AEW All Out results: Powell’s live review of Chris Jericho vs. Hangman Page to become the first AEW Champion, Pentagon Jr. and Fenix vs. The Young Bucks in a ladder match for the AAA Tag Titles, Cody vs. Shawn Spears, Kenny Omega vs. Pac

By Jason Powell, Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

AEW All Out
Aired live August 31, 2019 live on pay-per-view
Chicago, Illinois at Sears Centre

The Buy-In Pre-Show

Excalibur and Golden Boy opened the show from their broadcast perch, then turned things over to ring announcer Justin Roberts for the opening match. Roberts read through the rules of the match…

1. Casino Battle Royale for a spot in the match to determine the first AEW Women’s Champion. The first five entrants were Leva Bates, Faby Apache, Nyla Rose, Pricilla Kelly, and Shalanda Royal. Peter Avalon was at ringside for Bates. The broadcast team labeled Rose as the favorite. All four opponents went after Rose, who pushed them all off. Avalon placed books on the floor for Bates to stand on so that she wasn’t eliminated.

Royal was the first person eliminated. Apache was eliminated by Rose. Kelly dove at Rose, who caught her and then threw her over the top rope. Kelly hit hard on the floor with no one there to break her fall. Bates hit Rose from behind with a small book. Rose no-sold it and threw Bates out of the ring to eliminate her. Avalon went after Rose, who threw him over the top rope.

The next five entrants were Penelope Ford, Shazza McKenzie, Sadie Gibbs, Big Swole, and Dr. Brit Baker. McKenzie was eliminated by Baker. Swole and Rose had a showdown that ended with Rose performing a uranage on the apron, which led to Swole rolling to the floor to be eliminated. Rose performed a wicked German suplex on Ford and eliminated her moments later.

The next entrants were Tenille Dashwood, Ivelisse, Bea Priestley, Brandi Rhodes, and Awesome Kong. Rhodes and Kong worked together. Kong was cornered by four women, leaving Brandi to fend for herself with Rose. Brandi performed a Stunner on Rhodes. Kong eliminated Ivelisse (and another wrestler).

The next entrants were Allie, Nicole Savoy, Teal Piper, ODB, and Jazz. Allie ran to the ring and went right at Brandi. ODB pulled her flask out. Piper poked her in the eye and went for a sleeper. Kong pulled Piper off and threw her over the top rope to eliminate her. Rose eliminated Savoy. Kong threw Piper threw the ropes and the broadcast team noted that she was still alive in the match.

Kong and Rose squared off, but Jazz broke it up. ODB, Jazz, Kong, and Rose all met in the middle of the ring. There was a loud chant for ODB. Kong was eliminated by a group of wrestlers. Rose eliminated Jazz.

The final entrant was Mercedes Martinez. Brandi was eliminated by a couple of wrestlers. Martinez entered the ring and performed suplexes on a few women. Allie performed a Death Valley Driver on Martinez. Gibbs performed a clunky springboard lariat to the back of Rose.

Martinez was eliminated and the match seemingly came down to Rose, Priestley, and Baker. Priestley and Baker teamed up on Rose, who skinned the cat when they tried to eliminate her. Baker performed a Canadian Destroyer on Priestley. Baker caught Rose on the ropes and suplexed her. Baker eliminated Priestly. Priestly reached up and held Baker’s arm, then Rose rushed over and dumped Baker over the top rope.

Nyla Rose won the Casino Battle Royale to earn a spot in the first AEW Women’s Championship match.

The belt was shown in a case on the stage while Rose celebrated. The broadcast team said Rose will face the winner of tonight’s Riho vs. Hakaru Shida match at the AEW on TNT show in Washington D.C.

Powell’s POV: Man, those casino battle royales are a bitch to cover. Self pity aside, I enjoyed this one more than the men’s version even though there were some clunky moments. The important thing is that they made Rose look like the monster badass heading into her title match.

A video package focused on the AEW Championship match… The AEW Championship belt was shown backstage…

2. “Private Party” Isiah Kassidy and Marq Quen vs. Angelico and Jack Evans. There was a Private Party chant after the bell rang to start the match. Quen and Evans essentially had a flip off. Quen’s glasses came off and Evans kicked them aside. Some fans booed. Later, Quen made a big springboard leap over Evans to make a tag to Kassidy, who worked over both opponents.

