AEW Collision results (9/28): Powell’s live review of Hangman Page vs. Jeff Jarrett in a lumberjack strap match, Jack Perry holds an open challenge for the TNT Title

By Jason Powell, Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

AEW Collision (Episode 64)
Taped September 25, 2024 in Queens, New York at Arthur Ashe Stadium
Aired September 28, 2024 on TNT

[Hour One] Collision opened with Saraya and Harley Cameron making their way to the ring and being introduced by ring announcer Arkady Aura. Tony Schiavone, Ian Riccaboni, and Matt Menard were on commentary. It was noted that Nigel McGuinness had the night off due to wrestling Bryan Danielson Dynamite. Jamie Hayter made her entrance…

1. Jamie Hayter vs. Saraya (w/Harley Cameron) in a Saraya’s Rules match. There was a table and multiple chairs in the ring. Before the match, Cameron took the mic and said the last rule was that the match wouldn’t start until Saraya slapped Hayter, who let Saraya slap her.

Saraya used a VCR and a computer keyboard as a weapon while Cameron helped her. The match spilled over to ringside where Saraya accidentally hit Cameron with a weapon after Hayter moved. Hayter suplexed Saraya.

Cameron hopped on Hayter’s back and tried to choke her with a bat, but Hayter broke free and ran her into the barricade. Saraya hit Hayter with a pipe and then ran her into the ring steps. Saraya dumped a bunch of toy cars on top of two tables that were set up at ringside.

Hayter blocked Saraya’s attempted move and ran her into the steps and the barricade. Cameron distracted Hayter, who then turned back and caught a diving Saraya and slammed her on the floor.

Hayter set up Saraya for a move on the ropes, but Cameron grabbed Hayter and tried to suplex her. Hayter held onto the ropes until Saraya hit her with a chair and then Hayter crashed through a table while Cameron landed on a table that didn’t break. Saraya covered Hayter for a two count.

Saraya returned to the ring and had the referee count while Hayter was down at ringside. Hayter beat the count and was then DDT’d by Saraya, who covered her for a near fall. Saraya set up for a move, but Hayter powered her up and slammed her through a table that was leaning in a corner of the ring.

Saraya was up first somehow and set up a chair in the opposite corner, but Hayter ran Saraya into the chair. Hayter performed a tombstone piledriver. Hayter played to the crowd and then picked up Saraya and drilled her with a clothesline before pinning her…

Jamie Hayter defeated Saraya in 8:05 in a Saraya’s Rules match.

Powell’s POV: A silly garbage match with the rules slanted heavily in Saraya’s favor. That said, it worked in terms of making Hayter’s win feel impressive with the rules were stacked against her and Cameron interfered consistently throughout the match. Hayter was definitely over with the live crowd.

Footage aired from a sit-down interview that Renee Paquette conducted with Will Ospreay and Ricochet to set up their match on Wednesday’s AEW Dynamite 5. Ricochet spoke about everyone having to say something when he arrived in AEW. Ospreay said Ricochet has the pressure of facing the best wrestler in the world…

Ring entrances took place for the tornado trios match…

2. Chris Jericho, Big Bill, and Bryan Keith vs. Orange Cassidy, Mark Briscoe, and Kyle O’Reilly in a tornado trios match. All six men traded punches to start the match. Cassidy used his backpack as a weapon on Jericho and covered him for an early two count. Cassidy pulled a brick out of the backpack and showed it off to the crowd.

A short time later, Briscoe set up to launch off a chair in the ring, but Jericho cut him off and slammed him onto the chair heading into a picture-in-picture break. [C] Bill hit a Big Boss Man Slam on O’Reilly and then mugged for the crowd, which drew some cheers.

Bill went for a corner splash on Briscoe, who moved, causing Bill’s head to hit the top of the ring post. Jericho hit a Codebreaker on Briscoe, who was holding a chair. Jericho had the pin, but O’Reilly broke it up.

Jericho ended up seated on a chair and took kicks from Cassidy and O’Reilly. Keith tried to break it up, but they put him on Jericho’s lap and threw more kicks. Bill ended this sequence with a double clothesline and then played to the crowd again.

Briscoe launched off a chair in the ring and did a flip dive onto Jericho on the floor. Back in the ring, Briscoe hit a Jay Driller on Jericho. Briscoe pointed at a table that was set up in the ring and then placed Jericho on top of it.

Briscoe went up top and made the throat slashing gesture. Bill grabbed Briscoe and chokeslammed him through the table right after Jericho had rolled away. Jericho covered Briscoe and got the three count…

Chris Jericho, Big Bill, and Bryan Keith vs. Orange Cassidy, Mark Briscoe, and Kyle O’Reilly in 8:00 in a tornado trios match.

A graphic listed Brody King vs. Action Andretti for after the break… [C]

Powell’s POV: The tornado match was fine for what it was, but I am surprised they didn’t put a little distance between the two garbage matches just to break things up.

