WWE Raw results (8/26): Powell’s live review of Uncle Howdy vs. Chad Gable, Braun Strowman vs. Bronson Reed, Triple Threat tournament matches for a shot at the Intercontinental Title

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

WWE Raw (Episode 1,631)
Providence, Rhode Island at Amica Mutual Pavilion
Aired live August 26, 2024 on USA Network

[Hour One] Raw opened with a memorial graphic for Sid Vicious (a/k/a Sid Eudy), who died earlier in the day at age 63… Michael Cole spoke while clips aired of Bron Breakker and his dog, American Made, Braun Strowman, and Bronson Reed arriving separately earlier in the day…

Ring announcer Samantha Irvin introduced “The Judgment Day” Finn Balor, Dominik Mysterio, Liv Morgan, JD McDonagh, and Carlito. Cole stated the venue was sold out.

Corey Graves joined Cole on commentary now that Pat McAfee is away during football season. Cole said he and Graves would be spending a lot more time together and said they would talk about that later in the show.

Morgan delivered the “welcome to Monday Night Raw” and “All rise for The Judgment Day” lines. Balor said it was time to remind people what they are all about and then a video package recapped their attack on Damian Priest and Rhea Ripley from last week’s show.

Carlito said the video was cool. McDonagh said the beating was a longtime coming. Balor said they are not the bad guys, Priest and Ripley are and they got exactly what they deserved. Morgan said she should be thanking Ripley because none of this would have happened if Ripley wasn’t so selfish and egotistical.

Dom took the mic to speak and received the usual mega heat. Carlito barked at the crowd in Spanish and then Dom did the same thing. Dom spoke in English while saying that Morgan does things for him that Ripley never did such as helping him beat his father. Dom said he was entering the tournament for a shot at the Intercontinental Title and had Morgan’s full support.

Rey Mysterio made his entrance with fellow “LWO” members Dragon Lee, Joaquin Wilde, and Cruz Del Toro and they all entered the ring. Rey asked Dom if he’s looked in the mirror lately and labeled him a lost soul. Rey said that at least when Dom was with Ripley, one of them had a set and it wasn’t Dom. Rey said someone needs to put Dom in his place.

Dom said it wouldn’t be Rey because he already beat him. Rey said Dom has always been a jackass and now he’s an even bigger jackass now that he’s hanging out with Morgan. Rey dared Dom to hit him and said he’d love to slap the stupid mustache off his face. Dom said he’d like to see him try.

McDonagh went for a cheap shot that Rey blocked. The Judgment Day members were quickly cleared from the ring. Lee hit them with a big flip dive heading into the first commercial break… [C]

1. “The Judgment Day” Finn Balor, Dominik Mysterio, JD McDonagh, and Carlito (w/Liv Morgan) vs. Rey Mysterio, Dragon Lee, Joaquin Wilde, and Cruz Del Toro. The match was joined in progress. Cole said Raw general manager Adam Pearce made the match during the commercial break. After some back and forth action, they did the Wilde assisted springboard launch from the middle rope onto all four opponents who were in the entrance isle. [C]

Rey hit Dom with a sunset bomb and had the pin, but McDonagh and Carlito broke it up. Wilde and Del Toro went for a springboard dropkicks, but WIlde took a tumble. Moments later, the babyfaces performed stereo dives onto their opponents on the floor, which got a big rise out of the crowd.

Back in the ring, Rey hit Dom with a 619. Rey went up top and went for a top rope frog splash, but Morgan pulled Dom out of the way. Dom rolled Rey into a La Magistral cradle and scored the pin. Cole said Dom beat his father again thanks to Morgan…

“The Judgment Day” Finn Balor, Dominik Mysterio, JD McDonagh, and Carlito defeated Rey Mysterio, Dragon Lee, Joaquin Wilde, and Cruz Del Toro in roughly 13:00 of television time.

After the match, Judgment Day set up Rey to be splashed by Dom on the broadcast table. Damian Priest and Rhea Ripley ran out to Ripley’s entrance theme and made the save. Ripley ran Morgan into the ring post. Dom remained on the top rope until he jumped into the ring to avoid Priest, but Ripley was in the ring waiting for him.

