WWE Raw results (7/1): Powell’s live review of Drew McIntyre vs. Sheamus vs. Ilja Dragunov and Zoey Stark vs. Dakota Kai vs. Ivy Nile in MITB qualifiers, Rey Mysterio vs. Dominik Mysterio

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

WWE Raw (Episode 1,623)
Boston, Massachusetts at TD Garden
Aired live July 1, 2024 on USA Network

[Hour One] A shot aired of the Boston skyline while Michael Cole checked in on commentary and noted that there were nearly 14,000 in attendance. Shots aired of the men’s Money in the Bank ladder match qualifier entrants arriving earlier in the day…

Jey Uso walked through a sea of fans in a concourse area. Jey looked into the camera and called for his music to play. Jey made his entrance through the crowd and was introduced by ring announcer Samantha Irvin.

Cole played the Pat McAfee role by dancing and slapping hands with Uso once he was at ringside. Cole was joined on commentary by Corey Graves. They both wished Pat McAfee and his wife Samantha the best (her father died last Monday).

Once in the ring, Jey welcomed fans to Monday Night Raw. Jey delivered a promo about winning the Money in the Bank match on Saturday while listing the other wrestlers who have qualified.

Chad Gable walked onto the stage dressed in a suit. There were several ladders set up on the stage. Gable said he’s had enough of “that word” and said he didn’t want it repeated. Gable called the Boston fans idiots and informed them that yeet is not a word.

Gable said miracle is a word and if you look it up in the dictionary, you’ll find his picture next to it. Gable said what he’s done over the last two weeks is nothing short of miraculous. He said he overcame an attack by the Wyatt Sicks and his Alpha Academy family leaving him, and he qualified for MITB. Gable said he will win MITB.

Gable entered the ring and Jey asked him what he was doing there. Jey brought up the Wyatts. Gable said he’s not afraid and said Jey should be afraid of them for stealing the fireflies. Gable labeled Jey a man who abandoned his family.

Jey said he didn’t want any smoke with the Wyatts. He said Gable’s family did what he did by getting out from under a manipulative scumbag. Gable hit Jey, who fought back with punches of his own followed by a superkick that put Gable on his back. Jey went up top, but Gable rolled out of the ring.

The Wyatt Sicks lighting wind down occurred and then the single note piano theme played. The “holy shit” chants from the crowd were censored (January can’t get here soon enough). Fog filled the stage area. Gable moved slowly.

Figures appeared in front of lights in three different stage areas, which caused Gable to hop the barricade and exit via the concourse. There was strobe lighting at ringside where it looked like two production workers had been laid out on top of the broadcast table. Nikki Cross left a box with Cole headed into a commercial break… [C]

Powell’s POV: An energetic Uso entrance, solid hype for the men’s Money in the Bank, and the Wyatt Sicks light show made for a good opening to Raw. It’s hard to imagine too many people turning the channel after that hook heading into the break.

Cole and Graves spoke at the desk while Cole removed another VHS tape from the box that Nikki Cross left him. Cole said they would get the tape to the production truck while they tried to focus on the show. Cole and Graves ran through the previously advertised matches…

The New Day duo of Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods made their entrance. The Final Testament made their entrance…

1. Karrion Kross (w/Scarlett, Paul Ellering, Akam, Rezar) vs. Xavier Woods (w/Kofi Kingston). Graves praised Woods and then stated that he has been the third wheel in New Day and it’s time for a change. Kross powerbombed Woods into the ring post. Woods landed awkwardly on the back of his head. [C]

Woods jumped from the ropes into a right hand from Kross, who then jawed at Woods. Kross reached down to pick up Woods, who put him in an inside cradle and got the three count, which Cole called a shocker.

Xavier Woods beat Karrion Kross in 7:30.

After the match, “AOP” Akam and Rezar attacked Kingston and Woods from behind. Kingston sent one of them to ringside and was setting up for a dive when Kross took him out with a Kross Hammer. AOP picked up Woods and tossed him into the barricade. Kross put Kingston’s left arm in a submission hold while a smiling Scarlett stood by. Kross eventually released the hold…

Powell’s POV: Was that a babyface turn for The Final Testament? Okay, not really, but beating up the tired New Day duo will always get a pop out of me. I’d change my tune on New Day quickly if this is all leading to Big E making a surprise return.