Brody King made his entrance. Schiavone explained that the match was booked after Action Andretti threw a water bottle at King on Friday’s Rampage. Andretti’s entrance followed and he was joined on the stage by Dante Martin, Darius Martin, Lio Rush, and Leila Grey, who let him go to the ring alone.

3. Brody King vs. Action Andretti. Andretti threw his jacket at King and then attacked him to start the match. King came back with a punch that dropped Andretti after he jumped from the ropes. King followed up with a cannonball in the corner and then pinned Andretti.

Brody King defeated Action Andretti in 1:40.

After the match, Dante Martin, Darius Martin, Lio Rush, and Leila Grey headed to ringside for Andretti, but they were attacked from behind by Lance Archer, Vincent, and Dutch. Andretti went for a flip dive on Vincent and completely overshot him. The babyfaces all entered the ring and then referees intervened…

Powell’s POV: A brief match that seemed like it was more about setting up a throwaway match between members of the Top Flight crew and the team of Archer, Vincent, and Dutch.

Jack Perry was shown driving his Scapegoat bus around New York. Perry exited the bus once he arrived at the venue and then made his entrance for the open challenge match. Minoru Suzuki made his entrance as the challenger and received a nice ovation from the crowd…

4. Jack Perry vs. Minoru Suzuki for the TNT Championship. Perry and Suzuki went face to face. Suzuki invited Perry to hit him with elbow strikes. Suzuki no-sold Perry’s elbows and then dropped him with one of his own. Suzuki was in offensive control heading into a PIP break. [C]

Perry caught Suzuki with a knee that knocked him off the apron. Perry ran Suzuki into the ring steps and then performed a Draping DDT off the apron. Perry dropkicked Suzuki into the ring steps. Perry returned to the ring while Suzuki was counted out.

Jack Perry defeated Minoru Suzuki via count-out in 8:15 to retain the TNT Championship.

After the match, Perry had Suzuki in the ring and was setting up for a knee strike, but Katsuyori Shibata made his entrance and ran off Perry. Shibata offered a handshake to Suzuki, who accepted it and then hugged him… [C]

Powell’s POV: Suzuki was a nice surprise. It’s not uncommon to see him in AEW, but it’s better than using a full-time roster member. The count-out finish was weak, but at least it was done in a way that was meant to put heat on Perry for winning in that fashion.

Pac and Claudio Castagnoli made their entrance. Wheeler Yuta walked out after them and was introduced separately and then the challengers came out last…

5. Pac, Claudio Castagnoli, and Wheeler Yuta vs. Komander (w/Alex Abrahantes) and “Private Party” Isiah Kassidy and Marq Quen for the AEW Trios Titles. Pac and Castagnoli isolated Quen in their corner. Yuta showed no enthusiasm and did not take part in the beatdown.

Castagnoli held out his hand for a tag, but Yuta shook his head no. Pac tagged in and continued the attack on Quen. Eventually, Quen fought his way out of the corner and tagged in Kassidy, who threw punches at Pac until Castagnoli pulled him off.

Castagnoli charged Kassidy, who moved, and then Castagnoli awkwardly crash into the ropes. Kassidy covered Pac, but Castagnoli stomped on Kassidy’s bad hand. Yuta was tagged in was barked at by Pac and Castagnoli.

Pac and Castagnoli were cleared to ringside and then Quen and Komander dove on them. Yuta applauded and was rolled up for a two count by Kassidy. Yuta came back and got a two count of his own.

Kassidy slapped Yuta, who grabbed Kassidy’s bad hand and eventually bit it. Yuta threw elbows at Kassidy’s head while Pac was shown smiling at ringside. Yuta applied Cattle Mutilation on Kassidy until he tapped out.

Pac, Claudio Castagnoli, and Wheeler Yuta defeated Komander and “Private Party” Isiah Kassidy and Marq Quen in 7:10 to retain the AEW Trios Titles.

[Hour Two] After the match, Pac and Castagnoli tried to raise Yuta’s arms, but he pulled away and left the ring on his own…

Powell’s POV: Fortunately, the mystery of where Yuta stood kept things interesting, because there was zero reason to think the challengers were going over. Yuta was very aggressive once he got pissed off. He didn’t really show his card here, so it’s possible he will stick with the heel faction even though he didn’t pal around with Pac and Castagnoli.

“The Outrunners” Truth Magnum and Turbo Floyd were featured in a vignette. They said if there are rules, they don’t play by them. They were shown taking part in carnival games… Entrances for the three-way lucha match took place…

6. Hologram vs. The Beast Mortos vs. Dralistico in a three-way. The wrestlers worked a very fast pace to start. Dralistico hit a flip dive on Mortos, and then Hologram hit Dralistico with a suicide dive heading into another PIP break. [C]


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