GCW “Hit Em Up” results (6/15): Vetter’s review of Mance Warner vs. Joey Janela for the GCW Championship, Danhausen vs. Kylie Rae, Jordan Oliver vs. Jimmy Lloyd

By Chris Vetter, ProWrestling.net Contributor (@chrisvetter73)

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GCW “Hit Em Up”
Streamed on TrillerTV+
June 15, 2024 in Los Angeles, California at Ukrainian Culture Center

Next to their shows in New Jersey, this is the main location for GCW events, and the crowd is at near capacity in the 600-700 range. Dave Prazak and Emil Jay provided commentary.

* Jimmy Lloyd got on the mic and did his usual mic-work, calling himself the “death match prince” and demanding the crowd show him some respect. He made fun of someone in the crowd who has a long neck. This guy got in the ring, took off his shirt and slapped Jimmy. (This kid is extraordinarily thin.) Jordan Oliver ran to the ring to make the save before Lloyd could beat up the kid.

1. Jordan Oliver defeated Jimmy Lloyd at 7:17. Lloyd snapped Oliver’s leg across the ring apron. He stomped on the knee and kept Oliver grounded. He hit a running Broski Boot onto a chair in the corner at 6:00. The long neck kid hopped on the ring apron and distracted Lloyd. Lloyd swung a chair; it ricocheted off the top rope and back onto Lloyd’s head, and Oliver rolled up Lloyd for the pin. At the very low end of expectations for this one. Is this kid REALLY a “viral sensation” because he has a longer neck than an average person? No, really?

* Jordan Castle joined Prazak on commentary.

2. Megan Bayne defeated Sandra Moone at 10:52. Moone was just on ROH TV on Thursday in a loss to Billie Starkz and she is a West Coast regular. I feel the need to write it every time, but Bayne has such a height and clear strength advantage, and she easily slammed Moone to the mat. She hit a bodyslam at 1:30 and celebrated. Moone hit some forearm strikes and a crossbody block in the corner. Moone went for a crossbody block but Bayne caught her and hit a fallaway slam, then repeated shoulder blocks to the stomach. Bayne hit a double-underhook suplex and a running splash to the mat for a nearfall at 3:30.

Bayne hit a bodyslam and remained in control, making a cocky one-footed cover for a nearfall. She hit a hard clothesline for a nearfall. Moone hit a dive through the ropes to the floor at 6:30, and got a nearfall back in the ring. Bayne nailed a German Suplex. Moone hit a clothesline to the back of the head. They traded forearm strikes while on their knees. Bayne hit a hard Mafia Kick, then a swinging uranage for a nearfall at 9:30. Moone nailed a Blue Thunder Bomb for a nearfall. Bayne hit a standing powerbomb and a leaping clothesline, then the Tombstone Piledriver for the pin. That was really good.

3. Sidney Akeem defeated Jack Cartwheel at 10:49. Sidney is formerly Reggie/Scrypts from WWE, and this is his independent wrestling debut. I guess I never realized how short he is, because he’s barely taller than Jack. They avoided each other’s offense early on, doing kip ups and flips. Jack hit an armdrag and a dropkick. Sidney hit a spinning crossbody block and a dropkick at 2:30. They both did a series of cartwheels and did superhero landings for a standoff. “These are video game characters!” Castle said. Jack hit a top-rope moonsault to the floor at 4:30, earning a “holy shit!” chant. Jack hit his slingshot elbowdrop back into the ring for a nearfall.

Jack hit a Dragonscrew Legwhip and a double kneedrop to the chest. Sidney hit a top-rope moonsault press on a standing Jack for a nearfall at 7:30. Sidney went for a spin kick but Jack hit a kick to cut it off. Jack hit a doublestomp to the chest as Sidney was tied in the ropes for a nearfall. They fought on the top floor, where Sidney hit a Spanish Fly for a believable nearfall at 9:30. They traded rollups. Sidney hit a pair of backflips, caught Jack’s head, and hit a stunner for the pin. That was a blast; I can’t imagine a better indy debut for Sidney. (And I was NOT a big fan of his in-ring work in WWE.)