Morgan jumped on the back of Ripley. Priest and Ripley put McDonagh and Carlito down with clotheslines after the others escaped to ringside. Priest and Ripley hit their finishers simultaneously on McDonagh and Carlito…

Powell’s POV: There were some clunky moments with a lot of moving pieces, but I like the way they doubled down on Dom beating his father with help from Morgan. Priest and Ripley had a good bounce back moment after they were roughed up by Judgment Day last week.

Cole and Graves spoke about the tournament for a shot at the Intercontinental Title. Graves said the Triple Threat matches that will play out over the next two weeks will lead to a four-way for a shot at the title. They hyped the two Triple Threat tournament matches that will take place during this episode…

The Miz was interviewed by Jackie Redmond in the backstage area regarding Miz being in one of the Triple Threat matches. Bronson Reed showed up and told Miz that he’s coming back for him…

Powell’s POV: I didn’t catch all of the Miz and Reed exchange due to my satellite switching to the online feed due to a storm in the area, but I think I caught the gist of it.

Iyo Sky and Kairi Sane made their entrance heading into a break… [C]

Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods spoke backstage about having two chances to earn a shot at the Intercontinental. They were on the same page and back to being obnoxiously giddy…

Cathy Kelley interviewed “Pure Fusion Collective” Sonya Deville, Shayna Baszler, and Zoey Stark. They spoke about putting the division on notice and told Damage CTRL to shoot their shot. The trio made their entrance…

Powell’s POV: We’re getting some rough weather. If my updates stop, it’s due to the power going out. Hopefully it won’t be an issue.

2. Iyo Sky and Kairi Sane vs. Shayna Baszler and Zoey Stark (w/Sonya Deville). Deville took out Sky in a spot that the cameras missed heading into an early break. [C] They replayed the Deville spot coming out of the break. Sane hit Baszler with a flying forearm from the top rope and covered her for a two count.

Baszler came back with an ankle lock on Sane, who kicked her way free. Baszler tagged out and then drilled Sane with a knee strike. Stark hit a springboard dropkick and had Sane pinned, but Sky broke it up.

Zelina Vega popped up out of nowhere at ringside and hit Deville from behind. Cole recalled that PFC took out Vega and injured her arm. In the ring, Sky and Sane hit their finishers on Stark and then Sane got the three count…

Iyo Sky and Kairi Sane defeated Shayna Baszler and Zoey Stark in 7:35.

Powell’s POV: Vega was a factor, but it looks like the same old losing ways for Deville, Baszler, and Stark despite forming a new faction together.

A Wyatt Sicks video aired. “Uncle Howdy” Bo Dallas said he stopped to marvel at all of their accomplishments and he won’t make that mistake again. He said the false prophet continues to reveal himself to the world. He said he masquerades a shepherd while marching his lambs into the mouths of woods. Dallas said it’s not family, it’s blasphemy. Dallas said they need to cut the head off the snake. Dallas said it’s more than a reckoning, it’s a purge…

Graves hyped Uncle Howdy vs. Chad Gable, which was previously announced as the show’s main event…

Drew McIntyre was shown smirking as he walked through the backstage area. McIntyre showed off the bracelet he stole from CM Punk while Cole said McIntyre would appear after the break… [C]

Uber Arena was shown while Cole hyped the Bash in Berlin kickoff pep rally event for Friday morning North American time…

Drew McIntyre made his entrance dressed in jeans and a leather vest.

[Hour Two] Cole said McIntyre has only competed in one strap match in WWE and he lost. McIntyre mocked CM Punk’s opening line about it being great to be alive on a Monday night in (fill in the city). McIntyre mocked Punk for boasting about the roll that the company has been on when he had nothing to do with it.

McIntyre took issue with the fans continuing to chant for Punk. He asked the fans if they know what an enabler is. He equated the fans chanting for Punk to handing an alcoholic a drink. McIntyre said the fans would have to live with the scars that he will leave on Punk’s body.