At 8:30, the Private Party duo performed some innovative double team moves. Quen performed a great shooting star press on Evans, then rolled to ringside and shoved Kassidy into the ring to make the cover as the legal man, which led to a two count. Evans came back and he and Angelico worked over Kassidy. Evans performed an assisted splash on Kassidy for a near fall.

Evans went to one corner and Angelico went to another, but they were both cut off. Quen performed a scarier than usual Poison Rana on Evans from the middle rope. Kassidy hit the same move on Evans. Quen performed a huracanrana on Angelico from the ropes that sent him into a cutter from Kassidy, who then pinned him.

Private Party beat Angelico and Jack Evans in 11:35.

After the match, the teams got together in the middle of the ring. Angelico and Evans raised the arms of Private Party, then attacked them from behind. The crowd chanted “party poopers” at Angelico and Evans…

Powell’s POV: Private Party got the cheers, but the real hero of the match was Evans for making that Poison Rana from the middle rope work. Don’t get me wrong, Private Party can do some amazing things, but Evans really was the glue that held everything together. And I like the post match attack by Angelico and Evans because it’s an indication that they factor into the creative plans at least to some extent and aren’t just there to make other teams look good.

A vignette aired with a man and a woman walking onto a what appeared to be the top level of a parking ramp. Four other men were there laughing at the man. The woman removed his shirt and he had a cut or a scar on his right shoulder. He took a punch from one of the men, no-sold it, and then beat the hell out of all four men while the footage was shown in slow motion with a musical score playing in the background. The man looked into the camera. The name “WARDLOW” appeared on the screen…

Jenn Decker interviewed MJF, who said he didn’t want a match on the card. He said he wants to help his best friend Cody in his match against Shawn Spears. Decker asked what would happen if Cody doesn’t choose to have MJF in his corner. MJF laughed, said she was funny, and said she has his number…

Jim Ross made his entrance and joined Excalibur and Golden Boy at their broadcast perch. The trio spoke about the show while various shots of rowdy fans were shown. Ross made a final pitch to fans to order the pay-per-view and said they would get more than their money’s worth… An ad aired for AEW on TNT…

The AEW All Out Pay-Per-View

A group of singers performed the national anthem on the stage. Pyro shot off and the crowd chanted USA afterward…

The broadcast team of Ross, Excalibur, and Golden Boy checked in and ran through the lineup…

1. “SoCal Uncensored” Christopher Daniels, Frankie Kazarian, and Scorpio Sky vs. “Jurassic Express” Jungle Boy, Luchasaurus, and Marko Stunt. The SCU trio came out first. Sky took the mic and did the “this is the worst town” bit. Daniels recalled “someone” betting a year ago that they couldn’t even get a full house. He said they took that bet and were all in. Daniels said it’s a new year, a new dealer, a new deck, and a new shuffle and three aces were telling the fans that AEW is all out. Kazarian led the fans in an SCU chant. The Jurassic Express made their entrance and there was a loud “Jungle Boy” chant as he started the match for his team.

Daniels also received “Fallen Angel” chants, and the fans chanted for Luchasaurus once he tagged in for the first time. Stunt checked in for the first time and used his quickness to get the better of the SCU trio. Jungle Boy held the ropes open while Stunt performed a suicide dive. The production team missed most of Jungle Boy’s followup dive, but got Luchasaurus doing his own dive. Back inside the ring, Stunt leapt off the shoulders of Luchasaurus and onto Daniels, which led to a two count. SCU rallied and isolated Jungle Boy. Daniels mocked Stunt by doing his own version of the floss dance. Funny.

Luchasaurus tagged in and kicked Daniels and Sky, then chokeslammed Kazarian and performed a standing moonsault for a near fall. The crowd popped big for Luchasaurus. SCU rallied again. It was their turn to perform huracanranas and dives to ringside (Daniels wisely refrained). Kazarian held up Stunt and Jungle Boy, then Daniels hit the BME on both men and pinned Jungle Boy.

Christopher Daniels, Frankie Kazarian, and Scorpio Sky beat Jungle Boy, Luchasaurus, and Marko Stunt in 11:45.