The broadcast team recapped Finn Balor and JD McDonagh beating R-Truth and The Miz to win the World Tag Team Titles with help from Liv Morgan…

Backstage, Damian Priest spoke with Dominik Mysterio outside the Judgment Day clubhouse and asked if he spoke with Rhea Ripley. Dom said he did and everything was good. Priest said he just spoke with Ripley and that’s not the case.

Dom said he would handle it. Priest called Dom on saying that every week and told him to do what he says for once. Dom said Priest sounded like his father. They entered the room and found Finn Balor and Liv Morgan watching Carlito and JD McDonagh playing the WWE 2K24 game. Morgan made a quick exit.

Priest told Balor that Morgan hanging out in the clubhouse has to stop. Balor got defensive and said she helped them win the tag team titles. Balor took issue with Priest saying the Judgment Day needs him more than he needs the Judgment Day.

Priest said he has faith in himself and he knows he can beat Seth Rollins. Balor said he’ll always have Priest’s back and will always tell him the truth. Balor said the truth is that Priest has changed since he won the World Heavyweight Championship… [C]

The broadcast team set up a video package on the late Sika…

Backstage, Zelina Vega was interviewed by Cathy Kelley. Vega said everyone who has doubted her will see what a real champion looks like. Vega made her entrance to a mild reaction while Cole noted that it has been 14 months since Vega’s last title shot… [C]

Cole recapped footage of the Wyatt Sicks angle with Chad Gable. Cole said they would show the footage from the latest VHS tape later in the show…

Highlights aired of Liv Morgan throwing out the first pitch at the Boston Red Sox game over the weekend and then she made her entrance…

Powell’s POV: Morgan’s pitch was a billion times better than the one Jonny Fairplay threw out at a minor league baseball game. Enjoy.

2. Liv Morgan vs. Zelina Vega for the Women’s World Championship. Samantha Irvin delivered in-ring introductions for the title match. Morgan dropkicked Vega off the apron. Dominik Mysterio walked out to boos while Morgan was all smiles inside the ring. Morgan waved at Dom and then went to ringside where Vega took her down with an arm drag. Vega followed up with a meteora. Dom applauded Vega. Rey Mysterio walked out to cheers. [C]

Cole said there were 14,778 in attendance. Morgan performed the Three Amigos and then did the Eddie Guerrero shimmy while looking at Dom. Morgan put Vega in the Prism Lock while the broadcast team pointed out that the hold is Rhea Ripley’s finisher.

Vega rolled out of the hold and then caught Morgan with a kick to the face. Vega threw another kick at Morgan in the corner. Vega used her foot to raise Morgan’s head similar to the way her husband Malakai Black does. Vega followed up with a top rope moonsault for a near fall.

[Hour Two] Morgan caught Vega with an enzuigiri and covered her for a near fall. Morgan showed frustration for a moment and then laughed and blew a kiss at Dom. Cole questioned whether Dom smiled.

Morgan and Vega fought on the ropes. Vega got the better of it and then executed a sunset bomb. Morgan rolled out of the ring to avoid being pinned. Vega went to the floor and was shoved into the side of the ring by Morgan, who then rolled her back inside the ring and followed.

Rey approached Dom at ringside and shoved him to the ground (child abuse!). Morgan kicked Rey through the ropes with a baseball slide. Vega hit Morgan with a 619 and followed it with a DDT for a good near fall. Dom slid a chair inside the ring right in front of the referee. Vega picked up the chair and used it to knock Dom off the apron. Morgan hit Oblivion and scored the pin…

Liv Morgan defeated Zelina Vega in 11:30 to retain the Women’s World Championship.

After the match, Morgan went to ringside and tried to celebrate with Dom, who stayed a step ahead of her while heading to the back. Cathy Kelley came out and spoke with Morgan on the stage and asked whether everything was going according to play on her revenge tour. Morgan said she feels like the luckiest girl in the world. She said the tour is going exactly as she planned it. Morgan dedicated this win and all of her future wins to Dom…

Powell’s POV: Dom should really consider taking up Morgan on her offer. After all, Rhea Ripley just married Buddy Matthews. Okay, so Dom got married first, but that should have made Rhea realize that she needed to work harder to earn his love. No? Anyway, the final stretch of the match was fun and well executed. Vega didn’t get much of a reaction when she made her entrance, but the fans were with her by the end of the match.

