GCW “No Signal in the Hills 4” results (8/17): Mance Warner faces a surprise challenger from TNA for the GCW Championship, Violence is Forever vs. Wolf Zaddies for the GCW Tag Team Titles

By Chris Vetter, ProWrestling.net Contributor (@chrisvetter73)

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GCW “No Signal in the Hills 4”
Streamed on TrillerTV+
August 17, 2024 in Los Angeles, California at Ukrainian Cultural Center

This is a great venue and GCW is on eight or nine consecutive sellouts here. GCW just returned from doing three very successful shows in three days in Tokyo, Japan. However, Effy and Joey Janela have not made it back yet due to weather conditions there. (Effy was listed as being “in action” while Joey wasn’t actually even advertised, so it shouldn’t affect the lineup too much.) Also, Maki Itoh is injured and won’t compete. Dave Prazak provided commentary and he immediately confirmed this is a sellout. (They had announced Saturday morning that 15 tickets remained.) The crowd was perhaps 600-700. Seven matches were announced in advance.

* “General Manager” Matt Cardona, along with Broski Jimmy Lloyd, came to the ring and they were booed. Jimmy got on the mic and ripped into Los Angeles. Cardona said this is just “a house show” and Los Angeles is “not an A-town.” Cardona talked up next week’s show when they will be in action against Matt Hardy and Nick Gage. Cardona said Gage isn’t here tonight! That’s a surprise as he’s announced for the main event. SO, Cardona said Mance Warner will be defending the GCW title in the main event against a mystery opponent. Cardona told Jimmy he has a warm-up match right now! Emil Jay joined Prazak on commentary.

1. Broski Jimmy Lloyd (w/Matt Cardona) defeated Mr. Danger at 4:35. Danger hit a dropkick and a flip senton. Cardona tripped up Danger, allowing Lloyd to take control. Danger hit a fisherman’s suplex for a nearfall at 2:00. Emil confirmed this is the ninth straight sellout here. Danger hit a top-rope flying clothesline for a nearfall. Cardona tripped Danger on the top rope. Danger hit a springboard Canadian Destroyer, then a dive through the ropes onto Jimmy. Danger hit a springboard Asai Moonsault to the floor at 4:00! In the ring, Danger hit a top-rope 450 Splash but Cardona pulled the ref to the floor. Jimmy hit a low blow uppercut on Mr. Danger, then a piledriver for the cheap pin. That was a LOT of action in under five minutes!

* Cardona helped beat up Mr. Danger and he hit a Twist of Fate to taunt Matt Hardy. (I have to wonder if that tag match will take place next week with Gage perpetually being absent and unavailable.)

2. Sidney Akeem defeated Rich Swann at 9:11. Akeem was Reggie/Scrypts in WWE and he’s had a stretch of very good matches in GCW since his NXT release. Prazak said that this is Swann’s first GCW match in more than a year. They went for simultaneous dropkicks and had a standoff. Some really fast offense and Akeem hit a dropkick. Swann hit a spin kick and took over on offense. They brawled briefly to the floor then back into the ring. Sidney hit a plancha at 5:30. He hit a top-rope twisting double knees on a standing Swann for a nearfall and we got a “this is awesome!” chant.

Swann nailed a spin kick to the chin! He hit a 450 Splash for a nearfall. Sidney went for his backflip-into-a-stunner but Swann blocked it. Swann went for the Lethal Injection, but Sidney blocked that! They both went down and we got a “Fight forever!” chant. They got up and Swann hit a Lethal Injection for a nearfall, but he missed the 450 Splash. Sidney hit The Final Act (the double backflips into the stunner) to score the pin. Another fast-paced match. Sidney continues to top all reasonable expectations with his matches so far in GCW.

* Jordan Castle has joined Prazak on commentary.

3. Dark Sheik and Vipress defeated “CPF” Joe Lando and Danny Black at 10:18. CPF are Brits and have been here before. Lando has reddish hair and Black has dark hair. They attacked Sheik and Vipress from behind and were booed. Sheik hit a 619 on Lando, then a slingshot senton, then the Splits Legdrop for a nearfall at 2:00. CPF began working over Sheik. Lando hit a DDT as Black was hitting a dropkick on Sheik’s back, and Lando got a nearfall. Vipress finally got a hot tag at 5:30 and she battled Black. She went for a stunner but it was awkward; she got a nearfall anyway.