McIntyre said the fans chose nostalgia over the warrior who has been there for them even through the darkest times. “And I still forgive you because you know not what you do,” McIntyre said. He spoke about the damage that he would do to Punk during their strap match.

CM Punk’s entrance music played. Punk appeared in the ring behind McIntyre and whipped him with the leather strap. They fought to ringside where McIntyre got the better of it to start. McIntyre picked up the strap and charged Punk, who backdropped him on the broadcast table. Punk got the strap and whipped McIntyre with it repeatedly until security ran out to pull him away. McIntyre hopped the barricade.

Punk and three security guards ended up in the ring. Punk whipped the security guards with the strap and tossed two of them out of the ring. “Punk is out of his mind,” Graves said. Punk stood on the ropes and yelled while McIntyre stood in the crowd and pointed at him…

Powell’s POV: Good intensity from Punk. I’m not sure if there’s more to come, but that was a good final push for the strap match if that’s all from Punk and McIntyre tonight. By the way, the storm was nasty, but it seems like the worst has passed through (knock on wood). We’ve been lucky this summer. Our power went out routinely during storms in past years, but so far so good this year.

A video package aired on Braun Strowman, who said Bronson Reed would find out why he’s called the monster of all monsters…

Jey Uso was shown in the concourse with fans cheering behind him. Jey made his entrance through the crowd. Cole tried to get Graves to pump his arms like Jey and said it’s good for the soul. Graves asked Cole what makes him think he has a soul. Funny. Jey slapped hands with a giddy Cole before entering the ring for the first Triple Threat tournament match… [C]

Karrion Kross and Kofi Kingston made separate entrances…

3. Jey Uso vs. Kofi Kingston vs. Karrion Kross (w/Scarlett) in a Triple Threat tournament match for a shot at the Intercontinental Title. Kingston performed an early top rope dive onto Uso and Kross at ringside heading into an early break. [C]

Kingston hit a double Boom Drop on both opponents. Kross ducked Trouble In Paradise, which took out Uso instead. Kross put Kingston in a cloverleaf, which Kingston escaped and then caught Kross in an inside cradle for a two count. Kingston was put down with a Kross elbow and left the ring. Uso returned and speared Kross. Uso followed up with an Uso Splash and got the three count…

Jsy Uso defeated Karrion Kross and Kofi Kingston in 8:45 to advance to the four-way for a shot at the Intercontinental Title.

Powell’s POV: A fine television match with the right guy going over. The tournament gives the television matches a little purpose and it beats the past approach of just holding a random four-way match to determine the next challenger.

A Gunther promo from social media aired. Gunther, who was on the WWE tour of Europe, spoke of beating Randy Orton at Bash in Berlin…

Randy Orton was shown walking through the backstage area…

Footage aired of Bianca Belair appearing on Peacock’s “Bel Air” series… [C]

Cole hyped that Smackdown will debut on USA Network on September 13. Cole said he and Graves will be reunited on Smackdown. He wondered if their next guest would be on Friday nights or Monday nights and said it would be determined in Berlin…

Powell’s POV: They’ve been running a lot of adds throughout tonight’s show for Smackdown moving to USA Network. Cole’s comments confirm my suspicion that Orton’s stay on Raw will expire tonight unless he wins the title on Saturday. In other words, this was not a trade with Orton being moved to Raw for a wrestler to be announced later.

Randy Orton made his entrance to a big ovation. Orton spoke of listening to voices in his head, but he said the voices he listens to most lately belong to the fans. Orton thanked the fans and said the way they sing along to his entrance music means the world to him, even if it took them 15 years.

Orton said he’s won a lot of titles, but the one he loves most was the World Heavyweight Championship. He said it was the first title he won and he’s the first person to have his name engraved on the belt. Orton said he was given the honor of unifying the two world titles the company had at the time, and he retired the World Heavyweight Championship with his name engraved on the title.

Orton said the title was reborn a year ago when he was at home recovering from spinal surgery. He decided he would do everything in his power to make sure his name was engraved on that title belt. Orton said new title, new legacy. The fans chanted “you deserve it.”

