12/3 NWA Powerrr results: Powell’s review of “The Wild Cards” Royce Issacs and Thom Latimer vs. “The Rock & Roll Express” Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson for the NWA Tag Titles, final hype for the NWA Into The Fire pay-per-view

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

NWA Powerrr (Episode 9)
Taped September 30 and October 1, 2019 in Atlanta, Georgia at GPB Studios
Aired December 3, 2019 on the NWA Youtube and NWA Facebook Page

The show opened with a video touting this as the season finale and hyping The Rock & Roll Express challenging for the NWA Championship… The “Into The Fire” opening aired… Joe Galli checked in while standing in front of a blue backdrop and thanked viewers for watching the show and noted that it was the season finale. He also hyped Colt Cabana facing Ricky Starks for the NWA National Championship…

Aron Stevens and The Question Mark were interviewed at the interview desk by Dave Marquez. Stevens complained about not getting a title shot. Cabana came out and told Stevens to take the match with Starks and said he would give him a shot at the title if he won. Stevens spoke about people cheating told Question Mark to go to the back, which drew some boos… The broadcast team was Galli and Jim Cornette…

1. Aron Stevens vs. Ricky Starks for a shot at the NWA National Championship. Cabana remained at ringside. Stevens sold a knee injury and rolled onto the apron. Referee Mike Posey checked on Stevens and called over Dave Marquez. The Question Mark came out to check on Stevens, then hit Starks from behind and followed up with his karate thrust. Stevens made a “miraculous recovery” and stole the pin…

Aron Stevens beat Ricky Starks to earn a shot at the NWA National Championship.

Powell’s POV: Unless I misunderstood Galli, I believe the match was scheduled to be Starks challenging Cabana for the title, so I’m not sure why Starks didn’t put up a protest. Nevertheless, I’m looking forward to Cabana vs. Stevens in what should be a fun match.

An ad aired for the NWA Into The Fire pay-per-view on FITE.TV… Galli hyped the pay-per-view and said the special pre-order price of $19.99 is available through December 7. Galli hyped Nick Aldis vs. James Storm for the NWA Championship in a best of three falls match. Galli announced the added stipulation that each wrestler will pick a referee for one of the falls, and if they go to a third fall there will be a coin flip that will determine which referee will handle the third fall…

A James Storm promo aired. Storm spoke about a conspiracy and the title match airing live and thus not leaving any room for editing. Storm said it’s obvious that Aldis was ducking him. Storm said he had to win a three-way to earn the title shot, but he said the people won’t be seeing that because the NWA won’t be showing it. Storm asked if he’s that big of a pain in the ass for the NWA. Storm said he called NWA referee Brian Hebner and asked if he could trust him to be his chosen referee for the match…

Powell’s POV: A good promo from Storm. The NWA opted against airing the three-way that Storm referenced because they weren’t happy with the way it came out. So they’ve turned it into a storyline with Storm claiming a conspiracy by the company.

A HighSpots ad aired… A Question Mark video aired with him meeting several legends and fans at a convention…

Galli set up footage of Nick Aldis and Great Muta in the ring together from a recent event (I believe this was from WrestleCade over Thanksgiving weekend)…

Marquez interviewed Melina at ringside. She said her gift is that she brings out the best in people. She said a champion brings out the best in people. She said Allysin Kay will have to work hard to keep the title from her.

NWA Women’s Champion Allysin Kay walked to the ring and accused Melina of trying to tell a sob story. She told Melina that she would smack the smug look off her face. Kay entered the ring and was ready to fight Melina, who climbed onto the apron to serve as a distraction for Marty Belle attacking Kay. Kay fought off Belle, but Thunder Rosa joined in on the attack and they left Kay lying…

Tony Falk’s Waffles and Tire Irons commercial aired…

Kyle Davis interviewed Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson about their title match. Morton said old school wrestling his what they are all about. Morton said it’s every man’s dream to have a title shot…

NWA Champion Nick Aldis addressed the three-way match that didn’t air. Aldis said Storm knows that the match won’t air and isn’t recognize by the NWA because he wasn’t supposed to be in it. Aldis said Eli Drake and Ken Anderson were on a tear and were supposed to face one another when Storm forced them into a situation to get his way. “We ain’t in TNA anymore, James,” Aldis said.

Aldis said Storm did a good job as the NWA National Champion until he lost the title to Colt Cabana, and now he’s running his mouth. Aldis said the three-way was complete chaos with the rules being ignored and that’s not how they do things in the NWA.

Aldis said people might be wondering why Storm is getting the title shot. He said it’s because he went to management and demanded the match to give the squeaky wheel all the grease he can handle. Aldis said the only way Storm will understand how things work in the NWA is to get what he wants so he can figure out that it’s not what he wanted after all. Aldis pondered who he felt he could trust as his referee. Aldis announced that Tim Storm will be the referee of the second fall.

The focused switched to Kamille. Aldis said that all the controversy was working against what her purpose was. Aldis said he was giving her the night off at Into The Fire. He said she would still be paid, but he didn’t want any asterisks when he beats Storm. Aldis said they may not even get to a third fall in the match. Aldis said Kamille will be back by his side “as the insurance policy and nothing more” coming out of the pay-per-view…

Powell’s POV: A hell of a promo that pieced the confusing storyline together nicely. I like the idea of Storm serving as the special referee for Aldis. It makes storyline sense given the respect they’ve shown one another and there’s plenty of intriguing storyline possibilities if they want to go in that direction. My personal favorite? Tim Storm fathered a child at the tender age of 12 and that child turned out to be James Storm. How else do you explain them having the same last name?!? Yes, Lance Storm is also one of Tim’s bastard children in my bad fantasy booking even though he’s only four years younger. Young Tim was a player.

A graphic hyped the return of NWA Powerrr for December 17 coming out of the pay-per-view. It was also noted that there will be 10 Pounds of Gold and other videos leading up to the pay-per-view…

2. “The Wild Cards” Royce Issacs and Thom Latimer vs. “The Rock & Roll Express” Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson for the NWA Tag Titles. Morton and Gibson went on a roll and hit their double dropkick finisher on Latimer. They had the pin, but Isaacs broke it up. A short time later, Morton ran Isaacs into Latimer and then rolled up and pinned Isaacs to win the match.

The Rock & Roll Express defeated The Wild Cards to win the NWA Tag Titles.

After the match, Jim Cornette entered the ring and celebrated with Morton and Gibson, who led the crowd in a “nine times” chant for the duo winning their ninth championship. Cornette hugged the duo…

Galli spoke in front of the backdrop and spoke about what a moment it was for Morton and Gibson with Cornette getting in the ring. Galli said the NWA would like to thank Cornette for the time he spent as the color commentator and for his support of the NWA…

Footage aired of Kyle Davis interviewing Morton and Gibson as they celebrated their win…

Galli hyped a rematch between The Rock & Roll Express and The Wild Cards for NWA Tag Titles, and he also announced Cabana vs. Stevens vs. Starks for the NWA National Championship, Trevor Murdoch vs. The Question Mark, Ashley Vox and Allysin Kay vs. two members of Melina’s squad, Mr. Anderson vs. Eli Drake, and the NWA Championship match for the pay-per-view…

Aldis delivered a promo from his home and said the only question remains is who will join the NWA broadcast. Stu Bennett was listed as the color commentator for the pay-per-view… The credits aired to close the show…

Powell’s POV: The R&R win was nice, but everything leading up to it felt choppy and I didn’t feel like we got the full story of their issues with the Wild Cards. I like the idea of Bennett (a/k/a Wade Barrett) serving as the color commentator. It’s a nice dose of added star power for the pay-per-view.


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