A sponsored Drew McIntyre video package aired. McIntyre said he was screwed by CM Punk twice and sent to the back of the line. McIntyre said that anyone who gets between him and his goals will meet the same fate as CM Punk. McIntyre said he would beat Sheamus and Ilja Dragunov, then go to Money in the Bank and win the contract. McIntyre said it will be his night and added that he will be the World Heavyweight Champion…

Seth Rollins was shown walking backstage. In the background, Zoey Stark was talking with Sonya Deville. Shayna Baszler entered the picture and dragged Stark away from Deville…

Cole and Graves hyped the WrestleMania XL: Behind The Curtain documentary for its premier on YouTube on Wednesday at 6CT/7ET. Footage from the documentary that focused on Paul Levesque was shown… [C]

Seth Rollins made his entrance and climbed halfway up one of the ladders on the stage before heading to the ring. A few pieces of confetti fell. Rollins said it was a sign that he will be celebrating his championship win a week from now.

Rollins said Boston is a championship city and ran through the teams, including the 2024 NBA Champion Boston Celtics. Rollins tossed his shades into the crowd. The fans chanted. Rollins said it was well deserved for an incredible season.

Rollins said the championship city understands when he says he needs to regain the World Heavyweight Championship. Rollins said he won’t get another shot at the title if he loses and then he would need to reevaluate who he is.

Rollins said he is at his very best when the pressure is the highest. Rollins said he would take the title from Damian Priest while also taking Priest from The Judgment Day. Rollins said he’s not trying to break up the group, then said Priest would be at his best without Judgment Day.

Finn Balor made his entrance and spoke as he walked toward the ring. Balor said he was in a bad mood despite winning the tag team titles last week. Balor climbed onto the apron while saying that everything was changing, specifying Judgment Day and Priest. Balor blamed Rollins. Rollins told Balor to shut up. Rollins said Balor is jealous of Priest for winning the World Heavyweight Championship.

World Heavyweight Champion Damian Priest made his entrance. Rollins said it was a Judgment Day trap and told Priest and Balor to bring it on. Priest said it wasn’t a trap. Priest said it was his business and then he looked at Balor and said no one else could get involved in his business.

Priest said Rollins’ days of claiming to run Raw were coming to an end. Rollins challenged him to have their match on the spot. Balor tried to hit Rollins from behind, but Rollins punched him. Rollins turned to Priest and then Balor hit him from behind. Balor threw punches at Rollins until Priest pulled him off.

Priest told Balor he could do it on his own. Rollins superkicked both men. Rollins hit a Stomp on Balor. Priest put Rollins down with a South of Heaven chokeslam. Priest helped Balor to his feet and they left the ring together…

Powell’s POV: An interesting segment with Balor defying Priest, yet Priest ultimately choosing to help Balor when push came to shove.

A Ludwig Kaiser video aired. Kaiser said he suffered broken ribs when he was attacked last week. Kaiser said his goal of not just beating Sheamus, but embarrassing and humiliating him and then ending him once and for all…

Dakota Kai made her entrance for the women’s MITB qualifier… [C]

Backstage, Priest told a weary Balor that he was happy he was okay, but he asked him to stay out of his match at MITB because he needs to do it on his own…

Zoey Stark and Ivy Nile made separate entrances for the MITB match…

3. Zoey Stark vs. Dakota Kai vs. Ivy Nile in a Triple Threat qualifier for the women’s Money in the Bank ladder match. Nile punched Kai while throwing a kick a Stark simultaneously. Stark came right back with a springboard dropkick on Kai and then covered her for a two count. Stark pointed at the sky. [C]

Nile suplexed both opponents simultaneously. A short time later, she executed another suplex on Stark and covered her for a near fall. Stark came back with a tornado DDT. Kairi Sane ran out. Isla Dawn and Alba Fyre came out and took out Sane. Stark hit Kai with a Z360 and scored the pin…

Zoey Stark beat Dakota Kai and Ivy Nile in a Triple Threat in 8:45 to qualify for the women’s Money in the Bank ladder match.

The Wyatt VHS tape played and continued the conversation between Bo Dallas and Uncle Howdy. Dallas asked how much longer they were going to keep doing this and what they were even doing there. Howdy asked if he honestly believed he brought Howdy to life. Dallas said he was destined to do this.

