AEW Dynamite results (6/26): Powell’s live review of Jay White vs. Rey Fenix in an Owen Hart Cup tournament match, Swerve Strickland and Will Ospreay vs. Toa Liona and Bishop Kaun, BCC vs. LIJ in a trios match

By Jason Powell, Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

AEW Dynamite (Episode 247)
Buffalo, New York at KeyBank Center
Aired live June 26, 2024 on TBS

[Hour One] MJF made his entrance while Excalibur checked in on commentary with Taz and Tony Schiavone. Ring announcer Justin Roberts introduced MJF, who headed to the ring with a microphone in his hand.

Daniel Garcia’s entrance music interrupted MJF. Garcia came out and received a nice hometown reaction while MJF smirked while leaning against the ropes. Garcia played to the live crowd.

MJF told Garcia that he’s happy the people love him and then warned him to tread lightly. Garcia thanked MJF for saving him last week. Garcia said MJF got in his business and everything in Buffalo is his business.

Garcia assumed that MJF would say bad things about him or his family sitting in the front row due to the interruption. Garcia went face-to-face with MJF while saying he was going to do something that no one in the back has ever done before.

“I’m going to say nice things about MJF,” Garcia said. MJF smiled and replied, “Go on.” Garcia recalled MJF having a conversation with him that lit a fire under him. Garcia recalled MJF saying that he was more than a lackey or a background player and that MJF saw him as a pillar of AEW.

Garcia recalled MJF telling him that if he got enough wins, he could challenge him for the AEW World Championship. Garcia said that title match turned out to be one of the most embarrassing moments of his career. Garcia said he’s gone on to earn respect and is someone the people can believe in.

Garcia said he doesn’t have to be a pillar, he can be a backbone and the very foundation that AEW is built on. A “Danny” chant broke out. Garcia thanked MJF, then said that if he talked shit now he would look two-faced and would have the whole city of Buffalo coming at him.

MJF mocked the idea of being two-faced, then said maybe a little bit. MJF said he wasn’t there to badmouth the people of Buffalo. MJF said he was there to shameless promote AEW Forbidden Door when he faces a wrestler in Hechicero who looks like a poorly drawn comic book character and his return to Collision.

MJF thanked Garcia and shook his hand. MJF said no one has ever spoken publicly about the nice things he’s done behind the scenes. He said he gets it because he’s a top guy in his twenties and is very rich and handsome. He said the jealous wrestlers backstage are not talented enough to beat him and take his spot, but Garcia is getting closer and closer.

MJF said he gave Garcia a title shot because he earned it. MJF mentioned that whooped Garcia’s ass when they met for the championship. MJF said Garcia has climbed the ladder since then by busting his ass. MJF said Garcia is the grind.

MJF said Garcia might deserve one more shot at the king. MJF pitched the idea of facing Garcia at All In at Wembley Stadium. Garcia was pumped and the fans applauded. “Look at my mom,” Garcia said. “That is huge.”

AEW International Champion Will Ospreay’s entrance interrupted Garcia. Ospreay joined MJF and Garcia inside the ring. There were loud “Ospreay” chants. Ospreay told the fans to stand up so he could see their beautiful faces. He said he didn’t mean to interrupt, he just wanted to say that he appreciated Garcia.

Ospreay said Garcia made it known that he wants a shot at the AEW International Championship and he’s racked up wins faster than Ospreay lasts in the bedroom. Ospreay looked into the camera and apologized to his wife, saying that he’s been working on it.

Ospreay announced that he would defend the AEW International Championship against Garcia next week. Ospreay said he would also put the AEW World Championship on the line against Garcia next week. Garcia agreed to the match for next week in Chicago.

