Prestige Wrestling “Cascadia Cup – Night Two” results (8/24): Vetter’s review of the two-night tournament quarterfinals, semifinals, and finals

By Chris Vetter, Contributor (@chrisvetter73)

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Prestige Wrestling “Cascadia Cup – Night Two”
Streamed on Prestige Wrestling YouTube Page
August 24, 2024 in Portland, Oregon at Kliever Armory

Prestige Wrestling held the second annual 16-person “Cascadia Cup,” in Portland, Ore., with the top rising stars of the Pacific Northwest. This two-night event was just released for free on youtube. This is a review of night two, from Aug. 24, 2024. Cody Von Whistler and Jordan Castle provided commentary. This is a basic armory — the same venue as night one — and the crowd is maybe 150-200; it seems like a larger audience than night one. The trophy, perhaps 30 inches tall, was placed in the ring before the first match.

1. Zaye Perez vs. Travis Williams in a quarterfinal tournament match. Undersized, flamboyant Perez pulled off the biggest upset of night one by defeating hardcore veteran Drexl. Williams is thicker and clearly has a size/weight advantage. Zaye hit a slingshot senton for a nearfall at 2:00. He hit a swinging neckbreaker, and Williams rolled to the floor to regroup. Zaye immediately dove onto Travis. In the ring, Williams applied a half-crab at 3:30. Williams hit a Dragonscrew Legwhip and remained in control. Zaye got a backslide for a nearfall at 7:00. Williams hit some running forearms in the corner. He leapt off the ropes, but Zaye hit him with a kick, and both men were down. Zaye hit a missile dropkick for a nearfall. Williams trapped both arms, got a rollup, and scored the clean pin.

Travis Williams defeated Zaye Perez to advance at 9:54. 

* Outside, Williams vowed he’s headed to the finals. Frankly, it would have been a surprise if he hadn’t reached the semifinals.

2. Sebastian Wolfe vs. Jaiden in a quarterfinal tournament match. Wolfe pulled off a mild upset over Kris Brady on night one (even though I consider Wole the better wrestler.) Wolfe attacked as Jaiden got into the ring. The ref checked on Jaiden then rang the bell. Wolfe immediately hit some shoulder blocks to the waist and was in charge. Jaiden hit an enzuigiri at 2:00. Wolfe hit a powerslam and a spinebuster. “This is a mauling,” Jordan Castle said. He hit a Death Valley Driver, and he locked in a bear hug at 4:00. Jaiden flipped in the air and made a superhero landing. He hit a Code Red for a nearfall at 6:00. Jaiden hit a rolling One-Winged Angel for the pin!

Jaiden defeated Sebastian Wolfe to advance at 7:28.

3. Matt Brannigan vs. Ethan HD in a quarterfinal match. Brannigan is the Lenny Lane lookalike. Castle said Ethan was out for a full 10 months with his leg injury. Standing switches to open; these guys have similar big frames. Matt twisted Ethan’s nipples, which angered Ethan. Ethan hit a running dropkick on the floor to Matt’s head at 4:30, and he was in charge back in the ring. Ethan hit a snap suplex for a nearfall. Ethan now twisted Matt’s nipples, which fired up Matt, and Matt hit some forearm strikes. Brannigan flipped Ethan off the ropes into a powerbomb move for a nearfall at 7:30. Ethan dove through the ropes onto Matt.

They brawled over to a ring truck, where Matt hit a Sliced Bread, launching off the truck! They got back into the ring at 9:30, and Matt was in charge. They fought on the ropes, where Brannigan hit a second-rope chokeslam. Brannigan sold a knee injury and only got a nearfall at 11:30. They got up and traded forearm strikes. Ethan hit a Cody-style Disaster Kick off the ropes for a believable nearfall and we got a “This is awesome!” chant. Ethan hit a running dropkick into the corner and a Meteora, then a Death Valley Driver for a nearfall. Brannigan immediately rolled him up in a small package for the pin out of nowhere. That was really good and topped all of my expectations.

Matt Brannigan defeated Ethan HD to advance at 14:14.

* Backstage, Brannigan said not many people expected him to make it to the semifinals; he didn’t even expect it. He went to take a drink; Travis Williams walked by him and slapped the drink out of his hand.

4. Judas Icarus vs. Amira in a quarterfinal match. Icarus vs. Cody Chhun was hands-down the best match of night one, but I had Amira’s match as second-best. They immediately brawled to the floor. In the ring, he tied up her legs. He isn’t much taller than her but much thicker. She hit a Stinger Splash, then a running back elbow in the corner, then a rolling cannonball for a nearfall at 3:30. Judas hit some chops and forearm strikes in the corner, and he tied her up on the mat. He hit a uranage and a senton for a nearfall at 6:00. He applied a Dragon Sleeper, but Amira fought free.

