AEW Dynamite results (7/24): Powell’s live review of Team AEW vs. The Elite in a Blood & Guts match, Britt Baker vs. Hikaru Shida, Chris Jericho vs. Minoru Suzuki for the FTW Title

By Jason Powell, Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

AEW Dynamite (Episode 251)
Nashville, Tennessee at Bridgestone Arena
Aired live July 24, 2024 on TBS

[Hour One] The show opened with Alex Marvez in a parking garage. He said he was hoping to speak with Will Ospreay, who then ran past him and found that his tire was slashed. Ospreay said he would comment when he got to the arena. He asked Marvez for his keys and then they hopped in a white SUV. Marvez asked Ospreay if he’s ever driven in America. Ospreay said no. Marvez let out an awkward yell…

Powell’s POV: Please stop asking Alex Marvez to act.

The broadcast team of Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, and Taz checked in and recapped MJF beating Will Ospreay to win the AEW International Championship last week while highlights from the match were shown…

Cheerleaders appeared on the entrance ramp and then MJF made his entrance and was introduced by ring announcer Justin Roberts. MJF stood in the ring next to an item covered on a podium.

MJF said Ospreay didn’t hit the Tiger Driver 91 because he’s a coward. He said it was laughable that people thought Ospreay could beat him when he couldn’t even beat Swerve Strickland. MJF said he hasn’t forgotten about his AEW World Championship and told Swerve that he’s just waiting for the right time to pounce and Swerve better hope that day never comes.

MJF claimed he beat Ospreay without breaking a sweat. He said he did it quickly and dominantly. MJF mentioned that Ospreay’s grandmother died recently and said Ospreay could dig his grave next to hers. MJF said he should dig the grave about a football field away because the fat skank needed all the room she could get.

MJF said if Ospreay didn’t like what he had to say, he could come out and face him. The broadcast team noted that Ospreay left the building and Schiavone assumed it was MJF who stuck a knife in Ospreay’s tire.

MJF took off the AEW International Championship belt and said people liked it because international stars wore it. He said those people are unpatriotic and treasonous. MJF said he deserved a better title.

MJF said the AEW International Championship belt was nothing more than garbage. MJF dropped the belt from the ring into a trashcan at ringside. MJF took a jab at the UK fans as well.

MJF pulled the cover back to reveal the AEW American Championship belt. A “USA” chant broke out. MJF said he appreciated the chant, but when he talks about America he’s not talking about “nasty ass Nashville.” MJF said he’s talking about the most magical place in the world Plainville, New York. MJF said the fans could thank him later.

Patriotic music played and then red, white, and blue confetti shot off. A large American flag dropped opposite the hard camera that had MJF’s face in place of stars.

Will Ospreay ran out and MJF bailed. Ospreay recalled MJF breathing heavily and knowing he couldn’t beat him 59 minutes into their match. Ospreay said MJF reached into his trunks and dug past his little, um, MJF and grabbed his Dynamite Diamond Ring. MJF stood on the stage and a camera mic picked up him saying that he didn’t cheat.

Ospreay said he had a meeting with Tony Khan and Christopher Daniels and got his rematch. Ospreay said he would have his rematch on home soil at AEW All In for the AEW International Championship.

MJF said he didn’t agree to that and then headed backstage. Ospreay removed the AEW International Title belt from the trash and carried it backstage…

Powell’s POV: Tony Khan has created more jobs in the title belt making industry than any promoter in history. This was a good follow-up segment to last week’s great match. They set the table for the rematch at All In and the American Championship belt gimmick should be good for some heat with the fans at Wembley Stadium.

Referee Bryce Remsburg stood backstage and showed off a coin that he would flip to determine which team had the advantage in Blood & Guts. Remsburg opened the door and found Matthew Jackson, Nicholas Jackson, Kazuchika Okada, and Jack Perry standing over a fallen Christopher Daniels.

Matthew said they had their own coin with AEW on one side and The Elite on the other. Remsburg flipped the coin and it came up in favor of The Elite having the man advantage in Blood & Guts…

Chris Jericho and Minoru Suzuki made their entrances…

1. Chris Jericho vs. Minoru Suzuki for the FTW Title. Excalibur said Big Bill and Bryan Keith were banned from ringside and yet the match would still be fought under FTW Rules with no disqualifications our count-outs.

