TNA Impact results (10/17): Moore’s review of Mike Bailey vs. Leon Slater for the X Division Title, TNA Champion Nic Nemeth vs. Matt Cardona, PCO vs. Rhino, Mike Santana vs. Brian Myers

By John Moore, Staffer (@liljohnm)

TNA Impact (Episode 1,058)
Taped in Nashville, Tennessee at Skyway Studios

Aired October 17, 2024 on AXS TV

An “In memory off…” graphic aired for the longtime Ring of Honor COO Joe Koff…

John’s Thoughts: Oh wow. TNA didn’t even have to because usually you associate Koff’s name with Ring of Honor. Sad to hear Koff go. I had the honor of talking to him a few times over the years at various ROH related events. Dude was always passionate about whatever the current state of that company was. God bless and rest in peace homie!

Highlights from last week’s TNA Impact show aired…

Tom Hannifan and Matthew Rehwoldt were on commentary…

Entrances for the next match took place. Hannifan noted that this was “Pick your poison” where Matt Cardona picked PCO’s match to be a No-Disqualification match…

1. PCO vs. Rhino in a No-Disqualification Match for the TNA Digital Media Championship and International Heavyweight Championship. Rhino dominated early on, jabbing PCO with chairs at ringside. Rhino kept control by whipping PCO into the steel steps. PCO turned the tide a bit by slamming Rhino’s face into the steps. Rhino hit PCO in the face a few times with a plaque and then slammed him on the steel steps.

PCO regained control and laid him on the apron. Rhino dodged and PCO send his back into the apron off a De-animator attempt. Rhino hit PCO with a trash can. Rhino then hurt himself when he missed a chop and hit the ringpost. PCO chokeslammed Rhino through a trash can. PCO went for a Suicide Dive, but Rhino blocked it with a trash can. PCO recovered and Irish Whipped Rhino into a trash can in the corner.

PCO set up some chairs and put Rhino on it. Rhino recovered and power bombed PCO through the steel chairs. PCO sidestepped a Gore and sent Rhino into a table in the corner. PCO hit Rhino with the PCO-Sault for the victory.

PCO defeated Rhino via pinfall to retain the TNA Digital Media Championship and the International Heavyweight Championship.

John’s Thoughts: As much as I’ve grown numb to Rhino hardcore matches, this was on the better end of some of his recent matches. The quality was probably higher because you have such a hard worker in PCO in there opposite of him though (I would rather he try to do something fresh other than he and Tommy Dreamer being “Mr. EC-Dub” all the time). Though Steph De Lander is going to be out for an extended time, at least they are continuing the feud involving Matt Cardona. They probably had more angles and vignettes planned for that feud, but the Steph injury probably caused them to pivot.

Gia Miller welcomed TNA Champion Nic Nemeth to the interview set. Gia asked Nic about how he feels about having to wrestle a match against Matt Cardona so close to his World Title Defense at Bound for Glory. Nic said he’s not worried. He said there’s excitement, but that’s the life of a champion.

He said he’s a fighting champion. He said he asked Santino if he could defend the title against Cardona, but Santino rejected it because Santino doesn’t want to compromise the Bound for Glory main event in any way. Nic said when he pins Cardona tonight and then defends the title at BFG he’ll be totally willing to defend the title against Matt Cardona anytime, anywhere.

He said he can’t wait to knock the dumb look off Cardona’s face. Nic said that Cardona “used” to be something special, and he’s going to prove tonight that the TNA Fighting Champion will do what he does best, steal the show, and beat Matt Cardona…

Tom Hannifan plugged upcoming segments…[c]

NXT-TNA liaison Ariana Grace made her entrance. She said she was going to present yet another NXT superstar. She said this woman brings the “Brin-ergy” and is very “Brin-active”. Grace introduced NXT developmental wrestler Brinley Reece…

John’s Thoughts: Scouting report on Brinley. She does get more TV time than most random unknown developmental women as the third part of the Enofe and Blade act. While also being random NXT cheerleader number 33, she does have a little bit of a twist where she’s hyper positive no matter what. She sorta reminds me of DDP when he had the motivational speaker gimmick.

