Blitzkrieg Pro “Cool To Be You” results (10/4): Vetter’s review of CPA vs. Marcus Mathers for the Bedlam Championship, Donovan Dijak vs. TJ Crawford, Legion of Rot vs. Miracle Generation for the Blitzkrieg Tag Titles

By Chris Vetter, Contributor (@chrisvetter73)

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Blitzkrieg Pro “Cool To Be You”
Streamed on IndependentWrestling.TV
October 4, 2024 in Enfield, Connecticut at Old Country Banquet Hall

The venue is an attractive ballroom and they have used this room before. Lights are on so lighting isn’t an issue. The crowd is 150-200, seated on three sides of the ring; a stage where the hard camera is placed is the fourth side. Johnny Torres and Hot Scoops Skylar provided commentary. I saw several guys on this show 24 hours earlier on the Wrestling Open show in nearby Worcester, Massachusetts. (Google Maps says they are about a 70-minute drive apart.)

1. Sammy Diaz vs. Kevin Blackwood. This should be really good. Kevin still has red hearts dyed into his blond hair. An intense lockup to open. Diaz hit a plancha to the floor. However, Blackwood slammed Diaz onto the ring apron at 2:00. In the ring, Kevin was in charge, hitting a double stomp to Sammy’s chest, then a stiff kick to the spine. Sammy hit a powerslam. He went for a second-rope moonsault, but Blackwood got his knees up to block it. Diaz leapt off the ropes but Blackwood caught him and hit a German Suplex for a nearfall at 4:30.

Blackwood hit a Helluva Kick. He came off the top rope but Sammy caught him with a superkick. Diaz hit a huracanrana, then a flip dive to the floor at 6:30, landing on his feet (and nearly slamming into a 3-year-old girl in the front row!) We got a “this is awesome!” chant as they got back into the ring, and Sammy hit a Frankensteiner, then a top-rope frogsplash. Kevin hit a top-rope back suplex for a nearfall, then a brainbuster for a believable nearfall at 9:00, and Kevin was incredulous he didn’t win there. Sammy hit a running knee and a springboard stunner for a believable nearfall. He hit some kneestrikes to the collarbone.

Blackwood hit a standing powerbomb for a nearfall. Diaz hit a superkick. Kevin hit his top-rope double stomp onto a standing Diaz for a nearfall. He then hit a Gotch-style Pilediver for a believable nearfall at 12:00, and the commentators were shocked Sammy kicked out. Sammy hit a second-rope Falcon Arrow slam for a believable nearfall. Sammy hit some buzzsaw kicks and a knee to the back of the head for a nearfall. Diaz then hit the Sabin-style Cradleshock for the clean pin. “What the hell did we just watch? That was a main event in the first match,” Skylar said. I agree. We got a “Both these guys!” chant.

Sammy Diaz defeated Kevin Blackwood at 13:43.

2. “East Coast Bastard Crew” Leary & Logan Black vs. “Delta House” Nick Robles & Dante Drago vs. “Ancestral City Shooters” Joseph Alexander & Kwesi Asante vs. “Los Toxicos” Lutik Sucio & Sebastian Amor in a four-way tag. Johnny Torres said it was a match of ‘up nexters.’ I’ve described Logan as a younger Sami Callihan. The ACS are two young Black men and I don’t think I’ve seen them before. Robles wears his jean jacket and looks like a clueless 1980s rocker. Alexander and Logan Black opened with the other six on the apron. Drago made a blind tag; he fought the aging Leary. Los Toxicos hit some team offense. Dante hit a Blue Thunder Bomb on a Toxico. Delta House worked over Los Toxicos. The ACS beat up on Drago. Robles hit a Burning Hammer, and Drago hit a hard clothesline for a nearfall at 8:30. One of the ACS hit a German Suplex; Drago hit a German Suplex. Leary hit a swinging neckbreaker, and he dove through the ropes onto several guys. One of Los Toxicos hit the worst moonsault I’ve ever seen, landing on the apron, rather than on everyone on the floor. Suddenly everyone was down. The ref hit a second-rope splash onto all eight at 11:30. Silly fun. (He shook his head, as if just waking up from a trance. Funny.) In the ring, Black and Leary hit a team Flatliner move for the pin on a Toxico. Messy. Lots of green guys in this one.

