NXT Level Up results (9/6): O’Connor’s review of Dante Chen vs. Drake Morreaux, Dani Palmer vs. Lainey Reid, and Izzi Dame vs. Layla Diggs

By John O’Connor, ProWrestling.net Contributor (@thereal_JOC

NXT: Level Up (Episode 134)
Taped in Orlando, Florida at the WWE Performance Center
Streamed September 6, 2024 on Peacock/WWE Network

Izzi Dame made her way to the ring as the broadcast team of Blake Howard and Byron Saxton welcomed us to the show…

1. Izzi Dame vs. Layla Diggs. Dame controlled Diggs in the early going before a headscissors from Diggs turned the tide. Diggs attempted a springboard only for her to slip off the ropes and Dame dropped the elbow. Dame powered up Diggs and dropped her across the knee to turn the momentum into her favor. Dame continued to wear down Diggs but Diggs rallied until she was caught in a sky high from Dame for a near fall. Diggs escaped an attempted torture rack and rocked Dame with punches. Diggs attempted a moonsault from the top but Dame moved out of the way, hit a pump kick and a slam on Diggs for the three count.

Izzi Dame defeated Layla Diggs via pinfall in 5:47. 

The commentary team hyped Dani Palmer vs. Lainey Reid for after the break…[c]

2. Dani Palmer vs. Lainey Reid. Dani Palmer is making her return from injury and was dominant against Reid early. Palmer grabbed a side headlock but Reid dropped her to the mat. Reid was sent to the outside and Palmer followed. Reid dragon screwed the leg of Palmer on the ring apron and continued to work on the leg back in the ring.

Reid hit a suplex for two and applied a Boston crab as Palmer willed herself to escape. Palmer rolled up Reid for a near fall and dropped Reid with a series of clotheslines and a dropkick. Palmer  sensing the end, went on top and hit a frog splash for a close near fall. Reid responded with a sleeper hold but Palmer escaped and hit the twisted moonsault for the victory.

Dani Palmer defeated Lainey Reid via pinfall in 5:50. 

The commentary team hyped the main event…[c]

3. Dante Chen vs. Drake Morreaux. A stalemate early as both men attempted to jockey for position. Chen worked on the arm of Morreaux until Morreaux dropped Chen with a shoulder block to take control. Chen hit a dropkick but Morreaux exploded with a dropkick of his own to remain in control. Morreaux worked on the gut of Chen before applying a full nelson.

Chen escaped but Morreaux hit a kick to the face for a near fall and quickly went back to wearing down Chen. Morreaux looked to finish but Chen escaped and hit a kick on Morreaux and rushed him in the corner before eventually hitting the roaring chop to the chest for the win.

Dante Chen defeated Drake Morreaux via pinfall in 7:37. 

John’s Ramblings: Not a bad edition this week, but none of the matches were exactly must see. It was nice to see Dani Palmer return though and show off some new moves that she has added to her repertoire during her time away. A good talent.


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