* The quick backstory of this next match: Viva Van and Man Like Dereiss were in the ring during the “GCW Clusterf—” in Philadelphia during WrestleMania weekend. Viva Van ‘hiked up her trunks’ like Rikshi would, exposing most of her butt. Dereiss laid in the corner and looked excited at the prospect of that butt winding up in his face. She turned her head to look at him, and he dropped his head, pretending to be knocked out. Prazak said the clip “went viral and has been seen millions of times since.” It was all very silly juvenile PG-13 humor. So, for the past couple of months, fans have wanted Dereiss to “finish his story” and get Viva’s butt in his face.

4. Viva Van defeated Man Like Dereiss in an intergender match at 10:19. Dereiss came out first and wanted the fans to help chant “finish the story.” Viva was just on AEW TV, too. She went for a crossarm breaker early on, and she got a rollup for a nearfall. She taunted him with her butt and he chased after her in a cartoonish manner. She hit a head-scissors takedown at 2:30. He rolled to the corner and pretended to be incapacitated, but she wouldn’t hit the butt splash. She rubbed her butt against him, but she ordered the ref to ‘check him for a weapon.’ (To put it bluntly, the ref determined Dereiss is just that big in the groin.) He hit some extra-soft chops on her and she looked annoyed at being treated this way.

She hit her hard chops at 6:30. She almost hit the butt splash in the corner… but she fell through the ropes to the floor! The crowd chanted “you f—ed up!” Funny. She hit a spinning heel kick (it did not connect at all but no one cares.) She hit a Code Red for a nearfall. Dereiss hit a springboard stunner at 9:00, then a Cody-style Crossroads swinging face plant for a nearfall. He went to the top rope and set up for a 450 Splash but hesitated. She hit the ropes, causing him to be crotched, then fall into the corner!  She hit the Stinkface in the corner on him! He sold it like it hurt a lot more than he expected. He writhed and collapsed on the mat, and she covered him for the pin. That was just silly fun.

* Dereiss got a small box, dropped to a knee, and offered her a ring! She accepted and slid the ring on. She said yes! The crowd chanted “You deserve it.” I must admit, I have a wide smile on my face. I enjoyed this. He carried her to the back as she showed off the ring to the camera.

* A video package aired showing the gauntlet that ultimately ended in Mance Warner being crowned the new GCW Heavyweight champion.

5. Zilla Fatu defeated Hunter Drake and Bobby Flaco in a three-way at 5:15. I noted this in my review of Friday’s show, but rookie Zilla has only been in 13 matches cataloged at Cagematch.net. Drake and Flaco charged at him at the bell and Drake dove onto him. Fatu caught Flaco and hit a Samoan Drop onto the ring apron! Nice. “He’s so new, he’s still figuring it out,” Prazak said. In the ring, Drake and Flaco hit stereo superkicks and Flaco hit a top-rope diving stunner. Hunter hit a running Shooting Star Press on Flaco for a nearfall at 2:30, then a moonsault to the floor on Zilla.

Flaco hit a top-rope splash to the floor on Zilla. In the ring, Flaco hit a modified Poison Rana on Hunter at 4:00. Zilla speared Flaco through a door in the corner. Hunter set up for his Code Red but Zilla avoided it. Hunter leapt off the top rope but Zilla caught him with a Samoan Spike to the throat. He then hit a pop-up Samoan Spike on Flaco. He pulled the two scrawny kids to the center of the ring and covered them both for the pin. That was a blast; I love a good squash and this was undoubtedly a squash.

6. 1 Called Manders defeated Mr. Danger, Jordan Cruz, Brayden Toon, Rob Shit, and Sam Stackhouse in a scramble match at 9:39. Outside of the scrawny Mr. Danger, there is a lot of size in this ring, with Stackhouse the biggest at perhaps 400 pounds. Cruz bodyslammed Rob. Sam hit shoulder tackles on everyone. Cruz hit a release German Suplex on Danger. Rob hit a top-rope moonsault on Cruz, who sold pain in his leg as it appeared Rob’s knee hit him on the leg. Toon hit an Asai Moonsault onto everyone. Danger hit a top-rope corkscrew moonsault at 3:00 that got great height and popped the crowd. “His leaping ability is insane,” Emil Jay said.

