GCW “Back to Back” results (9/21): Vetter’s review of Mance Warner vs. Joey Janela in a lumberjack match for the GCW Title, Zilla Fatu vs. Tony Deppen, Sidney Akeem vs. Blake Christian

By Chris Vetter, ProWrestling.net Contributor (@chrisvetter73)

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GCW “Back to Back”
Streamed on TrillerTV+
September 21, 2024 in Hartford, Connecticut at The Webster

As the name indicates, this is the second consecutive night of action for GCW. This is a small theater, with three rows of seating on the stage, which is right next to the ring. Dave Prazak and Emil Jay provided commentary. Most of the fans are seated below the hard camera so it’s hard to estimate crowd size, but when wrestlers went through the crowd, it’s clear there are maybe 500 or more.

1. Bobby Flaco vs. Ariel Van Go. Flaco is the short, bald, scrawny dork; he’s a babyface but I enjoy watching him get beat up. Basic reversals early on; I’m sure Van Go isn’t used to being the bigger competitor. Flaco hit an X-Factor off the ropes for a nearfall at 3:00. Van Go hit a sit-out powerbomb for a nearfall. He slammed Flaco onto the ring apron. Van Go hit a mid-ring Sliced Bread for a nearfall at 5:30. Flaco hit a top-rope flying stunner, then a top-rope double stomp to the chest for the pin. Acceptable, short opener, but the wrong guy won.

Bobby Flaco defeated Ariel Van Go at 6:09.

2. Broski Jimmy Lloyd vs. Brooke Havok in an intergender match. Needless to say, Jimmy has a significant height and weight advantage here and he easily shoved her to the mat and flexed. She hit a huracanrana and an armdrag and a bulldog, then a tornado DDT for a nearfall at 1:00. He choked Brooke in the ropes. He bit her finger! He did a pushup on her chest while getting a nearfall. He hit a clothesline for a nearfall at 3:00. He missed a Broski Boot in the corner, and she hit a basement dropkick, then a Canadian Destroyer. He hit a flying Fameasser at 5:00. Lloyd got a chair, but the ref confiscated it. Brooke immediately hit a Stunner and a Cross Rhodes (she was trained at the Nightmare Factory) and scored the pin. Decent.

Brooke Havok defeated Broski Jimmy Lloyd at 5:56.

* A video package aired of Richard Holliday and Parrow turning on Charles Mason back on Aug. 25. Mason has been “incarcerated” and we haven’t seen him since.

3. Richard Holliday (w/Parrow) vs. Marcus Mathers. Holliday got on the mic but the crowd chanted profanities at him. He said he “wanted to fill them in on the Charles Mason situation.” Holliday said Mason is charged with possession of a murder weapon and his trial is on Oct. 10. (Wow, less than two months from arrest to trial? Where else in America can justice happen that quickly except in pro wrestling?) Mathers is coming off a very good showing against Homicide a night ago. Holliday has a height advantage and he immediately grounded Mathers with a headlock. Mathers hit a second-rope missile dropkick at 2:00. Holliday snapped Marcus’ throat across the top rope, then a guillotine leg drop on the ring apron. Holliday hit a Rude Awakening standing neckbreaker for a nearfall.

Holliday kept Mathers grounded and cranked on his neck. Marcus hit a stunner and a German Suplex at 6:00, then a top-rope crossbody block. Holliday repeatedly stomped on Mathers, then a tilt-a-whirl side slam for a nearfall. Holliday tied him in a Torture Rack; Marcus escaped and hit a stunner at 9:00. Holliday hit a stunner for a nearfall. They traded punches. Marcus hit a heel hook kick and a Falcon Arrow for a nearfall at 11:00. Marcus hit a moonsault to the floor on Parrow, then a sit-out powerbomb on Holliday for a nearfall, but Parrow pulled the ref from the ring. Parrow and the ref argued. Holliday hit a low blow uppercut on the ref; when the ref turned around, only Mathers was standing there. The ref thought Marcus hit him and he called for the bell. (What the heck happened to “no DQs in GCW?”) The crowd rightfully booed this finish. Too bad because it was a good match until this screwy ending.

Richard Holliday defeated Marcus Mathers via DQ at 12:38.

4. Slade vs. Tony Deppen. Slade came out first; he attacked Tony on the stage when we suddenly lost the signal from the building. It was back within a minute, and they were still brawling on the floor; it’s really dark away from the ring and hard to see the action. The signal was lost again. When the signal returned, they were fighting in the ring, and Slade covered Deppen for the pin. It’s apparent that he had slammed Deppen through a board bridge. We saw less than half of this match.

Slade defeated Tony Deppen at 4:36.