All four fought in the ring, and Lando hit a spin kick to Vipress’ face. Black hit a German Suplex on Vipress. She popped up and hit a double back suplex! She put her hair up in a bun and unloaded a series of punches on Lando, then on Black. However, they hit a swinging slam on her for a nearfall. Vipress hit a Poison Rana on Black at 10:00. She hit a Michinoku Driver on Lando. Sheik immediately hit the top-rope guillotine legdrop, and they both climbed on Lando for the pin. Okay match. Sheik and Vipress kissed afterwards, which popped the crowd.

4. Chavo Guerrero Jr. and “Los Macizos” Ciclope and Miedo Extremo defeated Jack Cartwheel, Gringo Loco, and Arez at 14:34. A video aired of Miedo shoving Ciclope after their latest loss. (I noted, in real time, that I was shocked that these former tag champs were on such a losing streak.) A nice pop for Chavo. Arez and Miedo traded lucha reversals and had a standoff. Cartwheel and Ciclope squared off at 2:00, and Ciclope did a cartwheel and it angered Jack. Jack did some cartwheels to avoid Ciclope’s offense. Chavo (now completely bald) entered to face Loco, and this crowd was HOT. They traded reversals and the crowd chanted “You still got it!”

Arez and Cartwheel hit stereo moonsaults to the floor at 6:00. In the ring, Loco hit a Guerrilla Press and standing moonsault on Miedo. Arez ran up Miedo’s back. Loco hit a moonsault. Ciclope hopped in the ring, but Loco’s team began working him over. Ciclope and Miedo collided again, and Miedo shoved Ciclope in anger! Chavo got in the ring and battled Arez. Arez hit his one-footed Lionsault at 10:00. (Castle said Arez landed hard on Chavo’s face.) Jack hit his rolling Death Valley Driver. Gringo hit a top-rope legdrop on Ciclope.

Cartwheel accidentally kicked Arez. Chavo got back in and he looks okay, and he hit the Three Amigos rolling suplexes on Loco and Arez and of course we got the “Eddie!” chant. Los Macizos hit a team flapjack. Cartwheel hit a double stunner on Los Macizos. Loco hit a flip dive to the floor at 13:30. Jack hit the Sasake Special to the floor on everyone. Arez hit a triangle moonsault to the floor on everyone. Jack nailed a top-rope Phoenix Splash. However, Chavo hit a top-rope frogsplash on Jack Cartwheel for the pin. That was a blast. All six celebrated in the ring.

* Chavo was left alone in the ring and he got on the mic and thanked the crowd. He said that Eddie did the frogsplash better than anyone and got the crowd again chanting “Eddie!” The chant then became “Thank you, Chavo!”

5. 1 Called Manders defeated Jordan Cruz at 9:25. This should be particularly hard-hitting. An intense lockup and Manders hit a back suplex, and they traded LOUD overhand chops. Manders hit Sheamus-style blows to the chest in the ropes. Cruz hit a flip dive to the floor! He slammed Manders’ right hand on the mat. In the ring, Cruz began to target the arm. Manders nailed the Doctor Bomb/gutwrench powerbomb for a nearfall at 5:00. Cruz hit several German Suplexes. Manders hit a left-armed lariat for a nearfall at 7:00.

Cruz went for a Fujiwara Armbar but Manders reached the ropes. Cruz hit the No More Sorrow brainbuster onto his knee for a believable nearfall. Manders hit a right-armed lariat for a nearfall at 9:00. Cruz hit a jumping knee to the chin. However, Manders hit another decapitating clothesline for the pin. Very good hard-hitting match and this didn’t need to be any longer than this. “They brutalized each other,” Prazak said as they raised each other’s arms.

6. Starboy Charlie defeated Marcus Mathers at 12:47. I believe Charlie is 20 and Mathers is 21, and both would be among the top 20 indy talents in the U.S. today. Basic reversals and a feeling-out process early on. Charlie hit a dropkick and a running Shooting Star Press for a nearfall at 2:00. Mathers hit a flying forearm in the corner, then a dive through the ropes onto Charlie. In the ring, Mathers hit a crossbody block off the ropes for a nearfall, and he took control. Charlie hit a Thesz Press at 6:00 and hit a series of punches. He hit a mid-ring Sliced Bread for a nearfall. Mathers hit a stunner, then a Sister Abigail swinging faceplant for a nearfall at 7:30.