MJF stood in the corner and looked annoyed by Ospreay, who left the ring. Excalibur said MJF was completely upstaged by Ospreay. Garcia tried to talk to MJF about their All In match. MJF cut him off and told him that he was given a huge opportunity and he needs to focus on that. MJF left the ring…

Powell’s POV: An excellent and highly productive opening segment. MJF and Ospreay gave major rub to hometown guy Garcia and they set up a couple of big matches. MJF showing that he was annoyed by Ospreay one-upping his offer to Garcia adds to the tension between MJF and Ospreay.

AEW World Champion Swerve Strickland and Prince Nana were shown watching on a backstage television. Swerve said Ospreay was putting the cart before the horse by offering Garcia an AEW World Championship match. Swerve said Ospreay seems to have a focus problem. After Swerve left, Nana looked into the camera and asked, “Whose house?”…

Blackpool Combat Club members Jon Moxley, Claudio Castagnoli, and Wheeler Yuta made their entrance through the crowd to Moxley’s theme song. Shingo Takagi, Hiromu Takahashi, and Titan made their entrance via the stage to a mild reaction…

1. Jon Moxley, Claudio Castagnoli, and Wheeler Yuta vs. Shingo Takagi, Hiromu Takahashi, and Titan. Bryan Danielson sat in on commentary. Castagnoli had Titan down heading into a picture-in-picture break a few minutes into the match. [C]

Shingo had a run of offense and put Moxley and Castagnoli down simultaneously before hitting a brainbuster on Yuta. Takahashi checked in and had a good exchange with Yuta, which he capped off with a Death Valley Driver for a two count.

Takahashi put Yuta down with a lariat and set up for a move. Moxley returned to the ring with a chair, which he slammed over the back of Takahashi. The referee called for the bell

Shingo Takagi, Hiromu Takahashi, and Titan defeated Jon Moxley, Claudio Castagnoli, and Wheeler Yuta by disqualification in 10:50.

Tetsuya Naito’s music played and then he made his entrance while Moxley paced inside the ring. Naito removed his pre-match attire as he walked down the ramp. Moxley left the ring and brawled with Naito on the ramp and then in an area next to the stage.

Meanwhile, Shingo worked over Yuta with elbow strikes. Bryan Danielson said he’s been worried about Yuta’s head for a while. Danielson entered the ring and went face-to-face with Takagi, who crossed his arms and then used his hands to indicate that he will break Danielson at Forbidden Door… [C]

Powell’s POV: The crowd reaction to the NJPW trio was flat, but the fans came to life during the match. It was enjoyable until the weak finish and they tried to cram too much into the post match angle for my taste.

Bullet Club Gold members Jay White, Juice Robinson, Austin Gunn, and Colten Gunn did their entrance bit around the Owen Hart Cup and title belt, which were set up on a podium on the stage. The group brought their 85 (a slight embellishment) trios title belts out to the ring with them. Rey Fenix made his entrance with Penta El Zero Miedo and Alex Abrahantes…

2. Jay White vs. Rey Fenix in an Owen Hart Cup tournament match. Referee Rick Knox was annoyed by the extras and ejected them all from ringside. Knox called for the bell and then Fenix rolled up a distracted White for a two count. White performed a creative neckbreaker and covered Fenix for a two count going into a PIP break. [C]

Fenix ran across the top rope and threw a kick at White. Fenix followed up with a top rope frog splash, but he was slow to make the cover and only got a two count. Fenix rolled into a huracanrana and hooked the legs of White for another two count.

White came back with a DDT. White followed with a brainbuster for a near fall. White used a uranage slam to get another near fall. White set up for a the Bladerunner, but Fenix countered into a rollup for a two count.

White came right back with another Bladerunner attempt that Fenix avoided. Fenix threw a round kick at White and then set up for a move, but White countered into the Bladerunner and scored the pin…

Jay White defeated Rey Fenix in 9:20 to advance to the semifinals of the Owen Hart Cup tournament.

The updated graphics showed that White will face the winner of the Jeff Jarrett vs. wild card entrant match that will be held next week on Dynamite. The other Bullet Club Gold members came out and celebrated with White.