Sam got in the ring, peeled off his shirt and set up fo a dive, but Rob kicked him to cut him off, and the crowd booed because they wanted to see Stackhouse hit that move. Funny. Manders hit a clothesline on Cruz; Cruz hit an Exploder Suplex on Manders. Toon hit a standing powerbomb on Danger. Toon applied a Boston Crab on Manders in the ropes at 5:00. Cruz hit a superplex while standing on Stackhouse’s back! Danger hit a top-rope Swanton with great height on it. Sam peeled down his straps and he hit a twisting dive through the ropes. (If ever there was a bowling ball/bowling pin comparison, it was here!)

In the ring, Toon hit a running knee on Sam in the corner, then he hit his own Swanton Bomb on Sam for a nearfall at 7:30. Toon hit a Tiger Driver. Danger hit a Canadian Destroyer. Danger tried for a Poison Rana on Manders but it wound up being like an Electric Chair. Cruz hit a Styles Clash on Danger for a nearfall. Cruz cut Rob in half with a spear. Rob hit a low blow punch on Cruz and was booed. Manders hit a decapitating clothesline to pin Rob. That was an exceptional, well-above-average scramble.

7. “Los Macizos” Ciclope and Miedo Extremo defeated Rick Scott Stoner and Scott Rick Stoner at 9:02. The Stoners are the bad Steiner brothers gimmick and I’m not a fan at all. Rick Scott has the ear headgear; they competed on the 4/20 show here, because yes, their gimmick is about their love of marijuana. Scott is rather tubby and he hit a bodyslam, then he tossed Rick onto Miedo. Los Macizos hit a team face plant on Rick. Ciclope hit a dive through the ropes at 3:30, and Miedo immediately dove onto all three. In the ring, Miedo slammed Ciclope onto a Stoner for a nearfall. The Stoners hit a team shoulder tackle on Miedo at 5:30.

Ciclope hit a top-rope diving headbutt. Rick hit a second-rope powerslam move on Ciclope that earned a “Holy shit!” chant. Miedo hit some chairshots on Scott, then on Rick. Miedo lit a joint, took a hit and passed it to Ciclope. Ciclope then hit a top-rope elbow drop on Rick, sending him crashing through a door bridge, for the pin. Satisfying brawl. Still not a fan of the Stoners but this was much better than their April match.

8. Danhausen defeated Kylie Rae at 10:10. Danhausen isn’t particularly big at all but he still towers over the tiny Kylie. (She is listed online at 5’5″ and 145 pounds but both of those seem embellished!) The bell rang and he cursed her. She rolled to the floor, relieved nothing happened to her, but then she ‘tripped in the ropes’ re-entering the ring. He hit a bulldog. She put on his cloak and posed with it. Kylie nailed a rolling cannonball in the corner for a nearfall at 4:00. He stomped on her in a corner.

She hit a buzzsaw kick for a nearfall and she applied a modified crossface. He hit a Northern Lights Suplex. Danhausen got his jar of teeth and was about to pour it into his mouth, but she tripped him and applied an STF! The teeth fell all across the mat. He teased tapping out but he powered to his feet, hit a Go To Sleep, and scored the pin. Acceptable.

* Emil Jay announce this was the EIGHTH consecutive sellout at the UCC. They’ll be back in this venue Aug. 17!

9. Dark Sheik and “Bussy” Effy and Allie Katch defeated Bodhi Young Prodigy, Alec Price, and Cole Radrick at 8:01. Price and Radrick keep teaming and keep losing. Price’s team attacked from behind to open. Effy bodyslammed Price. I think Bodhi is still only 15 or 16; Allie tried to do a Giant Swing and couldn’t budge him. Embarrassing. Bodhi tried to bodyslam her but couldn’t; she easily bodyslammed him at 3:30. Allie hit a Tower of London-style stunner. Effy’s team began working over Bodhi.

Price got a hot tag and hit a top-rope leg lariat on Sheik. Price hit a springboard Blockbuster move on Effy. Price hit a running kneestrike in the corner. Bodhi hit a flip dive to the floor at 6:00. Price hit a dive to the floor. In the ring, Radrick hit a Blue Thunder Bomb on Effy. Bodhi hit an enzuigiri on Allie. Sheik hit a standing powerbomb on Radrick, then one on Price. Effy hit a top-rope clothesline on Bodhi, then Sheik hit a top-rope guillotine legdrop to pin Bodhi. Entertaining mess of a match.