Mathers hit a spin kick to the jaw then an Ospreay-style Heel Hook kick to the face. Charlie hit a Pele Kick and a corkscrew moonsault, and he pulled down the straps on his overalls. However, he missed a top-rope Shooting Star Press. Mathers hit a kip-up stunner and a top-rope Swanton Bomb for a nearfall at 10:30. The crowd chanted “Starboy” and it was clearly irking Marcus. Mathers hit an Awful Waffle-style piledriver for a believable nearfall. Charlie hit a Pele Kick. He went for a Phoenix Splash but Mathers got his knees up. Charlie hit his Poison Rana, then another. Charlie hit the Gotch-style Piledriver for the pin! That was great stuff. I imagine these two will do this dance many times over the next decade.

7. Blake Christian defeated Megan Bayne in an intergender match at 17:38. Bayne is 5’11” and taller than Blake. Blake carried his ‘real’ GCW title (which he never lost!) He hit a running knee to her chin at the bell! She hit a belly-to-belly release suplex and some shoulder thrusts into his ribs. She hit a fallaway slam at 1:00, then a Stinger Splash and a suplex. She’s got great power, and she hit a splash to the mat for a nearfall. She got a table from under the ring but he dove through the ropes and barreled onto the table and her. He shoved her into the ring post at 3:00. In the ring, Blake was now in control, and he snapped her left arm backward and it made a sick snapping sound.

They got up and traded forearm strikes at 6:00. He hit another jumping knee to her chin. She hit a leaping clothesline and this crowd was fired up. Megan dove through the ropes and barreled onto Blake. In the ring, Blake hit a handspring-back-spin kick to her jaw at 8:00, then a springboard kneestrike to her jaw for a nearfall. They traded forearm strikes while on their knees, then while standing. He hit a Mafia Kick so she hit one. He hit a Pele Kick. She missed a spear into the corner. He popped up and hit a superkick and a Dragon Suplex. She popped up and hit a spear, and they were both down at 10:30. Awesome sequence.

Megan set up for a Tombstone Piledriver but he rolled through and got a nearfall. She hit a German Suplex, then an F5 faceplant for a believable nearfall at 12:00! They fought on the ring apron, where Blake hit a chop block, and Megan fell to the floor. He hit a plancha on her, then a top-rope springboard 450 Splash in the ring for a nearfall. She sold a knee injury and the ref pushed Blake away so he could check on her. Blake slid a table into the ring and set up a bridge.

Megan hit a second-rope back suplex! She hit the Tombstone Piledriver onto the door bridge at 15:30 for a nearfall, but he got a foot on the ropes. He raked her eyes and put a weapon on his knuckles, but he missed with a Superman Punch. He went to the top rope; she grabbed him but he raked her eyes, then hit her with the wrapped knuckles for a believable nearfall; I thought that was it. Blake nailed the step-up Stomp for the pin. That was a strong intergender match; Megan’s size just makes these matches so much more believable. Fans started throwing debris at him, and I really hate that.

8. “Violence is Forever” Kevin Ku and Dominic Garrini defeated “Wolf Zaddies” Bad Dude Tito and Che Cabrera to retain the GCW Tag Team Titles at 8:55. This is Ku’s first match in a month after sustaining an injury. Tito hit a dive to the floor to open the match. He hit a suplex on Ku in the ring. Che hit a bodyslam, and Tito hit a slingshot senton at 1:30. The WZ hit a team slam on Garrini at 3:00. Tito tied Ku in a pendulum. Ku hit a back suplex on Tito at 5:00.

Garrini got a hot tag and hit a jumping knee on Tito, then clotheslines on each opponent. Garrini hit a sliding clothesline on Tito at 7:30. Tito powerbombed Garrini onto Ku. Che hit a frogsplash for a nearfall on Garrini. WZ hit stereo forearm strikes on Garrini and slammed him for a nearfall. Garrini hit a spinning back fist on Che. ViF hit the Chasing the Dragon (spin kick-and-brainbuster combo) on Che for the pin. A strong match with lots of action; it felt longer than it was. Ku looked good in his return.

