Powell’s MLW Fusion TV Review: Lucha Brothers farewell in MLW? Brian Pillman Jr. and a mystery partner vs. Tommy Dreamer and a mystery partner, Puma King vs. Gringo Loco, DJZ vs. Myron Reed

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

Major League Wrestling Fusion
Taped February 2, 2019 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at 2300 Arena
Aired February 8, 2019 on beIN Sports

The show opened with footage from last week’s live special that featured a pair of title changes… The MLW opening aired… The broadcast team of Rich Bocchini and Matt Striker checked in on commentary…

1. Myron Reed vs. DJZ. Reed performed an early leap over the top rope and onto DJZ at ringside. DJZ came back and did the BroMans sound effect (ugh). Reed caught him with an ice cutter in the middle of the ring, then followed up with a leap from the middle rope into another cutter and got a two count. DJZ came back with a powerbomb for a near fall. DJZ caught Reed in a rollup that Reed rolled through and scored the pins while holding a handful of tights. DJZ expressed surprise that Reed cheated…

DJZ defeated Myron Reed.

Striker noted that the Lucha Brothers would make their decisions about their future in MLW later in the show. He also hyped the next match… An ad aired for MLW Intimidation Games event, which will be held on March 2 in Chicago, and will also be MLW’s next live broadcast on beIN Sports… [C]

Powell’s POV: A good opener with a surprising outcome. I like the idea of Reed stealing a win. I typically like the work of the MLW broadcast team, but I didn’t like how dismissive they were of Reed cheating. Heck, they basically endorsed it. Bocchini said “it’s not how but how many” in terms of winning, and Striker didn’t disagree. Their approach took the heat away from Reed cheating. Speaking of the broadcast team, Tony Schiavone is on hiatus as the lead voice due to scheduling conflicts with MLW’s new Saturday night events. I believe they’ve said he will be returning in the spring.

An H2 segment aired with Teddy Hart and Brian Pillman Jr. answering fan questions. Hart spoke about “petting my pussy” and how his “pussy is always good” in regards to his cats. They were asked if Davey Boy Smith Jr. is single. Hart said he thinks he is because bathhouses don’t count. Pillman laughed. They were asked if Davey is as big as he looks on television. Hart said he tries not to look at other men’s genitals. They were asked “hair or no hair” and questioned where. Hart put on Pillman’s glasses and said he sees nothing but success now that Pillman has worn them..

Powell’s POV: Well, you won’t hear a lot of that on WWE television. MLW isn’t really playing to kids. I question whether the edginess is really worth it to pro wrestling companies, as it could be a turnoff to potential advertisers.

2. Puma King vs. Gringo Loco. Loco performed a leap from the ropes into a springboard cutter for a two count. Later, Gringo caught King on the ropes. King lost his footing a couple of times, but it resulted in Loco performing a Spanish Fly from the top rope and scored the pin…

Gringo Loco defeated Puma King.

Another ad aired for MLW Intimidation Games…

Powell’s POV: The crowd was really flat. Gringo clicked at the Miami tapings as an underdog babyface. I thought they might be building up to an upset win for him, but I didn’t expect it to happen so soon or against an opponent the fans have no reason to dislike. The live crowd had no reason to pick sides and they never did, and they even remained quiet for the finish.

Bocchini noted that there were questions regarding the future of Pentagon Jr. and Fenix. He said Konnan would join them live later in the show. He also recapped the backstage confrontation involving Maxwell J Friedman and the Hart Foundation…

MJF delivered a backstage promo and questioned why people are praising Hart for redeeming himself when he put himself on the dark path to begin with. He asked where his praise is for doing almost everything there was to do in the business at age 22. MJF said he’s never done drugs, cheated, or lied. He said the fans should thank him for being the good role model that Hart can never be. He said he would repay them by beating down Hart next week while regaining the title he never lost…

Powell’s POV: For those who missed it, MJF was stripped of the MLW Middleweight Championship due to injury, and Hart won the vacated title in a ladder match. MJF continues to shine on the mic.

Footage aired of Tommy Dreamer being interviewed by his car. He said Pillman should be honored to be in the 2300 Arena. He recalled how Pillman’s father made a strong first impression during his first appearance in the building. Dreamer said he had a lot of people to choose from in the area. The cameraman asked him to state who his partner would be and promised he wouldn’t tell Pillman. Dreamer spoke about waiting to open presents until Christmas…

Powell’s POV: Dreamer’s promo was solid as usual, but I’m surprised he hasn’t taken the approach of Pillman lacking respect just as his father did in a storyline sense. After all, Pillman’s father once threatened to piss in the ECW ring before he was dragged off by security in a memorable angle.