Amira hit a German Suplex and two hard clotheslines, then two bodyslams, and a dropkick for a nearfall at 7:30. She hit a top-rope crossbody block (how she won a day ago!) for a nearfall. Judas hit a running boot to her stomach at 9:30 and he was booed. He hit a mid-ring Sliced Bread for a nearfall. He applied a Dragon Sleeper on the mat, but she got out. They traded forearm strikes while on their knees. She hit a backbody drop. She hit an F5 face plant slam at 11:30! He slapped her; she hit a spinning back fist. He hit a diving forearm and a series of forearms to the back of her head. The ref called for the bell, determining she was out. A strong match. The ref had to pull Icarus off her. Jaiden ran in and chased Icarus off.

Judas Icarus defeated Amira to advance at 12:20.

5. “BADD Magic” Nathan Cross and Christopher Prince vs. “Midnight Heat” Ricky Gibson and Eddie Pearl. Jordan said Cross and Prince are from the Carolinas; I don’t know them. Midnight Heat (along with C4 and Sinner and Saint) are the top tier of the Pacific Northwest, and they have an upcoming match against FTR. Cross and Prince are much shorter and thinner. Prince opened; he is blond and balding. Pearl tied up Prince on the mat. Cross (think a young Evan Karagias, with black, wet, stringy hair) entered at 4:00 and battled Gibson.

MH worked over Cross, with Gibson hitting a backbreaker over his knee for a nearfall. Cross hit a back suplex on Pearl. However, Gibson grounded Cross with a chinlock. Pearl hit a backbreaker over his knee for a nearfall at 8:30. Prince finally got a hot tag at 11:00 and hit a top-rope crossbody block. He hit a tilt-a-whirl DDT on Gibson. MH snapped Prince’s throat across the top rope. Prince tossed Cross onto Pearl. Gibson hit a second-rope guillotine leg drop to pin Cross. Decent match; BADD Magic looked good but they need to put on some size.

Ricky Gibson and Eddie Pearl defeated Nathan Cross and Christopher Prince at 13:05. 

* Backstage, Midnight Heat admitted that the “Carolina Boys” surprised them, but they still eventually won.

6. Jaiden vs. Judas Icarus in a semifinal match. Basic reversals early, and Jaiden hit a Sliced Bread. Icarus tied him up on the mat and applied an Octopus at 3:30. Jaiden hit some clotheslines. Icarus nailed a sit-out powerbomb for a nearfall at 7:00, and he worked over Jaiden’s left arm. Jaiden hit a chokeslam and a springboard Swanton Bomb for a nearfall at 9:30. Jaiden dove off the top rope onto Icarus on the floor. In the ring, Jaiden nailed a frog splash for a nearfall. He hit a Pele Kick. Judas went for a Rebound Lariat but Jaiden cut him off with a Superman Punch. Jaiden nailed a rolling Death Valley Driver and scored the pin! That was really good.

Jaiden defeated Judas Icarus to reach the finals at 11:27.

* Backstage, Judas Icarus was upset at himself for not winning the tournament. He was confident that Travis Williams will win the Cascadia Cup.

7. Travis Williams vs. Matt Brannigan in a semifinal match. Brannigan came out second; he entered the ring and immediately hit a football tackle. They traded forearm strikes and this is hot right off the bat. They went to the floor and traded chops and fought in front of the fans. In the ring, Williams tied up Matt’s legs and punched him in the face. Williams hit a suplex for a nearfall at 4:30. He switched to a triangle choke, but Brannigan turned it into a sit-out powerbomb for a nearfall.

Brannigan hit a chokeslam for a nearfall at 7:00. Williams tied him in a Dragon Sleeper on the mat. Williams hit a handspring-back-clothesline. Brannigan hit a Jackhammer for a nearfall at 9:00 and we got a “This is awesome!” chant. Brannigan missed a top-rope Swanton Bomb. Williams hooked both arms, rolled Brannigan over, and got the clean pin. A really good match.

Travis Williams defeated Matt Brannigan to reach the finals at 10:16.

8. Kris Brady, Drake Kwon, Guillermo Rosas, and Casey Ferreira vs. Cody Chhun, Drexl, Evan Rivers, and Elliott Tyler. These are the first-round losers. Notable is that C4 tag partners Rosas and Chhun are on opposite teams! I feel like Prestige Wrestling really wants one of them to turn on the other. Tyler and Ferreira opened, and Casey hit a huracanrana. Kwon entered at 2:00 and traded blows with Tyler. Chhun and Rosas entered! They did games of ‘rock-paper-scissors.’ Chhun fell to the mat to let Rosas pin him! Drexl broke this up, tagged himself in, and battled Brady… but first they danced. Drexl began giving people paper cuts between their fingers.

Rivers entered and hit a belly-to-belly suplex on Brady at 5:30, then a forward Finay Roll. He gave teammate Chhun the middle finge as he made a cocky one-foot cover on Brady. Brady hit a top-rope corkscrew press on Rivers. Rivers went to tag out but all his teammates hopped off the apron at 8:00! Rosas hit a hard back elbow and a powerslam on Evan. Rosas’ team took turns, each hitting a move in the corner on Rivers. Team Rosas each grabbed a limb and flipped Rivers in the air. Chhun tagged in! He kicked everyone on team Rosas (except Rosas!)

