WWE Friday Night Smackdown results (6/28): Barnett’s review of The Bloodline’s Acknowledgement Ceremony, three Money in the Bank ladder match qualifiers

By Jake Barnett, ProWrestling.net Co-Senior Staffer (@barnettjake)

WWE Friday Night Smackdown (Episode 1,296)
New York, New York at Madison Square Garden
Aired live June 28, 2024 on Fox

LA Knight, Logan Paul, and Jade Cargill were shown entering the building. Corey Graves and Wade Barrett were on commentary. They said the show was sold out at Madison Square Garden. Video footage was shown of Solo Sikoa breaking it to Paul Heyman that Roman Reigns was not coming back, and the debut of Jacob Fatu later on that night. Paul Heyman was shown backstage waiting for the arrival of The Bloodline. Once they pulled up in a vehicle, he asked where Jacob Fatu was, and did not get an answer. Solo headed to the ring with Tama Tonga and Tonga Loa. Cody Rhodes, Randy Orton, and Kevin Owens were then shown walking towards the stage from the back. 

A brawl quickly broke out between the two teams. Cody Rhodes brawled with Solo Sikoa, Orton with Tama Tonga, and Owens with Tonga Loa. Orton suplexed Tama onto the barricade. Owens put Tonga Loa through a table with a Swanton in the tech area full of WWE equipment. Eventually Nick Aldis and his crew came out to separate everyone. Kevin Owens sold his ribs as he finally rejoined his partners in the ring…[c]

My Take: A hot start to the show. I have to believe Jacob Fatu might turn around The Bloodline’s fortunes eventually.

Nick Aldis remained at ringside with Cody Rhodes, Randy Orton, and Kevin Owens in the ring. Rhodes told Aldis to bring The Bloodline back out to the ring. Aldis asked them to leave. Security got involved, and the three men beat the crap out of a pile of them. Orton gave a couple of them RKO’s, Owens a Stunner, and Cody gave the last remaining one a CrossRhodes. Orton and Owens had microphones. Owens said if The Bloodline thought they would wait until Money in the Bank they were dumber than they look. Orton said they have been up his ass for two years and at Money in the Bank they would put them down for good. 

Cody said the Bloodline saw victims in the ring but he saw his friend Kevin Owens, a legend Randy Orton, and a sold out Madison Square Garden. Cody said he thought he had already finished The Bloodline at WrestleMania and he should be defending his title against a credible challenger. He called out Solo and said he didn’t see a tribal chief, he saw a seat filler. Nick Aldis returned with people in NYPD uniforms and the babyface trio finally left the ring. 

Candice LeRae, Jade Cargill, and Tiffany Stratton are out next in the Money in the Bank qualifier…[c]

My Take: Solid promo to end the opening segment. The crowd was hot for everything. That RKO on Cody Rhodes is going to hit like a shotgun blast to the chest.

Highlights from the show opening Brawl were shown. Cody Rhodes, Randy Orton, and Kevin Owens were taken away from the building in an SUV. It looked like they might have been in handcuffs but it was difficult to tell. Tiffany Stratton made her entrance in the arena. She was followed by Candice LeRae and Jade Cargill. 

1. Jade Cargill vs. Candice LeRae vs. Tiffany Stratton in a Money in the Bank Qualifier Match: Stratton and LeRae double teamed Jade Cargill as an early strategy. Cargill reversed out of a suplex and landed a double clothesline. She then landed a Uranage into a backbreaker on Candice, and then went for a superkick on Stratton. Jade then picked up Candice and tossed her onto Tiffany Stratton at ringside. Nia Jax walked out to the ring, and Bianca Belair followed behind to ask her what she was doing…[c]

Tiffany Stratton and Candice LeRae regained control during the break, and then LeRae cut down Stratton with a clothesline for the betrayal. Stratton recovered and attempted to land a handspring elbow on LeRae in the corner, but she avoided it. Cargill landed a spinebuster on LeRae. Stratton baited in Cargill, who took a run at her and got sent out to the floor. Nia Jax laughed at Cargill, which got Bianca Belair involved. Indi Hartwell showed up from out of frame and shoved Jade into the ring post. This created an opening for Stratton to land the Prettiest Moonsault Ever and get the win. 

Tiffany Stratton pinned Candice LeRae to quality for Money in the Bank at 9:21

After the match, Tiffany celebrated with Nia Jax. Naomi was shown backstage when Bayley walked up to talk to her. They complained about how annoying Tiffany Stratton is and how Naomi might have to cash in on Bayley after she wins Money in the Bank. Blair Davenport walked into frame and said they were cute talking about all their fictional situations. She said she would defeat Naomi to qualify for Money in the Bank later. Bayley thought about attacking her, but Naomi stopped her and said she would take care of her later…[c]

My Take: Stratton winning always seemed the most likely option. They got there without Jade looking too goofy in the process.