The teams shook hands after the match and had a moment where they all raised their hands in the ring…

Powell’s POV: An entertaining match. The live crowd loved the Jurassic Express and I suspect that will continue once AEW arrives on TNT. Those three should be a big hit with the kids and the adults seem to enjoy them too. That said, it will be interesting to see if there’s a difference between what the traveling diehard fans who attend events like All Out enjoy compared to what the more common fan enjoy one AEW gets rolling on TNT.

2. Kenny Omega vs. PAC. Roberts introduced Pac as “The Bastard Pac.” Former ROH regular Paul Turner was the referee for the match. There was a loud “Kenny” chant. Omega went for an early pescado, but Pac caught him with a kick on the way down. Pac ended up shoving Omega into the barricade, then picked him up and dropped him face first onto the ring apron. The broadcast team played up Omega being distracted or off his game because he trained to face and may have been thinking about Jon Moxley.

Omega clotheslined Pac to ringside and then performed a big flip dive onto him. Omega came up holding the back of his head and then his ankle, which hit the ringside barricade on the way down. Omega got up and shook it off and rolled Pac back inside the ring. Omega went up top and performed a missile dropkick and a brainbuster, which led to a two count. At 11:15, Pac rolled out of the way of an Omega moonsault. Pac went for a moonsault of his own. Omega caught him, but Pac performed a DDT and covered Omega for a near fall.

Excalibur noted that Pac had his left thigh wrapped and pointed out that Omega had yet to target the injury. Pac went up top. Omega went to ringside. Pac performed a moonsault onto him on the floor. Back inside the ring, Pac hit a 450 splash from the top rope for a near fall. The wrestlers traded elbows in the middle of the ring. Omega got the better of it and performed a buckle bomb and followed up with a spinebuster for a near fall. Omega performed some of his signature spots and put Pac on his shoulders in an electric chair, then moved him into a belly to back suplex and bridged into a pin for a two count.

Pac came back with a suplex into a bridge for a two count of his own just before the 20:00 mark. Omega came back and hit a snap dragon suplex and a V-Trigger knee that led to a two count. Omega went for another V-Trigger, but Pac blocked it and caught Omega with a series of kicks. Pac performed a rough poison rana. Ross covered quickly by chalking it up to both men sweating from the heat of the match. Omega put Pac on his shoulders. Pac countered into his Brutalizer hold. Omega fell to the mat and the referee called for the bell…

PAC defeated Kenny Omega in 23:20.

Powell’s POV: A good match. I look forward to their next match when they actually have a storyline build. Obviously, this one was rushed because Omega was scheduled to face Jon Moxley, who had to pull out of the show due to injury. Pac should be a player in AEW, and Omega is going to be just fine. Most of the audience watching now views Omega as a star, so I’m all for telling the story of his rise on TNT.

3. Joey Janela vs. Jimmy Havoc vs. Darby Allin in a three-way. The broadcast team billed it as the Cracker Barrel Clash due to the the sponsorship. The Cracker Barrel barrel was on the entrance ramp rather than inside the ring. The bell rang and Havoc went to ringside and pulled out a table, a staple gun, and other weapons. Havoc entered the ring. Allin motioned for him to bring it. Havoc stapled himself twice, which led to “you sick f—” chants. Hey, there’s another barrel at ringside.

Janela held Havoc on a chair at ringside and then Allin taped him to the chair. Allin poured tacks out of a cup and then put them in the mouth of Havoc. Janela taped Havoc’s mouth shut and then kicked Allin. A short time later, Allin went up top and performed a flip off the top rope and onto Havoc and the chair. Ross noted that the fans were chanting holy shit. Janela caught Allin on the ropes and slammed him onto the apron. Janela pulled a tennis racket out from under the ring, looked at it, and tossed it aside. Golden Boy asked who on earth would ever use a tennis racket as a weapon (yep, they’re trolling Jim Cornette during a pay-per-view match).

