Expect The Unexpected Wrestling “Marcus Mathers’ All I want 3” results (9/26): Vetter’s review of Matt Tremont vs. Marc Angel, Marcus Mathers vs. The Beast Mortos, Krule vs. Sam Holloway for the IWTV Title

By Chris Vetter, ProWrestling.net Contributor (@chrisvetter73)

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ETU “Marcus Mathers’ All I want 3”
Replay available via IndependentWrestling.TV
September 26, 2024 in Williamstown, N.J. at H2O Wrestling Center

I’ve seen several shows from this training center but I don’t think I’ve watched any since several events over WrestleMania weekend in April. While there are only perhaps 150 people in this room, it is packed, and many fans were lining the back wall. Lighting is merely okay from the hard camera; the ringside cameras are much better. Jack Solomon and Veda Scott provided commentary.

1. Joey Janela vs. Aaron Rourke. These two both got babyface pops and they opened with a friendly lockup, and “Evil Gay” Rourke played some mind games. “We’re starting with some flirting,” Solomon remarked. Joey hit some bodyslams at 2:00. Rourke hit a shotgun dropkick and he took control. Joey hit a German Suplex at 5:00, then a standing neckbreaker and a diving European Uppercut for a nearfall. Veda talked about Rourke’s impressive showing recently against Donovan Dijak. Janela hit a stunner for a nearfall, then a sit-out powerbomb for a nearfall at 7:00.

Rourke nailed a top-rope Meteora flying double knees for a nearfall. He hit a Frankensteiner. Janela nailed a Death Valley Driver for a nearfall at 9:30. They got up and traded chops. Rourke nailed a Lungblower to the back, and Joey rolled to the floor. Rourke hit a flip dive to the floor and I must reiterate there is NOT a lot of room for them to work at ringside. Back in the ring, Rourke hit a superkick and a roundhouse kick; Joey hit a clothesline and they were both down at 11:30, and the crowd was hot. “This is the first match!” Solomon shouted. They got up and traded forearm strikes, then roundhouse kicks to the chest. Joey nailed a brainbuster.

They fought on the ring apron, and Rourke nailed a Trash Compactor piledriver along his back onto the apron at 13:30! Rourke then hit a Blue Thunder Bomb for a nearfall. Rourke went for a split-legged moonsault, but Joey got his knees up to block it. Joey immediately hit a package piledriver for the pin. That was an incredibly good opener. Veda said Rourke undoubtedly impressed a lot of people in his EtU debut.

Joey Janela defeated Aaron Rourke at 14:30.

Kylie Rae came to the ring for an open challenge. She was attacked from behind by Brandon Kirk, who was slated for the scramble match later in the show. The bell rang and we’re underway!

2. Kylie Rae vs. Brandon Kirk in an intergender match. I just watched Rae’s match from last weekend in Houston earlier today; it just shows how in-demand the top-tier indy talent are. She hit some blows to his chest that had no effect, so she hit a rolling cannonball for a nearfall at 1:30, and she locked in a crossface, but he quickly reached the ropes. He whipped Rae into the middle turnbuckle and he raked her face in the ropes. The crowd chanted “We want Kasey!” (Kirk’s real-life wife and often wrestling partner.) The size difference here is really vast.

Kylie hit a tornado DDT for a nearfall at 5:00. She hit another rolling cannonball, but Brandon wrapped his arms around her in the corner, stood up, and hit a sit-out powerbomb on her for a nearfall. He was suddenly on his knees and begging for leniency. She got a chair but the ref confiscated it. He knocked her down and he went to the back. He returned with a bundle of light tubes. Gross. The ref confiscated those, too. Kylie threw a chair at Brandon’s head! She hit a Canadian Destroyer for a nearfall. However, he immediately hit a Psycho Driver (Chuck Taylor’s Awful Waffle) for the pin. They made that work.

Brandon Kirk defeated Kylie Rae at 8:36.

* Kirk raised her arm, but Austin Luke jumped in the ring and attacked her! Kirk made no effort to stop Luke. This brought out Wheeler Yuta to save Kylie Rae, and he got a big pop. We have an impromptu match!

