Glory Pro Wrestling “Ascend” episode 51 results: Vetter’s review of “Warhorse” Jake Parnell vs. Rohit Raju vs. Dan the Dan vs. Kody Lane in a four-way for the Crown of Glory Championship

By Chris Vetter, Contributor (@chrisvetter73)

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Glory Pro Wrestling “Ascend” (Episode 51)
Taped August 25, 2024 in St. Louis, Missouri at South Broadway Athletic Club
Premiered September 15, 2024 via

Reed Duthie was back on solo commentary. The crowd is maybe 250.

1. Tootie Lynn vs. Cordell Cain. Cain is the guy who looks like a 1990s grunge rocker (or like Raven!) He’s not much bigger than Tootie. She brought her nunchucks to the ring. She hit some spin kicks to his thighs. Cordell hit a crossbody block in the corner and got a nearfall at 2:00. He hit a snap suplex for a nearfall. She hit a series of kicks in the corner, then a bulldog for a nearfall at 4:00. He missed a Lionsault, and she immediately hit a spin kick to his head and pinned him.

Tootie Lynn defeated Cordell Cain at 4:56.

Heather Reckless cut a heel promo, boasting about beating Blair Onyx last week, and she vowed to win the women’s tournament.

2. Stallion Rogers vs. Moses. Rogers was Curt Stallion in NXT, and he’s a heel here. Good quick reversals early and a standoff at 2:00. Rogers hit a doublestomp to the chest for a nearfall. He hit a kneedrop to the chin for a nearfall at 5:00 and he kept Moses grounded. He whipped Moses into a corner and hit a flying knee. Moses hit an enzuigiri at 8:00 and fired up. Rogers hit a high back suplex. They got up and traded forearm strikes. Rogers hit a superkick under the chin and another enzuigiri. They traded German Suplexes, then hit stereo clotheslines. Moses hit a Lionsault press and they were both down at 10:30.

Moses hit a German Suplex with a high bridge for a believable nearfall. He hit a rolling Death Valley Driver. Rogers shook the ropes, causing Moses to fall and be crotched in the corner. Rogers immediately hit a piledriver for the cheap pin. Good match. Rogers is sneaky good but he doesn’t really have ‘the look’ to him so he gets easily overlooked. I’m sure a lot of people have already forgotten his short run in NXT.

Stallion Rogers defeated Moses at 12:09.

3. “Warhorse” Jake Parnell vs. Rohit Raju vs. Dan the Dan vs. Kody Lane in a four-way for the Crown of Glory Championship. Raju and Parnell immediately traded blows. Dan hopped in and hit some jab punches on Rohit. Kody hit a slingshot press. Dan hit a suplex on Rohit at 3:30. He went for a cover but his friend, Kody, pulled him off, and Dan looked upset. Kody and Parnell traded blows. Parnell hit a flip dive to the floor, then a top-rope elbow drop to the floor, then a top-rope elbow drop onto Kody in the lane for a nearfall at 5:00, but Dan made the save.

Jake was now angry at Dan, and they shoved each other. (They know it’s every man for himself, right?) Dan hit a top-rope crossbody block. Raju hopped in and tried getting pins on the guys who were down. Kody hit a slingshot senton onto Raju, who was lying on a table on the floor, at 8:30, and that earned a massive pop. In the ring, Dan and Parnell traded punches. Rohit covered Parnell for a nearfall. Dan hit a backpack stunner for a nearfall at 11:30 and suddenly everyone was down. Parnell hit a low blow on Dan and he locked in a rear-naked choke on Dan, and Dan passed out. Good match. Kody and Dan hugged afterwards.

“Warhorse” Jake Parnell defeated Rohit Raju, Dan the Dan, and Kody Lane in a four-way to retain the Crown of Glory Championship at 12:51.

Final Thoughts: A very good hour of wrestling. They put the top-tier guys in the main event which has been built up for months, and I have zero complaints about it. As I noted, Stallion Rogers is really good and put in another good match here. I wasn’t surprised that Tootie also won; she routinely has beaten men and is among the more popular women here. A really good episode.


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