* A video package aired of Joey Janela’s quest to win the GCW title.

10. Mance Warner vs. Joey Janela ended in a non-finish for the GCW Heavyweight Title at 27:00. They immediately traded forearms. They rolled to the floor where Joey hit some punches, and they brawled around ringside. Mance rammed Joey’s head into the ring post, and Joey was quickly bleeding from the forehead. A fan barked at Mance; Mance turned and shoved the fan into his seat. That was unwarranted. In the ring, Mance jabbed a chair leg into Joey’s forehead. Joey hit a tornado DDT onto a pile of folded chairs at 6:30; Janela’s forehead is really bleeding and this is gross and just unnecessary blood-loss. Mance sat up and he now is bleeding from the forehead. Joey tossed a chair at Mance’s face; I hate that.

Mance chokeslammed Joey across two open chairs for a nearfall at 8:30. Joey’s thighs are now covered in blood and this is SOOO unnecessary. Mance stomped on the head, then did the full Garvin Stomp on each limb. Joey hit a Death Valley Driver onto an open chair for a nearfall at 10:00. Joey now began punching at the cut on Mance’s forehead and hit a chairshot to the back. Mance hit a top-rope superplex through a door bridge and they were both down at 13:00. Mance speared Joey through a door in the corner, but Joey no-sold it, standing up and shaking it off. They traded chops and headbutts. They threw chairs at each other’s heads and this is dangerous and careless.

Joey hit him with door shards and they both collapsed. They traded punches on their knees at 16:30, then while standing. Joey hit a brainbuster. Joey hit a German Suplex, then a Dragon Suplex at 18:30. Joey hit a clothesline. Joey nailed a Package Piledriver for a visual pin but Jimmy Lloyd pulled the ref to the floor! Mance hit a leaping DDT for a nearfall. Mance set up another door bridge, and he hit some chairshots to Joey’s back. Joey threw a chair onto Mance on the floor with it ricocheting onto fans in the crowd. Good lord they are begging for a lawsuit in this match. Joey ordered a ring crew guy to bring a ladder to ringside. Joey charged and struck Mance in the head with this 20-foot-tall ladder. Joey set it up in the ring and it does appear to be a full 20 feet.

They brawled some more in the ring and Mance hit a low blow. Mance pulled out a screwdriver but Joey avoided being hit by it. Joey grabbed the screwdriver and repeatedly jabbed Mance in the forehead with it. Joey climbed the ladder and leapt about two-thirds of the way up to hit an elbow drop onto Mance on the door bridge at 26:30, but Blake Christian jumped in the ring and hit a Stomp on Joey’s head. Blake superkicked the referee. He opened his jacket and he was wearing his GCW Title belt! He picked up the belt Mance had brought to the ring and posed with them both. Prazak shouted his surprise as the show went off the air.

Final Thoughts: The good news is Blake Christian is back, and the first half of this show was really good. But I need to start with my issues with the main event. Mance shoved a fan for no reason whatsoever. They threw chairs at each other’s heads. A chair that Janela threw went into the crowd. They both bled far too much. It is common to see Janela no-sold a move that puts others out, but to stand up and brush off being put through a table in the corner just makes every wrestler who sells that like it was a killer move, it makes them look bad by comparison. And GCW, which has prided itself on having “no disqualifications,” has suddenly had a long string of non-finishes to main event matches in 2024. Make no mistake, the fans loved this match, but they could have done the same thing much safer for themselves and the fans. GCW’s stubborn refusal to put up guardrails to protect fans from wrestlers and vice versa will eventually come back to haunt them.

Sidney-Cartwheel was best match and just a blast and that takes best match. The Dereiss-Viva Van match was highly anticipated and had high expectations, and they somehow topped what we wanted, and that takes second place. I really enjoyed that top-notch scramble and that takes third, with Bayne-Moone taking fourth. Other good stuff here is Zilla destroying two scrawny guys half his size. I can do without the Stoner brothers and their antics. I’m sure fans who watched and liked the main event will have a very different view than I did on it. Both of those guys can wrestle; I’m just asking them to do it safer for the fans, each other, and themselves.


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