The wrestlers traded chops to start. Excalibur said the Blood & Guts match would be the show’s main event. Jericho’s chest had a trickle of blood on it. Suzuki put his hands behind his back and let Jericho chop him.

Jericho acted like his hand was sore after throwing chops. Suzuki lit him up with more chops. A “fight forever” chant broke out. Suzuki dropped Jericho with a chop heading into a picture-in-picture break. [C]

The wrestlers fought to ringside where Suzuki wrapped Jericho’s right hand in a chair and then hit it with another chair. Suzuki did joint manipulation at ringside. Jericho threw a chop that he sold while Suzuki smiled.

Back inside the ring, Suzuki put Jericho in an armbar and then pulled his fingers apart. Jericho hit a Codebreaker and went for the pin, but Suzuki kicked out at one. Both men traded elbow strikes.

Jericho caught Suzuki in the Walls of Jericho. Suzuki escaped the hold and then put Jericho in a sleeper. Suzuki set up for his Gotch-style piledriver finisher, but Jericho hit him with a low blow. Jericho followed up with the Judas Effect and got the pin.

Chris Jericho defeated Minoru Suzuki in 13:55 to retain the FTW Title.

After the match, Jericho celebrated with his title belt while Suzuki stood up behind him. Jericho took a swing that Suzuki ducked. Suzuki performed the Gotch-style piledriver on Jericho.

Big Bill and Bryan Keith hit the ring and attacked Suzuki. Katsuyori Shibata’s entrance music played. The heels faced the stage, but Shibata entered the ring behind them and cleared Bill and Keith from the ring. Excalibur said that Shibata coming to the aid of Suzuki was special yet did not explain why…

Powell’s POV: The live crowd enjoyed the physicality. There was a time when I would have enjoyed this match, but Jericho’s gimmick is channel changing material in my book. More than anything, I’m just happy they didn’t have someone else interfere on Jericho’s behalf and then add that person to the lousy Learning Tree.

Backstage, Renee Paquette was about to interview Willow Nightingale when Stokely Hathaway showed up and distracted her. Kris Statlander attacked Willow. Hathaway said they should have an eliminator match next week for Willow’s CMLL Women’s Championship…

Powell’s POV: Oh good, another title belt on AEW television. It’s great that Willow won the title, but does it really need to be defended on AEW television when AEW has too many of its own title belts? By the way, why would Hathaway ask for an eliminator match rather than a title match?

Footage aired from earlier in the day of Bryan Danielson talking with Renee Paquette while they were both sitting on top of production crates. Danielson said his doctor told him that his neck is fixable and he has to make sure it stays that way. Danielson said he would work hard, do his best, and try to enjoy the moment at Wembley Stadium.

Jeff Jarrett entered the picture and said he overheard the conversation. Jarrett said Danielson knows better than anyone that he was crushed over not winning the Owen Hart Cup tournament. Jarrett said Danielson overcame the odds that he could not and he’s the perfect person and now has a date with destiny.

Jarrett said Danielson will be facing a champion who knows exactly what he needs to do. Jarrett said Danielson has to heal physically and mentally. He said it sounded like Danielson had a foot out the door or was making an excuse. Jarrett told Danielson to go all in. Jarrett said a lot of people believe in Danielson and he is at the very top of that list.

After Jarrett walked away, Paquette asked Danielson how that sat with him. Danielson said it’s true and he has some work to do…

Powell’s POV: A good clip and great use of Jarrett. Danielson did mainstream media interviews saying that he didn’t think he should be AEW World Champion, so I think this was step one toward walking that back and it will eventually lead to Danielson’s character being hellbent on winning the title by the time All In arrives.