3. Wheeler Yuta vs. Austin Luke. They opened with some good mat wrestling. I’ve seen Luke a few times; he has a certain Pac look to him. They took turns twisting each other’s left arm. Luke hit a Nigel-style Rebound Lariat at 5:00. Wheeler snapped Luke’s arm as he leapt off the apron to the floor at 6:30. In the ring, Yuta was in control and he kept Luke tied up on the mat. Wheeler backed him into a corner and hit repeated chops. Luke hit a Helluva Kick at 9:00, then a basement dropkick.

Luke missed a frogsplash, and Yuta immediately kicked out the left arm. Yuta went for Cattle Mutilation, but Luke rolled through to escape, and Austin tied him up on the mat. Luke hit an enzuigiri and a German Suplex for a nearfall. Wheeler hit his own German Suplex for a nearfall at 11:00. They traded more German Suplexes. Wheeler hit the elbow strikes to the side of the head, then he locked in Cattle Mutilation, and Luke immediately submitted. That was a really good match, and also a really different style than the first two matches on the show.

Wheeler Yuta defeated Austin Luke at 11:52.

4. Zayda Steel vs. Broski Jimmy Lloyd vs. Juni Underwood vs. Love, Doug vs. Gabriel Skye in a scramble match. I wrote their names in order of appearance; the commentators had no idea who was in this match or how many competitors. Steel has been competing in Japan for months, and this is the first time I’ve seen her since her U.S. return, and she got a “welcome back!” chant. Jimmy got on the mic and boasted about main-eventing a show at Korakuen Hall in Tokyo. Underwood is white and of average size with the sides of his head shaven; I’ve only seen him a few times. Skye hopped in the ring in a mask and attacked, and the ref called for the bell; Gabriel immediately removed his mask. He hit a snap suplex on Juni. Doug hit a plancha to the floor at 2:00.

Zayda hit a low blow kick and a Code Red on Doug for a nearfall. We had a tower spot in the corner and suddenly everyone was down at 3:30. Juni hit a roundhouse kick on Skye. Doug hit a Rebound Lariat on Lloyd. Zayda hit an Unprettier. Skye hit a German Suplex on Zayda for a nearfall at 5:30. Skye nailed a Poison Rana on Lloyd. Gabriel hit a running knee on Doug for the pin. Lots of action in a match so short.

Gabriel Skye defeated Zayda Steel, Broski Jimmy Lloyd, Juni Underwood and Love, Doug at 5:57.

* Ladders were set up at ringside. It appears we have a ladder match for the IWTV Tag Team Titles!

5. “Fresh Air” Macrae Martin and Junior Benito vs. “Miracle Generation” Kylon King and Dustin Waller vs. “Killionaire’s Club” J Bouji and PB Smooth in a three-way ladder match for the IWTV Tag Team Titles. FA just won these belts from MG last month, ending MG’s 17-month reign. Fresh Air came out last. All six brawled at the bell and they threw ladders at each other. PB Smooth is so much taller than the other five in this match. He picked up Junior and used Junior’s legs to hit everyone at 3:00. Macrae hit a spin kick on a ladder held by MG, sending them to the floor. Macrae put the ladder over his head and spun in circles at 5:00, doing his best Terry Funk impression.

Kylon hit a brainbuster on Bouji, then an enzuigiri on Benito. However, Benito gave Kylon a backbody drop onto a ladder in the corner. Benito then hit a flip dive onto everyone on the floor at 6:30, earning a “holy shit!” chant. Junior tried to climb the ladder in the ring, but Bouji hit a low blow and a stunner on him. Kylon hit a superplex off the top of the ladder; this was a bit dangerous as the ladder wobbled as they went over, but they landed safely. In some quick humor, Waller hit a frogsplash off a two-foot-tall stool. MG tried to climb a ladder at 9:00 but PB knocked them off.

Macrae speared PB through a door in the corner at 10:30. Junior climbed the ladder but Waller threw a door at him to knock him off. Waller got a finger on the titles, but Macrae pulled him down, and FA hit a Team 3D on Waller through a board bridge. Fresh Air then climbed the ladder and they both pulled down the tag titles to retain. That was really good stuff.

“Fresh Air” Macrae Martin and Junior Benito defeated “Miracle Generation” Kylon King and Dustin Waller and “Killionaire’s Club” J Bouji and PB Smooth in a three-way ladder match to retain the IWTV Tag Team Titles at 11:39.