Havoc returned to the match and used a sheet of paper that had the AEW logo on it to give Janela cuts on his mouth and fingers, then used the staple gun on him. Havoc monkey flipped Janela, who landed on a chair set up in the middle of the ring. Havoc gave him a mouth paper cut. Janela came back and ended up performing a powerbomb that drove Allin through a table that was set up on the floor. Janela went up top and went for a moonsault from the top rope, but Havoc apparently moved because no one was near where Janela landed at ringside. Havoc picked up a tray of biscuits and threw them at Havoc. Havoc dragged the barrel from the ramp to ringside while the fans chanted “We want barrels.”

Janela clotheslined Havoc at the 10:00 mark. Allin returned to the ring with a skateboard and hit Janela with it. The broadcast team pointed out that the bottom of the skateboard was covered in tacks, then Allin leapt off the top rope and double stomped the skateboard onto Janela’s back. Havoc pulled Allin to ringside. Allin ended up placing Havoc on the ring steps. Allin went to the top rope and did a trust fall with the barrel. Havoc moved and then Allin landed on the steps and the barrel basically exploded. Damn. Inside the ring, Janela hit a top rope elbow on Havoc and covered him for a two count. The camera closed it on the back of Janela, which had several tacks stuck in it.

Janela brought a second barrel inside the ring and placed it on Havoc, who got up and hit Janela. Havoc superplexed Janela, whose foot hit the barrel. Havoc performed an Acid Rainmaker that drove Janela through the barrel and then pinned him.

Jimmy Havoc beat Joey Janela and Darby Allin in 15:00 in a three-way.

After the match, a Cracker Barrel dinner photo was shown. The broadcast team recapped highlights from the match, then shots of various fans in the crowd were shown…

Powell’s POV: Biscuits and barrels. Well, that was crazy. No one can question the the work ethic of the three men involved but it is more than fair to question their sanity. On a side note, I’m enjoying the work of the broadcast team. I give AEW credit for acknowledging that Alex Marvez wasn’t a good fit in the third chair at this time.

4. “The Dark Order” Evil Uno and Stu Grayson (w/Creepers) vs. “Best Friends” Chuck Taylor and Trent Barreta to earn a first-round bye in the AEW Tag Title tournament. The Creepers are the shirtless masked men who appear to worship Evil Uno. The Best Friends did their hug bit a minute into the match. The hard camera pulled back to a wide shot similar to the way New Japan plays it when Kazuchika Okada strikes the Rainmaker pose.

Later, Uno hit a top rope Grayson performed a springboard corkscrew dive onto Taylor and the creepers. Uno performed a senton bomb onto Barreta for a near fall. Best Friends rallied with a Soul Food into a half and half suplex on Grayson. A short time later, Taylor hit an Awful Waffle on Grayson and appeared to have him pinned. Uno pulled Barreta to ringside and ran him into the barricade. The Creepers attacked Taylor and ran him into the ring steps. The Dark Order hit their Fatality finisher on Barreta and then pinned him.

The Dark Order beat Best Friends in 13:40 to earn a first round bye in the AEW Tag Title tournament.

After the match, Grayson ran Taylor into the barricade. Grayson held the back of his neck and then slammed the apron a couple times. Grayson and Uno ordered the Creepers to pick up Barreta. The lights went out. When the lights turned on, Orange Cassidy was in the ring and received a big pop. Cassidy kept his hands in his pocket as he dove onto The Creepers. Ross questioned who Cassidy is. Excalibur explained that he’s a training partner of Taylor. The Best Friends hugged Cassidy, who kept his hands in his pockets…

Powell’s POV: The live crowd wasn’t very lively during the match. I’m surprised they didn’t air a video package or something to fill some time between this match and the insanity of the previous match, but it may not have mattered. The Dark Order presentation has been rough, and Best Friends are very good wrestlers whose entire act is built around hugging each other once a match. I hope they both get some real storyline development once television starts. Cassidy was really over here. The no hands stuff is fun and so far they’ve avoided having anyone sell his comedy light kicks (he tried them on Tommy Dreamer, who eliminated him from the Casino Battle Royale seconds later).

An AEW on TNT video aired…

5. Riho vs. Hakaru Shida for a spot in the first AEW Women’s Championship match. The winner will face Nyla Rose to become the first AEW Women’s Champion. The broadcast team noted that Shida is moving to the U.S. in October. Shida applied an early Boston Crab, then turned it into a single crab until Riho reached the ropes. Riho fought back, but Shida caught her on the ropes. Rhio broke free and performed a double stomp onto Shida.

