Limitless Wrestling “Vacationland Cup” results: Vetter’s review of Donovan Dijak vs. Alec Price, Aaron Rourke vs. Ricky Smokes, Gabby Forza vs. Davienne, Aiden Aggro vs. Dezmond Cole in tournament matches

By Chris Vetter, Contributor (@chrisvetter73)

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Limitless Wrestling “Vacationland Cup”
Replay available via IndependentWrestling.TV
August 17, 2024 in Lewiston, Maine at The Colisee

This show was finally released Friday. This event took place in what appears to be a hockey arena; the lights are low but there are a LOT of fans here. ( says 1,200 and I have no reason to doubt that.) Limitless always draws well, but I’ve never seen them use this venue before. Lighting over the ring is okay.

* This tournament features four first-round matches, then a four-way elimination match for the winners.

1. Dezmond Cole defeated Aiden Aggro in a VLC first-round match at 11:32. Aiden is a great heel and he’s been perfect since beating up former partner DangerKid. Cole hit a huracanrana and a dropkick for a nearfall. He hit the splits stunner and Aiden went to the floor. Cole hit a flip dive to the floor on Aggro and his heel manager at 2:00, and they brawled at ringside. The heel manager tripped Cole as he entered the ring, allowing Aggro to take over. Aggro hit a clothesline for a nearfall at 5:00, and he kept Cole grounded.

Cole hit an enzuigiri at 7:00, but Aiden hit a hard kick in the corner for a nearfall. Dezmond hit some punches and a Lionsault Press, and they were boh down. Cole hit a suplex, then a rolling guillotine legdrop for a nearfall at 9:00. Aggro nailed a Shining Wizard for a nearfall. Cole hit a Helluva Kick at 10:30 and a German Suplex, then a Shining Wizard for a believable nearfall. Cole got an O’Connor Roll, leaned back for added leverage, and scored the pin! A really strong opener.

* Aggro stomped on Dezmond after the pin! This brought out the massive Ace Romero who beat up the heels.

2. Gabby Forza defeated Davienne in a VLC first-round match at 8:19. Of course, Forza has the size and thickness advantage. They opened in a knucklelock and Gabby shoved her to the mat and she hit a shoulder tackle that knocked Davienne down at 1:30. She hit a Samoan Drop and a bodyslam for a nearfall, but she missed a Vader Bomb. Davienne threw her into the corner and hit a running basement dropkick in the corner for a nearfall, and she took control. Davienne hit a hurricanrana at 4:30. Gabby hit a suplex and they were both down.

Gabby hit some clotheslines and a flapjack, then a Bulldog Powerslam for a nearfall at 6:30. They got up and traded forearm strikes. They hit simultaneous clotheslines and were both down. Davienne applied a Boston Crab, but Gabby got up, hit a spear, and scored the pin. Good match between two top female indy talents. Gabby has been nursing a knee injury so glad to see it held up here.

3. Alec Price defeated Donovan Dijak in a VLC first-round match at 13:10. These two just met in Beyond Wrestling earlier in the month. Dijak wore his black trenchcoat and dark sunglasses. The bell rang, but Alec rolled to the floor before they locked up. In the ring, Alec went for a headlock but Dijak easily shoved him away, and Donovan hit a hard shoulder tackle at 3:00 that sent Price flying. Dijak caught him and easily threw him to the mat, then he hit a backbreaker over his knee and a springboard splash for a nearfall. Price hit a dive over the top rope onto Dijak at 5:00. Back in the ring, Price hit a running boot to the head and took control. Alec hit a huracanrana and a springboard spin kick for a nearfall.

They got up and traded forearm strikes, and Dijak hit some loud overhand chops at 7:30, then a release bodyslam, sending Alec across the ring. Dijak nailed a Death Valley Driver for a nearfall. Price  hit a half-nelson suplex but Dijak popped to his feet! Alec hit a second one and got a nearfall. Alec hit a running knee in the corner at 9:30, but Dijak hit his own kick. Dijak hit a sit-out powerbomb for a nearfall. Price hit a superkick; Dijak hit a decapitating clothesline at 11:00. Price hit his springboard Blockbuster and a Snapmare Driver for a nearfall. Price mounted him and hit some punches. Price hit a superkick; Dijak hit a spinning Mafia Kick! He got Price on his shoulders, but Alec turned it into a Victory Roll, grabbed the ropes for leverage, and scored the tainted pin! That was really good.

