Glory Pro Wrestling “Ascend” episode 65 results: Vetter’s review of Laynie Luck vs. Blair Onyx for the Glory Pro Women’s Title, Ethan Price vs. Tyler Jordan

By Chris Vetter, Contributor (@chrisvetter73)

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Glory Pro Wrestling “Ascend” (Episode 65)
Taped January 4, 2025 in St. Louis, Missouri at Delmar Hall
Premiered February 2, 2025 via

This is the third episode from a new taping. Reed Duthie was back on commentary. This is their smaller venue they use, and the crowd was only 80-100. The lighting over the ring is really good and is vastly improved since they started airing episodes.

1. Ethan Price vs. Tyler Jordan. I’ve seen Jordan several times in Cleveland-based AIW and his overall look and style reminds me of WWE’s Jason Jordan; I wouldn’t be surprised if he has an amateur wrestling background. This is his Glory Pro debut. Price is the undersized powerhouse; the crowd likes him a lot more than I admittedly do. Duthie compared Jordan to Ricky Starks, as Jordan hit a shoulder tackle on his smaller opponent. He hit a belly-to-belly overhead release suplex at 2:00. Jordan hit a spin kick that caught Price flush in the face and he got a nearfall. “Price is checking his nose; I’m not sure if he’s looking for blood or to see if it’s still there,” Duthie said.

Jordan hit a Stinger Splash. Price hit a springboard clothesline at 4:30, then a clothesline in the corner and a top-rope crossbody block for a nearfall. Jordan hit a Blue Thunder Bomb for a believable nearfall, but he missed a split-legged moonsault. Price hit a Bulldog then his Death Valley Driver for the pin. I expected the local talent to win, although Tyler Jordan has more upside potential. Good match.

Ethan Price defeated Tyler Jordan at 6:23.

* A video package aired of The New Guys defeating Violence is Forever to retain their tag team titles. Interesting that there was no commentary here; Duthie missed a few weeks, and the replacement commentary wasn’t that good, and the sound was really tinny, so it made sense to show raw footage. Backstage, The New Guys wondered who will be their next challengers.

2. Laynie Luck vs. Blair Onyx for the Glory Pro World Crown Women’s Title. Laynie is a babyface here (she’s pretty much a heel everywhere else!). Again, Blair does the exact same spooky/scary gimmick as NXT’s Tatum Paxley. They shook hands at the bell and locked up, and they are roughly the same height and weight. They traded rollups, and Laynie hit a head-scissors takedown at 2:00. Onyx tied her in a Tarantula in the ropes, then she hit a swinging Flatliner for a nearfall, then a sliding clothesline for a nearfall at 4:00.

They fought onto the ramp that is next to the ring, and Laynie hit a suplex! Laynie ran on the ramp and clotheslined her back into the ring, then hit a top-rope Meteora double knees for a nearfall at 6:00. Laynie hit a Lungblower move to the chin, but Blair arched back up and hit a swinging DDT for a believable nearfall. Laynie got an STF and cranked back on Blair’s head, and Onyx tapped out. Good match; they got in a lot of offense in a match that short.

Laynie Luck defeated Blair Onyx to retain the World Crown Women’s Title at 7:16.

Final Thoughts: A solid episode but it clocked in at under 30 minutes. My guess is Glory Pro has decided to switch from three matches per show so each taping leads to more overall episodes. So, I will again suggest a few more video packages and backstage interviews to make these a bit longer. Fans should hear from the top 3-4 names every show; if they don’t have a match, they should have a highlight reel or an interview.


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