Glory Pro Wrestling “Ascend” episodes 68 and 69 results: Vetter’s review of Mike Outlaw vs. Rahim de la Suede, Shazza McKenzie vs. Tootie Lynn vs. Maggie Lee vs. Blair Onyx in a four-way

By Chris Vetter, Contributor (@chrisvetter73)

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Glory Pro Wrestling “Ascend” (Episodes 68 and 69)
Taped February 16, 2025 in St. Louis, Missouri at South Broadway Athletic Club
Premiered March 17, 2025 and March 24, 2025 via

Over its YouTube run, “Ascend” episodes have routinely been 45 minutes with two or three matches. However, these latest episodes have just one match from their latest taping. This is one of the larger venues they use, and the crowd was maybe 200-250. The lighting is really good.

Episode 68

Mike Outlaw (w/Cinko) vs. Rahim de la Suede. At the last taping, Outlaw turned heel and attacked tag partner Rahim. The heels came out first; the crowd was fully behind Rahim. Rahim got in the ring and dove through the ropes onto Mike on the floor. In the ring, Rahim hit a dropkick and stomped on the bigger Outlaw. Rahim missed a moonsault, and Outlaw immediately hit a springboard forearm strike and took control, and he kept Rahim grounded. Outlaw hit a second-rope superplex for a nearfall at 4:30.

They got up and traded chops. Rahim hit a standing moonsault for a nearfall at 7:00, then a top-rope moonsault for a nearfall. Outlaw hit a standing powerbomb and a top-rope elbow drop for a nearfall. Rahim hit a Lungblower to the back. Outlaw hit a twisting suplex and an enzuigiri. Cinko hopped on the apron and distracted the ref as Rahim was going for a pin. Rahim hit a DDT, but he missed a 450 Splash. Cinko again distracted the ref, so Rahim punched him. Rahim turned around but he was clocked by Outlaw, who had brass knuckles, for the cheap pin.

Mike Outlaw defeated Rahim de la Suede at 11:00 even. 

Episode 69

* The episode opened with footage of Laynie Luck retaining her title. We then quickly heard from Laynie backstage, who boasted that she’s still champion.

Shazza McKenzie vs. Tootie Lynn vs. Maggie Lee vs. Blair Onyx in a four-way. All four women are regulars in the St. Louis-Chicago-Twin Cities triangle; I have seen all but Tootie wrestle live in St. Paul, Minn., in recent months. Again, Maggie has had several TNA appearances recently; at about 6’0″ she towers over her opponents. Tootie hit some quick kicks on Blair. Shazza hit a back suplex on Blair. Blair hit a standing powerbomb. Tootie ran from corner to corner, hitting Helluva Kicks on each opponent at 3:00.

Maggie hit a Mafia Kick on Tootie. Shazza and Blair kicked each other and suddenly all four were down. They traded forearm strikes while on their knees. Blair nailed a double Flatliner and she applied a double Muta Lock on Shazza and Tootie! Maggie hit a basement dropkick on Blair. Shazza hit her splits stunner. Maggie hit a Tombstone Piledriver and pinned Shazza. Really good action here for the time given.

Maggie Lee defeated Shazza McKenzie, Tootie Lynn, and Blair Onyx in a four-way at 5:51.

Final Thoughts: Two very good matches for the time given, but I’m certainly disappointed that Glory Pro has opted to go this route of a single match a week. I guess it means one taping will now stretch over two months of TV. To me… that’s too spread out. I think it’s a bad idea to have, say, a Maggie Lee match on March 23 and not have her next match air until late May or June? Wrestling is about storylines, and if you spread out the stories for so long, fans will forget them.

I attended an eight-woman tournament recently that featured Onyx and McKenzie. As I noted, these four have all wrestled each other over and over again. There are so few top-tier indy females in my region, so you can see why they are all so in demand.


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