The personal concierge yelled at Ariana Grace and told her to head to the back so he can show her how it’s done. Grace yelled and headed to the back. The concierge brought up Johnny Cash being from Nashville and how Johnny Cash sucks and is a talentless bum like the degenerates in the crowd. The concierge said Ash has more talent in her finger than Cash had in his body. He said she is hotter than a ring of fire. The concierge introduced Ash by Elegance…

2. Ash by Elegance (w/The Personal Concierge) vs. Brinley Reece. Ash tried to cheap shot Brinley, but Brinley blocked the cheap shot off the handshake. Ash quickly turned the tables and pummeled Reece in the corner. Reese was able to regain control after the Concierge put lipstick on Ash. Reece wiped the lipstick off Ash. Ash went to get more lipstick, but she still looked off due to the old stuff smothered on her face.

Reece and Ash had a pose off. They then did Burpee drills. Reece then took down Ash with a shove and showed off some clap pushups. Reece dragged Ash back in the ring when she went to retreat to the concierge. Ash knocked Brinley off the apron with a kick. The concierge threatened Brinley with lipstick. Ash gave Brinley some mounted punches and a grounded cravate.

Reece rallied with running strikes and a front flip into a clothesline for a two count. Reece did some squats with Ash in the Fireman Carry. Ash escaped off a distraction and hit Brinley with a reverse DDT. Ash hit Brinley with the Rarefied Air (Swanton Bomb) for the win.

Ash by Elegance defeated Brinley Reece via pinfall in 5:17.

The concierge took the mic and announced that next week they were going to do a makeover party. Concierge said it was time to give Brinley Reece a makeover. Ash then smothered lipstick all over Reece’s face. Xia Brookside ran out to chase the heels out of the ring…

Tom Hannifan ran through upcoming segments…[c]

John’s Thoughts: While this was a NXT-TNA crossover match, it felt more like an NXT 2.0 match because Ash by Elegance is not too far removed from her time in NXT 2.0 where she would wrestle developmental types like Brinley Reece. The match was fine to put heat on Ash while also giving Brinley some on-air TV time that isn’t available on the main NXT show. I could have done without the interlude into the clown dimension in the middle of the match where they were doing pushups and stuff. Nevertheless, TNA and NXT continue to benefit in their relationship by balancing NXT’s overflooded women’s roster across both shows.

A Rosemary and Wendy Choo promo aired. Rosemary talked about how they keep giving humans chances. She said they hate to lose and Tasha lost a match on their behalf. Jody Threat was in a room playing the hand and knife game. Jody sensed someone in the hallway, but saw no one was there. Rosemary yelled that she wants the tag titles back. Jody walked over to a cafeteria area to see Wendy Choo and Rosemary there…

John’s Thoughts: Ok. Good. Now keep this up. I like the Rosemary and Choo cross-promotion tag team, but since the cross-promotion, both companies have limited Rosemary’s mic time (and her strength is her strong mic work). Let’s hope they continue to let her tell stories other than use her and Choo as cannon fodder (this past Tuesday, they relegated Choo to “she lost a dark match last week”). Both companies also need to give Choo a vignette or something because the crowd sits on their hands when they see her, because they don’t know who or what she is now.

Entrances for the X Division title match took place. Tom Hannifan hyped up a QR code you can scan to see Amazing Red win the X Division title for the first time and noted that like Red, Slater has the chance to become the youngest X Division Champion of all time if he can beat Speedball. Hannifan noted that Red was 21 when he won the title and Slater is currently 20. A tale of the tape aired for both men…

3. “Speedball” Mike Bailey vs. Leon Slater for the TNA X Division Championship. Slater and Bailey had a respectful handshake to start the match. Slater took down Bailey with a shoulder tackle to start the match. Both men then had a stalemate after missing stereo dropkicks. Bailey took down Slater with a Hammerlock Takedown. Hannifan said it was odd to see Bailey be the one to slow down the pace of the match.