Britt Baker and Hikaru Shida made their entrances. Highlights aired of their past meetings while the broadcast team played up their rivalry…

2. Britt Baker vs. Hikaru Shida. There were dueling chants for the wrestlers to start the match. Baker went for the Lockjaw early, but Shida avoided it and then they traded two counts. Shida draped Baker over the apron and hit her with a knee lift from the floor heading into a PIP break. [C]

Shida applied a guillotine, released it, and then drilled Baker with a knee strike. Shida went for a move from the ropes and rolled through when Baker moved. Baker caught Shida with a kick. Shida came back with an elbow strike and then Baker dropped her with a superkick.

Both wrestlers traded pin attempts. Baker took Shida down with an armbar. Shida put her foot on the ropes. Shida agonized over whether to use the kendo stick in her corner and appeared to opt against it.

Shida blocked a superkick and then Shida threw a kick at Baker. Shida performed a Falcon Arrow. Baker stuffed the next Shida move attempt and then caught her in the Lockjaw and got the win.

Britt Baker defeated Hikaru Shida in 10:15.

After the match, Mercedes Mone walked onto the stage and applauded. Mone said Baker’s win was very impressive. Mone said she knew Baker wanted a shot at her TBS Title at All In. Mone said everyone was waiting on her answer and the answer is no.

Former NWA Women’s Champion Kamille entered the ring behind Baker and knocked her down. The announcers played up Kamille being a free agent. Kamille put Baker in the Torture Rack and then spun her into a sit-out powerbomb. Mone entered the ring and had Kamille raise her arm while they both stood over Baker… [C]

Powell’s POV: A good match and I like that AEW actually played up the history between Baker and Shida beforehand. They played up Shida as Baker’s top rival. A strong case can be made for Thunder Rosa being her top rival, but the backstage drama between the two means they probably won’t be in any rush to work together again. Baker going over Shida was the only logical move if they wanted to have a clean finish given that she’s facing Mone at All In. The surprise appearance of Kamille was fun and I like the idea of using her as Mone’s muscle.

Backstage, Christian Cage spoke while Killswitch, Nick Wayne, and Mother Wayne stood by. Cage said the fans in Nashville didn’t earn the right to see him in-person, so he would conduct his business from the bowels of the arena.

Cage noted that they captured the Unified Trios Titles on Collision. Cage said Nick Wayne entered the Royal Rampage and would earn a shot at the AEW World Championship. Cage told Nick he earned the right to speak for himself.

Nick started to speak and then got distracted by Kip Sabian. Nick said he saw Sabian outside their locker room last week and asked what his deal was. Wayne told Sabian that he would kick him out of the Royal Rampage. Wayne also told Sabian that no one cares that his father died and then told him to suck it up…

Powell’s POV: Sabian really does look like one of the Outrunners now that he dyed his hair blonde and grew a mustache. Bring back the box?

[Hour Two] Pac made his entrance while his opponent was already inside the ring.

3. Pac vs. Boulder (w/Bronson, Jacked Jameson). Boulder got out to a quick start, but Pac avoided his moonsault attempt. Excalibur said MJF would compete in Mexico City for CMLL and would defend the AEW American Title against Templario. Pac powered up Boulder for a brainbuster and then pinned him…

Pac defeated Boulder in 1:45.

Powell’s POV: Another brainbuster that looked just like a suplex. Excalibur said he didn’t think Pac cared whether he challenged MJF or Will Ospreay, so it looks like he will get the title shot he earned after All In, perhaps at All Out two weeks later.

Backstage, “Team AEW” Swerve Strickland, Darby Allin, Max Caster, Anthony Bowens, and Mark Briscoe stood with Prince Nana. Swerve spoke about leading the team and was cut off by Allin.

Allin said Swerve isn’t leading anything and it’s not about him. Allin said it’s about getting even with The Elite. Allin said they won’t see eye to eye. Swerve said if Allin wanted to get violent with him afterward he could.

Caster asked Swerve if he could get violent with him too and once again referred to himself as the best wrestler alive. Caster said he’d get violent with Allin and said he doesn’t like his “weird ass.” Bowens said it’s about The Acclaimed getting the AEW Tag Team Titles.

