NWA executive Dave Lagana resigns following allegation of sexual misconduct

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

The NWA announced that Vice President Dave Lagana resigned from his position on Friday after being accused of sexual misconduct by independent pro wrestling personality Liz Savage. “Pursuant to allegations made by pro wrestler Liz Savage on her Twitter account, 6/18/2020, NWA VP David Lagana has resigned his position, effective immediately,” reads the statement. “As well, all production of NWA content is temporarily halted, pending a restructuring of executive management positions.”

Savage wrote on social media that she and Lagana were sharing a bed while she was staying in his home in 2010 and alleges that she woke up and discovered his hand underneath her pants and underwear while touching himself. Savage wrote that she pretended to be asleep and then “tossed hard and pulled away from him, hoping he would leave me alone. He did.” (Read Savage’s full statement below).

Powell’s POV: Lagana has yet to publicly address the allegations. Lagana wore a number of hats for the company, including on the production side, and thus the decision to halt the production of NWA content is a logical move.


Readers Comments (2)

  1. Weren’t there accusations against him in WWE? Matt Randazzo said something on his twitter about it.

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