Kitsune Women’s Wrestling “Sugoi!” results: Vetter’s review of Billie Starkz vs. Miyako Matsumoto, Su Yung vs. Jada Stone, Marina Shafir vs. Lady Maravilla

By Chris Vetter, Contributor (@chrisvetter73)

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Kitsune Women’s Wrestling “Sugoi!”
Replay available via IndependentWrestling.TV
July 14, 2024 in Glendale, California at Nocturne Theatre

This is a small in-the-round theater and they used this venue for their prior show as well, and I really like this space. However, the crowd is maybe 100-150; this lineup is too good for attendance this small. The ring is very well lit while fans are in the dark; again, this is a nice, small playhouse so I’m not surprised that this is a good room for wrestling. Jordan Castle provided commentary with a rotating cast of guest voices.

1. “Stunner Brats” Aria Perkins and Emily Jaye defeated Gin Sevani and Nina at 8:26. Perkins, a blonde and wife to TJP, has recently returned to the ring after having her second child. Jaye is taller with long, dark hair. Sevani wore all black and has a goth look; she’s a babyface. Nina is a bit shorter and wore black-and-pink gear. Jaye and Nina opened. Gin entered and hit a sidewalk slam at 2:30. The heels began working over Gin. Nina got a hot tag and hit a Lungblower to the chest at 6:30 on Jaye, then a Facewash kick in the corner for a nearfall. Jaye hit a lungblower on Nina. Gin hit a kick on Jaye. Nina hit a DDT on Perkins for a visual pin, but the ref got distracted by the other two women, who were fighting on the floor. Perkins immediately got a rollup for the pin. Solid opener.

2. Helen Charlotte Campbell defeated Skylar Slice at 7:33. Slice is a powerhouse on par in size to Piper Niven and she wore a green one-piece. Campbell wore a black sports bra and black pants and looks like a female boxer in that outfit. They immediately traded forearms and this looked stiff. Skylar dropped her with a shoulder tackle, then she hit a shotgun dropkick, then a fallaway slam at 1:30. She hit a snap suplex. HCC tied up Skylar in the ropes. HCC hit a stiff kick to the spine at 4:00 and took control. Skylar hit a German Suplex. Skylar hit a sit-out powerbomb for a believable nearfall at 6:30. Campbell put Skylar on her shoulders and hit a forward Finlay Roll! She tied Skylar in a crossface, and Skylar tapped out. I liked this.

* Campbell got on the mic and said she respects the fight that Skylar Slice brought to her. She’s ready and waiting for another fight.

3. Everly Rivera and Jazmin Allure defeated Mylo and Simone Williams at 10:52. Simone is a redhead and Jordan Castle said she’s a reality TV star; she is “everyone’s dream girl.” Mylo has black hair halfway down her back. Allure has had several AEW/ROH TV matches, and she has long black hair, and I’m pretty sure she’s the only one in this match I’ve seen before. Everly looks a bit stronger/thicker; not fat but a bit more size to her. Mylo and Everly opened and they traded loud overhand chops at 1:30 that popped the crowd. Jazmin and Simone entered and traded offense. The heels began working over Jazmin. Jazmin got to her corner, but Everly had been yanked to the floor and wasn’t there for the tag.

Simone accidentally hit Mylo at 8:00. Everly got the hot tag; she got an inside cradle on Simone for a nearfall. The babyfaces hit a team bulldog move on Simone. Everly hit a TKO stunner. She butterflied Mylo’s arms and slammed her stomach-first to the mat. Jazmin immediately hit a frogsplash for the pin. Decent.

4. Marina Shafir defeated Lady Maravilla at 7:32. Maravilla wore a colorful mask and outfit; I’ve seen her a few times. Marina immediately shoved her to the mat and worked the left arm. Maravilla got a foot on the ropes at 2:30. Marina hit a stiff kick to the spine and applied a front guillotine choke. Maravilla hit a sit-out spinebuster for a nearfall at 6:30. They got up and traded forearm strikes. Marina threw her to the mat, locked in Mother’s Milk/chokehold, and Lady Maravilla immediately tapped out. Intense and Marina remains on a roll across multiple promotions.

Billie Starkz joined commentary for the next match!