Michin asked about a rematch and Nick Aldis said he would take it under consideration. B-Fab and The Street Profits walked up and said they wanted to get their hands on The Bloodline. Aldis said that wasn’t happening, and then Pretty Deadly walked up. They offered to perform a musical, and the Street Profits offered to kick their ass instead. The match was made for later tonight. Barrett and Graves then tossed to a video package recapping the LA Knight, Logan Paul, and Santos Escobar segment from last week.

Santos Escobar made his ring entrance in the arena. He was followed by LA Knight…[c] 

My Take: Last week Santos Escobar got embarrassed by LA Knight. I’m curious if he ends up stealing this match and ending up in the Money in the Bank match.

Paul Heyman explained to Solo that Cody, KO, and Orton were removed from the building by NYPD. He asked what they were doing tonight, and asked about Jacob Fatu’s whereabouts. Solo said Heyman said he was too dangerous, so he wasn’t there. He then said he listened to his wiseman, and they would make it official that he was his wiseman later tonight. 

In the arena, Logan Paul made his ring entrance. He had a microphone and addressed the crowd. He spoke about performing in a historic arena, but the show kept cutting to black and getting censored. Paul then said he wanted someone in his corner who knew what it meant to win in Madison Square Garden, and introduced Indiana Pacers star Tyrese Halliburton. 

There was a confrontation near the barricade with NY Knicks star Jalen Bruson. They looked to be having a bit of fun with it. Halliburton wore a “Tyrese 3:17” shirt. 

2. Logan Paul vs. Santos Escobar vs. LA Knight in a Money in the Bank Qualifier: Paul and Escobar linked up early to beat up Knight. Escobar dumped Knight on his head with a head scissors, and then Paul decked him with a forearm shot. Paul then landed a suplex on Knight and covered for a two count. Knight fired back with a lariat and a slingshot shoulder tackle. He then stomped on Paul and landed repeated punches. Paul recovered and landed a knee strike, and then landed a facebuster. He then sent Knight to the floor, but turned around to Escobar diving through the ropes and spearing him into the barricade…[c]

My Take: You can troll the Knicks fans with the team that beat them in the playoffs every year without fail.

Knight slammed Paul into the announce table repeatedly on the floor. Escobar and Knight ended up on the top rope together, and Escobar pulled him into the ring with a hurracarrana. Paul broke up the pin and slammed Escobar onto Knight with another powerbomb into an overhead facebuster. The crowd made more naughty chants as the audio continued to cut out on the show. Knight planted Logan Paul with a meltdown, but Escobar put down Knight with a running knee strike. He then went for a Phantom Driver, but Knight escaped and landed a powerslam. 

Escobar managed to intercept Knight with a Phantom Driver a moment later, but Paul had enough left to break up the pin. Paul and Escobar traded strikes in the corner and ended up fighting on the ropes in the corner. Knight approached them and suplexed Escobar off the top rope. Paul then landed a Swanton on Knight, but he kicked out at 2.9. Paul called for help, and Tyrese Halliburton went for the Brass Knuckles. Jalen Brunson got involved, and the referees kept them apart. 

In the ring, Escobar landed double knees on Paul. He went after Knight, but he got out of the way. Knight landed a BFT on Escobar, and covered. Paul pulled him off and rolled him up. They traded roll ups until Knight got the win. 

LA Knight defeated Santos Escobar and Logan Paul at 12:18

After the match, Tyrese Halliburton got in the ring with the brass knuckles on. Jalen Brunson then got in the ring with a chair. Paul and Halliburton thought better of it and walked away. Knight held up Brunson’s hand. Backstage, Corbin and Crews were talking backstage about Money in the Bank when Carmelo Hayes walked up. He said he was thinking about having a “Melo in the Bank” T-Shirt printed, and Crews told him he was in over his head. He said he pinned Randy Orton last week, and everybody should have their money on him.

In the arena, Corey Graves introduced a Sika Anoa’i tribute video…[c]

My Take: The Halliburton and Brunson confrontation was red meat for the MSG crowd. The Sika tribute was very well done.

An Andrade video package aired that talked about Money in the Bank. He called winning the match his destiny, and said he was there to take over. Blair Davenport made her entrance in the arena. She was followed by Naomi. Indi Hartwell was already in the ring. 

