Freelance Pro Wrestling “Be Careful What You Wish For” results (10/25): Vetter’s review of Storm Grayson vs. Kylie Rae for the Freelance Title, Koda Hernandez vs. Jake Something for the Freelance Legacy Title

By Chris Vetter, Contributor (@chrisvetter73)

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Freelance Pro Wrestling “Be Careful What You Wish For”
Streamed on IndependentWrestling.TV
October 25, 2024 in Chicago, Illinois at Logan Square Auditorium

They always draw about 250 here, and this is a really good venue for indy wrestling. Dave Prazak and another man provided commentary. A quick glance at the lineup shows all familiar faces; no new debuts.

1. Dan the Dad vs. Trevor Outlaw vs. Kody Lane vs. Chico Suave vs. Shazza McKenzie vs. Alfonso Gonzalez for the Red Star Medallion. Gonzalez won the scramble at last month’s show. Outlaw is the hated heel, so everyone took turns punching him, and ref Dan Perch hit a bodyslam on Outlaw for good measure. Funny. Gonzalez hit a huracanrana move to take down both Kody and Dan. Chico hit a 619 on Gonzalez. Shazza hit a top-rope dive to the floor on the five guys at 4:00. In the ring, Outlaw hit a belly-to-belly suplex on Shazza. Kody nailed a Buckle Bomb on Gonzalez, then a top-rope senton on Gonzalez. Outlaw hit a low blow uppercut on Lane at 6:00. Outlaw hit a Pedigree on Dan, but Shazza made the save. Shazza hit the Splits Stunner on Chico. Chico applied an anklelock on Outlaw. Gonzalez rolled up Chico, got a handful of tights, and scored the cheap pin!

Alfonso Gonzalez defeated Dan the Dad, Trevor Outlaw, Kody Lane, Chico Suave and Shazza McKenzie to win the Red Star Medallion at 6:54.

* Gonzalez got on the mic and boasted about winning. He gets to call his shot for a future title match by winning the medallion.

2. Mike Santana vs. Sabin Gauge. Sabin is giving up a lot of size here. Mat reversals to open. They sped it up and Santana hit a deep armdrag, and they had a standoff at 3:00. They brawled to ringside. Santana hit a baseball slide dropkick to the floor at 5:00; he leaned Sabin against the guardrail and hit some LOUD chops, and he slammed Sabin onto the ring apron. In the ring, Santana hit a basement dropkick for a nearfall at 7:00. Prazak pointed out that Sabin’s chest is raw and red. Sabin hit a twisting dive through the ropes. They got back into the ring and traded more chops.

Sabin hit a jumping knee, then a doublestomp to the gut for a nearfall at 9:00. Santana put Sabin on his shoulders and slammed him stomach-first to the mat, and they were both down. Santana hit a rolling stunner for a nearfall at 12:00. Sabin dove off the ropes but Santana caught him and hit a Death Valley Driver for a believable nearfall. Sabin hit a mid-ring Spanish Fly, then a top-rope doublestomp. He hit a frogsplash for a nearfall, and they were both down at 15:00. Sabin jawed at the ref. They traded rollups. Santana nailed a Buckle Bomb. Sabin got a rollup for a nearfall. Santana nailed the Discus Lariat for the pin. A very good match and probably the best of Gauge’s career.

Mike Santana defeated Sabin Gauge at 16:07.

3. Stone Ambrose, Regan Lydale, and Robbie Reeves vs. GPA, Laynie Luck, and Eyecandy Elliott. Again, Elliot just returned to action after several years away, and he has a good physique. Ambrose’s face is similar to Brian Cage (he doesn’t have Brian’s muscle mass!) Reeves looks like he’s in his late 20s with wavy black hair. GPA and Ambrose opened, and Stone hit a huracanrana. Elliott got back in; the commentators reiterated he just returned from five years away. Reeves hit a bodyslam on Elliott for a nearfall at 4:00. Laynie (who had a good showing on the Maple Leaf Pro shows last weekend) got in against the taller, green Regan, and they traded offense in a knuckle lock. They both did cartwheels and had a standoff at 6:00.

Elliott began working over Ambrose. Reeves got a hot tag at 9:00 and hit some jab punches on Elliott. GPA hit a knee drop on Reeves and now the heels worked him over. Elliott hit a snap suplex at 11:30. Regan got a hot tag and she hit some clotheslines. She hit a Mark Henry Slam on GPA at 13:30, and she did a bulldog on Laynie, dropping Luck on GPA for a nearfall. Elliott backed Regan into a corner and demanded a kiss; she slapped him in the face. Stone hit a DDT on Elliott. GPA and Laynie decided to kiss (why now?), but Regan hit a spear on both of them. Elliott hit a faceplant on Regan at 16:00 and was loudly booed. GPA got a rollup and pinned Ambrose. The crowd was fully into this one.

GPA, Laynie Luck, and Eyecandy Elliott defeated Robbie Reeves, Stone Ambrose, and Regan Lydale at 16:53.

4. Koda Hernandez vs. Jake Something for the Freelance Legacy Title. Obviously, Jake has a huge size advantage. Jake immediately hit a series of shoulder tackles, then a spear into the corner for a nearfall just 30 seconds in. Koda hit some kicks. Koda went for a slingshot move, but Jake clocked him with a forearm at 2:00. Jake hit his running body block for a nearfall. Koda hit an Exploder Suplex into the corner at 5:00 and they were both down. Koda hit a slingshot DDT onto the ring apron, and they were both down on the floor.