Orton said he knows he’ll be stepping into enemy territory in Berlin and that Gunther is a living legend to the people in Europe. Orton said he also knows he’ll be facing a man whose head is shoved so far up his own ass that he doesn’t even realize that he’ll be facing the most dangerous, decorated, controversial yet successful wrestler the industry has seen in almost twenty years.

Orton said he grew up in front of the fans. He said he signed his first WWE contract at age 19. He said the fans saw him get humbled over and over again and learn from his mistakes over and over again. Orton said he eventually had to step out from behind the shadows and earn every ounce of respect that comes with his name.

Orton said Gunther was a 30-something egotistical prick when he arrived in WWE. Orton said that might be the one thing they have in common. Orton said he was humbled, but Gunther has never been put in his place and that’s what he intends to do at Bash in Berlin.

Orton blamed Gunther for choosing to make things personal when the match simply could have been about the title. Orton said he faced his demons and they were tougher opponents than Gunther ever will be. Orton said he beat them just as he will beat Gunther to become a 15-time world champion. Orton said he’ll do it by using the RKO…

Powell’s POV: A well delivered promo, but Orton covered a lot of the same ground that he’s already covered in past promos. Although his history with the World Heavyweight Championship was a new talking point, it just wasn’t all that convincing.

Pete Dunne was shown warming up backstage. Graves read through the tale of the tape for the Strowman vs. Reed match and then Strowman made his entrance… [C]

WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions Alba Fyre and Isla Dawn were featured in a promo video. They laughed about taking the titles from Bianca Belair and Jade Cargill. The said they would prove the doubters wrong at Bash in Berlin by exposing Belair and Cargill as the frauds that they are…

Bronson Reed made his entrance…

4. Bronson Reed vs. Braun Strowman. Strowman dropkicked Reed’s chest when the bell rang to start the match. Reed came back and hit a second rope crossbody block. Strowman ended up at ringside. Reed hit him with a suicide dive. [C]

Reed put Strowman down with a DDT. Reed went up top for his finisher, but Strowman cut him off and slammed him to the mat. Strowman clotheslined Reed and then knocked him off his feet with a big boot. Strowman hoisted up Reed for a slam, but Reed slipped away and went to the apron.

Strowman grabbed Reed by the throat, but Reed clotheslined Strowman over the top rope. Reed walked to the stage. Strowman followed and hit him from behind.

Bronson Reed fought Braun Strowman to an apparent double count-out in roughly 9:00.

[Hour Three] Reed and Strowman fought on the stage. Cole said the match was an afterthought and it was two huge men trying to beat the hell out of one another. Reed reversed a whip and sent Strowman into the video board.

Reed went backstage and grabbed a trashcan, which he tossed at Strowman once he came through the curtain. Reed started to walk to the parking lot. Strowman got to his feet and tossed a security guard into a production crate and then chokeslammed another security guard through an oddly placed catering table.

Reed and Strowman fought into the parking lot. Reed picked up a piece of rigging, but Strowman grabbed him by the throat and chokeslammed him onto a car. “I guess that’s what I get for not paying for the extra insurance,” Graves quipped. Strowman picked up the rigging and tossed it at Reed, who moved, causing it to strike the car.

Strowman hit Reed with a shoulder block that sent him sliding over the hood of another car. Reed took a rough landing on the ground. Strowman tossed Reed onto some production equipment and then joined him on it. Reed hit Strowman with a pipe twice. Reed climbed to the top of a barricade and then performed a Tsunami on Strowman, who was on the roof of a car. Referees and producers showed up and yelled for help… [C]

Powell’s POV: A fun battle of the big men. I was all for Reed beating Strowman to extend his recent mega push. The apparent double count-out was disappointing in the moment, but the idea of extending the feud is a much better idea, as long as it ultimately ends with Reed standing tall.

