happy to as he laid the title belt on Knight’s shoulder. Sparkler pyro went off as Knight and Ted did the Million Dollar Man laught. Dueling “We Want Cameron” and “LA Knight” chants ensued. Knight continued to talk about how much this moment means to him. Knight said he got everything he wanted and now that he’s got what he wants, he can drop what he doesn’t need. Knight punched DiBiase and left him lying. Knight also punched out DiBiase’s private Security.

Knight said the title belongs to him now as he got in DiBiase’s face. Knight put the boots to Ted DiBiase. Cameron Grimes ran out and hit Knight with a series of lariats. Grimes used a lariat to dump Knight to ringside. Grimes checked on Ted as Knight retreated up the ramp. Grimes yelled that Knight had crossed the line and now he’s gonna pay…

McKenzie Mitchell interviewed Raquel Gonzalez and Dakota Kai and wondered why Raquel was wrestling so soon after Takeover. Gonzalez said Kai wants Gold and one title isn’t enough. Kai said that they are going to soon become two-time Women’s Tag Team Champions as soon as they get a title shot…

John’s Thoughts: Good promo segment between Ted and Knight. Knight was purposely acting sobby and got the right reaction from the crowd that saw past his sappiness. I didn’t expect Ted DiBiase to take a bump and him getting attacked by Knight added to the heel heat for LA Knight. Now that they don’t have to rush to a random takeover coming up, we might get a well-build feud between Knight and Grimes. I’m hoping that even if Grimes continues to be a goofball, that he at least takes a step towards becoming a bit more serious and less clowny.

Samoa Joe and William Regal were shown at the Gorilla Position area keeping apart Dakota Kai and Raquel Gonzalez from Shotzi Blackheart and Ember Moon…

John’s Thoughts: Well you know what? Samoa Joe should just randomly choke everyone.

3. Dakota Kai and Raquel Gonzalez vs. Kacy Catanzaro and Kayden Carter. Carter slammed Kai to the mat and got a two count. Carter tagged in and hit Kai with a strike for a two count. Gonzalez tagged in and ate a headlock from Carter. Gonzalez womanhandled Carter around the ring. Carter put Gonzalez in a crucifix submission. Carter shoved Gonzalez to her corner and tagged in Kacy. Catanzaro did some unique agility moves to hit Gonzalez with a huracanrana. Kai tagged in and was dumped to ringside. Kacy hit Kai with a flip dive. Carter tagged in and hit both opponents with a plancha. The show cut to regular commercial.[c]

After being tagged in, Kai hit Kacy with a bottom rope Face Wash. Gonzalez tagged in and hit Kacy with a sidewalk slam. Kacy rolled to ringside to avoid a elbow drop. Kai tagged in and hit Catanzaro with a boot to keep her out of the ring. Kacy shoved Kai away and tagged in Catanzaro. Carter rallied and hit Gonzalez with a dropkick while twisting into a splash on Kai. Carter hit Kai with a Face Wash against the bottom rope. Kai came back at Carter with a Scorpion Kick. Raquel tagged in. Raquel caught a flying Kayden and hit her with a twisting Sidewalk Slam for a two count.

Gonzalez put Carter in the Gory Special to allow Kai to tag in and hit Carter with a Codebreaker. Catanzaro broke up the pin attempt by Kai. Carter gave Kai a boot and kacy tagged in. Carter backdropped Catanzaro on kai for a two count. Catanzaro dropkicked Gonzalez to the outside. Carter tagged in. Catanzaro gave Gonzalez a rana into the apron. Carter hit Kai with a Scorpion Kick. Carter held Kai in place for Catanzaro’s 450. Kai kicked out at two. Gonzalez dragged Carter to ringside and tossed her into the barricade. Kacy tried to go for the top rope, but Dakota recovered and hit Kacy with the GTK for the victory.

Dakota Kai and Raquel Gonzalez defeated Kacy Catanzaro and Kayden Carter via pinfall in 9:01 of on-air time.

The show cut to earlier today, where Ever Rise called out Hit Row for showing off at Takeover In Your House…

Io Shirai was shown backstage, heading to the ring…[c]

John’s Thoughts: A really good tag team match that came out of nowhere. Catanzaro and Carter have developed into a talented and natural tag team that really stand out in a good way. Them being plucky babyfaces allows them to eat losses and not be damaged. Good matches like this also prop up their credibility too because they both had a few great nearfalls in that match that had me suspending my disbelief in the outcome, even though I totally expected them to lose. I’m happy to see Kai and Gonzalez being build up for a run at the tag titles too. I wonder if they are finally going to use this next title quest to lead to Dakota Kai turning on Raquel Gonzalez in the end, and maybe they have heel Dakota Kai be the one to take the title off Gonzalez?

An ad aired for the July 6 Great American Bash Show…

The random cell phone charge graphic was at 20% at this point, it showed up at 10% earlier in the show…

The commentary team advertised Poppy’s new album…

Io Shirai made her entrance in street clothes for a promo. Shirai said “I’m back”. She said she feels good. Shirai spoke a bit in Japanese. Shirai was about to announce her next target, but was cut off by The Way’s entrance music. Candice LeRae made her entrance to the stage. LeRae said that a lot has change since Shirai was gone, including LeRae no longer being an uncrowned champion. LeRae said now that Shirai’s not a dominant champion, it’s back to the bottom with Shirai because everyone has to earn their spot.