Later, Ross played up Rose as being the favorite regardless of the outcome of this match. Shida performed a superplex for a near fall. Riho rallied with a double stomp onto Shida, then caught her with running double knees and got a near fall of her own. Shida avoided a double comp, but took knees to the back of the head. Shida came right back anyway and picked up another near fall. In the end, Riho swung around Shida with her legs and rolled her into a pin…

Riho defeated Hakaru Shida in 13:35 to earn a spot in the match that will determine the first AEW Women’s Champion.

Nyla Rose walked onto the stage after the match and smirked, then pointed at Riho, who stared back at her. Rose headed backstage and then the camera moved to a shot of the AEW Women’s Championship belt…

Powell’s POV: The live crowd was very quiet throughout the majority of the match, but the match seemed to grow on them as they went deeper into it. It will be interesting to hear why they made the decision to put the Omega vs. Pac match on so early in the night.

The broadcast team spoke from their perch. Ross said he’s looking forward to the next match because it involves personal issues. The broadcast team set up a video package on the Cody vs. Shawn Spears match…

The lights were out and Spears was shown seated on a chair on the stage with a hood over his head with spotlights shining down on him. Blanchard joined him and they walked to the ring. Spears removed the hood and was wearing blue contact lenses. Brandi Rhodes, MJF, and Dallas Page were shown walking Pharaoh (the Rhodes’s dog) backstage while the broadcast team wondered who Cody would have in his corner. Cody was raised from below the ring. Pyro shot off. Dallas Page, Brandi, and MJF came out with Cody’s dog Pharaoh, who looked spooked and tried to go backstage. Cody decided to have MJF in his corner…

6. Cody (w/MJF) vs. Shawn Spears (w/Tully Blanchard). Cody dove through the ropes at Spears on the floor. Cody hit Blanchard and then sent Spears over the barricade. Spears pulled Cody over with him. They fought in the crowd and Ross noted the match had not officially started. Cody got the better of the brawl and played to the crowd, then went back to fighting Spears. Once they returned to the ring, referee Earl Hebner called for the bell to officially start the match.

Blanchard grabbed Cody’s arm from behind, allowing Spears to hit Cody below the belt. Ross pointed out that referee Hebner was tied up with MJF, whom Ross said was an inexperienced second. At 3:00, Spears hung Cody upside down using the ropes and then kicked him from the floor. Spears smiled and winked at MJF, then crotched Cody on the post. Spears continued to taunt MJF as he worked over Cody inside the ring. Cody came back with his drop down punch from the mat, but then Spears avoided him charing into the corner and went right back on the offensive. Spears performed a hanging DDT on the apron at 5:45.

Spears removed the weight lighting belt that Cody wears. Hebner jawed at Spears, who shoved Hebner a few times with his hand. Hebner returned the favor. Spears begged off and tossed the weight belt aside. Blanchard slipped his own belt to Spears, who whipped Cody with it. Cody got pissed the second time he was hit with the belt and fired up. Cody let Spears hit him again, then responded with a boot to the head. Cody threw a series of kicks at Spears in the corner and followed up with a springboard into a Stunner. Cody let out a wooo and then applied a figure four. Spears immediately reversed it. Blanchard reached in and provided leverage while MJF complained to the referee. Cody reached the ropes to break the hold.

At ringside, Spears put Cody on his shoulder and then drove him onto the bottom of the entrance ramp. Back inside the ring, Spears lowered his kneepad and set up for a move, but Cody slipped out of it and hit CrossRhodes. Blanchard climbed onto the apron and jawed at Hebner to distract him. MJF stood on the opposite side of the ring and motioned for Blanchard to bring it. Blanchard entered the ring and threw his jacket at MJF, who removed his shirt and folded up his scarf, which he then threw at Blanchard. They locked up and Spears blasted MJF with a boot to the head, which sent him to ringside. Blanchard put the boots to MJF.

