AEW Rampage results (8/16): Murphy’s review of MxM Collection vs. Top Flight, Nick Wayne vs. Kip Sabian, The Conglomeration vs. The Butcher and The Outrunners

By Don Murphy, Contributor (@DonThePredictor)

AEW Rampage (Episode 158)
Taped August 14, 2024 in Norfolk, Virginia at Chartway Arena
Aired August 16, 2024 on TNT

The Rampage opening aired and then Excalibur checked in on commentary with Tony Schiavone and Matt Menard. The ring announcer was Justin Roberts. The Butcher and the Outrunners were already in the ring as Mark Briscoe, Orange Cassidy and Tomohiro Ishii made their way to the ring…

1. Mark Briscoe, Orange Cassidy, and Tomohiro Ishii vs. The Butcher and “The Outrunners” Truth Magnum and Turbo Floyd (w/Erica Leigh). Kyle O’Reilly joined the commentary team. The babyfaces dominated the early part of the match. Heading into the first picture-in-picture break of the night, the Butcher slammed Briscoe onto the ringside guardrail. [C]

Don’s Take: I asked myself, “Who is that woman at ringside dressed like the Outrunners?” I don’t know much about Erica Leigh but I assume this was something that was established on ROH or on AEW’s YouTube channel. That’ll teach me not to watch every bit of AEW content. Touché Tony….

Coming out of the break, the heels continued to work over Briscoe. Briscoe revered a suplex attempt by Floyd into one of his own and made the hot tag to Ishii. Ishii cleaned house and sent the Outrunners to the floor before tagging in Cassidy. Cassidy dove onto the Outrunners and gave Briscoe a chair so that Briscoe could do a springboard dive off the chair onto the floor. The Butcher blocked the attempt and attempted to powerbomb Briscoe, which Briscoe blocked. Cassidy hit the Butcher with an Orange Punch allowing Briscoe to finally hit the move. Briscoe rolled Magnum back in the ring where he was met by a lariat from Ishii. Briscoe followed up with a Jay Driller for the win.

Mark Briscoe, Orange Cassidy, and Tomohiro Ishii defeated The Butcher and The Outrunners in about 8:40.

Don’s Take: A fun opener as the Outrunners continue to be a guilty pleasure of mine. Mark Briscoe’s over the-top intensity continues to be enjoyable.

2. Nyla Rose vs. Erica Leigh (w/Turbo Floyd, Truth Magnum). Leigh and the Outrunners were still in the ring after the previous match. Leigh attempted to shake Rose’s hand but took a running power slam and a senton splash. Floyd distracted Rose allowing Leigh to get in some very brief offense but was it was Rose with the power bomb for the win. [C]

Nyla Rose defeated Erica Leigh in about 1:20.

Don’s Take: So, it may just be me, but Leigh’s look and ring attire reminds me of a late ’80s “Sensational” Sherri Martel when she was AWA Women’s Champion. I can assure you that’s where the comparison ends. Rose continues to spin her wheels until they build her up for the next showcase match on TV where she’ll take the fall.

Saraya and Harley Cameron were in the ring. Cameron said that tomorrow was Saraya’s “22nd” birthday and no one in the building had said anything to her. The fans chanted “Happy Birthday.” Cameron started to sing “Happy Birthday,” but Saraya covered her mouth and said, “not now Harley, I’m not in the mood.” Cameron replied, “neither am I!”

Saraya said that last year she won the AEW Women’s title at Wembley stadium and after losing it, lost all of her friends and was neglected by AEW to the point where she’s not on the All In card this year. After each sentence, Cameron wou ld scream one word related to whatever Saraya said. Eventually, Saraya said to Cameron “you’re screaming in my ear!”

Toni Storm came out and acknowledged that she and Saraya had bee long time friends and that Saraya had turned into the “pastiest pile of s*** she’s ever seen.” She said if Saraya wants to be on the All In card, then Happy Birthday!” She challenged to Saraya to a match on Dynamite and if Saraya wins, she “can have it all!” Saraya said she would kick Storm’s ass. Storm hit her catch phrase to end the segment.

Don’s Take: A nice hook for Dynamite despite the predictability. The chemistry between Cameron and Saraya gave me a chuckle.

A video recapped the altercation between the Acclaimed and FTR at the end of the Acclaimed’s title match against the Young Bucks on Dynamite. The Acclaimed challenged FTR for a match on Collision. The graphic made the match official with the winners getting a tag team title match at All In.

Don’s Take: In other words….a three-way at All In.