Slater sent Bailey away with a shove and used a Tiger Feint to trip him. Slater got a rope break pin off a slingshot splash. Bailey hit Slater at ringside with a kick and Triangle Moonsault. Bailey sent Slater into the ringpost heading into Picture-in-Picture.[c]

Back from break, Slater’s arm gave out on a handstand. Slater recovered and turned Bailey with a clothesline. Bailey came back with a kick combo. Both men traded yakuza kicks. Slater took out Bailey with a kick to the back of the head. A “fight forever” chant ensued. Bailey worked on Slater’s left arm with hammerlocks. Slater escaped with a armdrag.

Slater caught Bailey with a Plancha at ringside. Slater tripped Bailey and caught him with a standing Ultima Weapon. Bailey reversed a Sunset Flip into a PK and standing Ultima Weapon. Bailey rolled to ringside to avoid a pin. Slater was trying to pop his arm back into place. Slater caught Bailey at ringside with a Tiger Feint Kick. Bailey had a beautiful Asai Moonsault reversal to a Tiger Feint attempt.

Slater dodged a Shooting Star and hit Bailey with a Blue Thunder Bomb for a two count. Bailey reversed Slater with a Spanish Fly for a two count. Bailey hit Slater with double knees to the elbow. Slater used a Leg Lariat to reverse the Tornado Kick. Slater dumped Bailey to ringside with dropkick in the corner. Slater then hit Bailey with a innovative Corkscrew Plancha over the ringpost.

Bailey staggered Bailey on the top rope with a high kick. Slater hit Bailey with a nice looking Super Final Cut. Bailey dodged the Swanton 450. Bailey put Slater in a Armbar and hit Slater with a Half and Half Suplex. Bailey hit Slater with the Tornado Kick and Ultima Weapon. Instead of going for the pin, Bailey lifted up Slater and hit him with the Flamenco Driver for the win.

Mike Bailey defeated Leon Slater via pinfall in 15:03.

Bailey helped Slater to his feet and Bailey showed his respect to Slater. A video package then aired for former AAA Champion El Hijo Del Vikingo. Mike Bailey vs. El Hijo Del Vikingo was advertised for Bound for Glory…

Tom Hannifan hyped upcoming segments…[c]

John’s Thoughts: Wonderful X Division title match. While I do avoid TNA spoilers, other outlets were hyping up the Bailey vs. Vikingo BFG match, so it was hard to hide from that. Thus making this a foregone conclusion. That said, I was able to suspend my disbelief when they had that wonderful sequence to close the match with Leon Slater really shining and Bailey adding the added touch of using extra finishers to beat him. The production team also did a nice job, comparing him to Amazing Red and using that to explain how unique it would be if he won the title.

A highlight package aired to show the moments that led up to Santino booking The System vs. ABC vs. The Hardy Boyz in a Full Metal Mayhem Match at Bound for Glory (Full Metal Mayhem is TNA-speak for Tables, Ladders, and Chairs)…

The show cut to The Hardyz backstage with Ace Austin and Chris Bey. Bey talked about how he and Ace are standing with living legends. Bey talked about how Ace first stepped in the ring as a little kid to take a picture with the Hardy Boyz. Ace said he admits that The Hardyz inspired him to be a wrestler. He said when push comes to shove, he has to turn that off when he’s facing them. Bey said the System ruined their matchup.

Bey said he’s happy that ABC and the Hardyz get to team up next week. Matt said he’s fans of ABC and have liked ABC professionally and personally. He said stepping into the ring with them last week gave him and Jeff new respect for ABC. Matt said they are teaming up next week, but against each other at BFG, and may the best man win. Matt said he and Jeff have been wrestling for 33 years.

Matt said with the damage to their bodies, this might be their last Tables, Ladders, and Chairs match. Jeff cut off Matt before the “Chairs” part and noted that they call that match “Full Metal Mayhem” in TNA. Matt talked about how people always talk about how the Hardyz “were” great in the past tence. Matt said he and Jeff will win the titles at Bound for Glory to turn that “were” into a present tence “are”. Ace said the Hardys are great.