Arn Anderson walked to the ring and gave Spears a spinebuster to a big pop at 13:40. Blanchard acted shocked. Anderson headed backstage. Blanchard followed him up the stage with his jaw dropped, then went into the opposite entrance tunnel. Spears drove Cody’s back into the apron. Spears pulled out a chair and tried to bring it into the ring, but Cody caught him with a kick and then pulled him face first into the mat. Cody picked up the chair. Spears begged off. Cody threw the chair down, then did the flip, flop, and fly routine. Cody threw the chair at Spears, who caught it, then Cody blasted it with a Disaster Kick. Cody performed his CrossRhodes finisher and scored the clean pin.

Cody beat Shawn Spears in 16:20.

After the match, MJF entered the ring and picked up the chair and looked at Cody, then threw it aside and hugged him. Cody and MJF played to the crowd. Cody knelt down and kissed the ring.

Powell’s POV: I was very surprised to see Cody go over clean. I assumed Cody would win the feud, but I thought it would take him a lot longer to avenge the Spears turn, especially once they added Tully Blanchard to the story. Spears needed the win here much more than Cody did. The MJF post match tease was fun. It’s obvious that it’s only a matter of time before MJF turns on Cody, but it gets more fun the longer he waits to do it.

A video package set up the ladder match…

7. “The Lucha Brothers” Pentagon Jr. and Fenix vs. “The Young Bucks” Matt Jackson and Nick Jackson in a ladder match for the AAA Tag Titles. The AAA tag belts were hanging above the ring. The Lucha Brothers received a little pyro during their entrance. The Bucks came out wearing masks with antlers and stood on a ladder that was on the stage. A confetti gun shot off “young pesos” into the crowd. The Bucks removed the masks once they were in the ring.

At 3:30, the Lucha Brothers speared the Bucks off the apron and through tables that were set up on the floor. At 5:00, Matt performed a series of suplexes on Fenix and the last one was onto a ladder (each ladder was black and gold) that was set up in the corner of the ring. Fenix came back with a springboard huracanrana that sent Nick crashing onto a ladder that leas leaning against the ropes. An AEW chant broke out.

At 8:35, Nick springboarded onto a ladder. Fenix tipped the ladder of and Nick leapt from it, onto the ropes, and dove onto Pentagon on the floor. Fenix climbed the ladder, Matt tipped it over, then Fenix performed a springboard moonsault onto Nick at ringside. Pentagon and Matt climbed a ladder and fought near the top. Pentagon leapt from one side of the ladder and took Matt down to the mat with a sling blade clothesline. The crowd got to their feet and cheered while the wrestlers were briefly down.

At 10:40, Nick dove through a ladder and over the ropes and then landed on Pentagon at ringside. Fenix hit a springboard Canadian Destroyer on Matt in the ring. Fenix set up a table in the middle of the ring while Pentagon slid a table inside the ring. Fans chanted “fight forever.” Matt was placed on a table, but he got up and met Fenix at the top of one of the two ladders in the ring. Pentagon rushed over and performed a Canadian Destroyer from the ladder that drove Matt through the table. Holy shit chants broke out. Wow.

Matt and Pentagon were placed on chairs at ringside. Nick and Fenix climbed ladders in front of their opponents and performed stereo splashes from the top of the ladders that put Matt and Pentagon through the tables. Fenix placed a ladder over the apron and the barricade. Nick performed a leaping DDT on Fenix, then set up a table next to one that was set up near the bottom of the entrance ramp. Nick tried to powerbomb Fenix from the ring to the tables, but he slipped away. Matt blasted Fenix with a superkick.

Matt made a play for the title belts, but Pentagon returned to stop him. Nick put Pentagon in a Sharpshooter. Matt put the ladder over Pentagon’s back and then applied a crossface. Fenix made a play for the belts, but the Bucks stopped him. Matt held up Fenix and Nick stood on the ladder. Pentagon broke it up. Nick reached up to grab the titles, but Pentagon pushed the ladder over. Nick’s feet hit the top rope and he crashed hard through one of the two tables set up on the floor and appeared to open a cut on his hand (at the very least).

Matt and Pentagon climbed the same ladder. Pentagon reached up to grab the titles, but Matt ripped his mask off. Matt superkicked Fenix away. Pentagon covered his face and pushed the ladder over. Pentagon rolled to ringside and covered his face, then put his mask on while one of the broadcast team members encouraged the cameraman not to show his face. Pentagon held up Matt while standing on the ladder draped over the ring and barricade, then Fenix came down with a double stomp into the Pentagon Driver. The Lucha Brothers climbed the ladder and pulled down the belts to win the match…

Pentagon Jr. and Fenix defeated The Young Bucks in a ladder match in 21:00 to retain the AAA Tag Titles.

