Dot Net News – Updates on Ring of Honor free agents

By Jason Powell

-ROH Champion Jay Lethal’s contract is set to expire in early in 2016 and he has yet to re-sign with the company.

-Bobby Fish and Kyle O’Reilly will be free agents to begin the new year. Their contracts with Ring of Honor expire at the end of 2015.

-The final dates on Steve Corino’s deal with ROH were this past weekend’s Final Battle pay-per-view and television taping.

Powell’s POV: We first reported this news of these and other expiring contracts in the November 25 Dot Net Weekly audio show, which is available exclusively for Dot Net Members. There were discussions between ROH, Fish, and O’Reilly at one point, but talks broke down a while back and nothing changed over the weekend. While they could still work for ROH as free agents, it’s possible that Fish and O’Reilly have worked their last ROH dates, as they will be free to sign elsewhere barring a last minute agreement. Meanwhile, ROH and Corino are said to be negotiating. I’m a big fan of Corino’s color commentary work and I think he would be a dramatic improvement for WWE or TNA if he and ROH are unable to come to terms. As noted in the past, Michael Bennett and Maria finished their run with ROH over the weekend.

Dot Net Members received the first word of the expiring ROH contracts in the November 25 Dot Net Weekly audio show. To become a member for as little as $5.50 per month, visit the Dot Net Members’ Signup Page.


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