Briscoe interrupted and said they needed to put it all aside. Briscoe said The Elite’s game plan is to divide and conquer. He said they couldn’t let that happen. Briscoe got most his crew fired up, but Allin shook his head negatively and walked away…

Mariah May made her entrance while her opponent was already inside the ring…

4. Mariah May vs. Kaitland Alexis. May dominated Alexis and opted against pinning her even though she could have. May dragged Alexis to a corner of the ring and then hit her with a hip attack. May followed up with Storm Zero and scored the pin.

Mariah May defeated Kaitland Alexis in 1:25.

After the match, a person entered the ring and removed a black wig and revealed herself to be Toni Storm. May and Storm traded punches until security and referees pulled them apart. Storm got a mic and yelled: “Are you willing to die? Because I am.”

Powell’s POV: A good squash win for May, who used Storm’s signature moves at the end. The post match angle was quick, yet intense.

Dean Malenko narrated a brief video package on the Blood & Guts match and then the rules graphic was shown. The cage lowered around the two rings while Justin Roberts stood at ringside and delivered the introductions. Jack Perry made his entrance as the first entrant for The Elite… [C]

Darby Allin made his entrance as the first entrant for Team AEW. Perry attacked Allin when he tried to enter the ring and then roughed him up at ringside. Perry and Allin fought into the crowd. Allin battled back.

5. “Team AEW” Swerve Strickland, Darby Allin, Mark Briscoe, Anthony Bowens, and Max Caster vs. “The Elite” Matthew Jackson, Nicholas Jackson, Kazuchika Okada, Jack Perry, and Hangman Page in a Blood & Guts match. Perry and Allin started the match for their teams. Apparently, the match started when Perry attacked while Allin was trying to enter the cage. Perry lawn darted Allin into a trashcan that was wedged between the ropes.

Nicholas Jackson was the second entrant for The Elite. Nicholas brought a chair and a suitcase with an AEW logo on it to the ring with him. Nicholas caught Allin with kicks. Allin fell in between the cage and the ring heading into a PIP break. [C]

Mark Briscoe was the second entrant for Team AEW. He did not bring any weapons to the ring. Briscoe had a run of offense on the two heels.

Matthew Jackson was the third entrant for The Elite. Matthew tossed the suitcase to Nicholas, who slammed it over the head of Briscoe. Matthew DDT’d Allin onto the case, which broke. Briscoe bladed.

Anthony Bowens was the third entrant for Team AEW. Nicholas set up for a jump from one ring to the other while Matthew held Briscoe, but Allin caught Nicholas with a cutter from the top rope. Allin used his skateboard as a weapon. Bowens jabbed a scissors into the head of Perry and then used it inside Perry’s mouth.

Kazuchika Okada was the fourth entrant for The Elite. Okada brought out a “Rainmaker” street sign and used it as a weapon once he entered the cage. The Elite were dominant heading into a PIP break. [C]

Max Caster was the fourth entrant for Team AEW. He brought a mic to the ring with him, but he did not rap. Rather, the entered the cage and used the mic as a weapon. Nicholas and Perry were both bleeding from the forehead.

Bowens was dumped onto a board covered in barbed wire twice. Matthew and Perry placed a second barbed wire board over Bowens and then Nicholas performed a Swanton onto it. Okada got a handful of thumbtacks and poured some into the mouth of Caster and then the Jacksons double superkicked Caster.

Hangman Page was scheduled to be the fifth and final entrant for The Elite. Page’s entrance music played, but he didn’t come out. Taz said he didn’t see Page all day. Bowens wrapped barbed wire around his leg and the hit Scissor Me Timbers on Nicholas.

AEW World Champion Swerve Strickland was the fifth and final entrant for Team AEW. Prince Nana walked onto the stage and Swerve followed. Nana danced as they made their way down the ramp.

Hangman Page ran out behind Swerve and hit him with a chair from behind. Page handcuffed Swerve’s hands to the cage, leaving him in a crucifix pose at ringside. Page threw punches at Swerve. Nana tried to intervene, but Page shoved him down. Page grabbed the AEW World Title belt and told him he didn’t deserve it and it never should have been his. Page punched Swerve repeatedly.