After the match, two men wearing presidential masks and covered from head to toe entered the ring and attacked both teams. The masked men hit a Blockbuster powerbomb combination on Nick. The masked men pulled their masks off to reveal themselves as Santana and Ortiz. “The Boricuas have arrived,” one of the broadcast team members said. Santana pulled out a Puerto Rico flag and put it over his shoulders…

Powell’s POV: There was no mention of LAX, so I assume Impact Wrestling kept the name. And that’s fair given that they also used the name for past incarnations of the LAX faction. Santana and Ortiz will be just fine without it and their addition to the AEW roster makes an already loaded tag team division even stronger. As for the match, good lord. I respect the hell out of the effort, but I actually wish these guys would pull back before someone gets seriously injured. Let’s hope it’s not too late for Nick, though he was able to take part in the post match angle so that’s a good sign.

The broadcast team announced that AEW will be holding the Full Gear pay-per-view on Saturday, November 9 in Baltimore, Maryland at Royal Farms Arena. A video package hyped the AEW Full Gear event…

Powell’s POV: Dot Net Weekly listeners were told for the last two weeks that AEW would be running a November pay-per-view in Baltimore. I like that they will have something to build to right from the start of their TNT run.

The AEW Championship match was previewed with a video package… Hangman Page rode a horse to ringside. The AEW Title belt was shown in a glass case. Chris Jericho made his entrance to Fozzy’s “Judas”…

8. Chris Jericho vs. “Hangman” Adam Page to become the first AEW Champion. Justin Roberts delivered in-ring introductions for the title match. Aubrey Edwards was the referee and she gave pre-match introductions. Ross said it was the first time he could recall a female referee being assigned to be the lead official in a title match between two men. Excalibur confirmed that was the case and said he couldn’t think of a better referee for the assignment. Ross said there would be a post show available on Youtube that would be hosted by Alex Marvez.

At 3:10, Jericho performed a missile dropkick and got a two count. Jericho set up for a Liontamer, but Page twisted away and sent Jericho to ringside. Page performed a suicide dive. A short time later, Page performed a standing shooting star press from the apron, but Jericho caught him with a Codebreaker on the way down. Page’s family was shown watching in the crowd as he was down. Page returned to the apron and the referee’s nine count. Jericho knocked Page off the apron and into the barricade. Jericho removed the covering of the barricade and wrenched Page’s arm through it right in front of Page’s family. Jericho picked up the ring bell and tossed it aside. Jericho grabbed the house mic and slammed it into the head of Page.

Jericho brought Page into the ring and continued to dominate the offense. Page showed some signs of life, but Jericho put him right back down with a nice dropkick. A short time later, Jericho performed a cross body block. Page rolled through and eventually powered up Jericho for a fallaway slam. At 14:30, Jericho applied the Walls of Jericho. Page flung himself free and then tagged Jericho with an elbow. Jericho held his eye. The referee checked on Jericho and pushed Page back while the broadcast team noted that it was the same eye that Jericho targeted on Page when he gave him seven stitches. Jericho rolled to ringside and came up bleeding at 16:00.

Page stomped Jericho in the corner while the broadcast team played up the cut and the possibility that the match could be stopped. Page charged Jericho in the corner, but Jericho hoisted him over the top rope and Page landed on the apron. Jericho pulled Page up to the ropes with him and they traded blows with Page targeting the bad eye. Page performed a neckbreaker from the top rope and covered Jericho for a near fall. Page hit Jericho with another discus elbow. Jericho came back briefly, but Page caught him with a superkick to the chin. Page performed the Buckshot Lariat. Jericho came right back with the Walls of Jericho. Page reached the ropes to break the hold at 22:00.

