Dot Net Awards: 2015 Best Tag Team

Dot Net readers voted on a variety of 2015 awards throughout the month of January. The following are the results of our poll for Best Tag Team. Thanks to everyone who took part in the voting.

(1) New Day (38 percent)
(2) The Young Bucks (13 percent)
(3) Chad Gable and Jason Jordan (10 percent)
(4) Tyson Kidd and Cesaro (6 percent)
(5) Bobby Fish and Kyle O’Reilly (6 percent)
Others: 27 percent

Zack Zimmerman’s Thoughts: The Young Bucks. This was a strong year for tag team wrestling if you’re looking in the right places. The WWE tag division has fallen off a bit and NXT still has a ways to go, even with an impressive second-half of 2015, but Ring of Honor and the New Japan junior teams had a fantastic year. Their matches are always exciting and watching the chemistry of these teams is such poetry in motion. The Bucks were simply the top of a very impressive class including ReDRagon, RPG Vice, and Matt Sydal & Ricochet.

Jake Barnett’s Thoughts: New Day runs away with this one. They were the biggest innovators in Tag Team Wrestling this year, and their fearlessness about their personas coupled with all three of them being outstanding wrestlers has made them one of the most consistently entertaining acts in WWE.

John Moore’s Thoughts: This one’s easy. It’s The New Day, Yes it is! These guys had to overcome a lot to get to where they are today which is one of WWE’s top acts in general. I was at WrestleMania where these guys as generic babyfaces drew facepalms from the crowd. Once Vince McMahon allowed these guys to control their own gimmick, New Day transformed the hate into a must-see gimmick. Not only that, but Kofi’s Agility, Big E’s strength, and Xavier’s mouth put together the perfect tandem to match up with anyone. These guys are no wrestling slouches and you can look at their feud with Cesaro and Kidd for some good tag team wrestling. They were almost too entertaining to be heels. They also get extra points from me for playing Nobuo Uematsu music on the trombone.

Darren Gutteridge’s Thoughts: New Day. I for one don’t subscribe to this idea that New Day are somehow running out of steam. It could be a generational thing on my part, but I am still loving pretty much everything they are laying down. Considering their less than stellar beginnings as a team, I’m so happy that Kingston, Woods and Big E pulled out this monumental win. Fingers crossed they get the big Wrestlemania match they deserve.

Will Pruett’s Thoughts: In a strange way, this award is a contest between the two most irreverent teams in wrestling today: The New Day and The Young Bucks. While New Day did breakout this year and become one of the more entertaining parts of WWE, The Young Bucks continued their dominance of the indie scene. Maybe I’m biased because I see Matt and Nick Jackson as hometown favorites out of PWG, but no tag team was as good (or as entertaining) as them this year.

Haydn Gleed’s Thoughts: I know the popular choice in this category will be New Day, but I still don’t seem to enjoy their act as most people seem too, and I certainly wouldn’t put their in-ring work above most tag teams. The Wolves deserve a lot of credit for putting on consistently entertaining matches in a tag division within TNA that hasn’t had a wealth of tag teams. For me, it would be a straight up choice from the wealth of talented tag teams in either ROH or NXT. I can see Chad Gable and Jason Jordan walking away with this award in my eyes next year, but because they are a relatively new team this year who have only caught fire at the tail end of 2015, my pick for best tag team in 2015 will goes to Bobby Fish and Kyle O’Reilly.

Jason Powell’s Thoughts: I’m with Will in that this comes down to New Day and The Young Bucks. New Day had better exposure via WWE and they are more entertaining on the mic, but I give the edge to the Bucks based on the number of exceptional matches they worked. The Wolves had a nice year in TNA. They worked with some classic teams in Team 3D and The Hardy Boyz, but they still lack that great team of rivals that would go so far in elevating them in the eyes of voters. In fact, they were trumped in my third place vote by the brilliant team of Bobby Fish and Kyle O’Reilly. My hope is that we see them work more traditional tag matches in 2016 and scale back on all of the multi-team spot fests they tend to be booked in. They certainly perform well in those matches, but they truly shine in standard tag matches.


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