6. Mike Bailey vs. Robbie Eagles. Australian star Eagles is still continuing his U.S. summer tour and I’ve been able to see a lot of his matches. Veda said this is a first-time-ever singles match. (I do recall they were in opposite Blocks when Bailey participated in the NJPW “Best of Super Juniors” two years ago, which is forever known as the “Master Wato disaster.”) They shook hands at the bell. “Pure competition between two of the best in the world,” Solomon said. They traded fast reversals and deep armdrags, both missed dropkicks, and we had a standoff at 1:30. Bailey twisted the left arm, as Veda noted how these two have been on many shows together but hadn’t had this singles match. (Just in the past two weeks, these two were both on Wrestling Revolver in Iowa and Deadlock Pro in North Carolina!)

They traded chops on the floor at 3:30. Bailey nailed his Triangle Moonsault to the floor. Bailey hit a roundhouse kick to the chest that dropped Eagles. They got back into the ring, but Bailey dropped him stomach-first across the top rope, then Mike hit a flying double knees to his back at 5:00. He hit a kneedrop to Eagles’ chest, then a series of kicks. Bailey hit his running Shooting Star Press. Eagles nailed a kneedrop on the back of Mike’s knee, then a diving elbow strike to the back of Bailey’s head and they were both down at 7:30. Eagles hit some Yes Kicks. Bailey hit a Frankensteiner, then a moonsault double kneedrop at 9:00, and we got a “This is awesome!” chant. Eagles hit a chop block on the knee.

They traded kicks on the ring apron, but Bailey missed a moonsault kneedrop. Eagles immediately hit a flip dive through the ropes and barreled onto Bailey, and they were both down at 11:00. Veda said this is Robbie’s last match of his U.S. tour! In the ring, Eagles hit a running double knees, then a mid-ring Sliced Bread, and he kicked at Mike’s legs as Bailey was on the mat. Robbie hit some Yes Kicks, but it only fired up Bailey, and they began trading kicks. It must really be warm there, because both guys are glistening. Bailey nailed his Speedball Kicks at 13:30. Eagles hit a Crane Kick, then a moonsault kneedrop onto Eagles’ lower back! Bailey missed the Ultima Weapon. Eagles hit a top-rope missile dropkick onto Bailey’s injured knee at 15:00.

Eagles nailed the Turbo Backpack, then the top-rope 450 Splash onto the knees, and he locked in the Ron Miller Special (Trailer Hitch leglock.) Bailey nearly reached the ropes but Eagles dragged him back to the center of the ring. Bailey finally reached the ropes at 17:00. Eagles hit a series of spin kicks. Bailey hit the Green Tea Plunge (mid-ring Spanish Fly) for a nearfall. He hit a superkick. Eagles hit another kick to Bailey’s knee. However, Bailey got an inside cradle, rolled up Eagles, and scored the pin. “They are on their feet!” Veda said. What a match! The crowd chanted, “please come back!” at both of them. They bowed to each other in a show of respect. “That’s one of the best matches we’ve ever had,” Solomon said.

Mike Bailey defeated Robbie Eagles at 17:58.

7. Krule vs. Sam Holloway for the IWTV Title. I’ve compared tall, athletic Holloway to Julius Creed; he’s a regular in Cleveland-based AIW and he recently appeared on WWE TV as security to break up a fight. They stood nose-to-nose and I didn’t expect Holloway to match his height and size. Gina the referee stood between them and only came up mid-way up their chest. Awesome visual; I have to believe that was planned. They immediately had an intense lockup. They traded some loud chops and Sam hit a shotgun dropkick at 2:00. They brawled to the floor and crashed into the empty chairs as fans scattered. Sam hit a uranage onto the ring apron at 5:00. Holloway tried a slingshot into the ring but Krule swatted him away. Sam looked legit woozy.

Krule hit some punches in the corner. Sam hit a running body block into the corner. Krule hit some clubbing blows in the corner until Holloway collapsed. Krule hit a flying clothesline for a nearfall, and they were both down at 7:00. Sam hit a snap suplex for a nearfall. Sam hit a top-rope corkscrew press onto a standing Krule at 8:30, earning a “holy shit!” chant. Sam hit three release German suplexes and he clotheslined Krule over the top rope to the floor. Sam dove over the top rope, but Krule caught him with a forearm strike! Krule rolled Holloway into the ring, hit his Scorched Earth faceplant, and scored the pin. “That was an absolute war,” Veda said.