Ace said it may be Matt and Jeff’s last Full Metal Mayhem, but it’s their first. Ace said that Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin didn’t want to pass the torch, so he and Bey took the torch. Ace said they are going to have to do that again at Bound for Glory. Both teams handshaked each other to end the segment…

Steve Maclin made his entrance in street clothes. Maclin said Eric Young was taken out last week and there was nothing he could do about it because the Northern Armory got the best of him. Steve Maclin called out Josh Alexander for an explaination. Josh Alexander made his entrance with Travis Williams and Judas Icarus. Alexander said he doesn’t know if he has the answers Steve wants.

Alexander said Maclin is one of the most nasty, self serving scumbags this company has ever seen. Josh said Steve talks to Eric Young and all of a sudden he’s supposed to be a hero all of a sudden. Josh said nobody buys that. Josh talks about how it’s not worth it to cater to the fans. He said he knows because there’s more blood, sweat, and tears on the canvas in this company’s history.

He said he’s had matches people won’t forget, causing the crowd to chant “Walking Weapon”. Josh said he is the one who put his body to kill it to elevate this company to keep the doors open so people who got fired like Maclin have a place to work. He said they call him the longest reigning champion in history, making him the poster boy, the heart and soul of TNA.

Josh said it ain’t worth it because the fans ultimately turned their back on him after all that. He said if they turned on him, why should they believe in a failure like Maclin. Maclin said he’s been himself since the beginning. He said if anyone believed in Maclin, it was Josh. Maclin said Josh was the first person to tell him that he wasn’t a failure, that he was home grown in TNA and was a TNA name.

Maclin said he thought he and Josh were alike. He said he thought he and Josh could be a team, but he found out they are nothing alike. Josh said that’s true, that they are nothing alike. Josh said he held the title for the longest time in TNA history, while Maclin only held it for like a month. Maclin tried to jump Alexander, but Alexander, Icarus, and Williams had the numbers advantage.

Icarus Zip Tied Maclin’s hands together. Josh paintbrushed Maclin with slaps while calling him “stupid”. Maclin spit in the face of Alexander. Alexander came back with a Big Boot. Alexander hit Maclin with the C4 Spike to leave him lying…

Tom Hannifan hyped upcoming segments…[c]

John’s Thoughts: A good verbal segment to set up the Josh Alexander vs. Steve Maclin feud while also refocusing Steve Maclin as a babyface (They do really bounce back and forth with him). Odd that they’re setting up this feud a few weeks before the supposed biggest show of the year, as Alexander has been feuding with people like Joe Hendry and Eric Young, but at least this was a efficient promo to pivot Alexander into what should be a good match (Alexander can have a great match against a broomstick; but Maclin is the real deal). So far, I like they way they’ve presented Icarus and Williams. So far they haven’t had to show ass by being cannon fodder, they have had the upper hand every time since turning, and they are taking a serious and no nonsense approach with them (as opposed to teams like the Good Hands where they treat them as clowns).

Director of Authority Santino Marella was spinning around a Bingo drum with his real-life daughter Ariana Grace. Santino said they use that drum to pick the order of the wrestlers in the “Call Your Shot” gauntlet match at Bound for Glory. Santino noted that this was the 6th consecutive Call Your Shot at Bound for Glory in a row. He said they have to use this drum because they don’t have fancy things like Ariana has in NXT. Santino explained that the winner can cash in their trophy for any title within a year.

Santino said that any man, woman, and child can wrestle in the match. Grace raised her eyebrow at the word “child”. Santino said that kids can wrestle if their parents signed a waiver. Frankie Kazarian walked in and told Santino that he better be in Call Your Shot. Kazarian called Santino a “jobber” and noted that Santino has screwed him out of title opportunities all year. Santino said you can’t talk to the authority like that.

Kazarian told Santino to keep the cobra in his pants. Kazarian told Ariana Grace that her crown is stupid. Kaz walked off. Grace said Kazarian is rude. Santino said that Kazarian was already in the Call Your Shot match…

John’s Thoughts: She didn’t do much here, but a unexpected and wholesome consequence of the NXT-TNA crossover is Santino Marella being able to work together as as on-air authority figures with his real life daughter. I’m all for wholesome moments on TV!