Koda hit a dive through the ropes, then a second one at 7:00. In the ring, Koda hit a Rollins-style stomp to the head for a nearfall. Koda clotheslined him to the floor, then he hit a corner dropkick. Koda went for another dive, but Jake caught him and slammed him onto the ring apron. In the ring, Jake nailed a sit-out powerbomb for a nearfall at 9:00. They got up and traded forearm strikes. Koda hit a snap suplex, then a second one, then he dropped Jake face-first and got a nearfall at 11:00. Koda hit a Razor’s Edge and pinned Jake! I didn’t expect a clean pin here! Good match.

Koda Hernandez defeated Jake Something to retain the Freelance Legacy Title at 12:38.

* The lights went out. When they came back on, Mike Santana was in the ring and glaring at Koda! The crowd chanted “holy shit!” Security ran into the ring, even though no punches had been thrown.

5. Darin Corbin vs. Devon Monroe. Monroe is similar to Sonny Kiss. Monroe hit an armdrag and a dropkick. Corbin hit a spear for a nearfall at 2:30. Devon hit an enzuigiri and a twisting DDT for a nearfall. Corbin hit a second-rope superplex at 5:30. He was in charge and the crowd was all over him. Corbin hit a Sister Abigail swinging faceplant or a believable nearfall at 9:00. Monroe got a sunset flip rollup for the fluke pin.

Devon Monroe defeated Darin Corbin at 10:15.

6. “The Syndicate” Shane Mercer and Calvin Tankman (w/James Russo) vs. Dillon McQueen and Rico Gonzalez for the Freelance Tag Team Titles. I’ve seen the flamboyant Dillon a few times before. Rico wore his purple Mexican poncho; it’s actually been a few months since I’ve seen him in action. These two are giving up a LOT of size and strength to the champs. Tankman and Dillon opened, and Calvin easily shoved him to the mat. Rico and Shane got in. Dillon hit a senton on Shane, and Rico hit a Lionsault on Shane for a nearfall at 3:30. Rico hit a top-rope splash to the floor on Calvin. However, Calvin powerbombed Rico onto the ring apron. Shane set up for a second-rope delayed vertical suplex on Rico, but instead hit a Falcon Arrow for a believable nearfall at 5:30.

Mercer hit a release suplex on Rico and he was toying with the smaller man. Rico nailed a Poison Rana at 8:30 and they were both down. Russo pulled Dillon off the apron so he couldn’t tag in. Mercer nailed a powerslam on Rico for a believable nearfall. Rico hit a clothesline that dropped Mercer and caused a DDT on Tankman. Dillon finally got the hot tag at 10:30 and he hit some clotheslines, then a German Suplex on Mercer. Dillon dropped Tankman onto Mercer! Dillon hit a running knee on Mercer for a nearfall. Rico hit a DDT on Calvin. Rico went to the top rope but Russo grabbed his ankle. Mercer hit a release German Suplex on Dillon, then Shane nailed Moonsault & Battery on Rico! Shane tossed Rico, with Calvin nailing a spinning back fist on Rico! Shane covered the knocked-out Rico for the pin. Decent match but I never once thought the tag team champs were losing here.

Calvin Tankman and Shane Mercer defeated Rico Gonzalez and Dillon McQueen to retain the Freelance Tag Team Titles at 13:47.

* James Russo got on the mic and boasted about his tag team champs. He called them the “big bad wolves around here.” The crowd loudly chanted for him to “shut the f— up!” He said they are going home until a quality team emerges. That brought out Dan the Dad and Kody Lane! They got into the ring and brawled with Tankman and Mercer!

7. Storm Grayson (w/Isaias Velazquez) vs. Kylie Rae for the Freelance Title. This feud has been going since Kylie returned in March after recovering from giving birth. Storm struck her with his title belt before the bell, and she fell to the floor. She got back into the ring but she was busted open on her forehead. Rae insisted the match takes place so the bell rang here and I started my stopwatch. He flipped her to the floor and she struggled to get back up. He went to the floor and tossed her into the guardrail. They got back into the ring and Grayson was in complete control. He bodyslammed her for a nearfall at 3:00. He hit a second-rope superplex, then a Falcon Arrow for a nearfall at 5:30.

Storm charged but she moved, and he crashed into a chair in the corner, and they were both down. Storm stood up, and he now was bleeding from the forehead. She hit several punches and some clotheslines. Storm hit a Blue Thunder Bomb for a nearfall at 10:30. The ref got bumped. She applied a crossface, but Velazquez jumped in the ring to break it up. He has handcuffs! Kylie nailed a superkick on Isaias! She handcuffed Isaias to the corner! Kylie again applied the crossface in the center of the ring, and this time, Storm tapped out! New champion!

Kylie Rae defeated Storm Grayson to win the Freelance Title at 13:37. 

Final Thoughts: Santana-Gauge stole the show while being the second match. I’ll go with Koda-Jake Something for second, and the main event for third, even though the size difference is a bit much for me; as great as Kylie is in the ring, it’s just hard to believe she could beat Storm Grayson. I’ve noted in recent weeks that Kylie Rae and Mike Santana are my co-winners for “comeback wrestler of the year,” and I defy you to find better candidates. The rest of the show was fine. As I noted, no new faces here. The scramble was fun and I wish it had been longer.


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