John Morrison discusses his WWE MITB qualifier win over Randy Orton, says pro wrestling needs less predictability

By Jason Powell, Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

DAZN interview with John Morrison
Interviewer: Steven Muehlhausen
Available at

DAZN: You had a great match with Randy (Orton) last Monday on Raw to get into the Money in the Bank ladder match. I really liked Raw because we’re seeing new blood in the Money in the Bank ladder match and not getting the same old guys, not the same song and dance. It seemed like that was really getting over with a lot of people on social media. What did you make of the match on Monday with Randy, and then what do you make of the fact that there is new blood at least on the Raw side right now for the Money in the Bank ladder match?

John Morrison: “I thought Monday’s episode of Raw was one of the strongest episodes of Raw that I’ve seen in a very long time. You nailed it. Like Ricochet beats AJ (Styles), John Morrison beats Randy Orton, and Riddle beats Drew (McIntyre). Nobody saw any of those coming. I think that sometimes is what wrestling needs is a little bit more unpredictability, a little more uncertainty.

“For me, there’s the known and the unknown, and in between are the doors, which by the way, is why The Doors named their group The Doors. Support my namesake, Jim Morrison. But when you’re in the unknown, it’s more interesting because anything can happen. If you always know, AJ is going to beat Ricochet. If you know that going in, then suddenly, instead of like, ‘I want to see what’s going to happen’. You’re like, ‘Okay, let’s see how AJ beats Ricochet’. It’s more of a passive viewing experience, and that’s why I think this week was so cool.

“For me, I mean, Randy, someone that I’ve known for 19 years and always consider him a friend. We were talking, and I think that’s the first time that we’ve wrestled. We’ve been in the rings together plenty, but we’ve usually been on the same side. It was cool being in the ring with him. It was great having that match with him. His pacing is next level, and the way he thinks about everything is all very methodical, all about the story, all about conveying emotion through your face, and that can be understood by the people watching, which is really what it’s all about.

“The whole point of entertainment is to make someone feel something good, bad, excited, interested, and curious. So for all those reasons, it felt like I came away with a lot of ideas and excitement about the future after that match.”

Other topics include “Johnny Drip Drip” and “The Shaman of Sexy” names, getting the chance to show the world what he did while he was away from WWE, and more.


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