Leary & Logan Black defeated Nick Robles & Dante Drago and Joseph Alexander & Isante and Lutik Sucio & Sebastian Amor in a four-way tag at 13:11. 

* Delta House beat up Logan and Leary some more after the match.

3. Delightful Dan the Candy Man vs. Kirby Wackerman in a street fight. Dan carries a large sucker to the ring and he poured candy dust into fans’ throats (He is doing a Sandman spoof but with powdered candy.) Kirby wears his ugly pinkish and black singlet. I am just not a fan of these two. Kirby attacked on the floor and they brawled at ringside. They finally got into the ring at 6:00 with Kirby in charge. Dan hit a Bubba Bomb at 9:00. A door was slid into the ring. Someone in a black hoodie hopped in the ring and hit a low blow on Dan. Kirby hit a flying headbutt for the pin. Blah. The masked man was Steven Azure from the “Even Stevens” team.

Kirby Wackeman defeated Delightful Dan the Candy Man in a street fight at 13:20. 

4. “Silver Screen Collective” JGeorge, Tristan Kyle, and Will Straus (w/Lady Killjoy) vs. Angelo Carter and “Shook Crew” Bryce Donovan and Bobby Orlando. Shook Crew recently broke up in Wrestling Open but they are still teaming here. Carter is Black but with white/blond braids. Skylar said this is the first time we’ve seen the SSC together as a unit. JGeorge has been doing a filmmaker gimmick for a while. Straus and Kyle look like Zoolander models. JGeorge jawed at Angelo at the bell but tagged out before locking up. The babyfaces worked over Tristan, who wore a Pretty Deadly-style half-shirt. Shook Crew hit a team flapjack on Straus at 2:00.

Bryce threw Straus in a corner and repeatedly punched him in the stomach, then a fallaway slam. The heels began working over Angelo. Kyle hit a dropkick for a nearfall on Angelo at 5:30. This was an extensive beat-down by the heels as they worked over Angelo. Orlando finally got a hot tag at 9:00 and he hit some clotheslines and punches and a neckbreaker. He hit a stunner on Tristan. Orlando and JGeorge began fighting on the floor. Carter hit a top-rope moonsault to the floor on everyone; he had an ugly landing, too. Carter speared Lady Killjoy, who tried to interfere. Bryce hit a chokeslam on JGeorge. Tristan hit a brainbuster on Orlando at 12:00. Angelo hit a Sister Abigail-style swinging face plant to pin Tristan. Okay match.

Angelo Carter, Bryce Donovan, and Bobby Orlando defeated JGeorge, Tristan Kyle, and Will Straus at 12:18.

5. Aaron Rourke vs. Ryan Mooney. They did some comedy at the start trying to reach something that got stuck on a light on the ceiling; no way were they getting there. We finally got the bell and were underway. Mooney hit a huracanrana and a clothesline and was fired up early. He dove through the ropes onto Rourke at 3:00. In the ring, Rourke hit a dropkick in the corner and got a nearfall. He kept Mooney grounded. He hit a Blue Thunder Bomb for a nearfall at 6:30, then a running buttbump in the corner. Mooney bit Rourke’s butt and hit a German Suplex, and they were both down. (This match is vastly better than matches 2-3-4). Mooney hit a second-rope missile dropkick at 8:30.

Mooney hit a sunset flip bomb, sending Rourke into the turnbuckles, for a nearfall. Rourke hit a spear for a nearfall. Mooney hit a half-nelson suplex and a stunner move. Mooney hit a top-rope splash onto Rourke’s back for a nearfall at 11:00, and we got a “this is awesome!” chant. Rourke trapped him in the corner and kicked his face. He put Mooney on his shoulders and slammed him face-first for the pin. Good match, and Rourke continues his hot streak.

Aaron Rourke defeated Ryan Mooney at 11:47. 

* Intermission was edited out.

