NXT Level Up results (6/21): O’Connor’s review of Wren Sinclair vs. Karmen Petrovic, Tyson Dupont and Tyriek Igwe vs. Cutler James and Dion Lennox, and Uriah Connors vs. Shiloh Hill

By John O’Connor, ProWrestling.net Contributor (@thereal_JOC

NXT: Level Up (Episode 123)
Taped in Orlando, Florida at the WWE Performance Center
Streamed June 21, 2024 on Peacock/WWE Network

Tyson Dupont and Tyriek Igwe made their way to the ring as the usual broadcast team of Blake Howard and Byron Saxton welcomed us to the show…

1. Tyson Dupont and Tyriek Igwe vs. Cutler James and Dion Lennox. Igwe and Lennox started the match and Lennox powered down Igwe to the mat early. Dupont tagged in and took over on Lennox applying the armlock. Lennox fought through and tagged in James as Dupont made the tag back to Igwe. Lennox quickly tagged in and dropped Igwe with a big clothesline for a near fall. Lennox hit strong strikes to the shoulder of Igwe before applying the shoulder lock. Igwe eventually made the hot tag to Dupont and Lennox tagged in James. Dupont dropped both men, before utilizing Igwe who assisted Dupont to hit the double team elevated slam on James for the win.

Tyson Dupont and Tyriek Igwe defeated Cutler James and Dion Lennox via pinfall in 5:20. 

Post match, all four men shook hands before the commentary team hyped Uriah Connors vs. Shiloh Hill for after the break…[c]

2. Uriah Connors vs. Shiloh Hill. Connors applied the headlock to Hill as the bell rang before Connors pulled the hair to send Hill to the mat. Hill battled through and applied a headlock of his own to Connors but Connors turned the momentum once more and hit a back senton on Hill for a two count. Connors neck snapped Hill before applying a sleeper hold as the audience attempted to bring Hill back into the contest. Connors went to the top rope but was brought crashing down by Hill as Hill looked to finish. Connors sent Hill to ringside and looked for the tope but Hill caught  Connors and hit him with a chokeslam on the ring apron. Hill sent Connors back in the ring and hit a twisted style Samoan drop for the victory which the commentators put over as an upset.

Shiloh Hill defeated Uriah Connors via pinfall in 5:06. 

The commentary team hyped the main event…[c]

3. Wren Sinclair vs. Karmen Petrovic. Both women tied up as the match started but fought to an early stalemate. Petrovic applied a side headlock which took Sinclair down to the mat before Sinclair made her way back to her feet and asked for a test of strength to little success. Petrovic turned an attempted slam by Sinclair into a crossbody but Sinclair would catapult Petrovic into the bottom rope and hit a floatover suplex for a near fall.

Sinclair transitioned into a headlock before reversing an attempted rollup by Petrovic into a crossface style submission. Petrovic attempted an escape but Sinclair applied a full nelson. Petrovic rallied and dropped Sinclair face first out of the corner turnbuckle and followed up with a series of strikes. Petrovic eventually swept the leg of Sinclair and hit the kick to the lower back for the win.

Karmen Petrovic defeated Wren Sinclair via pinfall in 6:10. 

Both women shook hands as the show closed…

John’s Ramblings: Mini rant for what was the ‘respect’ edition of Level Up this week as both the opener and main event saw handshakes in the post match. Give me the ruthless aggression to coin a phrase from the early 2000’s. This show could benefit from character development which could then bleed over to the main NXT show. Just having matches with little stakes limits this show’s potential for more but the matches that were on the show this week were enjoyable for what they were.


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