Howdy asked Dallas if he thinks he’s special. Dallas said special implies that others are not and deserve to be forgotten. Dallas said they are the ones everyone forgot and abandoned. Dallas said they made people notice them. “There you are,” Howdy said.

Howdy asked Dallas how he believes he can make them do that. Dallas said they weren’t willing, just chosen. Dallas they will become a family. Howdy smiled. Dallas said even now the false prophets are berating and belittling their own family for their own gain. Dallas said it’s disgusting and they must pay for their sins.

Howdy asked Dallas if he thinks this is his responsibility. Dallas said he is the voice of the reckoning. Howdy said he is the reckoning. Both men simultaneously while saying they are nobody, they gave them a family, they made them beautiful, and they are a family.”

The tape glitched and Howdy was gone. Dallas said he set them free and then he disappeared while Howdy returned. “There you are,” Howdy said to end the footage…

Cole hyped the Rey vs. Dom match… [C]

Powell’s POV: Dallas stating that “even now the false prophets are berating and belittling their own family for their own gain” and then calling it disgusting and saying they must pay for their sins seems to explain why the Wyatt Sicks have issues with Chad Gable. I’m still guardedly optimistic that this will remain rooted in reality and won’t take a supernatural twist. Either way, the Howdy/Dallas videos have been compelling.

Otis was eating in a catering area when Chad Gable sat down next to him and assumed the new Wyatt video was directed at him. Gable said he needs help. He said he knows the things he said were hurtful and that Otis hates him.

Otis said he doesn’t hate Gable, but they won’t help him. Otis said it’s Gable’s problem, not their problem. Gable said Otis was right, but they could come after Akira Tozawa, Maxxine Dupri, or Otis next. Gable said he would be there for them if that happens and then labeled Otis as his number one guy. Tozawa and Dupri showed up. Dupri asked if everything was okay. Gable said everything was great. On commentary, Cole said he hopes Otis doesn’t fall for it…

Rey Mysterio made his entrance and then Dominik Mysterio followed and came out alone…

4. Dominik Mysterio vs. Rey Mysterio. The match was sponsored by a beer company. Cole said he hopes Rey would kick Dom’s ass like he did at WrestleMania 39. Rey got off to a fast start and was in offensive control heading into an early break. [C]

[Hour Three] Dom took control and used his foot to cover Rey. The referee was slow to count and then Rey kicked out at one. Dom barked that it could have been three. Rey sent Dom into the corner with a drop toehold, then slammed his face into the middle turnbuckle pad repeatedly. Rey went up top and hit a seated senton, then followed up with a springboard crossbody block.

Liv Morgan ran to ringside. Dom came back and applied a half crab, which Rey broke by reaching the bottom rope. Dom performed two of the Three Amigos. Rey stuffed the third and then set up Dom for a 619, but Morgan pulled Dom to the floor before Rey could hit the move.

Rey kicked Dom through the ropes, causing Dom to fall on top of a smiling Morgan, who wouldn’t let him up initially. Rey threw Dom back inside the ring. Morgan jawed at Rey at ringside, allowing Dom to take advantage of the distraction.

Zelina Vega ran out and shoved Morgan into the barricade. Dom hit a distracted Rey with a 619. Dom went up top. Vega tried to distract him, but Morgan tripped her up. Vega hit Morgan, who hit the ropes, which crotched Dom. Rey dropped a dime on Dom and pinned him…

Rey Mysterio defeated Dominik Mysterio in 9:55.

After the match, Morgan tried to apologize to Dom, who asked her what she was doing…

Powell’s POV: A good match with the expected drama involving Morgan. That said, I’m a little surprised they gave it away on Raw without much fanfare.

A Sheamus video package aired. He spoke about living his dream by working in WWE and getting to beat people up. He spoke about the MITB qualifier and said Ilja Dragunov reminds him of himself 15 years ago. Sheamus said he knows Drew McIntyre like the back of his hand. Sheamus said he’s still hungry and is putting on banger after banger. Sheamus said he would take one step closer to becoming a world champion for the fifth time by winning the MITB qualifier…

Intercontinental Champion Sami Zayn made his entrance while Cole hyped Zayn’s comedy show in Toronto. [C]

Footage aired of Shinsuke Nakamura appearing at UFC 303…

Sami Zayn stood on the ring steps and faced the crowd, which chanted his name. Zayn entered the ring and said it felt pretty good to walk back into the arena as Intercontinental Champion. Zayn recalled his desire to defend the title against anyone.

