Live Pro Wrestling “Buzzard Mania” results: Vetter’s review of Little Mean Kathleen and Ted Goodz vs. Ashley Vox and Anthony Greene, Miracle Generation vs. Swipe Right for the IWTV Tag Titles

By Chris Vetter, Contributor (@chrisvetter73)

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Live Pro Wrestling “Buzzard Mania”
August 2, 2024 in Westport, Massachusetts at Buzzards Bay Brewing
Streamed on the IndependentWrestling.TV

Westport is just east of the Rhode Island border, so this is closer to Providence than it is to Boston. This is an outdoor show in a field outside a building and it’s sunny and middle of the day. There are maybe 150-200 fans watching. I see two names in the lineup that are new to me, but the rest are East Coast regulars. There is seriously not a cloud in the sky. The commentators noted the ring has been up for a while and the mat is probably quite hot.

1. Jermaine Marbury (w/Benny the Basketball) defeated Gal at 4:48. These two just fought at Wrestling Open in July, with Gal winning that one. Gal came out first, got on the mic, and called the fans “dummies” and of course was booed. He wore his two bodybuilding medals. Jermaine came out; Gal challenged him to a posedown. Gal posed first and got booed. Benny, the human basketball mascot, then posed and the crowd cheered, which just irritated the heel commentator.

Gal kicked Jermaine in the gut to get the match started. Gal tossed him to the grass at 1:30 and he did some pushups as Jermaine recovered. In the ring, Gal hit a delayed vertical suplex for a nearfall. He hit a back suplex for a nearfall at 3:00, and he kept Marbury grounded on the mat, and the fans chanted “defense!” to rally Marbury. Marbury hit some clotheslines and his misdirection offense into his Eurostep Neckbreaker, then the Mamba Splash for the pin! That was shockingly short and it tells me the matches will all likely be quick in this sunlight. Fun for the time given.

2. Davienne defeated Liviyah at 6:08. I haven’t seen Liviyah before and this is her LPW debut; the commentator said she’s the daughter of a local indy wrestler. Liviyah has long blonde hair, she’s quite thin, and she’s in a green top and bottom, and I wouldn’t be surprised if she is still a teenager. Davienne got booed as she walked to the ring, and she jawed at the 10-year-old kids in the crowd, and she has a size and clear muscle mass advantage. They took turns playing to the crowd, and of course, Davienne attacked from behind to start the match.

Basic reversals early on. Liviyah hit a Lungblower move to the chin at 2:00. Davienne hit an Electric Chair drop and she punched Liviyah in the face. She backed Liviyah into a corner and chopped her, then hit a backbreaker over her knee at 4:00. Liviyah hit some clotheslines and a Russian Leg Sweep, then a dropkick. She hit a second-rope elbow drop for a nearfall. Davienne slammed her to the mat and applied a deep Boston Crab, and Liviyah immediately tapped out. Good showing for the rookie.

3. Brett Ryan Gosselin defeated Traevon Jordan at 6:00 even. Jordan is one-half of Waves and Curls, so this is unusual to see him in a singles match. Traevon has the height advantage. BRG has competed in recent months for MLW, and I always compare his looks to Backstreet Boy Nick Carter. He screamed at the ref for letting his fur jacket fall to the grass. The crowd sang along to Whitney Houston as Jordan came out second and he’s taking his time going through the crowd. They have re-started the song because it finished! The heel commentator was irritated because it’s “95 degrees” and he wants to get this started.

The bell rang and Jordan ‘forced BRG to dance’ with him. Brett was fuming but the crowd was enjoying the humor. Traevon repeatedly slammed Brett’s head against the top turnbuckle. BRG hit a dropkick for a nearfall at 2:00 and he took control of the offense. He hit some flying axe handles; the offense has been basic but they are holding the crowd. Traevon hit a Death Valley Driver for a nearfall at 5:00. BRG distracted the ref, hit a low blow punt kick, hit the swinging neckbreaker, and scored the tainted pin. Solid.

4. “Miracle Generation” Kylon King and Dustin Waller defeated “Swipe Right” Ricky Smokes and Brad Baylor to retain the IWTV Tag Team Titles at 10:31. I thought this was going to be the main event! These two teams met on the last LPW show three or so weeks ago. Kylon and Smokes opened. Lots of posing and flexing before they finally tied up in a knucklelock. MG worked over Baylor’s left arm. Kylon slammed Waller onto Baylor for a nearfall at 4:30. Waller fell to the grass and SR stomped on him, and they began to work him over in the ring. The commentators again mentioned how hot it is.