Entrances for the next match took place. Santana brought a steel chain to the ring and wrapped it around his hand. The referee tried to convince him not to use it, but Santana punched Myers in the face with the chained fist before the bell. Eddie Edwards and JDC ran out, but were taken out by Santana and his chain. Santana wrapped the chain around his arm and hit Myers with a chain assisted Spin the Block lariat.

Mike said he’s sick of all three of them and he wants Moose to get his baby boy ass out here right now. Moose didn’t come out. He said he knew Moose won’t be a man, so he’s heading to the back to tear Moose’s ass apart. The camera followed Santana backstage. Moose showed up from behind and left Santana lying with a bat. The segment ended with Moose saying “be careful what you wish for”…[c]

John’s Thoughts: A logical segment given Santana’s goal of hunting down and destroying the system. I’m okay with them not going with the match here because it’s something away from the formula. The System have really served well as a vehicle to get over Mike Santana without Santana going for a world title. Only downside here is that one week they missed did force them to rush a few of their feuds. Good to have Moose get one over on Santana here as you need to put heat on the heel to make the babyface conquest more meaningful.

Matthew Rehwoldt moderated a sitdown meeting with Jordynne Grace and Masha Slamovich. Rehwoldt handed the floor to Grace since she was the one who requested the sitdown. Grace said she requested this because she’s been texting and calling Masha and not getting an answer. She asked Masha if Masha had those complaints last week, why was last week the first time Grace has heard about it? Why is Masha going back to scribbling X’s on faces like a child.

Masha said Grace is right, she came off a bit strong and she apologizes. Masha said how exactly was she supposed to tell Grace; seeing Grace take down challenger after challenger and having success, making history at the WWE Royal Rumble. Masha said as a good friend she stood beside Grace in support. Grace asked if she’s supposed to apologize for her success? She said was she supposed to call WWE and tell them she can’t come to the Royal Rumble because it would make Masha feel bad?

Grace said Masha is the one who went to the tag division to share the spotlight with wrestlers she knew was beneath her (oof). Grace asked how was that Grace’s fault. Masha said it wasn’t. She said she did what she did to climb back up and keep the spotlight on her. Masha said Grace never once reached her hand down to lift Masha up to her. Masha said she made sure to be in her corner when she faced Shayna Baszler at Bloodsport.

Grace and Masha then started talking over each other. Rehwoldt said to let Grace answer. Grace said Masha was undefeated for 9 months straight when she came into the company; but Grace beat her again and again. Grace said they both think about that every single day. Grace said she thinks about it because every time there was an open challenge, she was relieved when Masha’s music didn’t play.

Grace said every time they faced, it got harder and harder to beat Masha. Grace said she’s the wrestler she is today, because she beat Masha. Masha said Grace isn’t the only person to grow. Masha said watching Grace beat person after person makes Masha want the title even more. Masha said Grace was relieved every time she didn’t hear Masha’s music, but how will she feel when she does hear the music, when she does walk down the ramp at Bound for Glory?

Grace said she’ll still be relieved. She said she’s happy Masha found the best version of herself. Grace said Masha is one of her closest friends and she has to beat that friend. She said she’s sorry what happened two years ago will happen again at Bound for Glory. Masha said she’s sorry too, because she loves Grace; but the title is coming home with her no matter what. Masha left the room. Matthew Rehwoldt did some final hype for the Jordynne Grace vs. Masha Slammovich match…

John’s Thoughts: A good sitdown segment and a huge upgrade over their somewhat illogical in-ring promo last week. Yes, there are holes in the story from their exchange this week, but both women made logical sense and came off as more humanized, especially if they are building this off an off-screen friendship we didn’t know about. I’m still getting used to Masha’s normal voice. She speaks well! But it’s just like when Awesome Kong started speaking, and the person you thought was a monster sounds like the nicest and friendliest woman in the world. Grace was much better here too as she did a great job establishing her ethos in the whole story.