* A reminder we have no idea who is replacing Nick Gage (or Joey Janela for that matter) in the main event. Allie Katch also was listed as being in action but I guess she’s also absent tonight. Hopefully she got on the all-women’s show also happening in California.

* Mance Warner hit the ringMore debris (cans, paper, etc.) thrown at Mance and GCW needs to nip this in the bud right away; this is unacceptable behavior. Mance got on the mic and said Matt Cardona is his wrestling “brother-in-law.” He said a “local enhancement talent” is about to come out. Rob Shit hit the ring; he’s been here before. Rob looks like a generic 1980s hair band rocker. Mance got on the mic and said these idiots are going to see him beat their hero.

9. Mance Warner vs. Rob Shit goes to a no-finish at 3:47. Rob attacked from behind. Rob put his hand down the front of his own pants, then shoved his fingers into Mance’s mouth. Gross. Rob hit some Stinger Splashes. Mance pulled out a screwdriver and he struck Rob in the head with it, and Rob was bleeding from his forehead. Mance jabbed him repeatedly with the screwdriver. Mance got on the mic and said there is “nobody that can stop old Mancer.” Mance said he’s leaving! I guess this match is over, as Rob was helped to the back. HOWEVER, Frankie Kazarian walked to the ring and got a nice pop! We’re having a true main event after all!

10. Mance Warner defeated Frankie Kazarian to retain the GCW World Title at 19:53. Mance looked irate, and they stood nose to nose and immediately traded forearm strikes. They rolled to the floor and brawled at ringside. Mance threw a chair at Frankie at 2:00, and he jabbed him in the stomach with the chair. Mance slid several doors into the ring. Mance beat down Frankie in the ring. However, Frankie hit a second-rope superplex through the door bridge at 6:30 and they were both down. Mance hit a clothesline and a flying forearm, then a bodyslam and a second-rope guillotine legdrop onto a chair over Mance’s face for a nearfall. Mance hit a hard clothesline for a nearfall.

Frankie hit a slingshot DDT onto a folded chair for a nearfall at 9:30. Frankie went for a Crossface Chickenwing, but Mance ran backward into the corner to escape. Frankie hit an Air Raid Crash onto a door in the corner! Mance hit a running knee to the forehead for a nearfall at 11:30. Mance set up another door bridge and he chokeslammed Frankie through it for a nearfall. Mance set up several open chairs. However, Kazarian hit an Air Raid Crash onto several open chairs at 14:30! He struck a chairshot across Mance’s back. Mance speared Frankie through a door in the corner. Mance chokeslammed Frankie through another door in the corner and got a nearfall. Mance grabbed his title belt.

Frankie ducked and Mance accidentally struck the ref! Kazarian hit a piledriver along his back; a second ref got in the ring but JImmy Lloyd pulled him out. Jimmy threw powder in Frankie’s eyes and hit his flying leg lariat, allowing Mance to get a nearfall at 18:00! Jimmy grabbed the title belt but he accidentally hit Mance! Frankie hit his piledriver along the back on Jimmy, and he got some water to clean out his eyes. Mance hit a running knee for a nearfall. Kazarian applied the Crossface Chickenwing on the mat! Mance was tapping out, but Lloyd was distracting the ref! Mance hit a low blow punt kick on Frankie and a DDT to score the tainted pin. More debris was thrown into the ring as the show went off the air.

Final Thoughts: Promoter Brett Lauderdale must have the deepest, longest contact list of anyone. Getting Kazarian as a last-minute fill-in was a great move, and this was certainly better than the proposed match. I love the lucha action so the Gringo Loco six-man tag gets my pick for best match, ahead of a very good Mathers-Starboy match. I’ll go with Blake-Bayne for third. That was a good main event too. I’ve said for years that you don’t need unprotected chairshots to the head to have a good brawl. Mance-Frankie had a really good brawl, but it was SAFE with no unnecessary blows or dangerous spots.

There was a lot to like here. Sidney Akeem continues to have more enjoyable indy matches than he ever had in WWE or NXT. Manders-Cruz was really good but lost in this sea of really good matches. Considering they had three late absences, plus Masha Slamovich is at the women’s show and Mike Bailey is at a show in Canada, they put together a top-notch show. If I had one complaint, it’s that GCW needs to shut down the debris throwing right now. It wasn’t just one person, but once it started, it got out of hand very quickly.


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