Christian Cage’s entrance music played and he walked toward the ring with Nick Wayne, Killswitch, and Mother Wayne. Cage walked up the ring steps and looked at White, who was leaning over the ropes. Cage smiled and backed down to the floor. White and Colten held the ropes open, but Cage led his team to the back…

Powell’s POV: A good match. It’s good to see White working singles matches. I’d love to see him hand off his 17 trios title belts to Juice Robinson and focus exclusively on being a singles wrestler. The post match angle was fine, but I’m not really sure if Bullet Club Gold are going to be babyfaces or if they are setting up a heel vs. heel match for the trios titles.

AEW Tag Team Champions “The Young Bucks” Matthew Jackson and Nicholas Jackson spoke backstage. Nicholas said The Acclaimed took advantage of them last week and said the results would be different when the titles are on the line.

Matthew noted that they hold the tag titles, Kazuchika Okada holds the AEW Continental Championship, and Jack Perry will be the next TNT Champion. Matthew announced that they are entering their own wild card entrant into the Owen Hart Cup tournament next week…

Powell’s POV: Is the Elite’s wild card as simple as Brandon Cutler? That would be one way to give Jeff Jarrett a win in the tournament after that terrific promo he cut on Collision.

“The Acclaimed” Max Caster and Anthony Bowens made their entrance. Billy Gunn walked out with them, but he stayed on the stage while they headed to the ring… [C]

[Hour Two] Caster, Bowens, and Gunn were inside the ring coming out of the break. Caster spoke about beating the “Young Cucks” last week and “cuck” was actually censored. Caster and Bowens spoke about earning their AEW Tag Title match and how they intend to win the titles. Bowens said he and Caster have been strategizing about when to issue the challenge they earned by winning the eliminator match.

AEW Continental Champion Kazuchika Okada and AEW Tag Team Champions “The Young Bucks” Matthew Jackson and Nicholas Jackson walked out. “Scissor me, bitch,” Okada said. Nicholas issued a challenge for a trios match at Forbidden Door.

Gunn said that as much as he would love to kick the crap out of Okada and the Bucks by himself (he must be producing that match), he had a better idea. Gunn said he happens to know a president.

A video package aired on NJPW President Hiroshi Tanahashi aired. It concluded with Tanahashi saying “Scissor Ace is coming.” A graphic listed Tanahashi, Caster, and Bowens vs. Okada and The Young Bucks for Forbidden Door…

Powell’s POV: The addition of the trios match to the Forbidden Door lineup is fine and it will be fun to see Tanahashi and Okada sharing the ring again. More than anything, I’m happy they are going with the AEW Tag Team Title match that the Acclaimed earned given how much Bowens played up a knee injury during last week’s eliminator match.

Renee Paquette interviewed Orange Cassidy, Mark Briscoe, and Kyle O’Reilly. Cassidy said they go by The Conglomeration. Briscoe started to deliver a promo. O’Reilly delivered his own Briscoe style promo and then asked if it was working. Briscoe said he loved it, then told him maybe to work in some of his hand gestures. Briscoe went back to delivering his promo…

Toni Storm, Luther, and Mariah May made their entrance. Storm went to the ring while the screen was black and white. Mina Shirakawa made her entrance and did a dance on the stage with May. The heel group trio made their entrance together…

3. Toni Storm, Mariah May, and Mina Shirakawa (w/Luther) vs. Saraya, Anna Jay, and Harley Cameron. Early in the match, Shirakawa teased tagging Storm, then tagged in May instead. Shirakawa and May did a breast shaking dance together. Jay and Saraya pulled Storm and Shirakawa off the apron and worked them over on the floor while Cameron got the better of May before a PIP break. [C]

Storm tagged in and hit Saraya with a hip attack. Shirakawa tagged in and bickered with Storm. Saray kicked Shirakawa and tagged out. Cameron hit a Backstabber on Shirakawa and covered her, but May broke up the pin. After a series of spots, Shirakawa hit a back fist on Cameron and then hit her finisher and scored the pin…

Toni Storm, Mariah May, and Mina Shirakawa defeated Saraya, Anna Jay, and Harley Cameron in 7:00.

