ROH Wrestling TV report: Powell’s review of the PCO spotlight edition with matches against Marty Scurll and Rush

By Jason Powell, Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

Ring of Honor Wrestling TV (Episode 438)
Aired April 11, 2020 in syndication and on SBG regional sports networks, available Mondays on FITE.TV

The ROH opening aired… PCO spoke about how his dream never left his soul and he never stopped thinking that he would make it to the top. Various still shots aired of PCO at different points of his life and career.

PCO recalled winning a tag team tournament with Brody King and being attacked by Jay Briscoe and Mark Briscoe. He said it got stiffer and stiffer and he kept yelling at them to bring it because he’s not human. He said it was probably the craziest rivalry of his entire career. Footage aired of PCO and King beating The Briscoes.

PCO said he felt like he was on track and was gaining momentum in ROH. He said the next goal was to create enough momentum to get an ROH World Title shot. PCO looked back on facing Marty Scurll in a No. 1 contenders match. He said it was two villains going against one another. He recalled Scurll asking him to shake hands prior to the match only to have Scurll hit him with an umbrella. A graphic listed the match as being shown after the first commercial break…

PCO vs. Marty Scurll for a shot at the ROH World Championship from October 12, 2019 in New Orleans, Louisiana at Glory By Honor. The footage started with Scurll’s pre-match speech about keeping the match clean, not breaking the rules, and may the best man win. They shook hands and that was followed by the umbrella spot. The match also featured interference by Brody King and Flip Gordon on behalf of Scurll, but PCO won the match to become No. 1 contender. The post match footage was included and showed the Villain Enterprises group burying the hatchet, including Scurll delivering a promo praising PCO.

A graphic hyped Rush vs. PCO for the ROH World Championship for after a break…

PCO said his match against Rush was the biggest night of his life and it occurred on the biggest show of ROH’s year. He said Rush is very unpredictable and crazy. He said POC is the type of guy who gets very excited and becomes very dangerous, which makes him the perfect opponent…

Rush vs. PCO for the ROH World Championship on December 13, 2019 in Baltimore, Maryland at Final Battle. The wrestlers brawled to the stage area where PCO’s hearse was located. PCO’s assistant Destro came out and hooked up jumper cables to the hands of PCO, who then powered up and went on the offensive. Eventually, they made their way back to the ring where PCO performed a moonsault that put Rush through a table and scored the pin to win the ROH World Championship…

PCO said he couldn’t move his left arm after the match. He said Destro wanted him to bend a crowbar in half, but he told him it was impossible. PCO recalled Destro telling him that he’s PCO and anything is possible. PCO recalled bending the tire iron and then said his whole life flashed before his eyes once the referee handed him the title belt. PCO said that it was the payoff and it was all worth it. PCO said it was a dream come true.

They cut back to the post match scene where PCO thanked the fans in attendance, those watching at home, the other Villain Enterprises members, and “my creator, the one who brought me back to life, back to this wrestling world” Destro. PCO said it was thirty years in the making and he felt everyone’s support. PCO thanked the crowd again and said it was only the beginning of the PCO era as the world champion of Ring of Honor…

Powell’s POV: This was my least favorite of the three spotlight episodes. PCO has a terrific story. And while the opening clip showed some great photos from throughout his life and career, there’s just only so much they could really cover since he’s only been with ROH since late 2018. It wasn’t a bad episode, but it just couldn’t cover as much ground as the episodes that focused on The Briscoes and Jay Lethal before this. I find the sit-down interviews to be much more interesting than most of the matches that are being shown on these episodes. That said, it’s likely a nice treat for fans who didn’t get a chance to see those matches when they took place.


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