WWE Raw in Charlotte, Q&A audio show, Jimmy Jacobs, Ricardo Rodriguez, Gangrel, Alan Angels, Rich Swann, Hugo Savinovich, LuFisto, Lance Anoa’i, Travis Banks, Chris Champion, Ray Gunkel, John Bonica, Johnny Grunge, Johnny Weaver

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

-WWE Raw is live tonight from Charlotte, North Carolina at Spectrum Center. The show features the last two Elimination Chamber qualifying matches. Join me for my live review as the show streams live on Netflix at 7CT/8ET. My weekly same night Raw audio reviews will be available exclusively for Dot Net Members (including our Patreon patrons).

-Submit questions for my Q&A Audio Show via email at dotnetjason@gmail.com. Please maintain the limit of three pro wrestling related questions and four non-wrestling questions. This show is available exclusively for Dot Net Members (including our Patreon patrons).

We are looking for reports from tonight’s Raw in Charlotte, Tuesday’s NXT in Orlando, Wednesday’s live AEW Dynamite and AEW Collision taping in Phoenix, and Friday’s Smackdown in New Orleans. If you are going to an upcoming show or taping and want to help, email me at dotnetjason@gmail.com

Birthdays and Notables

-Jimmy Jacobs (Christopher Scoville) is 41 today.

-Jesus Rodriguez is 39 today. He worked as Ricardo Rodriguez in WWE.

-The late Chris Champion (Christopher Ashford-Smith) was born on February 17, 1961. He died at age 57 after suffering multiple strokes on August 22, 2018.

-Gangrel (David Heath) turned 56 on Sunday.

-Alan Angels (Trey Tucker) turned 27 on Sunday.

-The late John Bonica was born on February 16, 1917. He died of a cerebral hemorrhage at age 77 on August 15, 1994.

-The late Ray Gunkel was born on February 16, 1924. He died at age 48 due to heart trauma on August 1, 1972.

-The late Johnny Grunge (Mike Durham) died at age 39 of sleep apnea on February 16, 2006.

-Hugo Savinovich turned 66 on Saturday.

-LuFisto (Genevieve Goulet) turned 45 on Saturday.

-Travis Banks (Travis Bligh) turned 38 on Saturday.

-Rich Swann is turned 34 on Saturday.

-Lance Anoa’i is turned 33 on Saturday.

-The late Johnny Weaver died at age 72 on February 15, 2008.


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