After the match, Storm and Shirakawa argued. May handed them both glasses of champagne. They toasted and took swigs. Storm and May danced. Shirakawa grabbed the champagne bottle and swung it at Storm, who ducked, causing Shirakawa to break the bottle over May’s head.

The crowd chanted “You f—ed up.” Storm and Shirakawa checked on May, then stood up and jawed at one another while officials kept them apart. “How dare you?” Storm yelled while kneeling over May…

Powell’s POV: The silly love triangle story continues to be chaotic, yet entertaining.

Excalibur hyped the AEW Countdown special premiering Friday on YouTube at 6CT/7ET. A clip from the special aired and focused on Mercedes Mone vs. Stephanie Vaquer…

TBS Champion Mercedes Mone delivered a promo on the backstage interview set. She said she flew all the way to Mexico to watch Vaquer’s match and asked where she was. Mone said she heard Vaquer had a Collision match and said she would sit at ringside for it. Mone said she would right her final wrong and become Two Belts Mone…

Chris Jericho, Big Bill, and Bryan Keith made their entrance. Keith had his right arm in a sling to sell Katsuyori Shibata stomping it on Collision. Bill said they no longer have their third man available, but in the wise words of “the sensei of the sickos” Jericho, when one door closes, another opens.

Jericho waved to the crowd and said, “Hi, guys.” Jericho said everyone who knows him knows that he’s in AEW for the young guys. Jericho said that’s why he brings so many of them into the Jericho Vortex so he can help with their careers.

Jericho said it’s not fair that Samoa Joe, Hook, and Shibata hurt Keith. Jericho said they found another partner. Jericho said he’s been to Japan over sixty times. He said they had their own video and he noted that he has not watched it yet because he wanted to watch it with the people and all of his branches.

Minoru Suzuki was introduced by Jericho as a fellow Wrestling Observer Hall of Fame member. A subtitled Suzuki video aired. Suzuki said he doesn’t want to wrestle by Jericho’s side, he wants to face him one-on-one.

Suzuki said he hates Jericho’s soft way of thinking and said he wants nothing to do with The Learning Tree. Suzuki told Jericho to put his FTW Title on the line. “Thank you, guys, see you soon,” Suzuki closed. The crowd broke out the “You f—ed up” chant again.

Samoa Joe, Hook, and Katsuyori Shibata made their entrance. “Well, isn’t this awkward,” Joe started. Joe said Jericho came to Buffalo looking for a savior and struck out again. Joe and company entered the ring.

Joe said The Learning Tree is much like the Jericho family tree in that it doesn’t have enough branches. Joe said he and his crew watched every Learning Tree segment to learn everything they could about their opponents. Joe said Shibata summed it up as well as anyone. “Oh brother, this guy sucks,” Shibata said over his phone translator.

Jericho slapped Joe, who responded with a headbutt. Bill was cleared from the ring. Excalibur said Jericho and Bill don’t have a partner for Forbidden Door… [C]

Powell’s POV: It seems like the trios match is on for Forbidden Door, but Jericho and Bill need a partner. I guess that means Suzuki will face Jericho on another show. I’m not a fan of this Jericho persona, but at least he changed his expression after Suzuki rejected him.

4. Kyle O’Reilly vs. Zack Sabre Jr. Both entrances were televised. Gabe Kidd was shown in the crowd with Matt Taven, Mike Bennett, and Roderick Strong. Gabe Kidd and Roderick Strong vs. “The Infantry” Carlie Bravo and Shawn Dean was announced for Rampage. Sabre targeted O’Reilly’s right arm before a PIP break. [C]

O’Reilly caught Sabre’s leg. Sabre slapped O’Reilly repeatedly. O’Reilly fired back, but Sabre took him down in a crossarm breaker and then countered into a triangle. O’Reilly tapped out immediately, which Taz said he had to do once the hold was locked in.