4. Aaron Rourke defeated Ricky Smokes in a VLC first-round match at 10:40. These two have been feuding for months, and “Evil Gay” Rourke is the babyface. They immediately charged at each other and traded forearm strikes, and Rourke hit a flip dive to the floor, and they brawled at ringside. In the ring, Rourke hit some shoulder jabs to the ribs in the corner at 2:00. Smokes dropped him snake-eyes. Smokes hit a spear for a nearfall and some kneestrikes to the spine. Rourke hit a running knee to the chin at 5:00. Rourke appears to be bloody from his forehead. Smokes hit a neckbreaker over his knee, and he started punching at the cut.

Rourke stood up and he’s a bloody mess now. Rourke hit an Eat D’Feat at 7:00, then a 619. He slammed Smokes face-first to the mat and got a nearfall, then a top-rope summersault splash for a nearfall. Smokes hit a standing powerbomb at 9:00. Smokes leapt off the ropes, but Rourke cut him in half with a devastating spear! Rourke applied a Figure Four Leglock in the middle of the ring, and Smokes tapped out. (I assumed Smokes was winning so we would have two heels and two babyfaces in the finals.)

Tony Atlas was introduced and he got a massive pop as he came to the ring, and he sat at ringside.

5. Channing Thomas (w/Sidney Bakabella) defeated Anthony Greene to retain the Limitless Title at 20:20. They traded armdrags early on. Greene hit a huracanrana at 3:30. Greene clotheslined Channing to the floor and hit a plancha to the floor. Back in the ring, Greene went for a move off the top rope but Channing caught him with a dropkick, and he took control. Channing hit a bodyslam and a spinning elbow drop for a nearfall at 6:00. Bakabella hit a cheap shot on Greene! Channing hit a diving forearm for a nearfall at 8:30. He applied a half-crab.

Greene hit a running neckbreaker. He hit a top-rope twisting cross-body block for a nearfall at 11:00. Greene hooked both arms and hit a flipping Seatbelt Slam for a nearfall. Channing hit a fisherman’s suplex for a nearfall at 12:30. They got up and traded forearm strikes. Channing hit a dropkick. Greene nailed a dive through the ropes. Greene hit his top-rope Unprettier at 14:00, but Bakabella pulled the ref to the floor! Greene chased Sidney and they got back into the ring. Channing hit a low blow uppercut. Sidney got the title belt, but Tony Atlas got in the ring! Sidney punched him but it just hurt his hand. Atlas punched Sidney and yanked off his toupee. Atlas dragged Sidney backstage.

Meanwhile, Greene got the ref and threw him in the ring. He hit a superkick, and he hit the Unprettier again for a believable nearfall at 17:00. Channing hit a powerbomb and put his feet on the ropes for a nearfall. Greene hit an Ospreay-style heel hook. He went for the Unprettier again, but Channing avoided it! Channing missed a top-rope 450 Splash. Greene accidentally bumped the ref at 19:30! Channing got his belt and struck Greene in the face with it but only got a believable nearfall. Channing immediately hit a leaping piledriver for the pin. That was really good, and a nice way to use Tony Atlas.

6. Luke Robinson defeated Matt Cross at 11:41. I admittedly don’t know Luke; he has his hair in dreadlocks, and he wore a neon green shirt and green tennis shoes. says he’s a 19-year pro, so I guess he’s just not on the shows I’ve been watching. Matt Cross (a/k/a M-Dogg 20) has been wrestling for more than two decades, usually in the Midwest. Basic headlocks to open; Luke hit a dropkick and ripped off his shirt; he has a great physique. Luke went for a dive through the ropes at 2:00, but Cross caught him with a forearm strike, and they brawled on the floor. Cross held his body sideways on the ring post and hit an elbow drop. In the ring, Matt hit a doublestomp on the back for a nearfall at 4:30.

Cross slowed Luke down on the mat; he hit a backbreaker over his knee at 7:00. He hit a handsping-back-elbow into the corner. Luke hit a TKO Stunner for a nearfall. Matt hit a top-rope doublestomp and a standing moonsault for a nearfall at 10:00. They got up and traded forearm strikes. LUke hit a DDT, then a top-rope elbow drop for a believable nearfall. Cross hit a Rebound Stunner, but he missed a top-rope Shooting Star Press. Luke immediately hit a Superkick for the pin. That was really good; I didn’t know what to expect from a guy I hadn’t heard of before.