In the ring, the Jacksons dumped Briscoe onto a board. Matthew grabbed the mic and asked Page what he was doing. Matthew said they had a deal. Matthew said they suspended Page last time and would fire him  if he didn’t get inside the cage. Page shot Matthew a look before complying. Matthew ordered the referee to shut the door while adding that he’s an EVP.

The match “officially started” around the 29:00 mark. Swerve had one hand free and was pulling on the other handcuff heading into a PIP break. [C]

Jeff Jarrett walked out with a guitar in his hand. Karen Jarrett, Jay Lethal, and Sonjay Dutt tried to hold him back. Brandon Cutler confronted Jarrett on the ramp. Billy Gunn ran out and hit Cutler, who was then struck by Jarrett’s guitar.

Swerve was freed from his handcuff, but he couldn’t enter through the locked cage door. The guys at ringside somehow ripped open a section of the cage and then Swerve entered through it. Swerve worked over some of the Elite members.

Swerve and Page were the only men standing in their respective ring and they slowly came together and traded punches on the two aprons in the middle of the cage. Page tried to use a barbed wire board on Swerve, who blocked it. Allin hit Page with a Code Red. Okada put Allin down.

Swerve ended up with a staple gun and tried to use it on Page, but Nicholas hit Swerve with a low blow from behind. Matthew opened the broken case from earlier and it contained more staple guns.

Swerve stood up with his staple gun while the Jacksons, Perry, and Okada surrounded him with their staple guns, which they all used on him. Swerve came back and used his staple gun, but Okada dropkicked him. Okada flipped off Swerve, who then used the staple gun on Okada’s finger. Page accidentally took out Okada. Swerve hit Page with a House Call kick heading into another PIP break. [C]

Swerve and Page left the cage through the hole that was opened earlier and fought to the back. Matthew followed and was upset about Page leaving. Bowens followed and worked over Matthew with punches. Caster left through the hole, but he was followed by Nicholas, who used a trashcan lid on both members of The Acclaimed. The Jackson grabbed a table and then the show cut to a full screen break while they were setting it up next to another table next to the cage.

[Overrun] There were two tables set up on top of two additional tables next to the cage coming out of the break. Nicholas climbed the side of the cage and was followed by Bowens. Nicholas knocked Bowens off the side of the cage, sending him through the four tables at ringside.

Inside the cage, Briscoe performed Jay Drillers on Matthew and Perry, and then on Matthew again. Allin placed Perry on a table in the other ring and then hit him with a kendo stick. Briscoe had Matthew on a table between the two rings. Briscoe performed Froggy Bow and put Matthew through the table.

Allin climbed the cage and hung from the pillars above and then fell onto Perry with a Coffin Drop that put Perry through the table. Caster grabbed the case that the Jacksons brought out. Caster pulled out two pair of handcuffs, which Briscoe used to chain Perry to the cage in a crucifix pose.

Briscoe beat Perry with a kendo stick and told him to quit. Perry spat at Briscoe. Allin said something over the mic that popped the crowd. Allin climbed underneath the ring. Briscoe slammed a chair over Perry’s head (yes, a disgusting unprotected chair shot to the head).

Allin returned with a lighter in his hand. Matthew had been handcuffed to the bottom rope. Briscoe teased hitting him with a chair. Allin grabbed a can of gasoline and poured it over Perry and then taunted Matthew.

Allin got the mic and told Perry to give him a shot at the TNT Title or he would set him on fire. Matthew told him he had his match at All In. Matthew told Allin to stop because he had gone too far. Allin told Matthew to quit. Matthew said he quit to end the match.

“Team AEW” Swerve Strickland, Darby Allin, Mark Briscoe, Anthony Bowens, and Max Caster defeated “The Elite” Matthew Jackson, Nicholas Jackson, Kazuchika Okada, Jack Perry, and Hangman Page in 48:40 in a Blood & Guts match.

Excalibur hyped the Royal Rampage for Friday’s AEW Rampage. There was no promotional love for Collision or next week’s Dynamite…

Powell’s POV: Man, I really enjoyed that WarGames style brawl until the sick chair shot to the head. Putting that aside as much as I can, this was a wild brawl that the live crowd seemed really invested in from start to finish. The end of the match was a little flat with the threat of a fire spot that they obviously couldn’t do. The build sucked and I wish the match had been given high stakes, but the actual match delivered. And that’s coming from someone who wishes that all WarGames style matches didn’t include weapons or anyone escaping the cage. I really wish the cage was enough, but I think those days are long gone.