3. Indi Hartwell vs. Blair Davenport vs. Naomi in a Money in the Bank Qualifier: Davenport and Hartwell discussed an early partnership, but Naomi drop kicked them both in the face. She then landed a double mule kick. The alliance broke apart quickly as Davenport tried to roll up Hartwell soon afterward. Hartwell picked up Naomi and slammed her into Davenport, and then powerbombed her for a two count. Davenport double stomped Naomi as she held into the ring apron on the outside. She then tossed Hartwell over the stairs and double stomped her as well…[c]

Hartwell applied a sleeper on Davenport, but she broke free with a jawbreaker. Naomi turned thing around and landed a double cross body from the top. She then landed a kick on Hartwell and landed a running split leg drop on both opponents for a two count cover. Hartwell slammed Naomi with a spinebuster, and did the same to Davenport. She tried to stack them up for a pin, but got a two count because Davenport’s shoulders weren’t down. 

The match got a bit sloppy with moments of confusion for Davenport and Naomi. Davenport landed a falcon arrow on Naomi for a two count. All three women were back on their feet for some brawling. Naomi landed a heatseeker on Hartwell. She then went for a split moonsault on Davenport, but she ended up on the floor after Harwell pulled her through the ropes. Davenport was sent into the ring steps on the outside by Hartwell, and Naomi got sent back into the ring. 

Jade Cargill walked back out and got her revenge on Hartwell by sending her into the ring post. Naomi then landed a Bubba Bomb and rolled her into a pinfall for the victory. 

Naomi defeated Blair Davenport and Indi Hartwell at 10:08 to qualify for Money in the Bank

The Bloodline is up next…[c]

My Take: That match was a bit of a wreck. Hartwell and Davenport seemed a bit lost and Naomi’s veteran presence wasn’t quite enough to pull it together.

The Street Profits vs. Pretty Deadly will happen next week, along with DIY vs. A-Town Down Under. DIY was interviewed backstage by Byron Saxton. Ciampa said Toronto next week is where they won the NXT Tag Titles. Theory walked up to interrupt and said that next week the greatest Tag Team in WWE would beat them, him and his best friend. Gargano stopped him and told him Waller didn’t care about him at all, but Waller quickly showed up and jumped him from behind. Theory pulled him away quickly. 

Video was shown of the brawl that opened the show and Rhodes and company being taken away from the arena. The Bloodline made their way to the ring. The screen went black for a bit because of censoring. Paul Heyman began his introduction but Solo requested the microphone before he could finish. Solo then introduced the newest member of the bloodline, his enforcer, the Werewolf Jacob Fatu. Heyman looked very confused. Fatu made his entrance in ring gear…[c]

My Take: Fatu’s entrance music and visual presentation feel big time. He’s getting a major push.

Solo demanded that Madison Square Garden acknowledge him, and Heyman looked at him like he just shot somebody. He asked Tama Tonga to acknowledge him, and he did. He repeated the process for Tonga Loa and Jacob Fatu. He then turned to Heyman and demanded the same. Heyman’s eyes were bloodshot and he was unshaven. Solo presented him with Roman’s necklace and asked him to acknowledge him as his Tribal Chief. 

Heyman said he loved him….and acknowledged that he was not his Tribal Chief. The crowd cheered, and Solo delivered a Samoan Spike. Jacob Fatu went up to the top rope, and delivered a flying headbutt. They then pulled him out to the floor and pulled apart the announce table. They then delivered a Shield style Triple Powerbomb on Heyman that looked like a pretty rough landing. Fatu then placed the Tribal Chief necklace over the head of Solo Sikoa, and they held up the ones to close the show. 

My Take: Paul Heyman just took a gnarly looking table bump for the love of the game. Much respect to him for that at this point in his life. Other than the one lackluster match, this was another very strong episode of Smackdown. Whenever and wherever Roman Reigns decides to return, he’s going to be the biggest babyface in wrestling. Cody Rhodes won’t be able to do much about it.





Readers Comments (5)

  1. That pop when Paul wouldn’t acknowledge Solo as tribal chief was massive. All these years and Heyman is a baby face. The bumps Heyman was taking at his age was astounding. Makes old cocaine Khan taking that Meltzer driver look lame. We won’t be seeing Paul show up tomorrow with a dollar store neck brace on though.

  2. A few months from now, imagine the pop when the PA system blares out “LADIES AND GENTLEMEN — MY NAME — IS…”

  3. this is a good spot to bring brock back!!….perfect spot to help paul!!

  4. Paul’s coming back with either Brock or Roman.Makes more sense with Roman though of course..

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