7. Scotty 2 Hotty defeated Dirty Dango (w/Brian Black) at 14:38. Dango came out first. S2H came out, ducked to the back, and came out again, milking louder pops each time. He took forever to get to the ring as he looped the stands. He finally got in the ring, but Dango and Black immediately attacked him. Black went to the floor so the match could begin. They traded punches in the ring, and then to the floor. They went over the guardrail and into the crowd. (I can now see the hockey boards). They brawled up the risers. They finally got back in the ring at 6:00.

Dango got a kendo stick and he hit S2H across the back with it, then he jabbed it into Scotty’s throat. Scotty whipped him into a garbage can wedged in the corner at 8:00. Scotty now got the kendo stick and used it across Dango’s back. He put the kendo stick between Dango’s legs and lifted him off the ground. Scotty sat down on a chair; Dango essentially gave him a lapdance. However, Scotty dropped him on the chair at 10:30. Scotty crotched Dango around the ring post. Scotty got a table from under the ring, but Black confiscated it.

Scotty set up for the Worm, but Black grabbed his ankle. This brought out Ace Romero again, who hit a running body block on Brian! Dango went for a top-rope leg drop as Scottty was lying on a table. However, Scotty moved. The table did NOT break, and Dango ricocheted off it awkwardly, fell backward, and came down hard on the mat on his neck. The ref checked on Dango. Scotty gingerly covered Dango and pinned him. This definitely looked scary. The ref put up the ‘X’ sign, but Dango sat up and walked to the back by himself; I don’t doubt he knocked himself out. A decent brawl until the unfortunate ending.

* Ace Romero splashed Brian Black in the corner and rubbed his butt in Black’s face. Scotty was then able to do the Worm on Black, which of course is what the fans really wanted to see. They clearly improvised this finish after Danogo’s injury.

8. Dezmond Cole defeated Gabby Forza, Aaron Rourke and Alec Price to win the Vacationland Cup at 20:36. The trophy, roughly three feet tall, was brought into the ring. The babyfaces all beat up Price, and Gabby gave Alec a Guerrilla Press to the floor! She speared Rourke and he fell to the floor, too. Dezmond hit a DDT on Alec. Gabby suplexed Dezmond and did a cartwheel-into-a-clothesline in the corner on Dezmond at 2:30. Alec hit a doublestomp in the corner on Rourke, who was tied in the Tree of Woe, then a back suplex. Gabby and Dezmond hit a team superplex out of the corner on Price at 6:30.

Rourke hit a Blue Thunder Bomb on Alec, then a uranage on Dezmond, then a split-legged moonsault on Dezmond. However, Price hit the Surprise Kick (step-up mule kick) on Rourke and pinned him at 8:05! The match continued without a break. Dezmond hit a Michinoku Driver on Alec. Dezmond hit a top-rope frogsplash on Gabby. He splashed Alec and got a nearfall. (I thought he was going to pin Forza!) Gabby hit a Polish Hammer on Dezmond, and she tossed Alec across the ring. In an incredible spot, Gabby hit a Samoan Drop-and-fallaway slam on the two guys at 11:30!

She speared Dezmond. However, Price again hit the Surprise Kick and pinned Forza at 11:49. Price and Dezmond immediately traded forearm strikes, and Price hit a Superkick. Dezmond hit a Mafia Kick. Price nailed his springboard spin kick and a top-rope guillotine legdrop for a nearfall. Price leapt off the ropes but Dezmond caught him with a kick. Dezmond hit a release powerbomb for a nearfall at 15:00. They traded superkicks. Price hit another Surprise Kick but this time he only got a nearfall! Alec was in disbelief he didn’t win there.

Alec hit his leaping kneestrikes in the corner at 18:00. Dezmond hit an enzuigiri, then a second-rope deadlift superplex and a brainbuster. However, he missed a Swanton Bomb. Price went for another Surprise Kick but Dezmond avoided it. Price got a rollup and grabbed the ropes (nice callback!) but this time the ref saw it. Dezmond nailed the Swanton Bomb to win the Vacationland Cup! A very good match. Dezmond grabbed the trophy and hugged it, then hoisted it in the air. This brought out Channing Thomas, who stood at the entrance and showed off his title belt.

Final Thoughts: A tremendous show. I’ll go with Price-Dijak for best match, then the four-way finale for second. Channing-Greene was really good for third, and as I noted, the Cross-Robinson match was really sharp. Just a lot to like about this show, and it’s great they got a crowd of about 1,200 for an indy show. Hopefully Dango just was momentarily knocked out and nothing worse; he probably should have come down with his butt on that table, because his leg alone clearly wasn’t going to break it. This show can be viewed at IWTV and it gets a strong endorsement.


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