The following segments were advertised for next week’s Bound for Glory go-home edition of Impact: Wendy Choo vs. Jody Threat, Jonathan Gresham vs. Josh Alexander, The System vs. The Hardys and ABC, and a Dual Men’s and Women’s World Title contract signing for Bound for Glory…

Tom Hannifan checked in by himself on commentary where he plugged Bound for Glory ticket sales. His segment was cut off by Frankie Kazarian making his entrance. Kazarian joined Hannifan at the announce table. Hannifan cringed and facepalmed. Hannifan asked Kazarian why he was here? Kazarian said it’s because he’s the King of TNA and he does whatever he wants, when he wants…

Matt Cardona made his entrance, surrounded by security guards. Hannifan noted that the guards were there to keep PCO away. TNA Champion Nic Nemeth made his entrance…[c]

Matthew Rehwoldt rejoined Hannifan and Kazarian on commentary…

4. TNA World Champion Nic Nemeth vs. Matt Cardona in a non-title match. Cardona stalled to start the match. Nemeth rallied with right hands and a backdrop. Cardona came back with double knees. Nemeth blocked a missile dropkick. Nemeth hit Cardona with ten punches in the corner and a neckbreaker. Nemeth hit Cardona with his signature multiple elbows. Cadrona came back with a trip and mounted punches.

Nemeth tried to come back with right hands, but Cardona kicked Nemeth and tossed Nemeth into the ringpost. Cardona gave Nemeth a Wrecking Ball kick. Hannifan noted that Nemeth has known Cardona for about 20 years. Cardona gave Nemeth a thumb to the eyes and then shoved Nemeth a shove into the steel steps off the apron. The show cut to Picture-in-Picture.[c]

Back from break, Nemeth blocked a Superplex attempt. Nemeth knocked Cardona off the top rope with a front suplex. Cardona hit the ropes to trip Nemeth off the top rope. Cardona did a “woo woo woo” and did his signature Broski Boot. Cardona got a two count. Nemeth reversed a Ruff Ryder into a hanging DDT for a two count. Cardona blocked a Superkick and hit Nemeth with a Impaler DDT for the two count. Cardona started to tune the band.

Nemeth surprised Cardona with a superkick outta nowhere to block Sweet Chin Music. Nemeth reversed a Power Bomb into a Fame Asser for the two count. Cardona gave Nemeth a low blow when the ref was focused on him holding the ropes. PCO made his entrance with the security guards forming a wall. PCO punched down two guards. Nic Nemeth caught a distracted Matt Cardona with The Danger Zone (Zig Zag) for the win.

Nic Nemeth defeated Matt Cardona via pinfall in 12:56 in a non-title match.

PCO put Matt Cardona on his shoulder and carried him to the back. Frankie Kazarian entered the ring to beat down Nic Nemeth. Say his name, and he appears! I believe in Joe Hendry! Clap Clap! Joe Hendry ran in for the save. Nemeth and Hendry used a backdrop to send Kazarian to ringside. A “we believe” chant ensued.

Kazarian grabbed the mic and called the crowd marks. Kazarian reached into the front of his pants and pulled out a referee shirt. Kazarian said at Bound for Glory it was made official that he’ll be the special guest referee in the Nemeth vs. Hendry match….

John’s Thoughts: A good match between two wrestlers who have been in the WWE system for a long long time. Because I type with muscle memory, my fingers would occasionally have to backstage or hesitate when I type down Zack Ryder or Dolph Ziggler. Weird that they tangled the PCO and Cardona feud into the world title feud for no reason. I think this segment would have been better served to boil more heat between Hendry and Nemeth; and why is Kazarian the guest referee when the authority figure clearly made him a wrestler in the gauntlet?

I hope they put some logic into that at the go-home show. And no advancement as to how JBL was going to be involved in the Bound for Glory match. Notably, after last week’s solid exchange where JBL was made as the focal point of conflict to add some mystery behind Nic Nemeth. Interesting show. I understand they lost a week, but Bound for Glory still doesn’t feel bigger than Slammiversary. I go back to a month before Slammiversary, and they did a great job with all those unique video packages to spotlight the wrestlers in the world title. match. Have they really pushed the Hall of Fame either? We’ll see what they do next week. Hopefully it’s big.



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