Overall, this was a good show with a lot of developments for All In. I will have a lot more to say about Dynamite in my same night audio review for Dot Net Members (including our Patreon patrons). Let me know what you thought of the show by grading it below.

AEW Dynamite Poll: Grade the July 24 Blood & Guts edition free polls


Readers Comments (31)

  1. TheGreatestOne July 24, 2024 @ 7:18 pm

    I’m not even watching but someone sent a pic of that belt and…it’s got to be fake, right?

  2. TheGreatestOne July 24, 2024 @ 7:29 pm

    There’s an FTW match on the same night as Blood & Guts?

    I could take a shit and in the ring and it would be a better booker than Tony Khan.

  3. Seriously TGO, I wonder if you’re actually Johnny Curtis sometimes, because man, you sure do seem to hate pro. wrestling.

    I agree that Khan likes putting Championship belt creators in employment, which makes me wonder if they are actually going the arse-about way of getting an Intercontinental title, giving the belt maker one more job.

  4. Is the AEW or the AWA

    Wait is Greg Gagne the next hot new free agent signing?

    • Nothing wrong with the AWA, except the nepotism. I mean rose-tinted glasses and all, being 43 years old, means I get to enjoy the AWA further down the line and know what became of their careers, and they could’ve been really entertaining.

      • I grew up on the AWA and it was great. Greg Gagne the singles wrestler was over pushed, but the High Flyers tag team with Jim Brunzell was really over. Unfortunately, the downward spiral started before the AWA aired on ESPN, so people who didn’t see the AWA before then only remember the dying years.

        • That was my reference

          Not the early and mid AWA years (hence my screen name) but the pink-room ending

          • The Glorious Chairshot to the head was an awesome throwback to the ECW chair shot heard round the world From Tommy Dreamer to Raven

          • Paul Heyman would tell you today that he regrets allowing chair shots to the head. Head trauma is a very real thing. See the Benoit family tragedy.

  5. By the way, why would Hathaway ask for an eliminator match rather than a title match?

    Easy, because Khan doesn’t know what eliminator match means

  6. As a great man the legendary Jim Cornette would say outlaw mud show garbage. But it gets praised as crowd pleasing and fun so it’s ok. At least they’ll have an excuse for a shitty rating this week. They’ll just blame Biden’s speech

  7. Ospreay’s never driven in the U.S. but his rental car was at the hotel?

    How many weeks in a row will a female babyface be in disguise and then attack the heel? Spread shit out.

    The whole USA belt thing just seems like too much trouble. I mean, the fans chanted in favor of it. Idk if the Brits will be THAT up in arms over it. TK thinks they love that title as much as he does, when most are indifferent to it.

    I didnt see the B&G match but I’m sure it was as good. But I agree with whovever said they shouldve put Jericho-Suzuki on a diff episode…or not at all

    • I can chalk up the Ospreay car thing to Ospreay fucking with Marvez. That said, it’s very possible they never even considered the issue you mentioned. If I were Tony Khan, I would have begged Jericho to work the G1 tournament just to get him off my television show.

  8. Oh yeah, and the announcers put over Mone’s great addition of Kamille rather than the attack on Britt. I believe in Aew, which makes these wrestling 101 type mistakes beyond frustrating.

  9. Do the AEW announcers every listen to themselves? They continued to say the Blood and Guts match can end only by submission or surrender? Ah, what is the difference? Isnt submission the same as surrender? When the guy submits, he is surrendering. Sometimes, its very hard to watch AEW with the commentary on.

    • Submission and surrender really are the same, but I think the difference between them is that with submission you have to make someone tap out with a traditional submission move. Surrender in this situation is like what we saw tonight which is like an I Quit match scenario where you’re being tortured and you finally give in to anything that’s not a submission move.