Cody hit a Stinger Splash on Casey at 10:00. Casey hit a Falcon Arrow on Chhun. Kwon entered and tied up Chhun. Drexl got the hot tag and he battled Rosas. Drexl began grabbing his opponents in their groin. Kwon hit a spinebuster. Tyler got back in and hit a leg lariat on Kwon. Casey hit an Asai Moonsault onto three guys at 14:00. In the ring, Brady hit a moonsault. Rivers hit a moonsault on Brady! Drexl and (teammate!) Rivers began arguing, and they fought! Rosas hit a brainbuster to pin Drexl. Rosas and Chhun hugged afterwards, so they never did even lock up. This was a fun match, and I like that each team had babyfaces and heels interacting

Kris Brady, Drake Kwon, Guillermo Rosas, and Casey Ferreira defeated Cody Chhun, Drexl, Evan Rivers, and Elliott Tyler at 14:41.

* Backstage, Guillermo Rosas vowed that C4 will reclaim their spot as the best tag team in the region. The cameras caught up with Drexl, who was disappointed he lost. “The monster is gone, and it’s probably time for me to go with him,” Drexl said. Intriguing.

9. Jaiden vs. Travis Williams (w/Judas Icarus) for the Cascadia Cup. The trophy was brought into the ring before the match began. Standing switches to open and intense mat reversals. Williams went for a Cattle Mutilation at 5:00, but Jaiden scrambled and got a foot on the ropes to break it up. They brawled to the floor at 8:00, where Williams slammed him back-first on the ring apron. Williams hit a dropkick on Jaiden, who was seated in a chair, and they both crashed deep into the rows of empty chairs. In the ring, Travis hit a Dragonscrew Legwhip at 10:30, and Jaiden immediately sold the pain in his knee. Travis tied him up on the mat and focused on the damaged knee, and his left ankle, too.

Jaiden went for a rollup but Travis rolled through and applied a crossarm breaker at 14:30. Jaiden hit a shotgun dropkick and they were both down at 16:30. Jaiden dove through the ropes and barreled onto Travis. In the ring, Jaiden hit a moonsault kneedrop onto Travis’ left arm at 19:30, and he began repeatedly striking the left shoulder and cranking on the arm. Williams has a cut on his forehead and was bleeding. Jaiden hit a stunner for a nearfall at 21:30. Travis hit a handspring-back-clothesline for a nearfall. Williams finally locked in the Cattle Mutilation; Jaiden reached the ropes at 24:30.

Travis hit a second-rope Pedigree move for a believable nearfall, and Travis was in disbelief he didn’t win there. Jaiden hit a Spanish Fly for a nearfall at 27:30. They got up and traded forearm strikes, and Jaiden hit an Unprettier-type move for a believable nearfall. He nailed a Spanish Fly out of the corner for a believable nearfall. Jaiden tied Williams in a knot on the mat, but Travis escaped. Jaiden hit a DDT at 31:30, then a frogsplash for a nearfall, then he tied Williams up again on the mat! Icarus yanked the ref from the ring and struck him! Icarus tried to attack Jaiden, but Jaiden punched him. Williams got a title belt and hit Jaiden in the head with it, but only got a nearfall at 33:30.

Jaiden hit a rolling Death Valley Driver and they were both down. Jaiden went for a cover; Icarus again got in the ring and kicked the ref! Williams and Icarus hit stereo title belt shots to the head. C4 (Rosas and Chhun) finally ran to the ring and attacked Williams and Icarus! It was back to just Jaiden and Williams; they traded blows and Jaiden again hit his rolling Death Valley Driver at 38:00. Jaiden grabbed the title belt! The ref ordered him to drop it. Jaiden took off his mask and choked Williams with it! The ref got bumped again. Williams hit a low blow and he now choked Jaiden with the mask at 40:30. Williams applied a Muta Lock; the ref checked on Jaiden and called for the bell. Travis was presented with the trophy.

Travis Williams defeated Jaiden to win the Cascadia Cup at 41:16.

* Outside, Jaiden was disappointed in himself and he knows he disappointed a lot of fans. He said this was supposed to be his redemption arc. “I feel it all went down the drain. I fought. I fought as hard as I could.” He said it’s back to square one, and he doesn’t know what is next for him.

* We headed backstage, where Williams and Icarus celebrated with the trophy.

Final Thoughts: A really good second night of action. Main event was a bit long, but they filled the time well. It is not a surprise that Williams and Icarus have appeared recently in TNA, as they are both really talented. I’ll go with Jaiden-Icarus for second and Icarus-Amira for third. Ethan HD-Brannigan was really good for honorable mention. The eight-man tag with the first-round losers exceeded expectations, just because Ethan Rivers is so unlikable and his teammates clearly didn’t want to tag with him. This show is free and well worth checking out.


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