Zack Sabre Jr. defeated Kyle O’Reilly in 10:55.

Kidd and Strong were shown arguing. Cassidy left the broadcast table and headed to the ring. Sabre held open the ropes for Cassidy, who checked on O’Reilly. Strong, Taven, and Bennett checked on O’Reilly.

Sabre and Cassidy went face to face. Robbie Eagles and Shane Haste entered the ring while Excalibur explained that they are from Sabre’s TMDK faction. Tomohiro Ishii came out to a quiet reaction and stood with Cassidy. Kidd stood on the apron and jawed at everyone. Eagles shoved Cassidy. Ishii held back Cassidy. “There’s a lot going on here,” Taz said… [C]

Powell’s POV: Taz was right. In fact, there was too much going on. That post match scene was clearly for the sickos, and there’s apparently not many of them in the building in Buffalo tonight based on their quiet reactions for the NJPW wrestlers. Prior to the break, the atmosphere was terrible with a quiet crowd and Cassidy’s character talking like a golf broadcaster. The crowd did get into the match after the break and there was a faint “this is wrestling” chant.

Excalibur hyped next week’s show carrying the Beach Break theme…

AEW World Champion Swerve Strickland and a dancing Prince Nana made their entrance for the main event. AEW International Champion Will Ospreay’s followed. The Gates of Agony made their entrance to a reaction so quiet you’d think they were from NJPW…

5. Swerve Strickland (w/Prince Nana) and Will Ospreay vs. “Gates of Agony” Toa Liona and Bishop Kaun. Swerve and Ospreay were bickering when referee Paul Turner called for the bell. Liona and Kaun jumped the two champions to start the match. Liona performed a moonsault off the apron onto Swerve and Ospreay just after they went to a PIP break.

[Overrun] Late in the match, Ospreay set up Kaun for a Tiger Driver, but he thought better of it. Ospreay threw a kick at Kaun, who ducked it, leading to the kick knocking Swerve off the apron. Swerve returned to the ring and threw a kick that Ospreay ducked and it ended up taking out Kaun.

Ospreay hit the OsCutter on Liona and covered him. Swerve counted along, but the big man kicked out at two. Kaun returned to the ring and Swerve snapped his arm. Ospreay hit Liona with the Hidden Blade and then pinned him.

Swerve Strickland and Will Ospreay defeated “Gates of Agony” Toa Liona and Bishop Kaun in 10:10.

After the match, Swerve and Ospreay looked at one another and then played to the crowd for a moment before going face-to-face again. Ospreay snatched the AEW World Championship belt. Swerve responded by kicking the back of Ospreay’s leg and then hit him with the House Call kick. Swerve picked up his title belt and put it over his shoulder while standing over Ospreay…

Powell’s POV: It’s a shame that the Gates of Agony duo have been presented as glorified enhancement wrestlers on AEW television. The match was fine for what it was, but it obviously relied on the star power of Swerve and Ospreay. This would have meant a lot more had GOA been built up to mean something. As much as I was hoping to hear another verbal exchange from Swerve and Ospreay, the post match angle with Swerve putting Ospreay down was nicely done.

Overall, the show peaked with the great opening segment. The crowd seemed unfamiliar with most of the NJPW wrestlers. Coming from someone who is familiar with every NJPW wrestler they had on the show, AEW went overboard, especially by including several NJPW wrestlers who are not even advertised for Forbidden Door pay-per-view.

I will be back with my weekly same night audio review of Dynamite for Dot Net Members (including our Patreon patrons), who will also hear an exclusive same night audio review of Forbidden Door. Let me know what you thought of Dynamite by grading the show below.

Join me on Sunday night for my live review of AEW Forbidden Door.