5. Griffin McCoy vs. Effy. Standing switches to open. Effy hit a crossbody block in the ropes at 3:00. Griffin hit a standing neckbreaker in the ropes and he took control. He hit a gutbuster over his knee at 4:30, then another Rude Awakening for a nearfall. He hit some chops and kicks in the corner and was in control. Effy shoved his groin into McCoy’s face, then hit a Helluva Kick at 6:30 for a nearfall. McCoy hit a top-rope superplex for a nearfall. Effy’s butt was hanging out as he slammed Griffin to the mat; he pulled them back up. Effy hit a huracanrana. McCoy caught him coming off the ropes and hit a powerslam for a nearfall at 10:00. They got up and traded punches. Effy kissed him forcefully on the mouth, then hit the flying Fameasser for the pin. Solid match. Griffin sat up and was grossed out by the kiss, perhaps more concerned about that than losing.

Effy defeated Griffin McCoy at 10:32.

6. “Violence is Forever” Kevin Ku and Dominic Garrini vs. “Miracle Generation” Kylon King and Dustin Waller for the GCW Tag Team Titles. This should be really good; these two teams have fought before. Garrini and King opened, and MG hit stereo kicks on Dominic just seconds into the match. MG hit sentons on ViF. King hit a top-rope crossbody block from the corner onto ViF, who were on the stage. In the ring, Garrini hit a neckbreaker over his knee on King at 1:30, while Ku hit a DDT on Waller on the stage! ViF began working over King in the ring as Waller was down and out on the stage. Garrini hit a senton at 3:30. Waller got back to the ring and got the hot tag and hit a springboard clothesline on Garrini and a DDT on Ku, and he was fired up. King hit a half-nelson suplex on Garrini at 6:00.

King hit an enzuigiri on Garrini, then a tornado DDT. Waller hit a running Shooting Star Press on Dominic, then a plancha to the floor on Ku and we got a “This is awesome!” chant. Ku hi a Blue Thunder Bomb. Garrini hit a sliding clothesline. Garrini tossed Waller at Ku, who hit a kneestrike, and they got a nearfall at 7:30. MG hit a team superplex on Garrini; Waller hit a frogsplash for a nearfall, but Ku put Dominic’s foot on the ropes to stop the count at 9:00. Ku hit a brainbuster on the floor on King! In the ring, ViF hit the Chasing The Dragon combo on Waller and pinned him. That was easily best match of the show so far.

Kevin Ku and Dominic Garrini defeated Kylon King and Dustin Waller to retain the GCW Tag Team Titles at 9:54.

7. Sidney Akeem vs. Blake Christian. Blake has lost a few matches lately (to Zilla Fatu and a shocking loss to Ciclope) after being undefeated for nearly a year, and he looks despondent as he walked to the ring. Quick reversals at the bell and a standoff at 1:00. Akeem hit a huracanrana but Blake landed on his feet and they mirrored each other’s offense. Not sure if these two crossed paths in NXT. Blake nailed a kick on the left arm. Sidney hit a twisting crossbody block at 2:30 and some chops/forearms. Sidney hit a Mule Kick to the face and a top-rope crossbody block for a nearfall. Blake hit a springboard dropkick, then a dive through the ropes that sent them both into the crowd at 4:00.

They fought on the ring apron, and Blake slammed him to the apron as he worked the left arm, and he stomped on it to snap it. In the ring, Blake snapped it again at 6:00; Prazak pointed out that Blake actually smiled, like he was finally enjoying himself. Sidney got up and it some spin kicks and an inverted DDT. Sidney nailed a moonsault press or a nearfall at 8:00. Blake hit a half-nelson suplex, then a second-rope fadeaway stunner for a nearfall. Blake hit a jumping knee and a mid-ring Spanish Fly, but he missed a springboard 450 Splash at 10:00. Blake hit a top-rope Spanish Fly but they both landed on their feet!

Sidney hit the Final Act (double backflip into a stunner) for a believable nearfall and they were both down. Sidney ran the length of the stage and hit a springboard Meteora for a nearfall at 12:30. Nice. Blake nailed his Fosbury Flop to the floor. Blake nailed the Springboard 450 Splash for a believable nearfall; Emil pointed out that Blake won multiple matches with that move. Blake shoved the ref to the mat. He ran at Sidney, but Sidney grabbed him, rolled him up, and scored the flash pin! Blake’s losing streak continues! Meanwhile, Akeem is 8-0 in GCW. Sharp match. The crowd taunted Blake with a “Get the f— out!” chant, and Blake looked despondent all over again.

Sidney Akeem defeated Blake Christian at 13:40. 

Matt Cardona and Broski Jimmy Lloyd came to the ring. Lloyd swore at the fans and demanded they show them respect. Cardona got on the mic and said it’s good to be back in Connecticut, which had been the home of WWE, and the home of Zack Ryder. However, he said Ryder is dead and GCW is now his home. He boasted that “I got rid of Nick Gage; I sent him back to prison.” He vowed he now will get rid of Megan Bayne, and none of his opponents will make it to War Games. Cardona then introduced Mance Warner, who came out with his GCW Title. Joey Janela then came out. It appears we have four babyfaces and four heels on the floor to serve as lumberjacks.