5. Brooke Havok defeated Savanna Stone in a falls count anywhere match at 11:00 even. Savanna Stone has her hair in long dreadlocks; I don’t recall if I have seen her before. Scarlett Donovan, the topnotch GCW ref, is in this match, too. Stone jawed at the crowd and they had an intense lockup to open. Brooke started to get the upper hand, so Stone went to the floor. Brooke followed and they brawled at ringside and up into the seating area and around ringside. In the ring, Savanna hit a slingshot suplex at 5:00. They brawled back to the floor. Back in the ring, they traded chops while on their knees at 8:30. Havok hit a pump-handle powerbomb for a nearfall. Stone hit a bodyslam. Stone hit a uranage for a nearfall and she jawed with the ref. Havok hit a Cross Rhodes/swinging faceplant for the clean pin. Good brawl.

6. J-Rod defeated Maya World at 8:05. J-Rod is a tall, athletic trainer and I’ve seen her at the prior show here as well as Dreamwave shows in Illinois. Maya is from Texas and I’ve recently seen her compete in promotions across the country. J-Rod attacked Maya before the bell and was booed. Maya hit some hard chops. J-Rod hit a Mafia Kick at 2:00 and she jawed at fans as she got a nearfall. She hit a snap suplex for a nearfall. Maya hit a huracanrana and they were both down at 6:00. Maya hit a springboard stunner for a nearfall. Maya hit a Backstabber lungblower. J-Rod hit a punch to the face while the ref was out of position, then a spear for the tainted pin. Good action.

7. Su Yung defeated Jada Stone at 12:36. Jada is a short, athletic Black woman and I’ve seen her all over the country, too, including the prior show here. I haven’t seen Su Yung much since she returned from maternity leave. Jada hit a huracanrana and a running double knees. She dove through the ropes onto Su, and Jada hit some chops at ringside, then a snap suplex on the floor at 2:30. Su hit a side suplex onto the ring apron, then a DDT out of the ropes for a nearfall. Su tied Jada in the Tree of Woe and hit several punt kicks to the back at 6:00, and she jawed at the ref. She hit a stunner out of the corner and got a nearfall.

Jada fired up and hit some clotheslines and got a nearfall. She hit a German Suplex for a nearfall at 8:00. Su hit a swinging powerbomb for a nearfall. Su hit a cool flipping powerbomb out of the corner for a nearfall at 10:00. Jada hit a Lethal Injection for a believable nearfall. Jada hit a Frankensteiner and they were both down. Su sprayed red mist into her eyes and hit a Sabin-style Cradle Shock powerbomb for the tainted pin. That was good action.

8. Billie Starkz defeated Miyako Matsumoto at 12:40. Starkz carried her ROH TV title on her shoulder. Miyako sang on her way to the ring, much like Maki Itoh. Scarlett is back as ref for the main event. Billie has a clear height advantage and she held her hands up high to show that Miyako can’t reach for a knucklelock, and the crowd booed Billie. Billie then dropped to a knee to mock her and got booed some more. They brawled to the floor at 2:30. In the ring, Starkz kicked Miyako on the side of the head and was in charge, and she kept Miyako grounded.

Billie tied her in the Tree of Woe at 6:00 and stomped on her chest and got a nearfall. Miyako applied an armbar in the ropes, then a mid-ring Octopus stretch, but Billie reached the ropes at 8:00. MIyako missed a second-rope doublestomp. Billie got Miyako on her shoulders, but Miyako got to the ropes and escaped. Billie dove through the ropes to the floor on her. In the ring, Billie got a Swanton Bomb for a nearfall, but Miyako rolled her over and got her own nearfall. Billie hit a loud chop. Miyako dropped her with a forearm, then a Buzzsaw Kick for a nearfall at 11:30, then a Shining Wizard for a nearfall, but Billie got a hand on the ropes! Billie again got Miyako on her shoulders, but Miyako got a Victory Roll for a nearfall; Billie reversed it and got a rollup pin. Very good action.

Final Thoughts: A fun show. Not a must-see show but it had some good action. Starkz-Miyako beats out Su Yung-Jada for best match, with Maya vs. J-Rod just ahead of Marina’s match for third. I really do like this venue; after the last show they ran here, I checked out the building’s website because I liked this theater’s layout so much. So, it had to be a bit disappointing that the crowd was fairly small. This show clocked in at just over two hours and was an easy watch.


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