Jericho didn’t release the hold immediately, so Edwards shoved him off. Jericho shoved her bad. Jericho backed down when Edwards got in his face. Jericho charged at Page, who sent him over the top rope to the floor. Page went to the top rope and moonsaulted onto Jericho, but came up selling his knee pain because his leg hit the bottom of the entrance ramp. The broadcast team noted that it was the same knee that Page injured earlier in the year. Page threw Jericho back inside the ring and went for a Buckshot Lariat, but Jericho caught him with a Codebreaker for a near fall. Jericho ran the ropes and ran into a rolling elbow. Page went for a standing shooting star press, but Jericho put his knees up. Jericho went for a Codebreaker, but Page caught him and set up for the Deadeye (Rite of Passage). Jericho slipped away. They jockeyed for position and Page hit the Deadeye and covered Jericho for a near fall.

Page hit a Buckshot Lariat. Page went for the Deadeye again. Jericho slipped away and went for a backslide, which Page avoided, but then Jericho blasted him with his Judas Elbow and pinned him.

Chris Jericho defeated Hangman Page in 26:25 to become the first AEW Champion.

Jericho celebrated with the title belt while a dejected Page leaned against the barricade in front of his family to close the show…

Powell’s POV: A good match and yet nowhere near the best match on the show. This could be an issue for some AEW main events as they are taking the balls to the wall approach rather than structuring the card in a way that builds to their main events. I didn’t understand Jericho bleeding as the heel. I’m surprised they didn’t have Page bleed heavily to put over his heart in a losing effort. Jericho going into television as the first champion is logical given his star power. Overall, it was a long night and I’m really beginning to question the point of pro-shows in wrestling across the board when there’s so many hours of weekly television. But it was a good show and I’m looking forward to discussing it with Jake Barnett in our members’ exclusive audio review coming up shortly. Vote for the best match and grade the overall show in our post event poll on the main page, and enjoy the rest of your holiday weekend.


Readers Comments (17)

  1. Penelope Ford carries herself like a star. Feels as if they might’ve cut her time a bit too short there.

  2. Bea final 3!

  3. Completely biased opinion: I’d have rather seen Bea Priestley as the first women’s champ, feuding with Britt. Nyla put on some type of show in that match though! Good stuff.

  4. A match brought to you by Cracker Barrel? I guess biscuits and barrels will have to do since you can’t physically slam someone through 50 years of institutional racism.

  5. The battle royal was pretty solid. The opening 6 man was okay. Pac did what he could with the overrated performance artist. The 3 talentless garbage wrestlers were a waste of time. The Hugnuggets and their idiot friend Pockets have no business being in the ring if they’re going to shit all over the business in every match they have. The women’s match was something you’d see in a training school and boring as hell. Cody again shines as the best part of the show thus far. Barring something shocking this will be a mediocre card with a great story told by Cody and a good to great main event by two guys who know how to make it look like they’re in a real fight.

  6. I am unable to watch the live match. However, the pre-show women battle royal was confusing as hell. The report referenced Kong and Brandi, yet it never listed when the joined the match. I understand writing a report while watching the matches can be difficult, but this was unacceptable.

  7. Show was ok. Double or nothing was better. Most matches felt like a train wreck with no story told. Need to establish new stars. I don’t want to see young bucks and lucha bros ever again.

  8. Average to slightly above average as a card. Spot monkey tag match that is just everything wrong with wrestling today and probably (hopefully) put us one step closer to the Young Cucks being finished. Main Event was the best WRESTLING match on the card, but AEW is clearly not a wrestling company. The more the untalented friends of 3 of the CEO’s get air time, the more their stupid, amateur shtick “gimmicks” get exposed and ignored. AEW is going to crash and burn very quickly.

  9. Great show, I thought!

    My only dislike, and a major one, was the Dark Order vs. Best Friends match. I actually used the time to catch up on college football. Neither act clicks with me.

    Loved the preshow, Spears vs. Cody, and the main event! Wish Mox would’ve been healthy, but Pac was great. Very pleased with my purchase.

  10. Why has there been no hit list article for this show??? I think that says something about how the show was

    • It says nothing about the show and everything about it occurring on a holiday weekend. I moved my annual fantasy football draft and poker party of 20-plus years from Labor Day Saturday to Sunday. So after spending all day and night working on Saturday and being away all day and night Sunday, I spent Monday with my girlfriend to avoid being in the doghouse. That’s probably more than you bargained for, but now you know. Basically, with the amount of content we have now, I have to take time off where I can get it.

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