A Jimmy Havoc teaser video aired to promote his MLW return…

Brian Pillman Jr. made his entrance and delivered a promo to announce his mystery partner. He said he wouldn’t be teaming with some former ECW junkie. Pillman introduced Davey Boy Smith Jr. as his mystery partner. The broadcast team played it up as an expected and yet logical move for Pillman. Dreamer made his entrance and did a lap around ringside slapping hands with the fans.

A Sandman graphic flashed on the entrance screen and then he made his entrance along with a 12-pack of Budweiser while the fans cheered and “Enter Sandman” played. He poured beer into the mouths of fans, including a female fan at ringside. When some of the beer spilled onto her chest, Sandman gave her a, um, motorboat. Sandman stopped and hugged Teddy Hart, who was at ringside as part of the Hart Foundation. The broadcast team questioned if Sandman was already drunk. A bald, shirtless fans stood on his chair and popped big as Sandman stood nearby. “Is that Justin Credible?” Striker asked. Funny.

3. Brian Pillman Jr. and Davey Boy Smith Jr. (w/Teddy Hart) vs. Tommy Dreamer and Sandman. Sandman made his way to the apron and spat beer in the face of Smith, which led to the match starting. Sandman and then Dreamer chopped Pillman’s chest in the corner. Dreamer ran the ropes and took a kick from Smith from the apron, allowing Pillman to take offensive control.

Sandman eventually took a hot tag from Dreamer and worked over Pillman. Smith interfered, but Dreamer took him down with a cutter. Pillman took a spill at ringside while slipping on the beer on the floor. Sandman stalked Pillman with his kendo stick. Pillman looked under the ring and pulled a cane and then a table, but put them both down. Pillman pulled a hooded man out from underneath the ring. He pulled the hood off and it was Blue Meanie. Striker said Meanie has been under the ring since 1997. Meanie ended up punching Pillman. In the ring, Dreamer set up for a Spicoli Driver on two chairs, but it was broken up. Smith and Pillman performed a double powerbomb of Dreamer through the chairs, and Smith pinned him to win the match. After the match, the fans clapped for Sandman and Dreamer…

Brian Pillman Jr. and Davey Boy Smith Jr. defeated Tommy Dreamer and Sandman.

Powell’s POV: It’s fun to see Sandman again. He made a couple of recent appearances for ROH, but otherwise he hasn’t been on television much in recent years, so it’s a fun nostalgia trip to see him in small doses, especially in the old ECW Arena. The Meanie appearance was a fun cameo, though I wonder if it would have played better had it come in a post match feel good moment for the babyfaces to give the live crowd a little something after losing to the heels. That said, I like the idea of putting over the younger duo, who are major players for MLW.

Bocchini hyped Teddy Hart vs. MJF for the MLW Middleweight Championship for next week…

They cut to Konnan, who was backstage with Pentagon Jr. and Rey Fenix. Konnan said everybody is wondering what the Lucha Brothers will do next and whether they will go to WWE, AEW, AAA, or CMLL. Fenix said they want to wrestle all over the world. Pentagon spoke in Spanish and his words were subtitled on the screen. He said they wrestle wherever and whoever they want. He said they will be at MLW’s Chicago event. Striker said the Lucha Brothers are staying in MLW…

Footage aired of Tom Lawlor stumbling out of a gentleman’s club at what the cameraman said was 8 a.m. Lawlor said he was partying all night with his baby, then he held up the MLW Championship belt…

Powell’s POV: MLW used social media to play up the idea that Pentagon and Fenix were leaving MLW after they dropped the tag titles at this taping. The reality is that the Lucha Brothers have Lucha Underground contracts that prohibit them from signing anywhere else exclusively. They have deals with MLW, Impact Wrestling, and now All Elite Wrestling, and the plan is for them to work for all three promotions and elsewhere. Still, I like the idea of playing on the confusion to make this a hook for the show, especially since it had a feel good payoff for MLW fans. Overall, a solid show with Gringo vs. Puma being the only thing that didn’t really click.

Check below for last week’s Pro Wrestling Boom with Jason Powell and guest Rich Bocchini (f/k/a Rich Brennan) discussing his work with Tony Schiavone in MLW, working for Michael Cole in WWE, his trial by fire in NXT, being produced by Vince McMahon, and much more.


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