AEW Dynamite Poll: Grade the June 26 edition free polls


Readers Comments (14)

  1. TheGreatestOne June 26, 2024 @ 9:14 pm

    Shitfest finished off by the oddball tag team of feuding singles wrestlers beating the actual tag team. Tony Khan can’t possibly think this is actually good, or that WBD wants this beached whale of a company on their airwaves anymore.

    • “I haTe ThiS coMpanY but I waTch EverY weEk sO I CaN YelL froM my paRenT’s BaseMent! I LovE AtTention!”

      • TheGreatestOne June 27, 2024 @ 12:20 pm

        Nobody watches, and that’s the problem. I didn’t have to see a minute of it to know how the fucking moronic main event was going to end.

        Now get back to your 18 hours a day of stalking women online.

  2. No one cares about these random Japanese wrestlers and Luchadours except Khan and his niche group of sickos and that’s why this company will never grow. But Al least the Big Bang Theory is back this week so Sheldon can artificially inflate their numbers. It’s embarrassing

  3. MJF feels cold (by his standards). Not sure if it’s residual from how he was booked the latter half of 2023 or his current look that doesn’t fit him at all. I assume the Ospreay program and/or a heel turn will get him there. His opponent at FD certainly won’t help, though. Also, cut out the schilling. It’s not fun nor effective.

    • MJF is still recovering from that crap with Adam Cole that made him look like a moron. And putting him in the ring with Garcia who has basically been portrayed as a jobber who does a funny dance isn’t doing him any favors but what should you expect from Khan’s crappy booking. Hrs turned Okada into a modern day Funaki who says bitch for ha ha’s. It’s sad

  4. Rooooof episode, Brooov! That was dreadful. TK should’ve gone with maybe 2 matches involving non-Aew guys and just went with a typical ppv otherwise. But he books for the sickos and thus he pandered to the 10 people who think Hechicero vs MJF is a dream match.
    The rating will be up b/c BBT is back, but I’m certain that episode sent viewers away in droves.

  5. In retrospect, Mercedes should’ve kept her surname Varnado for AEW, the same as she is credited in her acting work. Now she has three names, and it’s not an upgrade.

    Why would Ospreay say that about his lovemaking? Man, this show needs producers.

    It feels like every paragraph in this article mentioned a name and a title belt they held. It’s too many championships. None have value.

  6. Watching this episode I kept thinking, geez Cornette was right last week talking about “nobodies doing stupid shit” Every year before Forbidden Door we receive a glut of wrestlers only a handful of people even know who they are. It was apparent by the Buffalo crowd’s silence. The book has got to go to someone that knows how to book.

  7. I agree, the crowd doesn’t know who these Japanese wrestlers are when they come out there. I don’t think they should force beefs to be airing on the show. Forbidden Door should be a totally separate event away from the regular episodes.

  8. 26 F grade out of 59 total is NOT WWE fans tanking the grade!

    Even if you cut that in 1/2, almost 25% of viewers are unhappy with the show. Yeah it’s a small sample – but there is a message here and I think this week’s comments reflect the reasons why the grades and viewership continue to dwindle

  9. TheGreatestOne June 27, 2024 @ 9:11 am

    That opening segment with MJF, Garcia, and Ospreay was the absolute shits. You can’t “give rub” to a 14 pound weakling with no personality.

    How the fuck it got portrayed as good in the review is baffling.

    You also can’t expect MJF and Ospreay’s eventual match to be anything other than typical AEW workrate shit where they do every move they know, sell next to nothing, and spam finishers at the end while 58 people tell us it’s the greatest thing in the history of pro wrestling.

    • I found the opening segment to be merely OK.
      I didnt see much chemistry between MJF and Garcia.
      I’m guessing MJF went with this badass type character upon his return bc he’s trying to counter the silly shit from 2023. It’s just not clicking for me.
      I thought Ospreay coming out saved the segment.

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