Krule defeated Sam Holloway to retain the IWTV Heavyweight Title at 11:13.

* I want to point out that this city is in western New Jersey so this is essentially a Philadelphia suburb. (Again, they hosted many shows here during WrestleMania week.) I bring this up because Marcus Mathers has become “Philadelphia’s favorite son” and that’s the case here, too.

8. Marcus Mathers vs. The Beast Mortos. Mathers just had a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it tag match in AEW, and I think this 21-year-old is a rising star. Mortos knocked him down with a shoulder tackle at 1:30. He snapped Marcus’ neck between his feet and he was in charge early on. Marcus hit a second-rope missile dropkick. Mortos charged but crashed and fell to the floor; Marcus immediately dove through the ropes onto him. In the ring, Mathers hit a top-rope twisting crossbody block for a nearfall at 3:30. Mortos hit an enzuigiri and a powerslam for a nearfall. He hit some chops in the corner and was in control, and the crowd tried to rally Marcus. Mortos hit a shoulder breaker over his knee for a nearfall at 6:30.

Mathers hit a deadlift German Suplex for a nearfall. He hit a kip-up stunner for a nearfall at 8:30 and they were both down. Mortos hit his Crucifix Driver and a spear for a nearfall. “He’s so explosive it’s unreal,” Solomon said of Mortos. Marcus was able to send Mortos to the floor, then he nailed a flip dive onto him on the floor. In the ring, Mathers hit a Spanish Fly off the ropes for a nearfall, and they were both down at 11:00. Mortos nailed his pop-up Samoan Drop. He nailed another shoulder breaker over his knee, then a discus clothesline for a believable nearfall. Marcus hit a Poison Rana, then his springboard Canadian Destroyer. Mathers hit a sit-out powerbomb for a nearfall at 13:00. Marcus went for a top-rope moonsault, but Mortos kicked him on the way down. Mortos immediately hit a piledriver for the pin. Superb match.

The Beast Mortos defeated Marcus Mathers at 13:42.

Krule came back out! He glared at both Mathers and Mortos. Mortos and Krule stood toe-to-toe! Mortos grunted a few times, and Krule slowly retreated and returned to the back. Intriguing! Mortos also left the ring, leaving just Mathers in the ring. Brandon Kirk snuck up behind Mathers and hit him with a chain. Brandon got on the mic and said he wants Marcus.

9. Matt Tremont vs. Marc Angel. Unfortunately, the show has to end with a garbage death match. They took a LONG break to set up the plunder. Marc Angel is probably in his late 40s and he’s Marcus Mathers’ dad. (What sort of sick ‘gift’ is this that Marcus has his dad booked to face Tremont?) The crowd sang along to Journey and fans were fully behind Tremont. The ring has light tubes, barbed-wire boards and tables. Angel shoved a gusset plate into his head at 1:30 and I’ve already lost interest. Both men bled a LOT from their foreheads, and Tremont scored the pin. Just no interest in that one.

Matt Tremont defeated Marc Angel at 7:35.

Final Thoughts: What a great show. No surprise that Bailey vs. Eagles was best match, but they went out there and had a true show-stealer; Solomon wasn’t kidding when he said it was among the best matches in EtU history. That Mathers-Mortos match would be best match on nearly any other indy show. I’ll narrowly go with Rourke-Sullivan ahead of Wheeler-Luke for honorable mention. I am so hit-or-miss on Janela, but this match was a big hit. He and Rourke really clicked in the ring and got this show off on the right foot. That ladder match also was really strong but it lacked any suspense over who was winning, as Fresh Air just won those belts after a long chase. This show is so good, I can’t put that really good Krule-Holloway match higher than sixth. Holloway is definitely on my “one to watch” list.

Great to see Zayda Steel back in the U.S.; I wish they could have found a good female competitor for her, rather than throw her in a scramble. I liked that they told a story of how vicious Brandon Kirk was while facing Kylie Rae, but I’d still rather have seen Kylie Rae vs. Zayda Steel. I watched this show live, and it should be posted soon at IWTV.


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