LeRae said she still doesn’t like Shirai and Shirai picked the wrong time to mess with LeRae. Hartwell blindsided LeRae and the heels attacked Shirai. Shirai managed to send LeRae to ringside and set up Hartwell for the 619. LeRae recovered and the heels maintained their numbers advantage. Hartwell cleared the commentary table. LeRae ordered Hartwell to hit LeRae with a slingshot elbow drop through the table. Zoey Stark showed up for the save. Shirai hit LeRae and Hartwell with a slingshot dropkick to send the heels into retreat. Shirai’s theme played to end the segment with the faces standing tall…

McKenzie Mitchell caught up with William Regal and Samoa Joe for Regal’s thoughts on how tonight went. I think there were technical issues because it immediately cut to the next segment…

Timothy Thatcher and Tommasso Ciampa passed by MSK backstage. Wes Lee and Nash Carter were eating popcorn. Thatcher turned back and took some of Carter’s popcorn. Thatcher and Ciampa made their entrance for the next match…[c]

A Diamond Mine vignette aired and it still looks like an ad for an MMA gym. The vignette ended by saying that Diamond Mine “opens next week”…

McKenzie Mitchell tried to ask Regal and Joe about their thoughts on how tonight went, but Johnny Gargano and Austin Theory showed up, chanting Joe’s name. Gargano said he thought that Regal made the right decision in picking Joe as an enforcer. Gargano asked Theory if he agreed and Theory just did the Diesel pose, he was also dressed up as Diesel for some reason. Joe told Gargano to get out…

The show cut back to the arena. A graphic flashed to explain how a Tornado Tag Match works…

4. Timothy Thatcher and Tommaso Ciampa vs. “The Grizzled Young Veterans” Zack Gibson and James Drake in a Tornado Tag Match. Ciampa and Thatcher jumped the Grizzled Young Veterans during their entrance. The bell rang once all the men got in the ring. Ciampa and Thatcher dominated for the first few minutes. The GYVs rolled to ringside and got the upper hand after recovering. Ciampa punched away both opponents and hit both men with a flying lariat. GYVs hit Ciampa with tandem offense and dumped both opponents to ringside.

More pairing off ensued. The Grizzled Young veterans dominated the match after getting Thatcher and Ciampa on the mat. Thatcher blocked a suplex. Gibson adjusted and Drake helped him with a sidewalk slam to Give Gibson a two count on Thatcher. Ciampa recovered and took out both of his opponents with lariats. Ciampa shoved the GYVs into the barricade at ringside and hit both of them with a running hip attack. Ciampa and Thatcher gave the GYVs consecutive running uppercuts. The show cut to picture-in-picture.[c]

[Overrun] Thatcher gave Drake and Gibson European Uppercuts. Gibson hit Thatcher with a dropkick to allow Drake to put him in a grounded Octopus Hold. Ciampa stopped Gibson from stomping on Thatcher. Ciampa stomped on Drake while he was holding the submission. Ciampa and Thatcher tossed the GYVs away. Ciampa went for a big boot on Gibson but Gibson dodged and he accidentally hit Thatcher. Ciampa escaped a Doomsday Device attempt. Ciampa met Drake on the top rope to hit him with a Super Air Raid Crash while Thatcher kept Gibson away.

Gibson kicked out at two. Gibson and Ciampa traded chops while on the apron. Ciampa no sold Drake’s chops and hit Drake with a boot. Drake escaped a fireaman carry. Ciampa was was pulled down by Gibson into the Electric Chair position. The Drake hit Ciampa with a Doomsday Device Suicide Dive. GIbson and Thatcher traded uppercuts. Thatcher and Gibson traded several counters. Drake flew in and hit Thatcher with a dropkick. Gibson hit Thatcher with an assisted backstabber. Ciampa broke up Drake’s pin on Thatcher.

The GYVs beat down Ciampa at ringside and power bombed him through the top portion of the announce table that they set up like a bridge. Drake and Gibson then dragged Ciampa to the top of the table. Ciampa recovered and hit Gibson with an Air Raid Crash on top of the table, the table didn’t break. Ciampa and Thatcher surrounded Drake and showered him with chops. Ciampa hit Drake with an assisted Fairy Tale Ending. Ciampa put Drake in a Fujiwara Armbar while Thatcher locked in an ankle lock. Drake tapped out.

Timothy Thatcher and Tommaso Ciampa defeated the Grizzled Young Veterans via submission in 17:11.

McKenzie Mitchell asked Regal and Joe again about Regal’s thoughts on how tonight went now that Joe is the enforcer. Regal was pleased at the night. Joe said this would be one of many good nights for NXT. Regal and Joe drove off in a limo to close the show…

John’s Thoughts: A fun match to top off a good show. Thatcher and Ciampa really thrived in this frantic match and it was boosted by Drake and Gibson’s stellar tag team ability. As good as Drake and Gibson are, they are pretty cold as a team, meaning it was the right decision to put over the more unique and hype team of Thatcher and Ciampa. My guess continues to be that they are building up towards a MSK vs. Ciampa and Thatcher match that should be very entertaining due to the clash in styles. With MSK being very childish and Ciampa and Thatcher playing the role of veterans, I can actually see Thatcher and Ciampa realistically taking the titles off of Carter and Lee? MSK losing the titles can lead to some good character development that they need as a up and coming tag team sensation.

This might have been the best episode of NXT in weeks. This is not due to the Samoa Joe return or this being any sort of mind-blowing show (Though the Regal resignation tease was a decent hook). This was a better show because NXT got back to writing good and logical television. The last few weeks had NXT frantically booking matches towards a Takeover show that never should have happened. This week’s show went back to slow and steady development.

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