ROH Supercard of Honor (Day One): The Young Bucks vs. Motor City Machine Guns headlines tonight’s WrestleMania weekend show

Logo_ROH_dn_crop600The following matches are advertised for the Ring of Honor “Supercard of Honor” event that takes place tonight in Dallas, Texas at the Hyatt Regency Dallas at 7:30 pm CT.

-The Young Bucks vs. Motor City Machine Guns.

-Jay Lethal vs. Lio Rush for the ROH Title.

-ACH vs. Adam Cole.

-The Briscoes and War Machine vs. Rhett Titus, Kenny King, Silas Young, and Beer City Bruiser.

-Roderick Strong vs. Moose.

-Donovan Dijak vs. Cheeseburger vs. Adam Page vs. BJ Whitmer vs. Dalton Castle vs. Frankie Kazarian in a six-man mayhem match.

-Christopher Daniels vs. Bobby Fish.

-Mandy Leon and Solo Darling vs. Amber Gallows and Deonna Purrazzo.

Powell’s POV: Meh. Don’t get me wrong, the ROH talent work as hard as anyone and I have no doubt that they will deliver good matches. I’m just letdown by the fact that the lineup has such a random house show feel. And I’m not sure why ROH isn’t running iPPV events because it seems like easy money. Do they still lack confidence in the technology?

We are looking for correspondents for all WWE, NXT, ROH, and Evolve shows during WrestleMania weekend. If you attend a show or another WrestleMania weekend event, you are encouraged to send a report to


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