Zayn said he’s not stupid. He said he hears the buzz and everybody seems to think that Bron Breakker is going to run right through him and he gets it because Breakker is as strong and as fast as hell. Zayn declared that he would beat Breakker at Money in the Bank. Zayn said he takes nothing away from Breakker.

Bron Breakker made his entrance to his shitty generic theme song. Breakker entered the ring and told Zayn that he gained a little bit of respect from him last week because everyone backstage is afraid of him, whereas Zayn came for a fight.

Breakker said Zayn offered him a title match and that means he has guts, but it also means he has no idea what he’s in for. Breakker said the respect goes out the window on Saturday. Breakker said he would break and decimate Zayn and win the championship.

Zayn asked Breakker if he knows how many guys have said something similar to him. Zayn said it’s actually happened a thousand times and he’s put himself back together a thousand times. Zayn said he gets back up every single time and said his title is proof of it.

Zayn said he wants Breakker to try his very best to take the title from him. Zayn said that if he had to stand in the ring and tell Breakker who he is, then maybe Breakker hasn’t done his homework and isn’t as smart as he thinks he is. Zayn said maybe that means Breakker isn’t as good as he thinks he is. Zayn said he would see Breakker at MITB.

Breakker dropped his mic and teased leaving, then turned around quickly and speared Zayn. Breakker teased leaving and then turned around and smiled. Breakker charged at Sami, who leapfrogged him, causing Breakker to crash into the ring steps.

Back inside the ring, Zayn hit an exploder suplex and then set up for a Helluva Kick, but Breakker caught him with a spear. Breakker picked up the title belt and held it up while standing over Zayn…

Powell’s POV: Maybe Sami didn’t do his homework if he didn’t see that first spear coming. Anyway, I liked everything about that segment other than Breakker dreadful music. I’m really looking forward to their match on Saturday.

A graphic touted that The Bloodline’s Acknowledgement segment has had over 60 million views on social media channels…

Cathy Kelley spoke with Iyo Sky, Dakota Kai, and Kairi Sane. Kelley asked if Kai failing to qualify for MITB would change their preparation for Sky being in the match on Saturday. Kai said no and then vented about people getting involved in their business.

Lyra Valkyria showed up and spoke about how she would get to the briefcase before Sky. Katana Chance and Kayden Carter showed up and brawled with the Damage CTRL trio while Adam Pearce and others tried to pull them all apart…

Highlights aired from Friday’s Smackdown of The Bloodline Acknowledgement Ceremony that resulted in Paul Heyman being put through a table…

Cole and Graves spoke at ringside. Graves said Heyman is not a competitor, he’s a 58 year-old manager that they have a lot of respect for. He said that what The Bloodline did is uncalled for. Graves said they would do their best to pass along details about Heyman’s condition, then said he didn’t think we’d see him for some time. The crowd chanted “We Want Roman”…

Cole hyped the MITB Kickoff event for Friday at 4CT/5ET and said the event will stream on Peacock and WWE’s social media platforms. Cole and Graves ran through the MITB lineup…

Ilja Dragunov’s video package aired to set up the Raw main event. He said he would win MITB or die trying…

Drew McIntyre made his entrance for the qualifying match… [C]

The following matches were announced for next week’s Raw in Ottawa: Jey Uso vs. Chad Gable, “Damage CTRL” Iyo Sky, Kairi Sane, and Dakota Kai vs. Lyra Valkyria, Katana Chance, and Kayden Carter…

Cole showed the bracelet that McIntyre stole from CM Punk and added that McIntyre asked him to hold on to it. Ilja Dragunov made his entrance followed by Sheamus…

5. Drew McIntyre vs. Sheamus vs. Ilja Dragunov in a Triple Threat qualifier for the men’s Money in the Bank ladder match. McIntyre and Sheamus bickered. McIntyre shoved Dragunov twice and continued to bicker. Dragunov dropped McIntyre with a kick to the head, which sent McIntyre to ringside. Sheamus smiled and then faced off with Dragunov.