8. Matt Cardona vs. Joey Janela in a lumberjack strap match for the GCW Championship. Janela charged at Mance, hit some punches, and Warner was IMMEDIATELY bleeding from his forehead. Mance hit some overhand chops. Joey was flipped over the ropes to the side where the heels were and he quickly got back in. Janela whipped Mance to the floor, where the babyfaces hit him with their straps. In the ring, Joey kept Mance grounded. He threw a chair at Mance at 3:30 and I really hate that. Cardona dropped Janela across the back of an open chair and he took control. He hit a chairshot across the back. He tossed Joey to the floor at 6:00, where the heels whipped him with their straps.

In the ring, Joey hit an elbow drop. Mance slammed Joey’s head on an open chair for a nearfall. Joey tossed a chair and he hit a DDT through a board in the corner, and they were both down at 8:30. Joey hit a brainbuster. He slammed a chair onto door debris that was on top of Mance. Joey hit a top-rope Swanton Bomb onto the debris that was on top of Mance and he got a nearfall. They got up and traded forearm strikes. Joey hit a sit-out powerbomb for a nearfall at 10:30. Mance hit a clothesline for a nearfall. He got a strap and began whipping Janela with it. Joey got the strap at 14:00 and he now whipped Mance with it.

Mance went to the floor and the babyfaces whipped him. The heels came to that side of the ring and they all brawled. In the ring, Janela hit a Death Valley Driver through a board in the corner. Joey hit a Package Piledriver for a nearfall, but Lloyd broke up the pin. Joey hit a flip dive to the floor on the heels. All the lumberjacks began brawling to the back! Mance hit an impaler DDT for a believable nearfall at 17:00. He hit another chairshot to the back, and he set up a board bridge. Joey hit a Buzzsaw Kick to the chin. Joey got the title belt and he struck Mance in the face with it for a nearfall at 19:30. Cardona appeared and he tripped Janela! Mance hit a second-rope DDT, sending Joey crashing through the board bridge, for the tainted pin. Good brawl.

Mance Warner defeated Joey Janela in a lumberjack strap match to retain the GCW World Title at 20:03.

9. Megan Bayne vs. Matt Cardona. Megan ran into the ring and attacked Cardona, and the ref called for the bell to immediately begin our main event. She hit a Stinger Splash and several bodyslams, then a splash to the mat for a nearfall. Cardona rolled to the floor and called for a timeout. She followed him to the floor and whipped him into a wall at 1:30. She picked up a big rubber trash can and slammed it over him, with garbage flying everywhere. Back in the ring, he hit a sliding dropkick to her face, and he slid back to the floor and kept brawling with her. Matt hit a DDT on the floor at 3:30. She rolled back into the ring; he immediately hit punches to the back of her head.

Matt hit a Rude Awakening or a nearfall at 5:30. She hit a suplex at 7:00 and they were both down. She hit a splash in the corner. Bayne hit a T-Bone Suplex, then another. Bayne hit an impressive fallaway slam for a nearfall at 8:30. Cardona hit a DDT for a nearfall. He nailed a Broski Boot to her face in the corner. Bayne hit a German Suplex and a spear for a nearfall at 10:30. Bayne got him on her shoulders and hit an F5 face plant slam for a believable nearfall, but Cardona reached the ropes. She set up for a dive but he hit her in the face with a chair. He threw a chair at her face and he hit a Fameasser for a nearfall at 12:00, and he was in disbelief that he didn’t win there. She got a jackknife cover, flipped her body over for leverage, and pinned him!

Megan Bayne defeated Matt Cardona at 12:35.

* Matt immediately attacked her. Mance Warner and Jimmy Lloyd returned to the ring and helped beat her up. Effy and Janela ran to the ring to make the save. However, as they tried to help her up, she collapsed to the mat. Prazak and Emil speculated that she had serious damage done to her knee.

10. Matt Tremont vs. Brandon Kirk in a death match. Tremont (think Big Van Vader) is much bigger than Kirk. There are light tubes and chairs at ringside. It appears like Tremont actually has an open wound on his forehead before the bell. They took turns whacking each other with the light tubes. Kirk choked out Tremont, and the ref called for the bell.

Brandon Kirk defeated Matt Tremont in a death match at 11:47.

Final Thoughts: I often write that GCW starts strong and fades as the show goes on, but this wound up with a weaker undercard and a strong final few matches. I really enjoyed Blake-Sidney and I’ll go with that for first, ahead of Bayne-Cardona. The Violence is Forever-Miracle Generation match takes third, just ahead of a really good Janela-Mance brawl. Those are four really good matches that carried the show. I really liked Mathers-Holliday, too, until that screwy finish. Prazak had to do verbal gymnastics to explain how a promotion that doesn’t have disqualifications just had another disqualification.

The death match main event does nothing for me. Bobby Flaco doesn’t look like a wrestler at all and I just don’t know why he is used. Too bad the Slade-Deppen match had technical issues, but I have no idea why it was so short; again I missed most of it. McCoy feels like he’s on the cusp of breaking through on this roster.


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