3. Nick Wayne (w/Mother Wayne, Killswitch) vs. Kip Sabian. Christian Cage was shown watching on a backstage monitor. This was fairly even to start. Sabian hit a springboard moonsault onto Wayne on the floor. Sabian was distracted by Mother Wayne allowing Nick to ram Sabian into the post and over the ringside guardrail as the show went to a picture-in-picture break. [C]

After the break, the two exchanged German suplexes. Sabian blocked a Wayne’s World attempt and locked Wayne in a torture rack to set up for another move. Mother Wayne distracted Sabian and the referee allowing Killswitch to hit Sabian with a head butt. Wayne followed up with Wayne’s World for the win.

Nick Wayne defeated Kip Sabian in about 8:16.

Christian Cage was shown applauding as Killswitch hoisted Wayne on his shoulders.

Don’s Take: Wayne definitely has potential and with continued training and the right booking can evolve into a solid heel or babyface, whichever way they want to go. I’d like to see them run this match back and give these two a bit more time as it was fun while it lasted.

Scorpio Sky tried to get into Private Party’s backstage party but was denied by security. A group of women along with Brandon Cutler were able to get in. Sky questioned security, while Isaiah Kassidy and Marq Quen entered. They vouched for Sky and allowed him in.

Don’s Take: So that happened…..

4. Rush and Kyle Fletcher (w/Don Callis) vs. Rhett Titus and KM. Don Callis actually stayed at ringside vs. joining the commentary team. This was all Rush and Fletcher as Rush finished Titus off with his Bull’s Horns finisher for the win. [C]

Rush and Kyle Fletcher defeated Rhett Titus and KM in about 1:53.

Don’s Take: While this was the expected outcome, I was a little surprised that KM and Titus got no offense in. Don’t get me wrong, it was refreshing because not every match needs to be a 15-minute competitive classic, but at one time Titus as a solid mid card act for the original ROH. I wouldn’t have picked him to be relegated to jobber, but I guess that’s where we are.

After the break, Don Callis was backstage with Kyle Fletcher and Rush. Callis told Rush he loved what he did tonight and to Preston Vance on Collision. Rush said that he’s shown Callis who he is and now wants “something big” from Callis. Callis agreed and Rush walked off. Fletcher looked puzzled and Callis said, “if that guy’s not pissed off at me 24/7, I’m not doing my job.”

Callis asked Fletcher how he was and Fletcher said “not great.” He apologized to Callis for not following orders which resulted in him being beaten and bloodied by MJF. Callis said Fletcher never has to apologize. He’s 25 years old and is the golden goose of the company. He told Fletcher to just move on to the next thing and said, “You’re my guy.”

Don’s Take: There is a screwdriver in Fletcher’s future – likely at the hands of Rush. I also assume that “something big” will be Rush facing off with Will Ospreay, with Ospreay looking to avenge his friend.

5. “MxM Collection” Mason Madden and Mansoor vs. “Top Flight” Dante Martin and Darius Martin (w/Leila Gray and Action Andretti). Lio Rush came out with the babyfaces and joined the commentary team. Andretti and Gray were dressed as flight attendants. An even exchange early in the match. Mansoor botched a leap frog, with Excalibur covering for him by saying that Dante “swept the leg.” Top Flight was wearing dark pants with a yellow stripe down the side, causing Excalibur to remark that they had them made in Cobb County, Georgia.

Don’s Take: I’m one of the three people that got that reference. For those of you that didn’t, the pants looked like those worn by the Big Boss Man (billed from Cobb County, Georgia) of WWE fame back in the late ’80s/early ’90s.

Top Flight sent MxM to the floor. Gray sat on the apron and made the air traffic control motion as Top Flight dove on either side of her onto MxM on the floor. The show went to its final picture-in-picture break of the evening. [C]

Coming out of the break, Mansoor had Darius in an arm bar. Gray climbed on the apron and they did a spot where Mansoor was distracted by both Gray and Madden showing him their ass. This allowed Darius to hit a super kick and make the hot tag to Dante who cleaned house.

Down the stretch, all four men battled in the ring. Top Flight attacked Madden and sent him to the floor. In the ring, Darius rolled Mansoor into a brain buster followed by a crossover frog splash by Dante for the win.

Top Flight defeated MxM Collection in about 13:37.

The babyfaces celebrated as Rampage went off the air…

Don’s Take: A fun main event that got a “this is awesome” chant from the crowd. I wouldn’t go that far but MxM is entertaining. Much like when WWE would give everyone an occupation, I’m not digging the airline gimmick for Top Flight, though they always give a solid performance in the ring.

As usual, you won’t miss anything major by not watching Rampage, but if you have the time, there was some entertaining stuff here. That’s all from me for tonight. I’m taking a long weekend next week to close out the summer but will be back on Friday, August 30 for another episode. Until then!


Readers Comments (3)

  1. Since I got the reference does that make me 1 of the 3? Or the 4th?

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