A short time later, Dragunov sent McIntyre into the ring post. Sheamus stood behind the barricade and then grabbed McIntyre and hit him with Ten Beats (and beyond). “Look, Boston, a real Irishman,” Graves said. Sheamus celebrated with some fans at ringside. [C]

Dragunov hit both opponents with step-up kicks and then tagged Sheamus with a knee strike. Dragunov went up top and hit a missile dropkick on McIntyre. Dragunov went to the apron and dropped an H-Bomb on Sheamus, who was on the floor.

Dragunov returned to the ring and hit a top rope senton splash on McIntyre. Dragunov hit McIntyre with an H-Bomb for a near fall. Sheamus pulled Dragunov to the floor and ran him into the barricade. [C]

There was a tower of doom spot with Dragunov on the bottom and Sheamus taking the superplex from the top position. A “holy shit” chant was censored and then a “this is awesome” chant broke out. Dragunov put Sheamus down and then charged McIntyre, who dropped him with a Glasgow Kiss.

McIntyre went for a Claymore Kick, but Dragunov cut him off with Torpedo Moscow. McIntyre tumbled out of the ring so he could not be pinned. Dragunov went up top and jumped toward Sheamus, who caught him with a knee strike and then covered him for a near fall. Sheamus pounded the mat in frustration.

Sheamus set up for his finisher in the corner. Sheamus hit the Brogue Kick on Dragunov, but McIntyre pulled Dragunov to the floor and tossed him into the timekeepers area. McIntyre and Sheamus locked eyes as McIntyre returned to the ring.

Sheamus hit McIntyre with Ten Beats and went for a Brogue Kick, but McIntyre avoided it and rolled him up for a two count. Sheamus hit McIntyre with a knee strike and then ran the ropes, but McIntyre caught him with a Claymore Kick and then pinned him.

Drew McIntyre defeated Sheamus and Ilja Dragunov in a Triple Threat in 12:25 to qualify for the men’s Money in the Bank ladder match.

After the match, Cathy Kelley interviewed McIntyre, who said he told everyone he would win the war and that’s what he did. McIntyre said he had more truths. He said he would leave Toronto as the World Heavyweight Champion. McIntyre put Punk’s bracelet on his wrist and then kissed it before posing on the ropes to close the show…

Powell’s POV: A hot main event. It had the expected outcome with McIntyre getting the final spot in the men’s MITB ladder match, but Dragunov really shined and Sheamus looked good in defeat.

Overall, a good go-home show for the Raw brand, as the show increased my interest in the men’s Money in the Bank match and the Intercontinental Title match. I will have more to say about Raw in my weekly same night audio review for Dot Net Members (including our Patreon patrons). Let me know what you thought of Raw by grading the show below.

Join me for my live review of WWE Money in the Bank on Saturday.

WWE Raw Poll: Grade the July 1 MITB go-home edition

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Readers Comments (15)

  1. “I’d change my tune on New Day quickly if this is all leading to Big E making a surprise return.”
    If this were to happen i would mark out like a 12 year old. Unashamedly

  2. TheGreatestOne July 1, 2024 @ 8:48 pm

    This middle school play version of The Black Phone needs to stop. The Wyatt Sucks are beyond cringeworthy already.

    • I agree with you 100%

    • Agree completely. They’re getting a pass from people who should know better because the Wyatt name involved. Time after time this crap starts with intrigue and fizzles out. But maybe this time will be different!

      • I don’t think there’s anything wrong with people giving it a chance. There will be plenty of time to bitch if they go the supernatural route or if it just sucks.

  3. Damn. I was kinda gonna write off the Sami/Bron match. Now I’m hyped. Well done, gents. Well done

  4. Can we just acknowledge how much Ludwig is stepping up to the moment?

  5. Jason, who’s entrance music do/did you hate more Bron Brekker’s or Dolph Ziggler’s?

    • Dolph’s theme by far. Breakker’s theme is just generic. There’s nothing about it that pops and grabs the attention of the listener. It sounds like royalty free instrumental rock music. He’s a future main event player. He should have something better.

  6. I just don’t think Big E would risk returning to a wrestling ring, and no one would blame him.

  7. Clay Connelly July 2, 2024 @ 1:25 am

    Breakker’s theme is underwhelming but it’s still >>>> Mone’s entrance music lol.
    I expected Fairplay to be terribly unathletic but I still overestimated him!

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