6. 50 Cal vs. Nat Castle vs. Jermaine Marbury (w/Benny the Basketball) vs. Notorious Mimi vs. Perry Von Vicious in a scramble. The winner qualifies for a scramble championship. Mimi was briefly known as Sloane Jacobs in NXT and she was featured in the Apple+ docu-series about The Monster Factory; she wore her over-the-top angel wings. PVV always makes me think of Grizzly Adams (TV show when I was really young!) and a bit like Chris Hero. I’ve seen Nat just a few times; she is of average size and she wore a “Los Toxicos” T-shirt. Castle is MUCH shorter than the other four. They opened with an absurd five-way knucklelock. PVV picked up Mimi; he kicked several opponents in the gut then finally hit a delayed vertical suplex on her. Castle hit a German Suplex on each of the men. (This just looked absurd to me.) The women hopped on mens’ shoulders at 1:30 and they began to ‘chicken-fight.’ Benny hopped on Jermaine’s shoulders so they could do a three-way chicken-fight. Benny splashed onto all of Jermaine’s opponents.

PVV hit a huracanrana on 50 Cal. Jermaine dove through the ropes onto PVV and 50 Cal. Castle hit a top-rope splash onto the men on the floor. Mimi then hit a second-rope splash onto everyone on the floor at 4:30. In the ring, Mimi hit a crossbody block on men, but the guys hopped up and hit a Mafia Kick on Mimi. The women started beating on Jermaine; Benny got the crowd to start a “defense!” chant to rally behind Marbury. Jermaine hit his Eurostep stunner on Mimi at 6:30. PVV spun 50 Cal and slammed him to the mat. Castle hit a DDT on PVV. All five suddenly dove into the ring to avoid being counted out at 8:00 and they all traded punches.

They did a five-way tower spot out of the corner, with the women on the bottom, and they were all down at 9:30. The women fought each other, and Castle hit a German Suplex. Mimi nailed a spin kick to the head to pin Nat. That was surprisingly good. While I found it ridiculous how the men took German Suplexes from the tiny Nat, these five found a good balance of humor/comedy and action, and it worked for me.

Notorious Mimi defeated 50 Cal, Nat Castle, Jermaine Marbury and Perry Von Vicious at 10:13. 

7. “Legion of Rot” Hallowicked and Frightmare vs. “Miracle Generation” Dustin Waller and Kylon King for the Blitzkrieg Pro Tag Team Titles. These two teams have fought before. King and Hallowicked opened, then Frightmare and Waller got in and brawled. MG hit stereo Stinger Splashes at 2:30. Frightmare hit a standing moonsault on Kylon, and the LoR worked over King. Hallowicked hit a backbreaker over his knee at 5:00. Waller got in and hit a huracanrana on Hallowicked, then a springboard flying elbow on Frightmare. Waller hit a running Shooting Star Press that the camera completely missed.

Waller hit a Lethal Injection on Hallowicked, and King hit a stunner on Hallowicked for a nearfall at 10:00. Hallowicked hit an Iconoclasm on King, and Frightmare hit another standing moonsault on King for a nearfall. King hit a missile dropkick on Frightmare. Kylon nailed a superplex on Hallowicked, and Waller immediately hit a Mamba Splash for the pin! New champions! A really good match.

Dustin Waller and Kylon King defeated Frightmare and Hallowicked to win the Blitzkrieg Pro Tag Team Titles at 12:35. 

8. Donovan Dijak vs. TJ Crawford. TJ just had a ‘blink-and-you’ll-miss-it” match on AEW Rampage last week, where Matt Menard couldn’t even be bothered to find out TJ’s name. He’s also had matches in MLW. Dijak towers over TJ (he towers over everyone!) The crowd taunted TJ with a “Dijak’s gonna kill you!” chant, and Donovan easily shoved TJ into the corner. TJ slapped him in the face and ducked to the floor before DIjak could respond, and the crowd chanted, “You f—ed up!” Crawford snapped Dijak throat-first across the top rope at 3:00, then he hit a dropkick. He choked Dijak in the ropes and tried to keep him grounded. They brawled to the floor, and Crawford shoved Dijak head-first into the ring post at 5:30.