The broadcast team narrated highlights of the Reed and Strowman parking lot brawl. Back live, Strowman was down and was being tended to. Cole said they were told that Reed stood up and walked away while refusing medical attention during the commercial break…

Entrances for the second Triple Threat tournament matches took place…

5. The Miz vs. Xavier Woods vs. Pete Dunne in a Triple Threat tournament match for a shot at the Intercontinental Title. Cole noted that Woods has never held a singles title, whereas Miz is one Intercontinental Title reign away from tying Chris Jericho’s record of nine reigns. The wrestlers ended up at ringside. Miz performed a tornado DDT on Dunne while also taking out Woods with a dropkick in the same motion. [C]

Miz put both men down with a double DDT but failed to pin them. Miz threw his kicks at both opponents and then dropkicked them. Miz took out Dunne by running him into the ring post. Miz performed a crossbody block on Woods, who rolled through and hit a gutbuster. Dunne returned to the ring and was powerbombed onto Miz. Woods covered Miz for a two count, then covered Dunne for a two count.

Late in the match, Dunne stomped on the hands of Miz and Woods. Miz kicked Dunne, who went back to ringside. Woods avoided Miz’s finisher and rolled him into a pin for a two count. Miz hit Woods with the Skull Crushing Finale. Dunne returned and tried to steal the pin, but Miz stopped him. Dunne put Miz in a submission hold.

Miz reached out and put his hand on Miz and got a two count, but Dunne maintained the hold. Woods recovered and broke up the submission hold. Woods, who wore a “Sid” armband, went up top and hit his elbow drop on Miz and had the pin, but Dunne pulled the referee to the floor. Dunne returned to the ring, kicked Woods, hit Miz with the Bitter End, and got the three count…

Pete Dunne defeated The Miz and Xavier Woods in 11:00 to advance to the four-way for a shot at the Intercontinental Title.

Powell’s POV: An entertaining match in terms of the wrestlers showing a little creativity with the three-way match. The problem was that none of them were all that over with the live crowd.

Intercontinental Champion Bron Breakker was interviewed by Jackie Redmond in a backstage are. Breakker sarcastically said bravo to Jey Uso and Pete Dunne qualifying for the four-way match. Breakker said Jey better watch his mouth. He said no member of Uso’s family has ever beat up a member of his family and Jey won’t be the one to do it. Breakker dismissed the idea of Dunne winning his title. Breakker said he is that dog “and the worst is yet to come”…

A Chad Gable promo video aired… [C]

Cole and a graphic noted that this Raw was WWE’s 37th TV event sellout, and the 54th event sellout of 2024…

Damian Priest and Rhea Ripley were featured in a promo video. Priest said Judgment Day stabbed them in the back and think that he and Ripley are the bad guys. “You’re damn right we’re the bad guys,” Priest said. Ripley said it never felt so good to be bad. Ripley said Judgment Day made them the villains they can’t live without.

Priest said the Judgment Day members want to play the victims. Priest said they don’t have to play at Bash in Berlin because he and Ripley will make them victims. Ripley said they didn’t become the most destructive force by being good guys. Ripley spoke in Spanish. Priest said she basically said “we’re your devils and we’re coming for you”…

Powell’s POV: Priest and Ripley continue to show strong chemistry together.

The broadcast team ran through the Bash in Berlin lineup…

Cole and Graves offered condolences to the family of Sid Eudy (Sycho Sid/Sid Vicious/Sid Justice) and then a memorial video package aired. The narrator labeled Sid as a kind family man outside the ring… [C]

The broadcast team listed the following matches for next week’s Raw in Denver: Sheamus vs. Bronson Reed vs. Ludwig Kaiser in a Triple Threat tournament match for a shot at the Intercontinental Title, Ilja Dragunov vs. Dragon Lee vs. Dominik Mysterio in a Triple Threat tournament match for a shot at the Intercontinental Title, and Zelina Vega vs. Shayna Baszler…

Chad Gable made his entrance and was accompanied onto the stage by Julius Creed, Brutus Creed, and Ivy Nile. Gable went to the ring alone while the others headed backstage. The Wyatt Sicks lighting wind down occurred and then Uncle Howdy made his entrance carrying the lantern. The other members of the Wyatt Sicks appeared on the stage with him and went backstage while he headed to the ring…

6. Uncle Howdy vs. Chad Gable. Howdy wore a green mask with long gray or silver hair. The wrestlers locked up to start. Gable took an early powder. Howdy did his Luke Harper/Brodie Lee tribute by looking through the ropes and saying, “Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.” [C]

Gable jumped from the top rope and clotheslined Howdy at ringside. Gable returned to the ring and was serenaded with “you suck” taunted. Gable returned to ringside and ran at Howdy, who backdropped him on the floor. Howdy hit Gable with a running knee or a hip attack against the barricade and then tossed him over the broadcast table. Howdy cleared the broadcast table.