Waller finally got a hot tag at 8:00, and he hit a running Shooting Star Press on Smokes for a nearfall. Baylor hit a dropkick on King. Smokes hit a powerslam on King for a nearfall. Smokes hit his flipping stunner. Waller hit a Lethal Injection on Smokes. King hit a second-rope stunner off the ropes on Baylor and scored the pin. A solid match; I am a huge fan of these four and I know they just scratched the surface of what they can do with this one. In many ways, this felt like a ‘WWE house show’ match, not what they would bring to a PLE.

5. DJ Powers defeated Ichiban at 8:51. Powers is the smarmy 19-year-old who reminds me of NXT’s Kale Dixon. Ichiban has a shoulder brace on. They brawled on the grass. In the ring, Ichiban hit some punches and Powers rolled to the grass. In the ring, Ichiban hit a swinging neckbreaker. He backed Powers into the corner and hit his “One!” punches at 3:00. Powers hit some kicks to the back and kept Ichiban grounded. He choked Ichiban in the ropes. Ichiban hit a stunner at 7:30, then his handspring-back-elbow and a missile dropkick. Ichiban couldn’t hit the leaping Flatliner. Ichiban hopped on DJ’s shoulders and went for a Victory Roll, but DJ blocked it, grabbed the ropes for leverage, and scored the pin! Good action.

6. Eric Chacha defeated Steven Lust (w/AJP) at 3:37. Lust came to the ring and shouted at the crowd. I always say that Chacha looks a lot like a young TJP (and yes, I know TJP isn’t actually Latino, but the looks are similar nonetheless.) Lust attacked from behind before the bell. AJP choked Chacha in the ropes. Sweatboy, who I saw for the first time on the show three weeks ago, came to the ring and gave Chacha a drink to help revive him. Chacha hit a running knee and he took another drink. He hit a top-rope flying bulldog for the pin. Not particularly good.

* The owner of the brewery got in the ring, and he introduced “Swilly O’Brien.”

7. Swilly O’Brien defeated Love, Doug (w/Craig Costa) at 5:07. My first time seeing O’Brien. He’s a big brawler and he splashed both Doug and Costa. Doug choked him in the ropes. He hit a bulldog at 3:00. Swilly hit a backbody drop. Doug accidentally hit Costa. Swilly hit an RKO stunner and an axe kick to the back of the head for the pin. Acceptable.

John Cena Sr. power-walked to the ring, wearing his suit and tie and glasses and he fired up the crowd. Cena was about to lead the crowd in singing happy birthday to a fan, but they were interrupted by Ashley Vox and Anthony Greene heading to the ring for the main event!

8. Little Mean Kathleen and Ted Goodz defeated Ashley Vox and Anthony Greene at 14:55. LMK and Goodz high-fived fans as they ran to the ring. The ladies battled and LMK hit a dropkick at 3:00. She hit a Northern Lights Suplex for a nearfall. Greene tripped Kathleen, allowing Vox to take over. Greene bodyslammed Kathleen at 5:30 and he jawed at Goodz, who was begging for the tag. Vox missed a rolling cannonball. Goodz finally got the hot tag at 8:30 and he hit some chops on Greene. He hit running back elbows on each opponent. Kathleen leapt off the top rope and onto the heels on the grass. In the ring, Goodz hit a spear into the corner, then a backpack stunner on Greene, for a nearfall.

Greene hit a Lungblower to the chest, and Vox hit a senton onto Goodz’ back for a nearfall at 10:30. The heels hit some team offense on Goodz, but LMK made the save. Vox accidentally kicked Greene! Goodz kicked Vox and sent her from the ring. Goodz hit a stunner on Greene for a nearfall, but Ashley made the save. Greene hit a low blow mule kick on Goodz. Greene hit a kick to the ref’s stomach and a DDT at 13:00, and he tossed the ref to the grass. Goodz hit a superkick on Greene. LMK hit a top-rope bulldog on Greene. Goodz called for the birthday boy (he’s 40!) to get in the ring. He dropped an elbow on Greene for a nearfall. The birthday boy hit a stunner on Greene and Goodz covered Greene for the pin.

Final Thoughts: A satisfying event. In many ways, this felt like a house show, which is fine. They played to the crowd and didn’t do as much ambitious offense like they would have in front of a more devoted, hardcore fan base. I’ll stick with Miracle Generation-Swipe Right for best match, ahead of Powers-Ichiban for second.


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