      Basically with a submission you need to tap and surrender you just say you quit.

  10. AEW has been on a heater these last four weeks, I’ve really enjoyed Dynamite since the Chicago show earlier this month. Every episode has been enjoyable and entertaining. Its been a real lousy year for Dynamite, but they seem to be picking up steam heading into All In. Ratings were up last week too, so we’ll see how they do this week, but unfortunately the Olympics are on the next two Wednesdays, so they’ll have to regain their momentum in mid-August.

    I knew Darby Allin would have some highlights in that Blood & Guts match. I think AEW’s best rivalry is between Hangman and Swerve right now. I like how the EVPs threatened to fire Hangman after he was so focused on Swerve. I liked this year’s Blood & Guts better than last year’s. The first two for AEW were still the best, though.

    HEY GUYS! I like the Chris Jericho Learning Tree stuff. I think The Learning Tree is way better than JAS which was terrible.

    The women’s division has been the best part of AEW lately. All three storylines are fire going into All In. I like Statlander with Stokely Hathaway being a menace to Willow Nightingale.

    Mercedes Mone and Britt Baker’s storyline has been fire, Baker still hasn’t been able to really get her hands on Mone just yet outside of the shove last week and now with Mone adding Kamille to the mix this is about to get super interesting. I hope they don’t drop the ball with Kamille, though, she is a badass. So far they didn’t drop the ball with Mariah May and that’s who Kamille should be built after.

    Speaking of Mariah May, man is she great, I can see why the WWE wanted her so badly. She’s been shining since turning on Toni Storm and great to see Toni comeback tonight the way she did as the crowd went apeshit for her. Toni’s character has been the best in all of pro wrestling since last summer, but she hasn’t been involved in a really good feud since Deonna Purrazzo. Mariah May is giving her that feud, and I feel like AEW should continue Mariah’s momentum by giving her the title at All In.

    I don’t know who’s booking the women’s division right now, but they’re cooking. They still need tag titles, though.

    Sorry, I made the AEW haters on here mad with an actual positive review of Dynamite over the past month.

    • We may not be entirely on the same page, but GENUINE takes both positive and negative are always welcome… even if your positivity means you’ll inevitably be savaged by the tribal fans. Please don’t let them run you off. I enjoy a variety of honest opinions.

      • Thanks Jason, I appreciate that, I’m never gonna leave here, as long as you guys keep the site going. You guys do great work here, and I appreciate your guys honesty in your reviews and recapping all of the details in the show.

        I’m definitely not letting the trollish haters run me off. The fact that they’re here just proves how pathetic their lives are. LOL! Keep up the great work, Jason!

  11. It’s getting just about ridiculous to read *every single time* how a chairshot to the head is like injecting someone with HIV. Nevermind that these idiots fall off cages through tables, that they put thumbtacks in their mouths and potentially swallow them, that just about a month ago one of them was set on fire – nah, we can shrug all this moronic stuff off as perfectly safe.
    But a chairshot to the head? One of those will instantly turn you into Chris Benoit, right?
    That’s why Mick Foley, Ken Shamrock, Steve Austin, The Rock and countless others have murdered all of their families since 1999. Right? Either stop it with the faux-sensitivity, or call them out on ALL their bullshit that’s potentially life-threatening – you know, like 95% of what this 50 minute stunt show was.

    • Ask Foley if he regrets the chair shots to the head now

    • My friend Dave survived major car accident in high school because he wasn’t wearing his seat belt. The car was absolutely destroyed and he would have died had he not been thrown from it. Should we ban all seat belt laws because my friend was one of the lucky ones? Of course not. I’ve known people in wrestling who are no longer with us and head trauma is believed to be a big factor. I know wrestlers who are alive and yet are no longer the same because of head trauma. I also call out the over the top moves and I’ve said many times that the long term effects of today’s in-ring style scare me. So if you still think I’m being “faux-sensitive” then I kindly suggest that you find a new website because I will always object to unprotected chair shots to the head.

  12. Imagine that, the two keyboard warriors return once again (even though one claims they don’t watch, but we know they really do), just to spew comments behind an online forum username.

    We got some tough ones here!

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