Howdy set up Gable for a move on the table, but Gable countered into an Olympic Slam onto the table, which did not break. Gable returned to the ring and then Howdy beat the count. Gable superplexed Howdy. Gable followed up with three German suplexes. Gable lowered the straps on his singlet.

Gable waited for Howdy to stand up and went for the Chaos Theory, but Howdy held the ropes. Howdy leaned over backwards in Bray Wyatt style and glared at Gable, then hit him with a uranage slam for a two count. Howdy whipped Gable into the corner and appeared to be ready for a follow-up move, but Gable took a bump to the mat instead.

Howdy performed a neckbreaker and played to the receptive crowd. Gable set up for Sister Abigail. Ivy Nile ran out and distracted Howdy and the referee. Gable put Howdy in an ankle lock. Howdy escaped the hold and shoved Gable, who crashed into the referee. REF BUMP!!!

Howdy put Gable in the Mandible Claw. Julius Creed and Brutus Creed showed up and pulled Howdy to ringside and then ran him into the barricade. Howdy sat on the ground and laughed at the Creeds. The lights went out for a moment.

Dexter Lumis jumped off the barricade onto the Creeds and then Joe Gacy and Erick Rowan helped him clear the Creeds from ringside. Rowan set up Julius for a move in the timekeepers area, but Nile jumped on his back. Rowan continued to work over Julius while Nile held on.

In the ring, Gable went for a top rope moonsault that Howdy avoided. Howdy hit Sister Abigail and scored the pin. “How sweet it is,” Cole said on commentary before noting that Bo Dallas was celebrating his victory as Uncle Howdy.

Uncle Howdy defeated Chad Gable in 14:00.

After the match, Howdy knelt in front of Gable and held his arms out. The usual Wyatt Sicks imagery flashed on the screen to end the show…

Powell’s POV: A good debut for Howdy. His look leaves something to be desired, but the fans were with him and this was an entertaining match. Overall, this was a decent go-home show with solid hype for the mixed tag match and a good brawl that set up the strap match. It’s too bad we didn’t get one more exchange from Gunther and Orton, but that wasn’t possible with Gunther on the overseas tour.

I will have more to say about Raw during my weekly same night audio review for Dot Net Members (including our Patreon patrons), who are also listening to the AEW All In same day audio review that Jake Barnett and I recorded on Sunday. Let me know what you thought of Raw by grading the show below.

Join Colin McGuire for his live review of WWE Bash in Berlin on Saturday.

WWE Raw Poll: Grade the August 26 edition

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Readers Comments (6)

  1. Wow LWO, most of JD, Damage Control, Sonya’s group, New Day and Final Testament are all ICE COLD right now – Raw is a challenge to sit thru

    Side note I am from a providence (not at the show tonight) and those opening drone shots made the city look great!!

  2. I little goofy goes a long way. It’s really fun to see Cole and Graves just being dorky and enjoying themselves while doing it

  3. “ Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods spoke backstage about having two chances to earn a shot at the Intercontinental. They were on the same page and back to being obnoxiously giddy…”

    There’s no way they’re not going somewhere with this given all the foreshadowing that’s been going on. I appreciate that it’s been fairly subtle so far

  4. [[ Powell’s POV: Priest and Ripley continue to show strong chemistry together. ]]

    They do — and they are each such strong personalities, I hope they are able to keep it platonic. We don’t need another romance angle.

  5. Gotta say, Bo/Howdy has definitely expanded his offense a bit. I know this was likely well-mapped out considering five years of ring rust, but it was just enough fan service callbacks and a bit of new moves. Better than I expected.

  6. Any chance of the Terror Twins getting a run as the tag champs?
    Probably not,but it would be interesting.

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