In the ring, Dijak hit a back body-drop with TJ getting great height, and he sold the pain of crashing to the mat. They got up and Dijak hit some forearm strikes and back elbows. He backed Crawford into a corner and hit some overhand chops, then a hip-toss across the ring for a nearfall at 7:30. Dijak hit a Death Valley Driver for a nearfall. Crawford hit a springboard stunner and a running knee for a nearfall at 9:30. TJ hit some Yes Kicks to the chest. Dijak hit a chokeslam for a nearfall. Dijak climbed the ropes but TJ rolled away; Dijak hit a moonsault that crossed halfway across the ring. However, TJ hit a suplex and a frogsplash for a nearfall at 12:00. Dijak hit a superkick; TJ hit an enzuigiri. Dijak hit his discus Mafia Kick, then the Feast Your Eyes pop-up kneestrike for the pin. A very good match. Dijak’s moonsault crossing more than half the ring (he did one on Calvin Tankman last weekend, too) is a thing of beauty.

Donovan Dijak defeated TJ Crawford at 12:27.

* Rather than head to the back, Dijak put his black jacket and sunglasses on, grabbed a chair, and sat down near ringside! Looks like he’s sticking around to watch the main event!

9. CPA vs. Marcus Mathers for the Bedlam Championship. I really do find CPA to be a funny, entertaining undercard act, but I just don’t buy him as a champion. Mathers is still just 21 and he’s a rising star. Mathers wore his 1980s Phillies-inspired pants. They jawed at the bell and finally locked up at 1:30, working over each other’s left arms. Mathers tied up CPA on the mat; the cameras kept panning over to Dijak, who was enjoying himself while watching these two fight. In some comedy, CPA couldn’t kip up, and the crowd rallied for him. CPA peeled off a shirt to reveal an identical one underneath at 4:00. Mathers avoided the comedy 619. CPA missed a missile dropkick. Mathers hit a running swinging neckbreaker for a nearfall. On the floor, Mathers did a slingshot that sent CPA head-first into the ring post at 6:30.

Mathers hit a top-rope superplex, but CPA then suplexed Mathers into the corner, and they were both down. CPA hit a stunner for a nearfall at 9:00. Mathers hit a stunner and a German Suplex, then another. Mathers hit a top-rope twisting crossbody block for a nearfall. He came off the ropes but CPA caught him with a dropkick. CPA then hit his comedy 619 for a nearfall at 11:00. Mathers hit a Blue Thunder Bomb for a nearfall. They got up and traded punches. CPA hit a running powerbomb for a nearfall at 13:30. Mathers hit a missile dropkick and a roundhouse kick to the head. Mathers avoided the Numbers Cruncher, and he nailed a brainbuster for a believable nearfall. Mathers applied a Rings of Saturn at 15:00 and the crowd rallied for CPA. Mathers hit a kip-up stunner. CPA nailed the Numbers Cruncher (Death Valley Driver) for the clean pin! Good match.

CPA defeated Marcus Mathers to retain the Blitzkrieg Pro Heavyweight Title at 16:03.

* Dijak started to get in the ring with a chair, but he ducked out. Dijak led the crowd in a “CPA!” chant. CPA got on the mic and thanked the fans, and he challenged Dijak, who quickly accepted.

Final Thoughts: Four really good matches, three alright matches, and two downright bad matches. I’m quite frankly always a bit surprised to see matches that are so ugly on the same show as a show with some really really good ones, too. I’ll narrowly go with Dijak-Crawford for best match, with CPA-Mathers a close second. I’ll also narrowly go with Miracle Generation vs. Legion of Rot for third, but we had a really good Blackwood-Diaz opener, too. Those four matches are all well worth checking out. I’m well familiar with the 10 talents in those four matches and they all delivered.

The five-way scramble was fun, and Rourke-Mooney was really good too. The Shook Crew match was passable largely because of the talents of Donovan and Orlando. I won’t say anything more negative about matches #2 and #3 beyond saying it would be perfectly acceptable to fast-forward over them. Wackerman and Dan are locked in a feud I just don’t care for or enjoy at all. The good REALLY outweighs the bad here.


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